The study determined the nutrient composition of complementary food made from blends of germinated and ungerminated sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish. The specific objective which guided the study was to produce germinated and un-germinated sorghum; formulate complementary food from sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish; determine the nutrient composition, functional properties of the formulated diet and determine the nutritional quality of the formulated diet using experimental animal (rats). Completely randomized block design was used to carry out the study in which fifteen (15) Wistar abino rats (weaning stage) was used for the study. The result showed that germinated ungerminated samples recorded higher and significantly (P<0.05) different bulk density, water absorption capacity (WAC) with values of 0.77 g/ml and 0.71 g/ml respectively. The result for oil absorption capacity (OAC) showed that the experimental sample was significant (P<0.05) at 1.60g/ml and 1.40g/ml respectively. The result on vitamin A composition of the samples showed that germinated diet sample recorded the highest value of 248.40µg which was significantly different at (p<0.05). Control diet sample recorded the lowest value at 6.75µg which was also significantly different from the rest. The thiamin content of germinated sample with 70% of germinated sorghum recorded a higher and significant (P<0.05) value of 1.56mg, followed by the ungerminated sample with 70% of ungerminated sorghum with a thiamin content of 1.26mg. The germinated diet recording a riboflavin value of 1.56µg and ungerminated diet with 20% of Mung beans recording 1.26µg of riboflavin. Riboflavin was lower in the control diet formulated with 70% maize with a riboflavin content of 0.45µg. The result showed that germinated diet sample with 70% of germinated sorghum recorded the highest (1.31mg) niacin content followed the ungerminated diet sample (1.16mg) with 70% of ungerminated sorghum. The result on vitamin C showed that the control diet recorded an ascorbic acid (4.60 µg) content much is lower than the experimental samples (P<0.05). The result revealed that diet made from the two blend of sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish recorded higher bulk density, oil absorption capacity, water absorption capacity, and foam capacity. However the result showed that the experimental sample recorded higher least gelation temperature. Finally the result revealed that the experiment sample was safe and made no changes on the Complementary foods developed with sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish have promising nutritional attributes. They contain reasonable quantities of most nutrients, significantly increased levels of protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins. Therefore it can be concluded that the food materials used in this study can be a good blend for production of complementary food for infants as they contained the essential nutrients in right quantities. The study therefore recommends that complementary food formulated in this study with a blend of sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish have been shown to have good nutrient content when compared to the commercial complementary food in sale and thus mothers are encouraged to engage in food formulation as it will reduce both cost and as well increase the intake of some of the micronutrients required for a healthy child growth.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of content v
List of tables vi
List of figures ix
Abstract x
1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Justification of the Study 5
1.4 Objectives of the Study 6
2.1 Sorghum 7
2.1.2 Chemical composition 8 Carbohydrates 8 Protein 9 Dry matter content 11 Ash content 11 Fiber content 12 Fat content 13 Minerals 14 Calcium content 15 Iron content 15 Phosphorous content 16
2.1.3 Anti-nutritional factors of Sorghum 16 Phytic acid 17 Anti-nutritional effects of phytic acid 17 Reduction of Phytic Acid Content 19 Phytic acid content 19 Phytic acid content of sorghum 20 Tannins 20 Sorghum and tannins 21
2.1.4 Anti-nutritional effect of tannin 21 Reduction of tannins 23 Tannin content 24
2.2 Mung Beans 25
2.2.1 History of Mung Beans 26
2.2.3 Nutritional Value 27
2.2.4 Nutritional Benefits of Mung Bean 28
2.4 Bonga Fish 28
2.4.1 Nutritional value of Bonga 30
3.1 Source of Materials 31
3.2 Preparation of Raw Materials and Techniques 31
3.3 Formulation of the Sample 37
3.4 Determination of Nutrient Composition 38
3.4.1 Proximate composition 38 Determination of moisture content 38 Determination of ash content 38 Determination of fat content 39 Determination of crude protein 39 Crude Fibre Determination 40 Carbohydrate Determination 40
3.4.2 Mineral analysis 40 Determination of calcium and magnesium 40 Determination of Potassium 41 Determination of iron and zinc 41
3.4.3 Vitamin analysis 42 Vitamin A (Beta-carotene) 42 Determination of vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 43 Determination of vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 43 Determination of vitamin B3 (Niacin) 44 Vitamin c (ascorbic acid) 45
3.5 Determination of Functional Properties 45
3.5.1 Determination of water absorption 45
3.5.2 Determination of Oil Absorption capacity 46
3.5.3 Determination of bulk density 46
3.5.4 Determination of Foaming Capacity 46
3.6 Formulation of the Feed 46
3.7 Experimental Design 47
3.8 Determination of Body Weights and Relative Organ Weights (ROW) 48
3.8.1 Erythrocytic profile 48
3.8.2 Glucose level determination 49
3.8.3 Total Protein estimation 49
3.9 Statistical Analysis 50
