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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007092

No of Pages: 81

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Yoghurt is a nutritionally enriched dairy product consumed by all age groups particularly in summer as well as throughout all year; its microbial quality has always been crucially important to public health. The present study was conducted to assess the microbial quality of ice cream sold in Umuahia metropolis. A total of 5 samples were randomly purchased from fast-food joints, street vendors and hawkers within Umuahia metropolis respectively. It was recorded that the Total heterotrophic count for the yoghurt samples ranged from 5.4x105-8.8x105  (cfu/ml), with a mean count of  7.46±2.06(cfu/ml).  The Total Staphylococcal count of the samples ranged from 3.00x105 (cfu/ml) to 7.00x105 (cfu/ml). the highest count 7.00x10(cfu/ml) was recorded in sample 4 (Y4) while the lowest count 3.00x105 (cfu/ml) was recorded in sample three (Y3).  The yoghurt samples had a mean Staphylococcal count of  5.2±2.2(cfu/ml). The Lactobacillus count ranged from 3.8x107-6.7x10(cfu/ml) yoghurt samples with a mean of 5.06±1.26 (cfu/ml). The highest count 6.7x107 (cfu/ml) was recorded in sample 4 (Y4) while the least count 3.8x107 (cfu/ml) was recorded in sample two (Y2). The E.coli count (cfu/ml) was 1.00x10(cfu/ml) in two yoghurt samples with a mean count of 0.4±0.6 (cfu/ml). E.coli was detected in only two samples. Salmonella spp. had a count 2.00x105 (cfu/ml) in only one sample, with a mean of 0.4±0.6(cfu/ml). Shigella sppwas only detected in one yoghurt sample and had a count 1.00x105(cfu/ml) with a mean count of  (cfu/ml).The Total coliform count ranged from 2.00x105-6.00x105 (cfu/ml) with a mean count of 3.00±1.00 (cfu/ml). The lowest count 2.00x10[ (cfu/ml)] was recorded in sample five (Y5) while the highest count 6.00x105 [ (cfu/ml)] was recorded in sample 3 (Y3). The fungal count of the yoghurt samples ranged from 1.00x105-3.00x105  (cfu/ml). The least fungal count was recorded in sample Y2.  With a mean count of 2.2±1.2(cfu/ml). For the bacteria isolates, Lactobacillus spp, Staphlococcus spp and Bacillus spp.had the highest incidence (5 out of the 5 samples) and percentage occurrence (100%) while Shigella spp., Salmonella spp and Escherichia coli had the least incidence ( 1 out of the 5 samples) and percentage occurrence (20%). For the fungal isolates, Aspergillus spp.had the least incidence (1 out of the 5 samples) and percentage occurrence (20%), while Fusarium spp. had the highest incidence (5 out of the 5 samples) and percentage occurrence (100%). The proximate analysis shows the moisture content, protein, fibre, fat, ash and carbohydrate value of each yoghurt sample expressed as a percentage. Comparing the general counts, the study concluded that the microbial quality of yoghurt sold in Umuahia metropolis differ between samples. The presence of pathogenic organisms in the yoghurt samples should be viewed with concern by the consumers, producers, yoghurt manufacturing industries and the government since food poisoning by Staphylococcus aureusBacillus spp.Salmonella spp., and Shigellaspp. is possible through consumption of contaminated yoghurt.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                            ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   v

List of Tables                                                                                                                          viii

List of Figures                                                                                                                         ix

Abstract                                                                                                                                  x


CHAPTER ONE                                                                                                                 

1.1                 Introduction                                                                                                              1

1.2                 Nutritional and health benefits of yoghurt                                                                3

1.3                 Aims and objectives of the study                                                                              4


CHAPTER TWO:  LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                            

2.1              Definition of yoghurt                                                                                                  5

2.2              History of yoghurt                                                                                                      5

2.3              Types/varieties/classification of yoghurt                                                                     6

2.4        Probiotics and their health defects                                                                             7

2.5        Nutritive values of yoghurt                                                                                         14

2.6        Yoghurt ingredients                                                                                                    15

2.6.1        Milk fat                                                                                                                       15

2.6.2        Milk solids non-fat                                                                                                      16

2.6.3        Sugar and sweetening agents                                                                                      17

2.6.4        Stabilizing agents                                                                                                        17

2.6.5        Coloring materials                                                                                                       18

