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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009399

No of Pages: 72

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Noise pollution continues to grow and is accompanied by an increasing number of complaints including discomfort and irritation to people depending on its intensity, duration and frequency. Ambient noise levels were sampled from different points around three major markets in umuahia using noise level meter Extech 407730. The instrument was calibrated by the internal sound level calibrator before making measurements at each site. Measurements were recorded at intervals of 30 seconds for a period of 7.5 minutes, giving 15 readings per sampling location. The sampling locations and coordinates of sampling points were taken with Garmin GPS. This procedure was carried out at peak hours of operation during the morning (8.00- 9.00am), Afternoon (1.00- 2.00pm) and Evening 5.00- 6.00pm). With the use of simple random sampling technique, questionnaires and interviews were administered to saw millers, timber dealers, food millers and other marketers to determine the implications of noise generated in the study areas. However, the Duncan multiple Range Test showed that there was no significant difference (P≥0.005) between the mean noises. Results show that the levels of the noise varies from each market as more noise levels were recorded in Ubani market, followed by Ahieke and then Orieugba market. Mean noise level in the three markets were above minimum acceptable standard of 85 dB(A) over 8 hours. Some recommendations made to operators and traders which will ensure health safety management during operations include, but limited to; the provision of noise control devices like use of mufflers, dampers and silencers, strict adherence to government regulations and policies, regular maintenance of milling machines to reduce warbling of components which leads to increase in noise generation, and use of enclosures on feed mills equipment to reduce vibration and noise transmission to the mill workers and general public.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v

Table of content                                                                                                                      vi

List of tables                                                                                                                           ix

List of figures                                                                                                                         x

Abstract                                                                                                                                   xi


1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                            1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                           2

1.3       Justification of the Study                                                                                            5

1.4       Significance of the Study                                                                                           6

1.5       Aim and Objectives of the Study                                                                               6         


2.1       Concept of Noise                                                                                                        7

2.2       Types of Environmental Noise                                                                                   9

2.2.1    Industrial noise                                                                                                           9

2.2.2    Transport noise                                                                                                           11

2.2.3    Neighbourhood noise                                                                                                  12

2.3       Sources of Environmental Noise                                                                                12

2.3.1    Electricity generating plant                                                                                        12

2.3.2    Traffic noise                                                                                                                13 Road traffic noise                                                                                                       14

2.4       Evaluation of Industrial Noise                                                                                    15

2.4.1    Noise levels for the woodworking machines                                                             16

2.5       Health Effects of Noise                                                                                              18

2.5.1    Sleep disturbance                                                                                                        19

2.5.2    Annoyance                                                                                                                  19

2.5.3    Hearing loss                                                                                                                20

2.5.4    Hearing impairment                                                                                                    20

2.5.5    Mental health effect                                                                                                    22

2.5.6    Cardio vascular diseases                                                                                             22

2.5.7    Stress                                                                                                                           23

2.5.8    Accidents                                                                                                                    24

2.6       Policy and Statutes                                                                                                     25


3.1       Study Area                                                                                                                  27

3.1.2    Economic activities                                                                                                    30

3.2       Reconnaissance Survey                                                                                              30

3.3       Experimental Design                                                                                                  30

3.3.1    Experimental procedure for noise measurement                                                        30

3.3.2    Types of noise metrics                                                                                                31

3.3.3    The Impact of the noise on the operators within the study area                                    32

3.4       Statistical Analysis                                                                                                     32


4.1       Results                                                                                                                        34

4.1.1    Factors responsible for noise generated in Orieugba market                                     34

4.1.2    Factors responsible for noise generation in Ubani and Ahiaeke markets                       35

4.1.3    Reconnaissance survey analysis on people around the study locations                      36

4.1.4    Models analysis on noise values obtained from study locations                                    38

4.2       Discussion                                                                                                                   40

4.2.1    Identification of noise sources responsible for general noise levels in Ahiaeke,

            Orieugba and Ubani markets                                                                                       41

4.2.2    Examination of the age of machines, times and work load, safety and regulatory

            practices of the marketers in Ahiaeke, Orieugba and Ubani markets.                        42

4.2.3    Noise levels around the selected processing mills of Ahiaeke, Orieugba and Ubani markets in three different periods of the day.                                                                        43



