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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002046

No of Pages: 78

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Background to the Study

Statement of the Problem

Purpose of the Study

Research Questions




Modes of E-learning Instructional Package

Distance learning or Distance Education

Components of Multimedia

Conventional Mode of Teaching supported with Computer Assisted


Vision and Mission of the College

Influence of E-learning on Islamic Studies

The Qur`an & Internet

Hadith & Internet

Islamic Software

ICT, Online Islamic classes and Lecture

Internet and Morality

Concept of Computers in the Qur’an

Benefits of Utilization of E-learning Instructional Packages

Predictors of Academic Performance

Performance Calculation in EACOED

Appraisal of the Reviewed of Related Literature



Research Design

Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

Research Instrument

Validity of the Instrument

Reliability of the Instrument

Procedure for Data Collection

Procedure for Data Analysis



Hypotheses Testing

Hypothesis One

Hypothesis Two

Hypothesis Three

Summary of the Findings



Discussion of the Findings



Suggestions for Further Studies








Background to the Study

E-Learning is the act of taking a course online using a modem, wireless or cable connection to access academic course materials from a computer, phone or other devices. Oye, & Laheal (2012), describes E-Learning (EL) as the use of information and communication Technology e.g. Internet, Computer, Mobile Phone, Learning management system (LMS), Television, Radios and others to enhance teaching and learning activities. E-learning is a unifying term used to describe the fields of online learning, web-based training and technology to deliver instructions. According to Himanshu & Pandey (2013), e-learning focuses on usage of technology in the field of education and learning. E-learning refers to the use of the advanced technology of information communication in the learning process where the advanced technology comprises of electronic media. In the current scenario, the rapid growth of information and communication technology has led to the “e” becoming the symbol of this latest age of information technology. The alphabet ‘e’ is used as abbreviation with “e” are currently emerging in every second field, such ass e-learning, e-health, e-commerce, e-banking, e-government and many more. In the current scenario, where the world is being dominated by globalization, networking and information technology has reached its peak, e-learning plays a vital role in the field of education.     

EL has become an increasingly popular learning approach in higher educational institutions due to vast growth of internet technology. Nowadays E-Learning has a competitive advantage and many universities, colleges of education and other tertiary institutions have implemented it and this has impacts on the student’s performance (Yakaraju 2014). E-Learning centers on the inter section of education, teaching and learning with ICT it clearly preceded by two other disciplines; educational technology and distance education. These two disciplines have uniquely contributed to the intensive use of ICT for educational purposes. E-Learning is also a natural evolution of distance learning, which has taken advantages of latest tools to emerge in the context of technologies for structuring education. Most electronic learning courses or programmes are available anytime and anywhere through the world-wide web (www). According to Abimbola and Abolade (2009), the world-wide web breaks down the walls of time and geographic location, and gives every individual the ability to be a continuing and lifelong learner through accessing the resources of the ‘website via email.

University education and other tertiary education in Nigeria today Is the responsibility of government entrepreneurs, agencies, or groups such as religious bodies, communities, universities and corporate bodies. Decree No 9 of 1993 prescribes minimum conditions to allow the establishment of universities under certain guidelines determines by the government.

The supervision of these schools is secured by the federal and state ministry of education. To this end, the goals of teacher education among other are to;

v    Help teachers to fit into social life of the community and the society at large and enhance their commitment to national goals.

v    Provide teachers with intellectual and professional background adequate for their assignment and make them adaptable to changing situations

v    Encourage further the spirit of enquiry and creativity in teachers… (National policy on education 2014).

To make those goals realizable in the Nigerian University system, college of education, institutes of Education, Nigerian teachers institutes among others, both private and public tertiary institutions, course units system is presently being practiced. The course unit system is particularly interesting in the sense that students have the flexibility of choosing a course of their choice for a particular semester and can be able to carry out further research through the use of ICT whereby research articles, field notes, lecture materials, monographs tutorials and other training materials are deposited repositories.

According to Oye (2011), most libraries in Nigeria higher institutions and secondary schools have audio-visual materials that are rarely utilized as a result incessant power outages and sometimes lack of awareness and self-motivation on the part of the students. I n some tertiary institutions, their E-Learning does not add any value to the teaching and learning activities of their institutions as a result of some limitation afore mentioned and perhaps they do not investigate the impact of E-learning on student Academic performance. Much research has not been done on the relationship of E-Learning use and student academic performance. Emmanuel Alayande College of education has an e-learning site designed for teaching learning using module software package, but it is not fully utilized by both students and lecturers. This is because the computer managed instruction (CMI) established by the school in 2001 to be ICT compliant were merely used for the processing and production of students and Staff identity cards (EACOED Student’s Information Handbook (2015) It is on this view that Abimbola, (1988) cited in Onasanya & Adegbija (2007) observed that in (CMI) the student does not receive any instruction from the computer, rather, students’ instructions are managed using computer.

