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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002044

No of Pages: 58

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Background to the Study

Statement of the Problem

Purpose of the Study

Research Question

Research Hypothesis

Scope of the Study

Operational Definition of Terms    

Significance of the Study



The Concept of Education

Dimension of Education

The Concept of Islamic Education

Islam in Saki

The Institution of Ramadan in Islam

Ramadan Generosity

Ramadan Activities in Saki West



Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques


Validation of the Instrument

Reliability of the Instrument

Procedure for Data Collection

Data Analysis Techniques



Summary of the Findings



Discussion of Results



Suggestions for Further Studies






Background to the Study

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, preceded by the month of Sha'aban and succeeded by the month of Shawwal. Ramadan is the holy Month for Muslims, when every mature Muslim observes a dawn to dusk complete fast. They do not take any liquids (not even water), no food, abstain from smoking, marital relations, and gossiping or saying anything malicious against another person. Quran recitation, supererogatory prayer, Tahaajud, and Sadaqah are among the most common activities in this holy month (Abdullah 2016).

Ramadan, with all of its numerous blessings presents the students with some activities. One of such is trying to maximize time while engaging in productive activities that will bring the best rewards from this special month. With these Ramadan activities, you will find simple ways of leveraging fulfilling activities to help you grow spiritually, mentally, socially and physically (Jimoh 2002).

Almighty Allah said in His glorious Quran

شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِّلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِّنَ الْهُدَىٰوَالْفُرْقَانِ َ

Month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran was revealed, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of the guidance and the criterion……. Quran 2 vs185.

Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, which are as follow

·          Reciting the Shahadah (profession of faith)

·          Performing Salah (ritual prayers, five times a day)

·          Payment of Zakat (alms tax) during Ramadan

·          Observing Sawm (complete fasting) during the Holy month of Ramadan

·          Performing the Hajj in Mecca at least once in a lifetime

The above activities differed from country to country and region to region.

Therefore, in Oyo State, Saki West local government Activities during Ramadan has a great impact on the generality of the inhabitant but with the context of this write-up its impact on academic performance on the student who study the process by which the values spelt out in the Holy Quran and the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) are handed over down from generation to generation (OLADOSU, 2013).

Hence, the focus of this study is to assess the impact of activities in the month of Ramadan on academic performance of Islamic studies student in Saki West Local Government.

Statement of the Problem

The spiritual, mental, social, psychological and financial activities promoted by the virtue of Ramadan are gradually disappearing after the month of Ramadan. For the spiritual activities we Begin the month of Ramadan with the correct intention of increasing your consciousness of Allah through fasting, we also engage in earnest and constant remembrance of Allah with our heart, lips, tongue and words. Performance of five daily prayers on time and in congregation. Enter into your prayers in a state of submission and humility. Recite and memorize portions of the Qur’an daily with passion and reflection. We also distribute meals to the poor and needy.  Build new habits and let go the bad ones.

All the above beneficial activities are meant to help the Islamic studies student burst the myth of free time often experienced in Ramadan. In such times, they typically engage in idle play, for example, playing games, browsing TV channels, reading novels, chatting mindlessly, surfing the Internet, sleeping for long hours.

Notwithstanding, there are many textbooks, articles, and project on impact of Islamic activities during the month of Ramadan on students academic performance. (Ismail, 2014)wrote on Impact of Islamic activities during the month of Ramadan on pupils academic performance in Ikirun (Ifelodun LGA) Osun State. Also (Kazeem, 2013) carried out research on influence of Ramadan activities on youth in Ilorin West LGA, Kwara State.

In spite of this, there was no write-up on impact of Islamic activities in the month of Ramadan on academic performance of Islamic studies student in Saki west local government. On account of this, this is the gap this study intends to fill.


Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to assess the impact of activities in the month of Ramadan on academic performance of Islamic studies students in Saki West local government Area of Oyo State.

Specifically, it find out:

i.                    effect of Ramadan lectures on academic performance of Islamic studies student

ii.                  effect of Ramadan fasting on academic performance of Islamic studies students

iii.                effect of numerous Ramadan activities on academic performance of Islamic studies students.

Research Question

This study answers the following research questions

i.                    What is the effect of Ramadan lecture on academic performance of Islamic studies students?

ii.                  What is the effect of Ramadan fasting on academic performance of Islamic studies students?

iii.                What is the effect of numerous Ramadan activities on academic performance of Islamic studies students?


Research Hypothesis

Based on research questions the following hypotheses were formulated

(i)                 There is no significant difference on the effect of Ramadan lecture and academic performance of Islamic studies student

(ii)               There is no significant difference on the effect of Ramadan fasting and academic performance of Islamic studies students

(iii)             There is no significant difference on the effect of numerous Ramadan activities and academic performance of Islamic studies students.

Scope of the Study

This study covered all the teachers and students of Islamic studies students in secondary school in Saki West Local Government, Oyo State. The sample of this study consists of three (3) teachers and twenty (20) Islamic studies students from each of the selected secondary schools. The schools are as follows.

1.                  Muslim Secondary School, Saki

2.                  Parapo Community High School, Saki

3.                  Ansarudeen Comprehensive High School, Saki

4.                  Asabari high school, Saki

5.                  International Muslim college, Saki


Operational Definition of Terms    

The following terms are operationally defined:

Impact: To have an immediate and strong effect on something or somebody.

Activity: The state or process of doing something or being active.

Ramadan: The ninth month of Islamic calendar in which fasting is mandatory upon Muslim.

Academic: Relating to education, educational studies, an educational institution, or the educational system.

Performance: The act of carrying out or accomplishing something such as a task or action.

Islamic studies: Is the process by which the value spelt in the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) are handed over down from generation to generation (through Teaching).

Saki West: Is a local government in Oyo state, which is situated at the extreme end of Oyo state

Ramadan Lecture: An educational speech on a subject made before an audience in the month of Ramadan.

Ramadan Fasting: Abstinence from eating, drinking, gossiping, eavesdropping and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk in the month of Ramadan.


Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the students, parents, government and the society. It will unveil some benefit that is embedded in the month of Ramadan, by engaging in some soul lifting activities in this month, you derive terrestrial and celestial benefit, which are scarce in other months school organize activities.

Similarly, it shall make the government to support and finance workshop, symposium, campaign on Ramadan lectures of the relevant importance it has on the socio-religious, economic and political lives of students. In the same direction, policy makers are to immensely benefit from the recommendation of this research in term of restructuring a more befitting and useful curriculum and even co-curricular engagement of the students.

On educational research, the findings of the study will enable the researcher to identify more areas that need to be addressed.

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