Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of content vi
Background to the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 8
Purpose of the Study 9
Research Questions 10
Research Hypothesis 11
Scope of the Study 12
Operational Definition of Terms 13
Significance of the Study 14
Concept, Nature and Implication of Teacher
Quality 17
Nature, concept and objectives of
School Islamic Studies 20
Qualities of an ideal Islamic Studies
Teacher 23
Academic Performance 25
Appraisal of the Literature Reviewed 36
Research Type 38
Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques 39
Instrumentation 39
Procedure for Data Collection 42
Data Analysis Technique 43
Demographical Characteristics of the
Respondents 44
Testing Research Hypothesis 45
Summary of the Findings 48
Discussion 49
Conclusion 51
Recommendations 51
Suggestions for Further Studies 52
References 53
Appendixes 58
to the Study
Education is considered
as an agent of human processing where human beings like raw-materials, are
processed through schooling and converted to finished product as a result of
good teaching by the professional teachers. However, Carter (1995) described
the education as the aggregate or totality of all the process by means of which
a personal develops ability, attitude, skills and forms of behavior that are of
positive values in the society in which he/she live.
Consequently, a
professional teaching is related with inculcating a body of knowledge and
skills, and development of desirable attitudes. In fact those who engage in
teaching career should be seen to have at least a distinct quality and skills,
either as a result of formal and informal processes of the selection or more
especially due to their professional training, Oyeleye and Soremi (1985), Good
(1995), Niajasan (1995), Salawu (1991:6).
Every teacher is a
potential educator since a considerable part of his/her life is spent on
influencing the thoughts, teaching and behaviours of other (mostly the young)
in order to bring about their healthy, all round development (i.e physical,
moral, intellectual and emotional development).
Uchefuna (2001),
described a teacher as one who produce desired result in the course of his duty
as a teacher. Thus, the progress of any society, politically, socially and
economically, is largely determined by the quality of its education programme
and the quality of teacher in educational industry.
Therefore, quality of
teacher is seen among measures that enrich the performance of the students in
school. This will in turn give a better man power. Teacher qualities never the
less, can be considered to be one of the bedrocks that measurably influence the
academic performance of the students, across all levels of educational system.
Teacher are regarded as the first authorities of models to the students.
Significant number of learners take whatever pieces of information and
knowledge imparted to them by their teacher.
As described by Ijaiya
(2012), a teacher is an employee who uses his expertise to guide the earner to
the content or curriculum. he also give them (students) assistance and feeds
them back when necessary he also motivates tern and promotes positive change of
Basically the
indispensable roles of teacher shows, that any is Studies Teacher must posses
required qualities so as to achieve the purpose of inclusion of Islamic, religion
studies (IRS) as a subject in the National curriculum. In the modern Nigeria,
the professional qualification of Islamic Studies Teacher is based on his
exposure to rigorous professional exercises to possess specified knowledge and
skill. Any potential Islamic studies educator must have pursued his
professional skills in one or more of the following certificates; Diploma in
Arabic and Islamic Studies N.C.E. Islamic Studies: BEd Islamic Studies, PGDE
Adebayo, (2007).
However, for any
interested into becoming a teacher, it is important for them to acquire what
qualities make a good teacher, A good teacher is characterized by numerous
qualities which make it possible for them to do their job well undoubtedly,
every teacher comes with his/her own unique blend of such qualities. Every
teacher different, but every good teacher must possess love their, subject,
organization skills, willingness to improves, enough courage to face ha rd day,
and ability to collaborate with student.
In addition, a teacher is
expected to posses certain qualities such as communication skill, emotional
stability, teaching technique, clear objective for lesson, effective
discipline, good classroom management skills, knowledge of curriculum,
knowledge of subject matter and passion for students and teaching Bangbade,
(2004), An Islamic studies teacher is also expected to possess excellent
characters. Hence, Oladosu (2012), described Islamic Studies teacher as some
one that is gentle in his approach lenient in his method and compassionate in
his interaction.
The quality of a teacher
determined of knowledge performance of students in all levels of knowledge.
Similarly, the success of educational enterprises particularly in terms o f
good quality education depends largely on regular supply of teacher in quantity
and quality. The national policy on education of the federal Republic of
Nigeria (2004), asserted that no nation can achieve economic, social and
technological progress self sufficiency without a good system of education to
sustain its achievement.
