The soybean powder consumed within Umuahia metropolis was assessed for microbial quality. Twenty samples were obtained from Ubani market. The bacteria isolated from the soybean powder samples were Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella spp, Enterococcus faecalis, Salmonella and Shigella spp, while the fungi isolated were Aspergillus spp, Candida albicans, and Stretomyces. The total viable count ranged from 8.3 x 105 to 3.0 x 106 Cfu/g, total coliform count on MacConkey ranged from 5.3 x 105 to 2.9x 106Cfu/g, and the range of the fungal count was from 3.8
105 to 3.0
106 Cfu/g. The microbial population isolated in terms of number and types of organisms reflected poor hygienic standard of processing and handling, which in turn can constitute a public health hazard among the populace. Producers should be enlightened about Good Management Practices (GMP) as this will help ensure free of pathogenic microorganisms.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Abstract viii
1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Aims and Objectives 2
2.1 Soybean Processing andUtilization 3
2.2 Nutritional Value 4
2.3 Health Benefits From Soybeans Consumption 6
2.4 Microbial Quality of Soybean Powder 7
3.1 Sample Collection 9
3.2 Sterilization of Materials 9
3.3 Media Used 9
3.4 Isolation of Microorganisms 9
3.5 Characterization and Identification of Bacteria Isolates 10
3.5.1 Colonial features 10
3.5.2 Microscopic observation/Gram staining 10 3.5.3 Biochemical tests 11
3.5.4 Microscopic Examination of Fungi 14
4.0 RESULTS 15
5.1 Discussion 22
5.2 Conclusion 23
5.3 Recommendations 23
Fig. 1: Flow chart for processing soya bean power protein 5
Table Title Page
1: Total viable count 16
2: Total coliform count 17
3: Total Fungi Count 18
4: Cultural characteristics and identification of the bacterial isolates 19
5: Cultured characteristics and identification of the fungal isolates 21
1.1 Background of Study
Soybean or soyabeans (Glycine max) is a member of the family leguminosae, sub family pailionacea. It is a high protein legume grown as food, indigenous to Eastern Asia such as China (Dinakin, 1985). The Chinese have long used stone mills to grind soybean into flour and meal, they preferred to grind their whole soybeans after they had been dry roasted. The production and consumption of soybean is increasing worldwide due to acclaimed health benefits (FAO, 2009). Other main producers of soybean are the United States, Argentina, Brazil and India (USDA, 2012). The cultivation has been successfully established in African countries and production has increased over the last five last decades or so. In Nigeria, a greater percentage of the whole produce until now had been cultivated and exported as cash crops and is incorporated into so many food formulations. (Michael, 1986).
Seed proteins especially from leguminous sources such as soybean have been put forward as potentially excellent sources of protein for the nutritionally quality upgrading of starchy nuts and tubers for use in baby foods in countries which import all their milk requirement (Okaka, 1990), complementary foods fortified with soybeans have been shown to be nutritionally similar to the milk based formulae in Nigerian market (Uwaegute, 1990). Statistics on the potentials of soybean as a protein source, fat and other nutrients commend it strongly for use in complementary food production (Emovon, 1987).
The main products from soybeans are meal and oil in the orient, alongside a variety of non-fermented and fermented soy foods. Traditional non-fermented food uses of soybeans include soy milk, and from it the tofu and tofu skin. Fermented food uses include soysauce, fermented bean paste, natto, and tempeh, among others, the oil is used in many industrial applications.
Despite the benefits derived from soybean, it can be an easy medium or route for transmitting food borne bacteria and enteric bacteria pathogens, as well as fungal pathogens, identified with food poisoning, gastro enteritis, dysentery and enteric fever. These can be haboured due to unhygenic and poor handling practices during processing. However, the presence of a high microbial load detected in some of the products frequently renders them unfit for human consumption and therefore unacceptable to the quality conscious markets. The sale of soybean powder is popular in Umuahia, but there is no report on its microbial quality or load to address the safety of its consumers in Umuahia, therefore the assessment of the microbial quality commercially produced soybean powder in Umuahia, Abia State may be necessary.
1.2 Aims and Objectives
i. To isolate, characterize and identify organisms from different packaged soybean powder sold in Umuahia metropolis.
ii. To determine the microbial load of the soybean powder samples.
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