4.1 Proximate Composition of the Complementary Food Made From Blends of Sorghum, Mung Beans and Bonga Fish 51
4.2 Mineral Composition of the Diet 54
4.3 Vitamins Composition of the Diet 56
4.4 Functional Properties of the Diet 58
4.5 Erythrocyte Profile of the Fed Rats 60
4.6 Serum Biochemical Profile of the Fed Rats 62
4.7 Body Weight Gain 62
5.1 Conclusion 63
5.2 Recommendations 65
Table 2.1 Formulation of Complementary Feed Samples 47
Table 3.1 Formulation of Complementary feed sample 54
Table 4.1 Proximate composition complementary food made from blends of sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish 55
Table 4.2 Mineral Composition of the diet 57
Table 4.3 The vitamin content of the diets 59
Table 4.4 Functional Properties of the diet 59
Table 4.5 Effect of the diet on the Erythrocyte profile of the fed rats 61
Table 4.6 Serum biochemical profile of the fed rats 62
Table 4.7 Body weight gain (%) 62
Fig. 3.1 Flow chart for processing of germinated sorghum flour 34
Fig 3.2 Flow Chart for processing of non-germinated sorghum flour 35
Fig 3.3 Flow Chart for processing of Mung beans flour/powder 36
Fig 4.1: Functional Properties of the diet 59
Fig 4.2: Body weight gain 62
Malnutrition is the gravest single threat to global public health. The effects of poor nutrition are mostly observed in infants and young children who bear the brunt of the onset of malnutrition and suffer the highest risk of disability and death associated with it. In 2011, 50-70% of the burden of diarrhea diseases, measles, malaria and lower respiratory tract infections was attributed to under nutrition and due to lack of proper practice of complementary feeding (WHO, 2012).
When breast milk is no longer enough to meet the nutritional needs of the infant, complementary foods should be added to the diet of the child. The transition from exclusive breastfeeding to family foods is referred to as complementary feeding. If appropriate feeding is not conducted at the early life, it can lead to poor child growth and or death. Infant mortality is a perennial public health issue in sub-Saharan Africa, despite global significant improvements in child survival (Oyarekua, 2013; Ogbo et al., 2017). Evidence suggests that infant mortality in this region could be reduced during the weaning period- a time when complementary foods are introduced to infants (WHO, 2012; Lartey, 2018; Muoki et al., 2012; Baniet al., 2013; Ogbo et al., 2017).
Mothers, due to economic challenges and inadequate nutrition knowledge, give nutritionally deficient complementary foods to their children. These complementary foods are made from starchy staple foods which, due to their heavy viscosity, have to be diluted with water before being given to children. This practice results in reduced nutrients and energy in the already deficient complementary food. Hence, protein-energy and micronutrient malnutrition are often associated with traditional complementary feeding (Muoki et al., 2012).
Complementary feeding should be timely, infants should start receiving foods in addition to breast milk from 6 months onwards. The complementary foods should be given in adequate amounts as well as frequency and using a variety of foods to cover the nutritional needs of the growing child while maintaining breastfeeding (WHO, 2010). Foods should be prepared and given in a safe manner. Measures should be taken to minimize the risk of contamination with pathogens. The food should also be of appropriate texture for the age of the child responsive feeding should be applied following the principles of psycho-social care.
Commercial infant formulas, which could serve as alternative, are beyond the reach of low and middle class families, who constitute the majority of Nigerian population (Ijarotimi et al., 2012). Nutritional improvement of staple foods has been advocated as a suitable means to reduce childhood malnutrition in developing countries (Muoki et al., 2012).
Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal after wheat, rice, corn and barley (Awika and Rooney, 2014). It shows greater resistance to drought than wheat and maize (Nyachoti et al., 2017). Nigeria is the third largest world producer, after the United States and India, and the largest producer of sorghum in West Africa (Gourichon, 2013). Utilisation of sorghum in complementary foods have been reported (Agbon et al., 2019; Tizazu et al., 2011; Nwakalor and Obi, 2014). It is a potentially important source of phytochemicals (Awika and Rooney, 2014; Ocheme et al., 2015). Consumption of sorghum has been linked to reduced risk of some cancers in humans and promotion of cardiovascular health in animals (Awika and Rooney, 2014). Sorghum contains 60 - 80 % starch and thus needs to be enriched with affordable source of other essential nutrients needed by children.
Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) is such a minor crop that dry land smallholder farmers can use to break the downward spiral, and increase the profitability and sustainability of their farms. It is a nutritious warm season legume crop. The grains are rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins (Lambridge and Godwin, 2017). Mungbean is widely grown in Asia, but also in parts of Africa and Australia. Nowadays, almost 90% of the mungbean production is found in Asia, where India, China, Pakistan and Thailand are among the most important producers (Lambridge and Godwin, 2017). The use of mung beans in food could help to reduce protein energy and micronutrient malnutrition. It may also help to fight against anemia in children (Lambridge and Godwin, 2017). The use of mung bean to improve the protein quality of starchy staples has been reported (Adeola et al., 2012; Muoki et al., 2012).
