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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007190

No of Pages: 210

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Isolation and molecular characterization of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria from Okulu river in Eleme Local Government area, Rivers state were studied. Wastewater samples were randomly collected at four different points in the river using a 2 litre plastic hydrobios water sampler and aseptically transferred into sterile 2-litre plastic containers. Standard methods were adopted for the determination of microbiological and physico-chemical characteristics. The identification of bacteria isolates were carried out using both morphological and biochemical characteristics. Also isolates were molecularly characterized. The abilities of the bacterial isolates to degrade total petroleum hydrocarbon were determined using Gas chromatographic method. The total heterotrophic bacteria count in Okulu River ranged from 1.8×106 - 2.2×10cfu/ ml.  Hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria count recorded ranged from 1.0×10– 4.2×104 cfu/ ml. The predominant bacterial genera identified were Bacillus, Micrococcus, Escherichia, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Streptococcus, Pectobacterium, Bevibacillus, Serratia and Providencia species.  The pH values in Okulu water samples ranged from 6.11 - 6.65, with mean value of 6.35±01.8. The temperature values ranged from 28.3 - 32.7 oC, with mean value of 31.04±1.72 oC. The turbidity ranged from 17.7 - 112 NTU, with mean value of 54.69±31.55 NTU. Values for total dissolved solids ranged from 22.1 - 58.9 mg/l, with mean value of 44.08 mg/l±12.63. Total suspended solids ranged from 6.01 – 8.77 mg/l, with mean value of 6.98mg/l±1.18. Biological oxygen demand ranged from 20.25 - 46.50 mg/l, with mean value of 32.85±10.62 mg/l. The chemical oxygen demand showed ranges of 29.37 - 66.52 mg/l, with mean value of 50.84±14.89 mg/l. Dissolved oxygen ranged from 2.28 - 4.37 mg/l, with mean value of 3.19 ±0.70 mg/l. Salinity ranged from 15.0 - 22.5 mg/l, with mean value of 18.23 ±2.65 mg/l. Conductivity values had range of 3.53 - 3.88 µS/cm, with mean value of 3.71±0.09 µS/cm. Nitrate values ranged from 2.18 - 4.21 mg/l, with mean value of 3.02±0.66 mg/l. Values of phosphate ranged from 2.58 - 4.11 mg/l, with mean value of 3.47 ±0.47mg/l. Total organic carbon had range of 1.12 - 2.70 %, with mean value of 1.92±0.55 %.  Total hydrocarbon content values ranged from 13.27 - 17.70 mg/l, with mean value of 15.52 ±1.87 mg/l. For the heavy metals, lead values in the samples ranged from 2.0107 - 2.0857 mg/l, with mean value of 2.03553±0.02 mg/l. Values of cadmium ranged from 0.1639 - 0.3157 mg/l, with mean value of 0.233508±1.72 mg/l. Arsenic values in Okulu water samples ranged from 0.0154 - 0.0381 mg/l, with mean value of 0.0345±1.72 mg/l. The obtained 16S rRNA sequence of the bacteria produced close relatedness to their relatives from the NCBI data base. Based on their 16S rRNA sequence, the bacteria were identified as Lysinibacillus fusiformisAlcaligenes faecalisEnterobacter cloacae, Lysinibacillus sphaericus and Lysinibacillus macroidesThe bioremediation potential of the bacteria isolates gave positive results singularly and in combination in terms of degradation of hydrocarbon content of the water sample. These bacteria isolated from Okulu River can be used for the remediation of polluted environment. In view of the results obtained, the test bacterial species can be applied in the remediation of polluted environment especially hydrocarbon-polluted environment


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vii

List of Tables                                                                                                              xi

List of Figures                                                                                                             xii

Abstract                                                                                                                      v


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          1

1.1        Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2        Justification of the Study                                                                               3

