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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007165

No of Pages: 131

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria are ubiquitous in nature and can utilize hydrocarbon as sources of carbon and energy. Bacteria with such capabilities are often exploited for the bioremediation of petroleum oil contaminated environments. Petroleum degradation potential of bacteria isolated from automobile mechanic workshop was carried out.  A total of five samples of oil contaminated soil were collected weekly for five weeks. The samples were taken immediately to Microbiology laboratory of Madonna University Elele for analysis. The media used were Bushnell Haas agar, Mineral salt medium and Nutrient agar. The method used for isolation were serial dilution, pour plating and vapour phase transfer techniques. Colonial morphology, Gram staining and biochemical tests were carried out using the standard microbiological methods. Also genomic DNA were quantified, PCR was carried and the DNA were sequenced. Physicochemical parameters of the soil sample were also analyzed. The mean count log10 cfu/ mL of petroleum utilizing Bacteria ranges from 4.05±0.22 – 4.11± 0.22 for petrol, 4.06± 0.1 -4.11± 0.1 for diesel and 4.05± 0.2 – 4.11±0.2 for brake fluid. The total aerobic plate count mean count log10 cfu/ mL ranged from 5.05± 0.1 -5.16 ± 0.2. For physicochemical parameters analyzed, temperature ranged from 28.30- 29.60C, pH ranged from 5.60 -6.96, Conductivity, 13.7 -860µs/cm, Total organic carbon 0.32-2.23%, Total nitrogen 0.13-0.19%, Phosphate 0.98-1.80 mg/kg,Iron 15.1-320 mg/kg , Potassium 6.00 -13.60mg/kg ,Calcium 108-690 mg/kg, Magnesium 152-388 mg/kg, Zinc 0.12-18.20 mg/kg, Manganese 9.20 -60.40 mg/kg and Copper <0.10- 1.70 mg/kg also Chromium ranged from 0.40 -10.50mg/kg, Lead <0.10-1.40 mg/kg,  Barium < 0.10-0.18 mg/kg, Nickel < 0.10 -0.25 mg/kg, Cadmium<0.10 mg/kg, Mercury <0.10 mg/kg, Oil and grease 1.5-128 mg/kg, Total petroleum hydrocarbon 4.5-196 mg/kg  and moisture 0.25 -0.39%. The hydrocarbon utilizing Bacteria isolated and their percentage occurrence were Pseudochrobactrum asaccharolyticum 24.5%,  Empedobacter brevis28.6%, Lysinibacillus macroides24.5% and Neisseria  weaveri 22.5%. The percentage occurrence of total aerobic plate count were Pseudochrobactrum asaccharolyticum 15.0%, %, Empedobacter brevis20.4%, Lysinibacillus macroides17.2% and Neisseria weaveri18.3%, Azotobacter sp 14.0% and Clostridium sp 15.1%. Statistical analysis of the results were done using ANOVA and least significant difference(LSD). Some bacteria such as those isolated in this research have the potential to utilize hydrocarbons as sole source of carbon and energy to survive in such environment thereby breaking down or degrading the hydrocarbon.


Title                                                                                                                             i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vii

List of Tables                                                                                                              x

List of Figures                                                                                                             xi

Abstract                                                                                                                      xii



CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                         1

1.1              Scope of the Study                                                                                         4

1.2              Statement of Problem                                                                                     4

1.3              Justification of the Study                                                                               5

1.4              Objectives of the Study                                                                                  5


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                              6

2.1       Petroleum                                                                                                        6

2.2       Uses of Petroleum                                                                                           6

2.3       The Origin of Petroleum                                                                                 7

2.4       The Main Petroleum Producing Countries and their Exploration                   8

2.5       Petroleum Structure and Composition                                                            9

2.6       Oil Structure and Concentration                                                                     9

2.7       Petroleum Processing and Products                                                                11

2.8       Octane Number                                                                                               13

2.9       The Petrochemical Industry                                                                            13

2.10     Biodegradation                                                                                               14

2.11     Etimology of Biodegradable                                                                          15

2.12     Microbial Biodegradation                                                                               16

2.13     Biodegradation of Pollutants Aerobically                                                      17

2.14     Bioavailability, Chemotaxis and Transport of Pollutants                               18

2.15     Oil Biodegradation                                                                                         18

 2.16    Biocatalytic Application and Metabolic Engineering Biodegradation           19

2.17     Postulates of Microbial Disintegration of Petroleum Hydrocarbons

in the Environment.                                                                                        20