Bonga fish, (Ethmalosa fimbriata), also called Bonga or Bonga shad is found along the coasts and in the brackish water of rivers, coastal waters, lagoons, and estuaries of West Africa. Bonga is a freshwater fish and it feeds on planktons (Adetimehin et al., 2019). It breed throughout the year. One study showed that Bonga fish flour (dried and milled) has good protein content at 53.8%. Fresh Bonga contains about 15-17% of protein; 5-8% fat, and contains an appreciable amount of minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and iron. There isn’t a lot about the nutritional component of Bonga but the Clupeid family of fish they belong to contain about 10-30% of monounsaturated fats (Façade and Olaniyan 2017).
Bonga fish has been used to enrich family foods such as soups, stewed beans and even complementary food can be consumed by the whole family. It is a great food material for enriching or improving the quality of protein and mineral content. Smoked bonga can be milled with its bones to increase calcium content (Adjou, 2013).
Adequacy of complementary feeding not only depends on the availability of a variety of foods in the household, but also on the feeding practices of caregivers (PAHO, 2011). It has been recommended that, infants receiving complementary foods at six months of age in addition to breast milk, (initially two to three times a day) between six to eight months should increase to three or four times daily between 9-11 months and 12-24 months with additional nutritious snacks offered one to two times per day, as desired (WHO, 2010).
Micronutrient deficiencies such as iron and vitamin A impair growth and development (UNICEF, 2013). The first 1000 days of a child's life are important for growth and development. The age of five years is used as a marker for changes in nutrition situation (WHO, 2013). This period, however, is characterized by micronutrient deficiencies. A lot of children especially those who were able to benefit from exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months in rural areas usually grow well and healthy until the time when supplementation with complementary foods are given, it is soon after the complementary feeding starts that growth faltering begins (Dewey, 2011).
This has been a major problem especially in rural areas where there is little information on nutrition. Children are not given extra care especially in their diet, they consume the basic foods available for the whole family. Therefore, it is important to use healthy complementary feeding that covers all the food groups for fast growth and development of the child.
Early complementary feeding is common with 39% of infants below three months already introduced to complementary foods. About 12% of infants are not complemented at the age of 6-7 months. Furthermore, feeding frequency during supplementation is too low (about 2-3 feeds a day), nutrient density is low and the preparation and feeding practices are often unsafe. Children 2 – 5 years old are fed family foods; however, feeding frequency and nutrient density are also inadequate in this age group (MOHSW, 2008-2015).
Prevalence of stunting in Nigeria among under-five children is 42%, with the highest prevalence (55%) among the children aged 18-23 months. The lowest prevalence of stunting was 18% among children less than six months of age. Northern region of Nigeria is one of the regions which are prone to under nutrition due to geographical location (NBS, 2010). It has areas which are prone to drought and few other areas that receive unimodal rainfall per year. This regions with unstable climate where, food insecurity and poor nutrition are common in households especially among children under the age of five years. Despite the government efforts to eliminate under nutrition in the country, they still face this problem. Prevalence of stunting in Nigeria is 29%, wasting is 11.8% while underweight is 4.7% (NBS, 2015/2016).
Proper complementation of children under the age of five years is important for optimal health, mental well-being and growth. Nigeria has made conspicuous progress in many health indicators over the past decade, but not on children nutritional status. High levels of stunting in the country, which affect more than three million children, constitute a silent emergency (UNICEF, 2013). The study was designed to determine the nutritional evaluation of complementary food made from blends of sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish.
This study involved the development of complementary food product i.e. enriched blends of sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish which may potentially be used to avert or reverse micronutrient deficiencies among infants and young children. It also provides evidence that will drive agri-nutrition particularly the promotion of cultivation and consumption of sorghum and mung beans as a nutritional crop and food. The study also provides useful evidence that will inform the efforts of the local food industry towards the development of new food products based on sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish, which can meet the nutritional needs of specific segments of the population such as infant and young children. Furthermore, the study provides information on the nutritive value of locally grown sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish.
Providing complimentary foods rich in essential fatty acids along with mother’s milk will help in ensuring adequate supply of these essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This research work will focus on determining the nutrient composition of complementary food made from blends of sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish.
The main objectives of this study is to determine the nutrient composition of complementary food made from blends of sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish
While the specific objectives are to:
i. To produce germinated and un-germinated sorghum.
ii. To formulate complementary food from sorghum, mung beans and bonga fish
iii. To determine the nutrient composition, functional properties of the formulated diet.
iv. To determine the nutritional quality of the formulated diet using experimental animal (rats)
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