It has been found that student in higher institutions that engaged in E-learning generally performed better than those in face to face courses (Rodger, 2008 & Holley, 2012) found that student who participate in online/E-learning achieve better grades than students who studies traditional approach. As a result of this finding the students in EACOED that uses E-Learning may perform better than those who use traditional method that focuses on teachers rather than the students. A teacher determines what to teach, how to teach and thus less concern about the students that are at the receiving end.

There are various approaches source being put in place to compensate for the problems occasioned by this traditional learning paradigm. For example online instruction has the potential to provide opportunities for reflective and integrating learning outcomes. This approach provides the students adaptive personalized e-learning because is a general term used to refer to computer enhanced learning. It may involves the use of mobile technologies such as personal digital assistant and Mp3/MP4 player, web based teaching materials hypermedia, discussion boards, collaborative software, e-mail, blogs, wikis, text chart, flash video, compass, finder, etcetera, should be use as a pedagogically powerful tool for the consumption and modeling of knowledge Sunil (2017). Therefore, the survival of Islamic Religious Studies in institutions in the 21st century will increasingly rely on various forms of electronic delivery system and communication facilities that are available in market as requirements for educational flexibility.

Statement of the Problem

This study is informed by the deplorable state of educational system in Nigeria due to the inadequate teaching learning facilities and infrastructures. Most libraries in Nigerian higher institutions in particular EACOED have audio-visual learning and other sophisticated teaching and learning materials but are rarely utilized as a result of incessant power outages and sometimes lack of awareness on the part of the students.


Purpose of the Study

a.         To examine the influence of E-learning instructional packages on academic performance of Islamic Religious students.

b.         To facilitate the achievement of (formal or informal) e-learning goals.

c.         To acknowledge how parental educational background influence the use of E-learning instructional packages to achieve academic performance of the students.

d.         To assist the Islamic education students develop interest in good study habit and effective use of E-learning instructional packages to achieve educational goal.

Research Questions

The following research questions were generated to guide the conduct of this study;

a.         Can E-learning instruction packages influence educational performance of students?

b.         Does parental educational background influence the effective use of E-learning for academic achievement?

c.         Is there any correlation between E-learning instructional packages and academic achievement of students?



            The following hypotheses would be tested in this study:

H01      There is no significant difference between the academic performance of the students that use E-learning instruction packages and students that use traditional pedagogy

H02      There is no significant difference between the academic performance of students with high level parental educational background and students with low level parental educational background in the use of E-learning to achieve educational goals.

H03      There is no significant correlation between using of E-learning instructional packages and academic performance of students

Scope of the Study

This study centers on influence of E-learning instructional packages on academic performance of Islamic Religious Students of Emmanuel Alayande College of Education Oyo.

Operational Definitions of Terms   

E-Learning (EL): Learning conducted via electronic media typically on the Internet

Instruction: building into the mind knowledge of facts relations or principles of one kind of another.

Academic Performance: The scholastic standing of a student at a given moment.

Islamic Studies: Totality experiences which center on the relationship between man and his Creator (Allah) and between man and his fellow man.

Asynchronous Interaction:  It means in this study, the tools that enable communication and collaboration over a period of time through a different time-different place mode

Synchronous Interaction: It means tools that enable real time communication and collaboration over a period of time through a different place mode.

EACOED: i.e. Emmanuel Alayande College of Education

Significance of the Study

            This study is significant because, it may assist EACOED especially department of Islamic Religious Studies in ensuring quality instruction in distance education and other educational programmes, this is because it would promote greater interactivity among students, instructors and learning materials. Finding may also sensitize the instructor and facilitators on how information technology devices can be used to expand and extent formal education to the needy. Findings of this study would motivate students and increase their involvement and participation in the use of technology for subject matter delivery in NCE courses.

            Findings of this study maybe a contribution to the government at all level with the policy to develop innovative materials for use in schools. In the same way, the study provides an insight knowledge and guidelines that may be of help to policy makers in Nigeria. It will equally be useful for organization like colleges of Education and other organization that may likely be aiming and preparing to use information and communication technology for subject matter delivery. It is hoped that findings of this study may help instructors in institutions in the country to improve in the use of computer and other e-learning materials to facilitate classroom activities.           

            Finally, this study provides an input and variety of instructional strategies to the students, teachers and researchers in the area of E-learning. Also findings and recommendation of this study may serve as a stepping stone to future researchers who may be interested in conducting further researches in E-learning and this may bring about significant improvement in the teaching and learning processes in Nigeria.

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