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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00003717

No of Pages: 72

No of Chapters: 5

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This research examined Influence of Recruitment and Selection Process on Organizational Growth with special reference to Access Bank Plc. The research adopted survey research design. Data were gathered through primary source with the aid of a well-structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of sample, this was used to eliminate biasness in the selection process of the respondents.

Data garnered were presented on table using percentage and the formulated hypotheses were analysed with the used of Chi-square statistical method. The result of the analysis shows that the mismatching of person and does not affect         organizational growth.

Based on the conclusion of the analysis recommendations were proffered to the staff and management of Access Bank Plc.






Title page                                                                                 1

Table of content                                                               2

Abstract                                                                           5


1.1      Background of the study                                          6

1.2      Statement of the problem                                         8

1.3      Objectives of the study                                             8

1.4      Significance of the Study                                         8

1.5      Research question                                                   9

1.6      Research Hypotheses                                               9

1.7      Scope of the Study                                                   10

1.8      Definition of Terms                                                  11

1.9      Organization of Study                                              12



2.1      Theoretical Framework: Theories or

Recruitment                                                             14

2.2      Importance of human resource planning                15

2.3      Definitions or Recruitment and Selection                        18

2.4      Stages in staff recruitment and selection                 21

2.5      Sources of Recruitment                                           29

2.6      External sources                                                      31

2.7      Advertising                                                               31

2.8      Employers Recommendation                                   32

2.9      Offer of appointment                                                        33

2.10  Post selection                                                           34

2.11  Problems of recruitment and selection                     35

2.12  A review of previous studies on recruitment and

Selection process                                                     35

2.13  Summary                                                                 37



3.1      Research Method                                                     39

3.2      Research Design                                                      39

3.3      Study Population                                                     40

3.4      Sample Size                                                             40

3.5      Sources of Data                                                       41

3.6      Methods of Data Collection/Research

        Instructions                                                             41

3.7      Method of Data analysis                                          42

3.8      Decision rule                                                           44

3.9   Hypothesis                                                               44


CHAPTER FOUR: Analysis, Interpretation and Presentation of Data

4.0   Data Analysis techniques                                        46

4.1      Analysis of Age/General behaviour of the

Respondents                                                            47

4.2      Job Commitment                                                     48

4.3      Test of Hypothesis                                                   49

4.4   Other Relevant Findings                                          55



CHAPTER FIVE Summary, Recommendations and conclusion

5.0   Summary of major findings                                      58

5.1      Discussions of observations                                    58   

5.2      Conclusions                                                             60   

5.3      Recommendations                                                   60   

5.4      Limitation of the Study                                            61

References                                                               63

Appendix                                                                 66

Questionnaire                                                          67








Recruitment and selected fall within the traditional functions of personal management. The functions have to do with filling vacant positions within an organization structure. The guarantees the enterprises a continuous manpower to operate both in the present and in the future.


Most people see recruitment and selection as being synonymous with employment and such, there is no clear distinction between recruitment and selection.  This is not true.  Every organization begins by recruiting certain number of employees and the next step that comes is selection whereby some would be eliminated.  After selection, those selected would now be placed on the job. It is this last stage that is known as placement.


Recruitment as a process starts from the manpower planning stage from where the human resources requirements of an organization are determined through job analysis, which in turn provides information that leads to the formation of personnel policies  regarding quality.  Recruitment however end at the stage where applications are received from the job applicants selection on the other hand, starts from the short-listing stage up to the time the applicants are offered employment.  It is necessary of organizations to appreciate that recruitment, selection and placement constitute one of the most critical aspect of personnel function. It is the foundation on which the organization is built.  If a proper foundation in times of recruiting capable employees is built, the organization would not fall in times of tremor but if the foundation was built with inadequate manpower, it would not even stand minor wind.


The greater problem that affects employment process in most organizations is at the selection stage where pressure along the lines of religion, family, state of origin, peer groups and ethnicity comes in.  These pressures are brought to bear in the employment process and they constitute obstacles in the smooth running of an organization because in the process of satisfying these groups, mediocre could be employed.


