The study
investigated into the effects of globalization on maintenance and
sustenance of adult education.
The impact
of globalization on culture and educational system is a major concern. Some
people saw it as a treat for traditional institutions such as the family and
the school, another argument saw benefits in overturning traditional and
developing modern attitudes.
The large
difference in opportunities in education between tribes or ethnic groups in one
of the basic causes of global inequality. People can only contribute and
benefit from globalization if they are endowed with knowledge skills and values
and with the capabilities and rights needed to pursue their basic likelihoods.
research findings adopted a survey design with a simple random sampling
technique for the sample size.
restricted research questionnaire was used as an instrument for data
collection. A total of 150 respondents was surveyed and the data collection was analysed with simple
percentage, arithmetic mean and Chi-Square for respondents bio-data, research
questions and hypothesis respectively. It was concluded that it is necessary
that Nigeria should heighten efforts toward adult education in order to enable
the citizens achieve self-fulfilment and fullness in this 21st
Title page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of contents vii
1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problems 15 1.3 Significant of Study 17
1.4 Purpose of the Study 18
1.5 Research Questions 18 1.6 Research Hypothesis 18 1.7 Scope of the Study 19
1.8 Limitation of the Study 19 1.9 Definition of Terms 19
Introduction 21
History of Globalization in Adult Education System 27
Maintenance and Sustenance of Adult Education 33
Globalization and the Dynamics of Change in 63
Contributions of Adult Education to Gender and 70
Educational Equality
2.6 Effects of
2.7 Negative
2.8 Implications
of Globalization on Community
Introduction 87
Research Design 87
Area of the Study 87
Population of the Study 87
Sample and Sampling Technique 88
Instrument for Data Collection 88
Validation of the Instrument 88
Reliability of Instrument 89
Method of Data Collection 89
Method of Data Analysis 89
4.0 Introduction 90
4.1 Analysis of Respondents Bio Data 90
4.2 Analysis of Statements from the
Questionnaire 93
4.3 Analysis of Research Hypothesis 98
Summary 100
Conclusion 101
Recommendation 104
Implication of Globalization on
Adult Education 105
Globalization is a complex phenomenon that has had far-reaching
effects in Adult Education. Not surprisingly, therefore, the term
"globalization" has acquired many emotive connotations. At one
extreme, globalization is seen as an irresistible and benign force for
delivering economic prosperity to people throughout the world. At the other, it
is blamed as a source of all contemporary ills.
To different scholars,
the definition of globalization may be different. According to Cheng (2000), it
may refer to the transfer, adaptation, and development of values, knowledge,
technology, and behavioural norms across countries and societies in different
parts of the world. The typical phenomena and characteristics associated with
globalization include growth of global networking (e.g. internet, world wide
e-communication, and transportation), global transfer and interflow in
technological, economic, social, political, cultural, and learning areas,
international alliances and competitions, international collaboration and
exchange, global village, multicultural integration, and use of international
standards and benchmarks. UNDP in Human Development Report (1999) describes
globalization as the increasing interdependence of the world's inhabitants, on
an economic, technological, cultural, as well as political level. It is seen as
a general tendency towards the liberalization of economic trade, a wider circulation
of capital, goods and products, and a quasi-abolition of national borders. The
speed of communication and the relatively low cost of processing information
have caused distances to be eliminated. The categories of time and space have
been completely overturned. Models of consumption, values, and standardized
cultural products thus tending to make behaviours and attitudes more similar
and Wipe out differences across the globe.
People can only
contribute and benefit from globalization if they endowed with knowledge,
skills and with the capabilities and rights needed to pursue their basic
livelihoods. They need employment and incomes, and a healthy environment. These
are the essential condition which empower them to participate fully as citizens
in their local, national and global communities. These goals, can only be
reached if national governments allocate adequate resources to education, basic
infrastructure and the environment, and create the institutional framework
which ensures broad access and opportunity.
Global sharing of knowledge, skills, and
intellectual assets that are necessary to multiple developments at different
Mutual support supplement and benefit to·
produce synergy for various developments of countries, communities, and individuals;
Creating values and enhancing efficiency
through the above global sharing and mutual support to serving local needs and
Promoting international understanding,
collaboration, harmony, and acceptance to cultural diversity across countries
and regions.
Facilitating communications, interactions, and
encouraging multicultural contributions at different levels among countries.
