This study assessed
the impact of management innovation on sustenance of small business unit. The
study employed the descriptive survey research design. The sample size
consisted of 150 respondents drawn from tailoring / fashion business area at
Surulere Lagos. A 20- item structured questionnaire was designed to elicit
responses from the sampled population on management innovation and sustenance
of small business unit. The Pearson Correlation Statistics was utilized with
the help of Special Package of Social sciences (SPSS) to test the four
hypotheses stated for the study. Results showed among others that the tested
tailoring/ fashion design differed significantly in design, marketing and sales
from those best practices, there was
significant difference between product design and implementation of Nigeria
tailoring / fashion design and those of best practice, there was significant
impact of education, training and years of work experience on tailoring fashion
design business performance and that significant relationship exists between
management innovation and sustenance of small business units. On the basis of
these findings the recommendations were made which include: individual goals
should derive from strategic innovation direction and overall entrepreneur
goals; small business entrepreneurs should
know what customers needs are through needs assessments; education and
training should be given to small business owners to make them to be leaders in
their business and government to create enabling environment for small business
unit to survive.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents v
1.1 Background of study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Aim and objectives of the study 5
1.4 Relevant Research Questions 6
1.5 Relevant Research Hypothesis 6
1.6 Significance of the study 7
1.7 Scope of the Study 8
1.8 Definition of Terms 8
References 9
Preamble 10
Theoretical Framework of the study 10
Empirical Review of Previous work in the area of studies 17
References 24
Preamble 27
Research Design 27
Population of the study 27
Sampling Procedure and Sample 27
Data Collection Instrument and Validation 28
Method of Data Analysis 28
Limitation of the methodology 28
4.1 Preamble
(a brief outline of the Chapter to provide insight in to the content of the Chapter). 30
Presentation and Analysis of Data According to Research Questions 37
Test of Hypotheses 44
Discussion of Finding 49
Reference 52
Summary 53
Conclusions 53
Recommendation 54
References 57
Bibliography 58
Appendix 62
1.1 Background
of Study
The nature of success in small
business unit is almost very clear. The entrepreneurs or managers that create a
greater value for its respective market will prosper while competitors will
only get what is left for them by the leader (Yezersky, 2008). It is important
to note that success will be permanently associated with the initially leading entrepreneur
that repeats the difference in value year after year. Equally, since products
or services are purchased to solve consumers’ problems, the competition between
entities can be presented as a competition between the value propositions that
the entities offer to their customers. Every value proposition goes through the
life cycle process which consists of a
sequence of stages. This universal process ends up with the market’s judgment
of the value proposition, which leads to its acceptance or rejection, resulting
in the financial gain or loss, which is then perceived as a success or failure.
The goal of sustaining success can only be achieved if an entrepreneur
continually comes up with value propositions that are accepted by the market.
To avoid variability of results (failures), as operation management, the
process of competition must be controlled in its entirety. That is why the
best-run enterprises use all the methods that have been proven over time to cut
variability in the results produced by such diverse corporate activities as
procurement, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, design, sales, etc. It is
to be noted, however, that value creation is possible through both innovation
and optimization. While both are valid approaches, innovation is the one that
creates new features and provides significant competitive advantage. It is to be noted, however, that the process
of innovation takes time hence controlling innovation really means to know not what the
market’s present needs are, but what they will be in the future. It is
analogous to shooting a moving target; nobody tries to shoot at the location
where the target is now but where the target will be. Currently, small business
units in Nigeria seem not to have reliable methods to accurately identify the
future of the market’s needs, which makes control of the process of innovation
impossible in principle.
However, creating and sustaining
conducive social and working
environment for innovation
to emerge and thrive
is desirable in small business unit in Nigeria. This is so
because globalization and the
desire of small business unit such as tailoring /
fashion design business to meet up with
the pace of
growth and development, requires the entrepreneurs to
look inward and make innovation a priority in the tailoring / fashion design business.
Prioritization of innovation is achievable, if culture of innovation is sustained
in the small business unit in Nigeria. An innovation is transforming of
practice in an organization (Adegbite, 2012). It is not the same as the
invention of a new idea or object. A
transformation of practice
in the organization won’t
happen unless the
new practice generates more
value to the
members than the old. Many
innovations were preceded or enabled by inventions; but many innovations
occurred without a significant invention (Denning, 2004 as cited in Adegbite,
2012). It is worthy of note that in a
culture of innovation
people will have
a habit of constantly
looking for ways
to improve things. The experiences of Korea, Taiwan, Sweden
and other similar countries have provided the laboratory to illustrate the need
for small business management innovation and sustenance. Moreover, the importance of management
innovation is confirmed and empirical support is provided for the encouragement
of innovation in the enterprises by policy makers.
many small business entrepreneurs in Nigeria start
business because they need to do something rather than to stay idle. They do
not bother to take advantage of identified market opportunities. Thus, they
fail at the slightest threat. This seems to be the plight of business
owners of the so called Aba or Igbo made (wears) dress, shoes, handbags that
thrived at the Nigerian markets in the 1980 and 1990s. The curiosity of this researcher is drawn to
the disappearance of the popular Aba or Igbo made dresses, shoes, handbags etc
at the wake of the new Millennium. The Ariaria market in Aba and Onitsha
markets among other markets in Nigeria as it were, were relied upon for the
production and distribution of these wears. These products flooded
the Nigerian markets and other West African Countries. The lack of management
innovation has been identified in literature as one of the causes of the
failure of this small business unit.