One of the most common things many companies do it to keep openings a secret and reserve such vacant positions for family relations and close friends hereby reducing the pool of potential applicants that may apply.  It is the ardent belief of this research that even when an enterprise advertises a post, the advertisement may just be a mere formality and that letter of applications might not be screened let alone to be considered because the enterprise had already programmed persons it wants to employ.      


However, recruitment and selection procedure cannot be without some bottlenecks.  The pitfalls associated with them are not likely to be resolved satisfactorily in this study.  It is also the belief of this researcher that the views and recommendations in this work will help practitioners and co-students in this field to minimize these problems as they carryout recruitment and exercises in their individual organization or in their consultancy work


The inefficiency and ineffectiveness of some organizations in Nigeria had been traced to defective recruitment and selection exercise in which a square peg is put in a round hole.

This development has to a large extent retarded the growth and development of the organizations concerned.


It against the backdrop that this study examined the effect of effective recruitment and selection exercise on organizational growth.



The general objective of this study is to examine the effect of effective recruitments and selection exercise an organizational growth. 

The specific objective are to:

i.            Examine the recruitment and selection producers in Guaranty Trust Bank.

ii.          Identify the abnormalities associated with present recruitment and selection procedures in currently adopted in Guaranty Trust Bank.

iii.        Suggest a better selection procedure that can improve staff performance.



The relevance of this project is to have insight as to how the problems associated with recruitments and can be addressed.  Also, the findings from this work will to a large extent add to the existing body of knowledge as to how staff performance could be improved upon relevance since it will also add to the existing models on recruitment and selection and their impacts on employee’s performance and organizational growth.



This study aims at assessing the effectiveness of recruitment and selection as a criteria for organization growth.  A case study of Access Bank PLC staff, Lagos mainland region.  It also seeks to address some of the under-listed questions:

i.            Does the sources through which an employee is recruited affect his subsequent job commitment and organizational growth?

ii.          Does the prior knowledge of the job by a seeker during recruitment and selection affect the applicant’s subsequent job commitment and organization growth?

iii.        Does the mismatching of persons and jobs affect subsequent job commitment and organizational growth?



The under-listed will constitute the hypotheses if this research project:

Ho:   The source through which an employee is recruited        does not affect his subsequent job commitment.

Ho:   The mismatching of person and does not affect       organizational growth.




This study covers only recruitment and selection aspects of human resource management.  In carrying this out personnel management policies/practices with regard to recruitment and selection of staff and their effects on organization growth will be thoroughly examined.  This study focuses on Access Bank PLC, Lagos Mainland Region (Alausa) and its selected fifty-nine 959) selected confirmed workers.



i.            Recruitment: this refers to the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.

ii.          Selection: It is a process whereby the most suitable and competent applicant is selected from the pool of potential job seekers.

iii.        Selection Ratio: This is the number of persons selected and placed over the number of candidates per job opening.

iv.         Job Description: This sum up the various tasks that constitute a job and the relationship it shares with other jobs within an established organization.

v.           Job commitment: This is the willingness and determination on the part of the staff to hold on to his/her assigned job given all known negative and positive environmental influences.

vi.         Job satisfaction: this is the satisfaction and happiness derived from doing one’s job in which he is paid in an organization.

vii.       Job applicant: this is the expression on the part of the potential job seeker or his/her willingness either in writing or oral form to want to work for a known organization.

viii.     Organization Growth: This is a group of individual coordinated into different levels of authority and segments of specialization for the purpose of achieving the goals and objectives of the organization.

ix.         Effectiveness: This is something actually usable; realizable; equivalent in its effect.



Chapter one gives a detailed introduction of the topic.  Both the research questions and hypotheses were stated.  It also highlighted some operational definition likely to be used in the study.         


Chapter two examines relevant literature to this project topic-effective recruitment and selection: a criteria for organizational growth in Access Bank Plc, Lagos mainland Region.


Chapter three examines the research methodology used for this project by this project by this researcher, stating the research sample size, sources of data and research instrument, research design, statistical tools, population and sampling techniques.


Chapter four offers analysis of the data collected in chapter three.  Data using statistical tool such as chi-square and percentage.


Chapter Five gives summary, conclusion and proffer recommendations. 

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