1.3        Statement of Problems                                                                                    4

1.4        Aim of the Study                                                                                            5

1.5        Scope of the Study                                                                                         5

1.6        Objectives of the Study                                                                                  5


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                              6

2.1       Water and its Importance                                                                               6

2.2       Pollution of Water Bodies and Sources                                                          8

2.2.1    Effects of water pollution                                                                               12

2.3       Oil Spillage                                                                                                     14

2.4       Hydrocarbons                                                                                                 16

2.4.1    Aliphatic hydrocarbons                                                                                   17

2.4.2    Alicyclic hydrocarbons                                                                                   18

2.4.3    Aromatic hydrocarbons                                                                                  18

2.4.4    Total petroleum hydrocarbon                                                                          18

2.4.5    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)                                                     19

2.5       Biodegradation                                                                                               20

2.5.1    Bioremediation                                                                                               21

2.5.2    Strategies to enhance bioremediation efficiency                                            21

2.5.3    Principles of bioremediation                                                                           23

2.5.4    Hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms                                                        24

2.5.5    Degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by aerobic and anaerobic  

            processes                                                                                                         26

2.6       Factors Affecting Biodegradation                                                                  27

2.6.1    Temperature                                                                                                    27

2.6.2    pH                                                                                                                   27

2.6.3    Oxygen availability                                                                                         27

2.6.4    Nutrients                                                                                                         28

2.6.5    Type of pollutant / hydrocarbons                                                                    28

2.6.6    Site condition                                                                                                  28

2.6.7    Microbial communities                                                                                    28

2.7       Molecular Characterization                                                                             29


CHAPTER 3:MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                    30

3.1        Description of Study Area                                                                              30

3.2        Collection of Water Samples                                                                          30

3.3       Preparation of Sample Inocula (Water samples)                                             30

3.4       Microbiological Analysis                                                                                31

3.4.1    Enumeration and isolation of bacteria                                                            31

3.4.2    Enumeration and isolation of hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria                         31

3.5       Identification of Isolates                                                                                31

3.5.1    Bacterial isolates                                                                                             31

 3.6      Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Samples                             32

3.6.1    Determination of pH                                                                                       32

3.6.2    Determination of temperature (oC)                                                                 32

3.6.3    Determination of turbidity (NTU)                                                                  32

3.6.4    Determination of total dissolved solids (mg/l)                                               33

3.6.5    Determination of total suspended solid (mg/l)                                               33

3.6.6    Biological oxygen demand (mg/l)                                                                   34

3.6.7    Determination of chemical oxygen demand (mg/l)                                        35

3.6.8    Determination of total hydrocarbon content (mg/l)                                        36

3.6.9    Determination of salinity (mg/l)                                                                      36

3.6.10 Determination of conductivity (µS/cm)                                                          37

3.6.11 Determination of nitrate (mg/l)                                                                       37

3.6.12 Determination of phosphate (mg/l)                                                                 37

3.6.13 Determination of total organic carbon (%)                                                     38

3.6.14 Determination of heavy metals (mg/l)                                                38

3.6.15 Determination of total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/l)                                    38

3.7       Molecular Identification                                                                                 39

3.7.1    DNA extraction (boiling method) of bacteria                                                39

3.7.2    DNA quantification of bacteria                                                                      39

3.7.3    16S rRNA amplification of bacteria                                                                40

3.7.4    Sequencing                                                                                                      40

3.7.5    Phylogenetic analysis                                                                                      41

3.8       Biodegradation Experiment                                                                            41

3.8.1    Preparation of bacterial inoculums                                                                  41

3.8.2    Composition of biodegradation set up                                                           42

3.8.3    Biodegradation procedure                                                                              42

3.9       Statistical Analysis                                                                                          43

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    44

4.1       Results                                                                                                            44

4.2       Microbial Counts of Okulu Water Sample                                                     44

4.3       Bacterial Species Isolated from Okulu Water Samples                                  44

4.4       Percentage Occurrence of Bacterial Isolates                                                  44

4.5       Physicochemical Characteristics of Okulu Water Samples                             47

4.6:      Heavy Metal Concentrations of Water Samples of Okulu                             47