At the same time,
globalization, potentially creating serious negative impacts for developing and
underdeveloped countries. This is also the major reason why there have been so
many ongoing social movements in different parts of the world against the
trends of globalization' particularly in economic and political areas. The
potential negative impacts of globalization are various types of political,
economic, and cultural colonization and overwhelming influences of advanced
countries to developing countries and rapidly increasing gaps between rich
areas and poor areas in' different parts of the world. In particular, the potential
negative impacts include the following:
Increasing the technological gaps and digital divides
between advanced countries and less developed countries;
Creating more legitimate opportunities for a
few advanced countries for a new form of colonization of developing countries;
Increasing inequalities and conflicts between
areas and cultures; and.
Promoting the dominant cultures and values of
some advanced areas.
Many people believe that,
education is one of key local factors that can be used to moderate some impacts
of globalization from negative to positive and converts threats into
opportunities for the depot for the development of individuals and local
community in the inevitable process of globalization. How to maximize the
positive effects and minimize the negative impacts of globalisation is a major concern in current
educational reform for national and
given the phenomenon of "globalization", economic growth of the last
decades has been accompanied by a worsening of inequalities in the world and in
particular, inequalities of access to knowledge.
Integration into world
economy todays implies not only mastery of traditional knowledge but also the
capacity to acquire the' new skills required by a knowledge society. It is
therefore evident that an unequal sharing of the new communication and
information technologies only serves to reinforce existing inequalities.
While education deficits
are obviously greater in developing countries, this is a major issue in
developed countries as well. In many industrialized countries there is a
persistent problem of illiteracy and low skills, which is an important source
of social exclusion. Unequal access to education also fuels growing wage
inequality and worsens the income distribution. The uneducated and unskilled in
industrialized countries face severe disadvantage in an increasingly
competitive global market.
However; the provision of
both primary and secondary schooling increased during the 90s across the globe,
but progress is inadequate and hides the differences between countries and
regions. The OECD countries, for example spend 100 times more per pupil in
primary and secondary education than low-income countries. There are many
evidences indicating that the more rapid progress is possible if the political will
and the resources exist, in high- and low- income countries alike.
All countries which have
benefited from globalization have invested significantly in their education and
training systems. Today women and men need broad based skills which can be adapted
to rapidly changing economic requirements as well as appropriate basic skills
which enable them to benefit from information technology, increasing their
ability to overcome barriers of distance and budgetary limitations. While
Internet technology is not particularly capital-intensive, it is very human
capital-intensive. Sound education policy also provides an important instrument
to offset the negative impacts of globalization, such as increasing income
inequalities, with effects which may ultimately be stronger than labour market
Education is a core
element of society, and the foundation of democratic choice. The large
differences in opportunities in education "between countries are one of
the basic causes of global inequality. Furthermore, international migration
allows rich countries to benefit from the investments in human capital made in
poor countries - giving them a responsibility to support the education systems
where those investments are made.
The development of a
national qualifications framework is also an important foundation for
participation in the global economy, since it facilitates lifelong learning,
helps match skill demand and supply, and guides individuals in their choice of
career. Access to training and skills development for women is often hindered
by family commitments, indicating a need for childcare facilities and
possibilities for distance learning. Other priorities include recognition and
upgrading of skills for workers in the informal economy and the adaptation of
training to accommodate workers with no formal education.
In today's global economy
and information society, knowledge and information are the keys to social
inclusion and productivity, and connectivity is the key to global
competitiveness. Yet in our unequal world the networked economy is able to
incorporate all that it regards as valuable, but also to switch off people and
parts of the world that do not fit the dominant model.
Technological capability
is essential. Countries need the communications infrastructure and the
production system which can process and use information for development; and
people, must have access to the knowledge and the ability to use it, in order
to participate, take advantage of and be creative in the new technological
environment. That puts education and skills at the centre of a fair and
inclusive globalization.
Online distance learning
could become a powerful tool for developing countries - reducing the need for
expensive physical infrastructure for tertiary and vocational educational
facilities and enabling investments to be made instead in communications
equipment, with curricula and teaching provided through regional initiatives.
The Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN) is one such initiative. It is a
worldwide network of institutions which are developing and applying distance
learning technologies and methods with a focus on development and poverty
According to Ilo (2004)
that promoting international understanding, collaboration, harmony, and
acceptance to cultural diversity across countries and regions by promoting the
dominant cultures and values of some advanced areas4 and
facilitating multi-way communications and interactions, and encouraging
multi-cultural contributions at different levels among countries. Clearly, the
management and control of the impacts of globalization are related to some
complicated macro and international issues that may be far beyond the scope of
this paper.