2.18     Degradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Microbial Activity                   21

2.19     Petroleum Hydrocarbon Degradation Mechanism                                         27

2.20     The role of Enzyme in Petroleum Hydrocarbons Degradation                       28

2.21     Molecular Identification of Microorganisms Involved in

Hydrocarbon Degradation                                                                              29

2.22     Physicochemical Properties of oil Contaminated Soil                                    30


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                   31

3.1       Study Site                                                                                                       31

3.2       Collection of Samples                                                                                     31

3.3       Media used and Preparation                                                                           31

3.4       Enumeration of Bacteria                                                                                 32

3.5       Isolation of Petroleum Degrading Bacteria                                                    32

3.6       Characterization and Identification of Bacterial Isolates                               33

3.7       Determination of Petroleum Degrading Potential of Bacteria                       33

3.8       Biochemical Tests                                                                                           33

3.9       Molecular Identification of the Isolates                                                         36

3.10     Sequence Data Analysis for Identification of Bacterial Isolates                    38

3.11     Physicochemical assessment                                                                           38

3.12     Statistical Analysis                                                                                          41       

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                     42

4.1       Results                                                                                                            42

4.2       Discussion                                                                                                       63


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                           67

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      67

5.2       Recommendation                                                                                            67







4.1:      Mean count of bacteria isolated from soil sample from mechanic                 

            workshop                                                                                                        46

4. 2:     Hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria isolated and their percentage

            occurrence                                                                                                       47

4.3:      Total heterotrophic bacteria isolated and their percentage

            occurrence                                                                                                       48

4. 4:     The mean values of the physicochemical parameters of soil sample

            from mechanic workshop                                                                                49

4.5:      Taxonomic report for isolate1(top 10 hits)                                                     54

4. 6:     Taxonomic report for isolate2(top 10 hits)                                                     56

4.7:      Taxonomic report for isolate 3(top 10 hits)                                                    58

4.8:      Taxonomic report for isolate 4(top 10 hits)                                                    60                               








2.1       Factors affecting bio disintegration of petroleum hydrocarbons.                   22

2.2:      Hydrocarbon degradation rates in soil, fresh water, and marine       

            environments                                                                                                   24

2.3:      The role enzyme in hydrocarbon degradation                                    29

4.1:      Mean value of petroleum degrading bacteria using diesel as the sole

            source of carbon and energy                                                                           50

4.2:      Mean value of petroleum degrading bacteria using petrol as the sole

            source of carbon and energy                                                                           51

4.3:      Mean value of petroleum degrading bacteria using brake fluid as the sole   

            source of carbon and energy                                                                           52

4.4:      Phylogenetic tree for isolate 1 top 10 blast hits                                              53

4. 5:     Phylogenetic tree for isolate 2 top 10 blast hits                                              55

4.6:      Phylogenetic tree for isolate 3top 10 blast hits                                               57

4.7:      Phylogenetic tree for isolate 4 top 10 blast hits                                              59

4.8:      Genomic DNA of bacteria isolated                                                                61

4. 9:     PCR amplicon                                                                                                62









Petroleum is yellowish-to-blackish in colour, it a thick, flammable and it’s a mixture of liquid, gaseous, and solid hydrocarbons which naturally occurs below the surface of the earth. It can be separated into sections involving asphalt, natural gas, naphtha, gasoline, kerosene, lubricating oils, fuels, and paraffin wax which are utilized as raw material for a large variety of derivative products(American Heritage Dictionary, 2016) .

The word petroleum originated from the Latin word Petra, which means “rock,” and Oleum, which means “oil.” The oil company groups "crude" by the position of its source and by virtue of its weight or agglutination (light, intermediate or heavy). The relative content of sulphur in oil deposited in nature results in referring to oil as "sweet," meaning that it comprises of relatively little sulfur, or as "sour," meaning that it comprises of large amounts of sulphur(American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2016).

Petroleum, along with oil and coal, is classified as a fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are formed when sea plants and animals die, and the remains become buried under several thousand feet of silt, sand or mud (American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2016).

Fossil fuels use millions of years to establish, as such, petroleum is said to be a non-renewable source of energy.

. Petroleum collected in its natural state is commonly termed crude oil, it may be clear, green or black, also may either be thin-like gasoline or thick-like tar (American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2016).

The first known oil well was sank in Pennsylvania by Edwin Drake in 1859. Since this time oil and petroleum production figure grew exponentially (American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2016).

Initially, petroleum was mainly used as a lighting fuel, after distillation and conversion into kerosene. When the world's first electricity generating plant headed by Edison commenced operation in 1882, kerosene demand gradually dropped. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2016).