4.7       Molecular Identification of Isolates                                                               50

4.8       Biodegradation Results                                                                                  55

4.8.1    Biodegradation of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) by single and

              mixed isolates                                                                                                55

4.9       Discussion                                                                                                       86

4.9.1    Microbial population                                                                                       86

4.9.2    Physicochemical parameters                                                                           87

4.9.3    Molecular identification                                                                                  94

4.9.4    Biodegradation activity                                                                                  94



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      98

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          99

5.3       Contributions to Knowledge                                                                          99




3.1:      Biodegradation set up                                                                                     42

4.1:      Percentage occurrence of bacteria from Okulu water samples                       46

4.2:      Monthly values of physicochemical parameters of water samples                             obtained from Okulu                                                                                      48


4.3.:     Monthly values of heavy metals of Okulu water samples                              49

4.4:      Isolates and accession numbers                                                                      54

4.5:      Counts of bacteria (cfu/ml) from biodegradation experimental

            set-up                                                                                                              57

4.6       Biodegradation of TPH by single and mixed bacterial isolates                      58










 4.1.     Monthly total heterotrophic bacterial counts of Okulu water samples           45

 4.2:     Showing the nucleotides base sequence from the isolates                              52

 4.3:     Phylogenetic tree showing the evolutionary distance between the

            bacterial isolates                                                                                              53

 4.4:     GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu

            water sample on day 1                                                                                                60

 4.5:     GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample in control on day 42                                                                            62

 4.6:     GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Alcaligenes faecalis on day 14                                                       63

 4.7:     GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Alcaligenes faecalis on day 28                                                       64

 4.8:     GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Alcaligenes faecalis on day 42                                                       65

 4.9:     GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Enterobacter cloacae on day 14                                                    65

 4.10:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Enterobacter cloacae on day 28                                                    68

 4.11:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Enterobacter cloacae on day 42                                                    69

 4.12:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Lysinibacillus sphaericus on day 14                                              71

 4.13:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Lysinibacillus sphaericus on day 28                                              73

 4.14:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Lysinibacillus sphaericus on day 42                                              74

 4.15:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Lysinibacillus macroides on day 14                                               75

 4.16:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Lysinibacillus macroides on day 28                                               77


 4.17:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            Sample by Lysinibacillus macroides on day 42                                              78

 4.18:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Alcaligenes faecalis + Lysinibacillus sphaericus on day 14           80

 4.19:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Alcaligenes faecalis + Lysinibacillus sphaericus on day 28           81

 4.20:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Alcaligenes faecalis + Lysinibacillus sphaericus on day 42           82

 4.21:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Lysinibacillus macroides + Enterobacter cloacae on day 14         83

 4.22:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Lysinibacillus macroides + Enterobacter cloacae on day 28         84

 4.23:   GC profile of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in Okulu water

            sample by Lysinibacillus macroides + Enterobacter cloacae on day 42         85

A1.      Monthly hydrocarbon utilizing bacterial counts of Okulu water samples      145

A2       Mean heterotrophic bacterial counts of Okulu water samples during

            dry and rainy season                                                                                       146

A3       Mean hydrocarbon utilizing bacterial counts of Okulu water samples

            during dry and rainy season                                                                            146

 A4:     Monthly pH values of Okulu water samples                                                  147

 A5:     Monthly temperature values of Okulu water samples                        147

 A6:     Monthly turbidity values of Okulu water samples                                         148

 A7:     Monthly values of total dissolved solid of Okulu water samples                   148

 A8:     Monthly values of total suspended solid of Okulu water samples                 149

 A9:     Monthly values of biological oxygen demand of Okulu water samples         149

 A10:   Monthly values of chemical oxygen demand of Okulu water samples          150