The increase in poverty
in the world is the most tragic phenomenon in this era of abundance, It is the
cause of marginalization and the exclusion of increasingly bigger groups of the
world population and in particular, affects children, the young, and women, As
a consequence, we see the development' of cultures of poverty and
marginalization that lock the same people into the cycle of poverty and
reinforce their exclusion,
But it is 'Still the
inequality with regard to knowledge that constitutes one of the biggest
challenges of our societies, The traditional raw materials and non renewable
natural resources under threat of extinction no longer occupy the most
important place in the process of production and development. It is knowledge
in itself that has become one of the key resources of economic growth, We thus
see a new category of workers appearing on the scene, "knowledge
workers", Without knowledge, you are subject to marginalization and
progressive exclusion, but the corollary is also true, "The higher the
level of education and training of a country's population, the more chances a
nation has of seizing opportunities and minimizing the social cost of
technological change and the transition towards a more open economy”.
Education has been
proclaimed an integral part of human rights: "It must be free and
compulsory with regards to basic, elementary teaching, Vocational and
technological teaching must be widely available and access to higher education
available to all equally, on the basis of merit."6 Education is also the
driving force behind economic growth and human and cultural development. The
application of policies of compulsory basic education' for all and investment
in quality teaching have meant governments and experts have been able to
measure the impact on populations and the society as a whole, That impact can
be seen in improvement in health, lowering of the rate of demographic growth,
reduction of child mortality and increase in life expectancy, Education also
means that populations become aware of their rights and obligations as citizens
and are thus able to participate actively in the construction and management of
life in their communities.
According to studies undertaken by UNESCO
(1999) as well as by UNDP (1999) the world economic crisis, which dominated the
eighties, spread in virtue of the constraints imposed by economic
globalization, It was also pointed out that "the process of restructuring
and social adjustment that have taken place in most countries and are still
taking place in some, seem to have had a lasting effect on national politics at
the expense of education". The education sector has not yet acquired the
right to benefit from special treatment or to be exonerated from the
application of policies limiting public expenditure in general.
According to UNESCO in
Oladapo (2002) adult education is the entire body of organized educational
process whatever the content, level and method, whether formal or· otherwise,
whether prolonged or replaced initial education in schools, colleges and
universities as well as apprenticeship where by persons regarded as adults by
the society to which they belong develop their abilities, enrich their
knowledge improve their technical or professional qualifications or turn them
in a new direction and bring about changes on their attitude or behaviour in
the two fold perspective of full personal development and participation in
balanced and independent social economic and cultural development.
According to Okenimkpe
(2003) there are 5 types of adult education
Literacy Adult Education
Remedial Adult Education
Vocational Adult Education
Leisure Adult Education
Foundation/fundamental Adult Education
Literacy includes both
initial basic and post literacy, foundation/fundamental includes community
development, health extension, family planning, civic and political education,
women's education workers education, nomadic education. Vocational education which
includes on the job training, agric extension, folk school, continuing
education correspondence education, extramural studies, open universities
e.t.c. Leisure or Liberal adult education which includes continuing education,
evening schools, extension education, aesthetic programme, folk school.
Remedial adult education which includes all forms of education acquired to
remedy a deficiency.
The impact adult
education has on the individual can not be overlooked. It builds the adult, it
up grades the adult. Through adult education literacy class, the literates are
able to read, write and compute, through this they acquire first hand
information on what is going on around them they are able to contribute toward
their society and the nation at large.
Through continuing adult
education programmes, the individuals are able to increase their knowledge and
skills, this increases their productivity as they go through life. Vocational
education introduces the individual to new technological training programmes and
refresher courses that will update his knowledge and skills.
adult education enables the individual to cope with social and community
development because it involves the introduction of new skills, ideas,
technique, new ways of thinking and new methods of organization. It does not
require any previous educational background. It offers the foundation for a
strong and verile community capable of assuming its place and modern world in
Oladapo (2008).
Adult education keeps the
individual abreast with his rights. The individual is able to live at peace
with others in his community, this is because he now knows where his right
starts and ends. With the awareness of political education, the individual now
understands the right to vote and be voted for this in a way reduces the issues
of thuggery in individual communities.
In other words, adult
education is important to the economic well being of the individual, it helps
him obtain wage employment, the individual who is to be employed needs a bit of
literacy to relate with others.
Even in self employment
the individuals needs adult education to perform more efficiently and
profitably, the mechanic, trader or tailor will carryout their businesses more
efficiently if they partake in continuing education.
Adult education aids the
individual to gain access to information both by word of mouth and through the
media these information are usually useful to the individuals, information
about employment opportunities or other business opportunities with adult
education the individual is more enlightened about his environment, culture,
governance. The individual is able to appreciate and maintain public
infrastructure and amenities through the awareness from adult education
programmes in his community. Through adult education in individual is able to
relate with others and participate in decision making in his community. With
adult education the individual is able to accept change and appreciate his
environment, he is able to tackle problems as they emerge.