The progress of any
society determined by the quality of its teachers. It is mandatory for a
teacher to develop and update his/her knowledge through training institution,
conference and seminar, many people believe in not only in qualification of
teacher but also his/her confidence to defend the certificate (either and
undergraduate major or master degree) that is pertinent to the subject he/she
Teacher experience is
among the qualities that have strong influence with academic performance of
students. The year of experiencing of teaching by teacher reflect the academic
performance of students that will eventually lead to actualization of
educational aims and objective. The experience teacher perform better than the
less experience ones. According to Murnane and Phil (1981) and Kiliyaard and
HaIl (1994), the teacher level of teaching experience has been found to
establish a positive relationship between the academic performance of their
Rosenhltz (1986), added
that many studies have established that less experienced teacher regardless of
the years of teaching tneffective in teaching. Lassan (2000) and Guga (1998),
are of the view that education can not be provided by just anybody. It requires
a teacher who plan and deliver the lesson: instruction in such away that
objective can be achieved. An unqualified teacher cannot prepare students for
WASCE/GCE because it is not certain that they could pass.
Teaching approach is an
aspect that is very important to quality teaching as it accomplish knowledge of
the subject matter, Teaching approach is described as a method strategy or a
combination of careful designed classroom interactions that could be followed
meticulously to teach a topic, a concept or an idea. Olorundare (2010).
The mastery of subject
matter by the teacher is an aspect that needs to pay attention to and also is a
resource and a great educational asset that influence the academic performance
of students Olaleye (2011), asserted that teacher are the primary indicator and
determinant of quality of education hence, professional and dedicated teachers
are needed in schools. He further explained rat the relationship that exists
between teachers knowledge of what they teacher and their ability to teach
effective and students academic performance have widely established.
However, Olaleye (2011), in
his submission buttress the above view, confirm that teachers are expected to
thoroughly understand the contents of what teach because teacher who master the
material will pass instruction more dear and provide better explanations than
those with weaker back ground.
Performance is referred
to an action or process of performing a given task or function. However, in
education performance is described as students ability to carry out successfully
the academic tasks assigns to students by the teachers. Gbadura (2010),
described performance as a general term use in every field of life, whether in
a schools at work or any other human endeavour. It is a phenomenon that is
attributed to almost every action.
Academic performance is
an information described non students accomplishes his/her academic given tasks
and studies in school.
of the Problem
The problems of
fluctuation poor academic performance of students in secondary school have
attracted divergent view form different stakeholder in education sector like
parents, teachers, member of society and governments at all level apportioning
blame on teachers for poor academic performance of students. According to
Godswill (2012), a professionally skillful teacher is some who has acquired
systematic body of knowledge from a specialized teacher training institution.
He knows that he teacher. He facilitates teaching for students and demonstratives
exemplary leadership style in classroom, school and society.
In the tight of the
above, various studied have been propounded on the relationship between
teacher, quality and academic performance.
Borisade (2011), carried
out research on teachers’ qualities and school factors as correlates to
academic performance is secondary school student in Ekiti State, Olaleye
(2011), do finding on the teachers’ characteristic as predictor of academic
performance of students in secondary school in Osun State, Nnamdi (2008) worked
on teachers qualification, instructional strategies and students’ academic
performance in Biology, Adigun (2003), investigated the influence of teacher
teaching experience on students’ academic performance, Amao (1992), carded out
research on the demand and supply of teachers of secondary school in Osun
State, Awoyem (1985), carried out the findings on the relationship: teacher’
experience and teachers’ utilization available social studies instructional
With above views stated,
no previous studies mentioned had investigated the relationship between
teachers quality and students’ academic performance in Islamic studies. So
therefore, the focus of this study was to investigate the relationship between
the Islamic studies teachers’ quality and secondary school students’ academic
performance in Islamic studies in Ilorin South LGEA which little or no
attention has so far been paid to. This is the gap which the study aims at
of the Study
The general purpose of
this study was to investigate the influence of teacher quality on the academic
performance of students of Islamic studies in harm South L.G.E.A. especially,
the study examined.
The general level of students, in Ilorin
south, Academic performance in Islamic Studies.
The influence of teachers’ teaching
approach and harm South L.G.E.A. students academic performance in Islamic
The influence of teachers’ subject mastery
and harm South LGEA students academic performance in Islamic studies.