 A11:   Monthly dissolved oxygen values of Okulu water samples                           150

 A12:   Monthly values of salinity of Okulu water samples                                       151

 A13:   Monthly values of total hydrocarbon content of Okulu water samples         151

 A14:   Monthly conductivity values of Okulu water samples                                   152

 A15:   Monthly nitrate values of Okulu water samples                                             152

 A16:   Monthly phosphate values of Okulu water samples                                       153

 A17:   Monthly Calcium values of Okulu water samples                                          153

 A18:   Monthly Magnesium values of Okulu water samples                                     154

 A19:   Monthly Na (sodium) values of Okulu water samples                                   154

 A20:   Monthly Potassium values of Okulu water samples                                       155

 A21:   Monthly sulphate values of okulu water samples                                           155

 A22:   Monthly values of total organic carbon of Okulu water samples                   156

 A23:   Monthly TOM values of Okulu water samples                                               156

 A24:   Monthly concentrations of Lead (Pb) in Okulu Water Samples                     157

A25:    Monthly Concentrations of Cadmium (Cd) in Okulu Water Sample             157

A26:    Monthly Concentrations of Arsenic (As) in Okulu Water Samples               158












Water is very important for agriculture, manufacturing, transportation and many other human activities. Despite its importance, water is the most poorly managed resource in the world (Chutter, 1998). The availability and quality of water always have played an important role in determining the quality of life. Water quality is closely linked to water use and to the state of economic development (Chennakrishnan et al., 2008). Various factors may pollute ground and surface waters. Careless disposal of industrial effluents and other pollutants in metropolitan areas may add significantly to detoriation of water quality (Mathuthu et al., 1997).

Most of the water bodies in the areas of the developing world are the end points of effluents discharged from industries. Despite the fact that  petroleum has played important roles in the economy of the country, over the past three decades, However, some Nigerian ecosystems have been subjected to untold levels of pollution due to crude oil spillage and other forms of effluents discharge resulting from various economic operational activities (Adeniyi and Afolabi, 2002). The effluents' constituents have severe toxicological consequences for both the aquatic lives and humans. When oil-containing factory effluents are released into a water body, it could lead to the lowering of dissolved oxygen. This could be worsened by the products of microbial decomposition activities. The insufficiency of oxygen, the products of decomposition and the presence of non-decomposed waste as a result of low level of oxygen availability could lead to eutrophication. Such eutrophication could lead to further loss of aquatic lives (Beeby, 1993). Effluents from petroleum industries are disposed into the streams almost exclusively without adequate treatment, which is likely to affect the water quality of the receiving streams. The changes in the nutrient concentrations of water may lead to harmful effects to humans and aquatic life. The majority of heavy metals found in pools of water are frequently linked to industrial emissions (Mdamo, 2001), and nearly all heavy metals found in industrial effluents have compounded toxicities that harm aquatic life. The kind and variety of aquatic biota, as well as the water quality and pollution, are reflected in the physical-chemical characteristics of a water body (Birley and Lock, 1999). The pollution of much of the Niger Delta's creeks, marshes, and rivers with hydrocarbons, and dispersant chemicals has become something of great concern.

Rivers State forms a significant part of the Niger Delta estuary and one of the largest oil producing State in Nigeria. Consequently, the State is grossly subjected to environmental pollution or environmental deterioration which is associated with health hazards. Over the years, the recurrence of oil spills and the presence of untreated waste that are discharged into Delta area water bodies have led to various health and economic problems of the indigenes (Nduka and Orisakwe, 2009).The fate of petroleum in water bodies could be affected by water currents, aquatic temperature, the suns irradiation, the residential microbodies, the abilities to utilize the petroleum pollutants as a sole carbon source and the prevailing pH range (Nikolopoulou and Kalogeraki, 2010).