2.6.6        Flavoring materials                                                                                                      19

2.7        Factors affecting the production of yoghurt                                                              20

2.7.1        Milk standardization                                                                                                   20

2.7.2        Homogenization                                                                                                          20

2.7.3        Heat treatment                                                                                                                        21

2.7.4        Inoculation and fermentation                                                                                     21

2.7.5        Cooling                                                                                                                       22

2.7.6        Blending                                                                                                                     22

2.7.7        Pasteurization                                                                                                              23

2.7.8        Packaging                                                                                                                    24

2.7.9        Storage and distribution                                                                                             25

2.8        Potential microbiological hazards associated with yoghurt                                        27

2.9        Major diseases transmitted through yoghurt                                                              28

2.10          Microbiology of yoghurt ingredients                                                                          29


CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                                                                                          

3.1       Study Area                                                                                                                  31

3.2       Sample Collection                                                                                                       31

3.3       Sterilization of Materials                                                                                             31       

3.4       Media used and their Preparation                                                                               32

3.5       Microbiological Analysis of Samples                                                                          32

3.5.1    Serial dilution                                                                                                              32       

3.5.2    Isolation and enumeration                                                                                          32

3.5.3    Detection of Salmonella spp.                                                                                      33

3.6       Characterization and Identification of the Bacterial Isolates                                     34

3.6.1    Purification and storage of the isolates                                                                       34

3.6.2    Colonial morphology                                                                                                  34

3.6.3    Motility test                                                                                                                34

3.6.4    Gram staining                                                                                                              35

3.6.5        Biochemical tests                                                                                                        36 Catalase test                                                                                                                36 Coagulase test                                                                                                             36 Indole test                                                                                                                   36 Voges Proskauer test                                                                                                  37 Citrate utilization test                                                                                                 37 Oxidase test                                                                                                                37 Sugar fermentation test                                                                                               38

 3.7        Identification and Characterization of the Fungal Isolates                                        38

3.8       Proximate composition and mineral analyses                                                             39

3.8.1    Determination of moisture content                                                                             39

3.8.2    Determination of crude protein content                                                                     39

3.8.3    Determination of ash content                                                                                     40

3.8.4    Determination of energy value of yoghurt                                                                 40

3.8.5    Determination of total solids (dry matter)                                                                  42

3.8.6     Determination of titratable acidity                                                                            42

3.8.7     Determination of ether extract                                                                                   43

3.8.8     Determination of crude fibre                                                                                     43


CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS                                                                                                      

4.1       Results                                                                                                                        44



5.1       Discussion                                                                                                                   54

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  57       

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      58       

References                                                                                                                  61

Appendix                                                                                                                    69                               





                                                    LIST OF TABLES

Table                                                  Title                                                                            Page   

4.1              Total heterotrophic count of the yoghurt samples                                                      46

4.2              Bacterial count of the yoghurt samples sold in Umuahia metropolis                         47

4.3              Cultural, morphological and biochemical characteristics of the bacterial

Isolates                                                                                                                        48

4.4              Total fungal count of the yoghurt samples                                                                 50

4.5              Cultural and morphological characteristics of the fungal isolates                              51

4.6              Yoghurt samples, microorganisms isolated, Total incidence and percentage

of occurrence of the isolates                                                                                       52

4.7     Proximate analysis and result                                                                                        53






Figure                                                 Title                                                                Page

2.1                                     Yoghurt  processing                                                        26











Yoghurt is a fermented milk product of creamy texture that can be prepared from milk of many species but mostly made from cow milk. It is rich in protein, calcium and vitamins and tremendously popular all over Nigeria and the world at large. Yoghurt is made by the controlled thermoduric fermentation of pasteurized non-fat or low fat milk carried out at 45°c (Prescott et al; 2005)

Yoghurt is produced by the fermentation of milk by lactobaccillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus. These organisms produce organic acids and other flavor components and can grow in such numbers that a gram of yoghurt regularly contains 100 million bacteria.

The natural yoghurt is characterized by a smooth and viscous gel-like texture and has a delicate walnutty flavour (Fuquay et al., 2011). In fact, the fermentation of lactose by lactic acid bacteria results in the production of lactic acid, carbondioxide, acetic acid, diacetyl, and acetaldehyde and several other components giving a characteristic flavour to yoghurt (Tamime and Robinson, 2004). However very careful processing is required for the production of safe and good quality yoghurt. In fact, even a little contamination may deteriorate the quality of yoghurt and may have very negative effect on the consumers’ health. (Tamime and Robinson, 2004).