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  47

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      47

            References                                                                                                                  49



4.1:      Factors responsible for noise generation in Ubani and Ahiaeke markets                      35

4.2:      Noise analysis around the markets area where machines are used                                   35

 4.3:     Survey enquiry analysis around the markets area where machines are used                       36



 3.1:     Map of Abia State showing the study area in Umuahia North Local Government    29

 4.1:     Factors responsible for noise generated in Orieugba market                                     34

 4.2:     Noise level varied significantly across the weeks in Ahiaeke market location           38

 4.3:     Noise level across time of day in Orieugba market location                                     39

 4.4:     Noise level across the weeks in Ubani market location.                                            40














            Environmental noise has been defined as an unwanted or harmful outdoor sound created by human activities . In recent years heavy urbanization and industrialization have aggravated the environmental noise problem all around the world (Mansouri, N., Pourmahabadian, M., and Ghasenkhani, T., 2006). The increase in the population and the number of circulating vehicles have led to an increase in noise pollution but noise pollution has been considered less than other contaminants in the environment (Mansouri, et al., 2006). Davis and Masten (2004) stated three valid reasons why wide spread recognition of noise pollution problem has not materialized in a similar fashion as air and water pollution problems. These reasons are summarized in the definition and perception of noise as a subjective experience, short decay time and difficulty to associate cause with effect when it comes to health impacts.


            The need for studies regarding urban noise pollution and its consequences on environment has motivated various researchers to investigate the problem in several countries (Ugwuanyi, J.U,  Ahemen, I.,and Agbendeh, A.A,  2004; Zannin P.H.T., Calixto, A., Diniz, F., and Ferreira, J.A.C, 2003). Studies showed that sources of noise are many and varied but, many researchers have  reported that  road  traffic is the predominant and most generalized noise source in urban areas (Nelsen, 1998).


            Apart from the discomfort and  irritation, noise pollution can cause harm depending on its intensity, duration and frequency. In contrast to many other environmental problems, noise pollution continues to grow and is accompanied by an increasing number of complaints from people exposed to the noise. The need for studies regarding urban noise pollution and its consequences on the environment has motivated various research works on the problem in several countries (Ugwuanyi et al., 2004).  Increasingly, noise pollution has become a major problem facing many residents in urban areas. The situation which has assumed alarming proportion in recent times is attributed by worried residents, to the growing numbers of social services centres such as churches and drinking spots and small scale industries like corn mills and saw mills operation.


            Braj and Jain (1995) reported that commercial areas have the highest noise levels followed by industrial and residential areas. It has been generally accepted that noise pollution particularly road traffic noise issues is widespread in rapidly expanding cities, such as those in southeastern Nigeria (Onuu, 1992) where insufficient control is exercised and cities are poorly planned. World Health Organization (WHO, 1999), reported that throughout the world, noise-induced hearing impairment is the most prevalent irreversible occupational hazard and an estimated 120 million people have disabling hearing difficulties. In addition, 16 % of  total global deafness is estimated to be caused by occupational noise and more than 4 million Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) are lost to noise induced hearing loss (WHO, 1999),


            General awareness of the effects of occupational noise has led to promulgation of several legislations which prescribe permissible noise level at workplaces. Levels below 80dB (A) has been agreed by most experts to result in minimal risk of hearing loss development (Ali, 2011; Adie, D.B., Otun, J.A., Okuofu, C.A.,2012). The noise level reported by these studies with diverse machinery and operating environment varies considerably. Generally, workplaces in the industrial sector have not only generated huge amounts of noise; they have equally witnessed enormous increase in number and diversification.                            

            1.2           STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.

            In 2007, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) Act was repealed and replaced by the Nigerian Environmental Standards and Regulatory Enforcement Agency (NESREA). This agency made efforts to examine that existing legislations on abnormal noise levels must be enforced. By the year 2009, the National Environmental (Noise Standards and Control) Regulation Act of, S.I.35 was formed. The purpose of the new regulation were to:

(1.)      Identify major noise sources, noise criteria and noise control technology

(2.)      Make regulations on noise emission, control, abatement as may be necessary to preserve and maintain public health and welfare

(3.)      Enforce compliance with existing regulations and recommend program for noise control originating from industrial, commercial, domestic, sports, recreational, transportation or other  similar activities by prescribing the maximum permissible noise level or activity to which a person may be exposed to and,

(4.)      Implement noise control and mitigating measures for reduction of noise.