However, The demand for gasoline increases when Henry Ford reveal to the world that the automobile would be the most reliable form of transport for decades.

The First World War greatly accelerated the production of petroleum, as petroleum was in continuous production throughout the war than that which has been produced earlier. Presently, petroleum is seen as a costly commodity, traded all over the world as well as gold and diamond. Majority seem to believe that petroleum in the form of gasoline or petrol is used mainly in powering internal combustion engines. Despite the fact that our automobiles and other forms of transport utilize the highest amount of petroleum, it has an enormous array of applications.

The thickest form of petroleum, which is nearly black is called bitumen, it can be used for roofing, making pavement in roads, forming the blacktop, it also serves as first-class water repellant.

Petroleum is also an important chemical constituent of many plastics and synthetics. Possibly the most outstanding use of petroleum for many, is in its outlook in foodstuffs like beer and in drugs like aspirin(American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2016).

The supply of petroleum in the world is less, present calculations has revealed that humanity will totally exhaust this costly natural resources within few decades. Although measures have been employed to ensure the availability of affordable, renewable fuel options put in place for the eventuality, it is clear that humanity are still faced with serious challenges when the supply of petroleum is exhausted (Vassiliou, 2009).

Bacteria are incredible microorganisms that are in existence. They are ubiquitous, can be found in the air, water, soil and living organisms. Bacteria in addition have the capability to degrade both synthetic and natural materials (Habe et al., 2001). This process is known as Biodegradation. Although fungi play a significant role in wood degradation, some bacteria do also degrade cell walls containing lignin and also wood fibres. Ideonella sakaiensis (a bacterium) have ability to degrade plastic  as sole source of carbon and energy(Yoshida et al.,2016). There are other bacteria that can degrade plastic polymers namely, Pseudomonas stutzeri, Alcaligenes faecalis, Streptomyces sp., and Brevibacillus borstelensis(Ghosh et al., 2013). Almost all petroleum hydrocarbon found in the environment are metabolized or degraded by bacteria  following their carbon and energy needs for reproduction and growth as well as the need to relieve physiological stress as result of the presence of the petroleum hydrocarbons in the environment(Hazen,2010).

Biodegradation is the natural way through which wastes are recycled, or it is the breakdown of organic substance into nutrients that are beneficial to other organisms. "Degradation" simply means decay, and the prefix "bio-" means that the decomposition is performed by a large collection of fungi, bacteria, insects and other organisms that consume non-living or dead material thereby recycling them into new forms.

There is no waste product in nature since everything undergoes recycling. One organism’s waste product is a source of food for others, supplying energy and nutrients while the organic waste matters are broken down. The breakdown of some organic materials are faster while others are slower, but eventually, all will decay. 

By tackling biodegradation, there might be reduction in waste and some kind of environmental contaminants cleaned up. Through composting, natural biodegradation is accelerated and organic wastes transformed into precious resources.  Microorganisms are employed in cleaning up oil spills and some other forms of organic pollution. Composting and bioremediation provide many possibilities for researchers (Das and Chandran,2011). Hydrocarbon microbial degradation pathways aim to illustrate wide substrate specificity, being controlled by various oxido reductase enzymes involving mono oxygenases, dioxygenases, peroxidases and laccases, and take place either in an aerobic or anaerobic way (Haritash and Kaushik,2009).


This research work is limited to petroleum degradation potential of some bacteria isolated from a mechanic (automobile) workshop along NTA road Mgbuoba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.


  The problem posed by regular oil spillage in the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria is a thing of concern  due to its adverse effect on both human and animal lives. There is therefore  necessary to proffer solution to this problem.



Oil spill is a very big challenge in Nigeria, especially in the Niger Delta region. This is because of the activities of companies especially oil and gas which are located there. The Companies are sited because the area is endowed with such natural resources. The spillage of these petroleum products is detrimental to agricultural products both in the waters and on the land. The soil in the Mechanic workshop is a typical example of soil contaminated with petroleum products (oil spillage). There has being efforts by Government in cleaning up oil spills so as to return the soil and water to their natural state. Therefore, the isolation of bacteria that have the potential to degrade petroleum is a right step in the use of biological method to control oil spillage.


·         To isolate and characterize bacteria species from soil sample from Mechanic workshop.

·         To determine the hydrocarbon (Petroleum) degrading potentials of the isolates.

·         To compare the rate of degradation by the isolates and to identify the predominant oil-degrading bacteria that may be used as model hydrocarbon degrader.

·         To determine the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) of samples from the soil.

·         To ascertain and monitor the physicochemical attributes of the sampled soil.

·         To statistically analyze the result obtained.

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