Yeasts are major cause of spoilage of yoghurts and fermented milks in which the low pH provides a selective environment for their growth

Yoghurts produced under conditions of good manufacturing practices (GMP) should contain no more than 10 yeast cells and should have a shelf life of 3-4 weeks at 5°C. However, yoghurts having initial counts of >100 cfu/ml tend to spoil quickly. Contamination by moulds during production and distribution is directly connected to technological problems, economic losses and health aspects. It is mainly caused by the decomposition of products, deterioration of organoleptic properties and health risk due to the potential production of mycotoxins or allergic conidia, ascospores, and mycelia fragments(Yabaya and Idris, 2012) .

Coliforms are routinely used as indicator of the quality of the milk and milk products as some members of coliforms are responsible for the development of objectionable taints in milk and its products rendering them of inferior quality or even unmarketable (Yabaya and Idris, 2012).

Due to the negligence of the various monitoring agencies in Nigeria to supervise the hygienic practices of the various yoghurt companies that have been registered under them, many of them have relaxed in their sanitary routine leading to contamination of the products.

The high and easily assimilable nutritive value of yoghurt provides a suitable environment for microbial contamination, proliferation and spoilage. Cases of food infections and intoxication have been attributed to poor and inadequate sanitary conditions observed in processing of many locally made foods (Beel, 1994;2002).

Since the era of industrialization in Nigeria, many of her citizens have enrolled in several businesses, one of which is yoghurt production. And because of thebusiness profit, many unqualified and uncertified people – whose products lack NAFDAC (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control) registration number - have moved into it for the sole purpose of making money; caring less about the health implications of not following good manufacturing practices on the consumers of yoghurt. This has consequently led to the emergence of substandard and contaminated yoghurt.


Milk and milk products such as yoghurt are good sources of some minerals. They are the best dietary source of calcium and have a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio that is conducive for optimal skeletal growth. The presence and amount of vitamin D in these products give them excellent calcium bioavailability (Katz, 2001).

Yoghurt is also nutritionally rich in protein and the B-vitamins (riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12). People who are moderately lactose-intolerant can enjoy yoghurt without ill effects due to the conversion of lactose to lactic acid during the fermentation of the product (Robinson 2004).

Many researchers have reported the use of cultured dairy products including yoghurts in the treatment of several ailments and disorders. It has been suggested that such products may have hypocholesterolemic effect (Katz, 2001).

This can be used for the treatment of gastrointestinal infection, and potential prevention of colon cancer. (Robinson 2004).

In addition, cultured dairy products have been successfully employed in the treatment of antibiotic associated colitis (Robinson 2004).

Normally all fermented milk products have nutritional values corresponding to the composition of the milk from which they are made even though small differences in the concentration of chemical constituents could be present due to the manufacturing and fermentation processes as well as the effects of some ingredients used.

The main differences that may occur are:

        i.            a considerable formation of lactic acid and a consequent decrease of lactose;

      ii.            an increased content of free molecules such as small peptides, amino acids and fatty acids (Gambelli et al., 2001).

Slight increases in mineral composition may be due to leaching from some metal equipment and the type or source of water used for production. It is important that the final product maintains the desirable content of important minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, while limiting contamination by other minerals. Apart from the final product having a nutritional value similar to that of the milk base, the Codex Alimentarius recommends standard permissible levels for some important nutrients. For instance a minimum of 2.7% (w/w) protein and a maximum of 15% (w/wfats are generally required for yoghurts (Codex Standard 243-2003). Whole milk yoghurts have been found to contain up to 5.7% (w/w) protein and 3.0% (w/w) fat while fat free yoghurt contains 5.4% (w/w) and 0.2% (w/w) protein and fat respectively. Drinking yoghurts have also been reported to have protein content up to 3.1% (w/w) and only traces of fat (The Dairy Council, 2008).  



·         The specific objectives of this work are: To determine the nutritional qualities of different brands of yoghurt prepared and sold by  producers identified in Abia state.

·         To isolate, characterize and identify the microbial consortium constituting the microbial load of different yoghurt samples sold in Umuahia metropolis.

·         To assess the microbial quality of yoghurt offered for public consumption in Umuahia metropolis and its potential to pose risk to public health.


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