Most undeniably, there
is paucity of research studies on small business unit in Nigeria. Yet, very
little research covers on management innovation and sustenance of small
business unit in Nigeria. Hence, this research study is deemed necessary and
consistent in order to make small business unit to take advantage of the existing
market. More,
so there is the need to study to assess the impact of management innovation in
order to establish its impact on the tailoring / fashion design business where
research studies seem not to have covered. Given this situation, this research
study examines management innovation and sustenance in small business unit
especially the tailoring /fashion design business at Surulere Local Government
Area Lagos.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Dwindling resources and market
competitiveness have forced entrepreneurs to scrutinize their methods of producing
goods and services and make changes in their processes in order to maximize economic
returns. To be able to survive and be profitable in current globalization era, entrepreneurs
have pursued continuous improvement, leaned up production, re-engineered
business processes, and integrated supply chains (Yezersky, 2008). Over the
past decades there is a growing realization of the important contribution of management
innovation on sustenance of small business unit. The goal of sustaining success
in the fashion / tailoring business in Nigeria can only be achieved if the
owner continually comes up with value propositions that are accepted by the
market. It appears that the fashion design/ tailoring business are not taking
advantages of identified market opportunities. The small business operators
seem to lack operational management to control the process of competition. As a result, the rate
of failure of small business enterprises in developing countries is higher than
in the developed world (Etumeahu, Okereke and Kingsley, 2009). Empirical
evidence shows that small businesses in Nigeria are far behind their
counterparts in developed countries in terms of their contribution to aggregate
economic growth. The problem therefore
is to find
out how Nigerian
small business enterprises
could be encouraged and
Aims/ Objective of Study
The general objective of this study seeks
to examine management innovation and sustenance in tailoring/ fashion business
in Lagos. However, the study sets out to:
Assess tailoring / fashion
designers’ management operation methods of controlling competition.
2. Examine
how tailoring / fashion designers master and implement the design and
production of goods and services that are new to them.
3. Assess
if any significant positive impact of education, training and years of work
experience on tailoring/ fashion design business performance.
Examine if any significant positive
impact of management innovation on sustenance of tailoring/ fashion design business.
1.4 Relevant Research Questions
The questions that guide this study are as
1. Do tailoring / fashion designers use all the methods that have
been proven over time to reduce costs?
Will tailoring/ fashion designers master
and implement the design and production of goods and services that are new to
them irrespective of whether they are new to their competitors, their customers
or the world?
Will there be any significant positive
impact of education, training and years of work experience on tailoring/
fashion design business performance?
Does management innovation have any
significant impact on sustenance of tailoring/ fashion design business?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following null hypotheses were stated
for the study.
1. There will be no significant difference between product design,
marketing and sales of Nigeria’s small tailoring/ fashion business and those of
best-run enterprises.
There will be no significant
difference between product design and production implementation of Nigeria’s
tailoring/ fashion design business and those of best-run enterprises.
will be no significant impact of education, training and years of work
experience on tailoring/ fashion design
business performance
There will be significant impact of
management innovation on sustenance of tailoring/ fashion design business.
1.6 Significance
of the Study
The research study has implication for
promoting small business units in Nigeria through management innovation and
sustenance. It identifies the need to sustain tailoring / fashion design
business through technology and speaking global language. The study will create
awareness on management innovation and sustenance on small business enterprises
in Nigeria in such a way to guard against small business failure. The study
will have a multiple effect in promoting economic growth and development. This study will benefit several small-scale
businesses such as braiding hair / salon, trading, makeup artist, tailoring /
fashion design and catering services in that it will enable them to adopt new
methods of production in order to experience push or compete with other small
business all over the world. Business researchers will have to benefit because
it will expose the present management innovation in small business units,
especially the tailoring / fashion design business. It will add to the existing
body of knowledge in the field of business management.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This study seeks to examine the management
innovation and sustenance of small business units. It covers 150 tailoring /
fashion design business at Aguda in Surulere, Lagos State because of time.
Gathering useful information from the business operators will also poise
serious constraints.
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms
: this refers to the way firms master and
implements the design and production of goods and services that are new to them
irrespective of whether they are new to their competitors, their customers or
the world.
means running the affairs of the business. It also includes leadership, proper
monitoring and evaluation of business. It also implies making use of resources
to aid production
increasing the life span of the business and
ensuring that it does not go moribund.
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