The Influence of teachers teaching
experience and for South LGEA school students academic performance in Islamic
Studies the influence of teacher’ teaching experience and Ilorin South LGEA
Students Academic Performance in Islamic Studies
In this study the following questions were
What is the general level of academic
performance of Ilorin South LGEA students in Islamic Studies?
Does teacher teaching approach/technique influence
the academic performance of Ilorin South LGEA students?
Does teachers’ Subject mastery influence
the form South LGEA students’ academic performance in Is Studies?
Does Teacher’s qualification influence the
Ilorin South LGEA students academic performance in Islamic studies?
Does teacher teaching experience influence
the Ilorin South LGEA students’ academic performance in Islamic Studies?
The following hypotheses were formulated
and test in this study.
Ho1: Teacher’s
qualification does not significantly related to secondary school students
academic performance in Islamic studies.
Ho2: Teachers
teaching experience does not significantly related to secondary school students
academic performance in Islamic studies.
Ho3: Teachers’
teaching approach does not significantly related to secondary school students
academic performance in Islamic studies
Ho4: Teacher’s
subject mastery does not related to secondary school student’s academic
performance in Islamic studies
Ho5: Teachers’
accessibility to relevant Islamic studies books does not significantly related
to secondary school students academic performance in Islamic studies
of the Study
This study was formulated
to investigate the influence of teachers’ quality (‘teachers’ qualification,
teaching experience, teaching technique and subject mastery) in Ilorin South
LGEA and academic performance of students Islamic studies in Ilorin South LGEA.
The instrument for this
study was an adapted questionnaire from Ishaq (2009) and students’ academic
performance examination question in Islamic studies. The instrument was titled
Islamic Studies Teachers’ Quality Assessment Questionnaire (ISTQAQ) and
students performance test.
Definition of Terms
The following were
operationally defined as they were used in the content of the study;
TEACHER: It refers to Islamic studies teacher who have been
reaching Islamics for at least five (5) years in Ilorin south LGEA school
EXPERIENCED TEACHER: This refers to an Islamic studies
teachers with less than five (5) years of teaching experience in teaching
Islamic studies in Bonn South LGEA school level.
TEACHERS: This means the teacher of Islamic studies who possess/awarded
any of the following certificates N.C.E. BA. (Ed), MA. (Ed) or PGDE in Islamic studies
TEACHER: Teachers of Islamic studies who do not possess any of
the following certificate: N.C.E BA. (Ed) MA. (Ed) or PDGE in Islamic studies.
The academic performance of the students in Islamic studies. It implied the
students scores and grades in Islamic studies obtained from Islamic studies
performance test measured in percentage.
QUALITY: This is referred to teacher qualification, teachers’
teaching experience, teacher teaching approach and teacher’s subject mastery.
TEACHING APPROACH: This s the ability of a teacher to use different
strategies and methods in delivering instructional message across the learning
in the classroom setting
of the Study
The findings of this
study would significantly help the teachers, students, society, government
policy maker and curriculum planner. To teacher, this study scald immensely
emboldens the teacher to modernized the knowledge and to prepare themselves to
be effective and efficient in their teaching profession.
This study is also
significant to the society. This is because when the teachers pass instruction
in a better refine manner and also made the instruction clear and simplified it
to them students would learn effectively and it will also reflect in their
behavior positively and also in society, students through prevalence of this in
the society, would understand the application of religious does and don’ts and
consequently act in accordance with religious rules and regulations for every
individual and the society.
This study would
significantly benefit the students in acquiring well packaged and properly
prepared lesson from their teachers. Mastering of subject by teacher and
experience would assist the students to have good information teacher’ effective
teaching styles and ideals materials would enable students to learn effectively
and sustain what they have learnt and thereby improving their performance.
This study would assist
the government to know the importance of employing qualified teachers that can
transmit the true content of the curriculum to the students. Like wise, it
would help the government to underscore the imperativeness of proper monitoring
and supervision of schools to discovered from them true picture of teaching
learning process that goes on in schools.
In the case of
educational policy maker, this study would help them to discovered the
educational setback applied to frequent changing of educational policy. It
would also asset them to determined the types of teachers that should be employed
to teach students in the class.
At end, the study, would
enable the curriculum developers to include in the curriculum the significant
aspect that assist both individual and society the areas that will imbibe the
religious culture and virtues in the mind of individual and finally transform
the society positively.
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