At an early-stage light fractions of oil are naturally removed – mostly by evaporation, thence by photo-oxidation and by geo-chemical reactions. Oil degrading bacteria are capable of using organic substances, naturally or synthetic as sources of nutrients and energy hence exhibiting remarkable range of degradative capabilities (Dua et al., 2002). Oil degrading microorganisms are ubiquitous in the environment, particularly in the oil polluted sites. Bioremediation is said to be the best approach for environmental cleanup because it is a cost effective and an eco-friendly strategy.   The increasing knowledge of gene sequences and the attendant development of new culture independent molecular techniques are providing new and effective tools for the characterization of the diversity of microbial communities (Boucher et al., 2003). This is different from conventional studies on classical culture isolation techniques and subsequent identification based on morphology, physiological and biochemical characteristics of  microbial populations in natural ecosystems, (Elijah, 2013). Molecular techniques employ the use of DNA from natural population. These DNA molecules can be extracted and fragmented. The fragments could be cloned into vectors to form a library. Each clone in the library represents a single piece of DNA. Various molecular methods are employed in bacterial characterization depending on its discriminatory power, reproducibility, ease of use and ease of interpretation. These include 16S rRNA gene technology for bacterial species, 18S rRNA gene technology for fungi and algae, DNA-DNA hybridization and the next generation systems (Tindall et al., 2010).  


Over the years, the issue of environmental contamination and pollution by oil spills in the Niger Delta region of the country has been of public concern and the need for environmental cleanup has arisen. The primary sources of natural water contamination are effluents discharged from residential and industrial operations. Untreated wastes from processing plants in the study region are released into water bodies, leading to the emission of repulsive odors, is water discolorations thus leading to sticky oil, nature of water bodies. Therefore, it has become for a detailed study to be carried out on how to solve the very serious problem. The first part of call of such a study will be the isolation of species of microorganisms associated with such hydrocarbon polluted environment and the determination of their abilities to use the hydrocarbon as sole carbon sources. It is anticipated that such carbonoclastic microorganisms could thus play major roles of clean up exercises in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria.


Domestic and industrial wastes as well as sewages are discharged into Okulu River. This practice has led to the pollution of the river which might have resulted into serious health and economic problem for the inhabitants of the zone. There is scanty information on species of bacteria associated with the polluted Okulu River in Eleme Local Government Area, Rivers State and this has been of major concern to the indigenous environmental microbiologists and public health practitioners. There is dire new for a comprehensive database on oil-degrading bacteria for professional biodegradetionists for a functional clean-up exercise in the Niger Delta region. High population density of both chemical and petrochemical industry along the coast of this river contributes to increased levels of the river pollution. However, apart from oil spills from vandalization of oil distribution pipes, there is also the presence of effluents from Indorama petrochemical plant in the form of wastewater and waste chemicals. There are also pollutants from chemical fertilizer and other chemical processing plants in the area. there are also discharges from motor mechanic workshops, electric generators which release used engine oils, motor oils, used diesels, transmission oils into the aquatic habitats in the said Region.  All these affect the quality, population, distribution and diversity of microorganisms in the polluted aquatic environment.


1.10          AIM OF THE STUDY  

The aim of this study was to; Isolate and identify hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria molecularly, from polluted river in Eleme LGA, Rivers State, Nigeria with potential to biodegrade total petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants.

1.11          SCOPE OF THE STUDY

The study was limited to the creek or shore site in Okulu River, in Eleme LGA, Rivers State. Samples were collected monthly for a period of twelve months and transported to Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, University of Port Harcourt for analysis. The study was limited to bacterial isolation, screening, identification and characterization using molecular methods.


  1. To enumerate hydrocarbon degrading bacteria associated with the Okulu River in Eleme LGA, Rivers State.
  2. To determine the physicochemical characteristics of the Okulu River samples  
  3. To identify  bacterial isolates using molecular methods.  
  4. To determine the ability of the molecularly identified bacterial isolates to biodegrade petroleum hydrocarbon.        


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