            The Act stipulates that anybody, whether individual or corporate body that exceeds permissible noise limits of 90 decibels for a period of eight (8) hours has committed an offense and will have to pay fine of #50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or both, and, or pay an additional fine of #5,000 for every day the offence subsists for individuals. Whereas, for corporate body, fine of #500,000 and an additional fine of #10,000 for every day the offence subsists. In Umuahia urban area, noise is currently a major environmental concern and it is an everyday occurrence within the markets and city. Artisans use grinding machines of various shapes and sizes to dish out loud noise, Industries use machines that release high sound level for production and high vehicular movement.


            There is a mounting confirmation that noise above 80 dB in the workplace are hazardous to health (Mackenzie and David, 2006). Workers and other people who are exposed to high noise levels have more social conflicts both at home and work places and, in addition, experience consistent deterioration in performance (Khitoliya, 2004, Enger and Smith, 2010, Hunashala and Patil, 2012; Kumar et al., 2015). Frequent exposure to high level of noise can cause severe stress on auditory and nervous system (Subramani et al., 2012). Many cities of the world are now facing problems of increase in noise levels due to commercial and industrial activities, population  increase, transportation development and congestion (Mansouri et al., 2006). High noise levels are now recognized worldwide as a major environmental problem affecting the quality of life in urban areas. The effects of noise on human health and comfort are usually discussed under four categories; namely Physical effects, such as hearing defects, Physiological effects, such as increased blood pressure, irregularity of heart rhythms and ulcers, Psychological effects, such as disorders, sleeplessness, irritability and stress, and finally Effects on work performance, such as reduction of productivity and misunderstanding what is heard (Evans and Hygge, 2000; Stansfield et al., 2000; Passchier-Vermeer and Passchier, 2000; Srivastava, 2012, Vidya and Nageshwara, 2012, Nubi, 2014). Similarly, psychiatrists and psychologists have repeatedly observed that noise pollution has certain relationship with healthy living, causing tension that leads to problems such as speech  interference, annoyance, fatigue, sleep interference and emotional distress (CEF, 2014).



            The health effects of noise pollution cannot be over emphasized. This has prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (Nigeria) to set standards and limits of allowable noise levels. Noise pollution occurs when it is observed that those standards are exceeded as seen in (Usikalu and Kolawole, 2018; Ogunsola, et al., 1994).


Umuahia is a city affected by noise pollution and also by its related problems of public health of its inhabitants. The percentages of population exposed  to commercial time sound levels that are harmful to health are high given the high population counts of people who use the markets.


A recent publication by the World Health Organization points out that noise pollution, ranked second among a series of environmental stressors for their public health impact and, contrary to the trend for other environmental stressors which are declining, is actually increasing in Europe (WHO, 2011).


Hence, the need to evaluate the noise level caused by human, vehicular and market activities (processing and milling industries) is justified as this will aid in providing knowledge and also help in government policy direction on how to manage, control and sensitize the public on the dangers of exposure to noise.



This study will provide needed knowledge for the public, government, and the academia on the levels of noise pollution, the demography and livelihood of those exposed to the noise. It will help to provide knowledge for government which will aid in sharpening policy directions in curbing noise pollution, and possible dangers emanating from the noise to the populace. It will also provide literature guide for further studies on noise pollution in Umuahia and other similar areas.



The aim of the study is to identify noise source, assess noise level in the market and in some selected processing and milling industries in Umuahia North LGA, Abia State.

The specific objectives are:

1.               To determine the daily noise levels around the selected processing mill of       Ahieke, Orieugba and Ubani market in Umuahia North LGA.

2.              To examine the age of machines, time and work load, safety and regulatory practices of the marketers in Ahiaeke, Orieugba and Ubani markets.

3.               To compare the levels of noise generated within the study location (Ahieke,        Orieugba and Ubani markets) during the Morning, Afternoon and Evening       periods of the day.

4.              To determine the health and environmental challenges or problems associated    with the people in the study location using recommended survey.

5.              To proffer solution for machine handlers and other operators in study location.

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