Adult education has
helped the individual to know his political, economic, social and civic rights
and as such it advocates for removal of inequalities among the people thereby
promoting egalitarianism.
The acquisition of
learning materials and development of skills of teaching and institutions for
learning, its maintenance and' sustenance of adult education if found lacking,
militates against successful use and application of the learning that has taken
place in the learner.
The best and perhaps the
easiest way to acquire these skills is through exposure, stimulation and
The more adults are
exposed to some fundamental learning and teaching skills, the more they are
able to put them into practice from time to time. They will easily master the
skills and freely apply them in their solutions of field of work as well as
other life problems both socially, economically, politically and
technologically. Experience has shown that there is reduction of adults that
attend the programme because it is not managed properly in so many of the
As a result, the skills
acquired are wasted because there is no where to exhibit them like job opportunities.
The adult now feels it’s a waste of time and money and that he had better run
around looking for what he will use to cater for his nuclear and extended
family's lives. In setting out a role for adult education, the priorities are
as to be identified as:
arising Citizenship
Community Building
Most Nigerians are not aware of the efficacy of the new
technologic in teaching and learning process. Lack of individualized
instructions in adult education has not helped the learners to develop their
collaborative learning skills, critical skills, individual interests and
abilities and rates of learning.
Besides, in this 21st
century where globalization (the use of information communication technology in
education) has made learning easy, simple for all and sundry. Nigerians lack
the orientation and information of globalization on the maintenance and
sustenance of her educational tradition, culture and norms (adult education).
The above problem
necessitates the researcher to investigate the effects of globalization on the
maintenance and sustenance of adult education. The societies do not know that
only globalization that can maintain and sustain the adult education.
The study will be an eye
opener to the educational administrators, manager, educators, planners,
teachers, students and parents of the positive effects of globalization in the
area of maintaining and sustaining the adult education.
Teachers will easily
deduce the means and methods of instructional methods, and materials meant for
the teaching and learning for adult classes.
The curriculum planners
will come to understand the basic machineries, money, men and materials that
must be put in place in the educational settings of adult education.
The society and the adult
learners will be informed and learn with ease because globalization has made
learning interesting and fascinating.
The purpose of the study
is as follows:
To examine the meaning and concepts of
To discuss how globalization relates to adult
To investigate how globalization can maintain
and sustain adults education.
To examine the effects of globalization on
adult education.
The followings are the
research questions:
What are meanings and concepts of
How does globalization relate to adult
How can globalization maintain and sustain
adults education?
What are the effects of globalization in adult
There is no significant relationship between
globalization and adult education.
There is no significant relationship between
globalization and maintenance and sustenance of adult education.
This study is to be
analyzed and conducted in adult education centres in Lagos urban (Mushin,
Oshodi and Tejuosho). The researcher will evaluate the way and manner
globalization has affected education (Adult Education in particular), its
maintenance and sustenance in adult education and also identify the problems
militating, against the smooth effect of globalization in maintenance and
sustenance of adult education and the negative effects of globalization as a
The study will be limited by financial constraints, inadequate
materials concerning the write up and shortage of time. But the researcher will
ensure that all these limitations do not affect the study.
Globalization: Globalization is a
process and interaction and integration among the people, companies and
governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and
investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the
environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and
prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
Education: Education in the general sense is any act or experience
that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an
individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society
deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one
generation to another. Education can also be defined as the process of becoming
an educated person. An educated person
refers to a person that has access to optimal states of mind regardless of the
situation they are in. That person is able to perceive accurately,
think clearly and act effectively to achieve self-selected goals and
Adult education: Adult education
is the practice of teaching and educating adults. Adult education takes place
in the workplace, through 'extension' school (e.g. Harvard Extension) or
'school of continuing education' (Columbia School of Continuing Education).
Other learning places include folk high schools, community colleges, and
lifelong learning centers. The practice is also often referred to as 'Training
and Development 'and is often associated with workforce or professional
development. It has also been referred to as andragogy (to distinguish
it from pedagogy). Adult education is different from vocational
education, which is mostly workplace-based for skill improvement; and also from
non-formal adult education, including learning skills or learning for personal
Maintenance: Maintenance in all
business areas and human organization activity is the act of getting people
together to accomplish desired goals and objectives.
Sustenance: is the way to maintain
those knowledge and skills acquired over a long time and for further use.
ICT: ICT (information and
communications technology - or technologies) is an umbrella term that includes
any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television,
cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems
and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with
them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.
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