The teaching
and learning of social studies in schools has been faced with a lot of
problems. Aguokogbuo (2008) defined teaching as a deliberate effort by a mature
or experienced person to impart information, knowledge, skills, so on to an
immature or less experienced person. On the other hand Omebe (2009) defined
learning as a relatively permanent change in behaviour which is a function of
previous behaviour usually referred to as practice. Aguokogbuo (2008) stated
that teaching involves some complex activities on the part of both the teacher
and learner in the classroom. These activities, according to him, must be
designed and guided so as to promote learning. According to Okoro (2009) one of
the problems militating against the teaching and learning of social studies is
non-availability and use of instructional materials. The general purpose of
classroom instruction is to help teachers achieve set instructional objectives.
According to Mezieobi (2007), effective interactive process demands appropriate
utilization or commitment of instructional materials and resources.
Sarah (2008)
instructional material is defined as audio-visual materials or as innovations
in teaching and learning and others as curriculum materials It involves the use
of human effort, appropriate choice design and utilization of things/objects to
ensure effective communication between an educational agent (the instructor)
and the learner.
Onwuka (2007)
and Mkpa (2008) see instructional material as materials used to facilitate
teaching and learning by way of saving instructor’s time and efforts a way of
capturing learner’s interest, a means of promoting effective retention of subject
matter learned, a way of keeping students busy and active and a way of
stimulating imagination.
National Teachers Institute defined instructional
materials as those materials (audio, visual, and audio visual) which promote
the effectiveness of instruction and help the teacher communicate more
effectively. Instructional materials therefore are teaching aids which aid
teaching and make the concept taught more real to the learner which also
facilitate teaching and learning. These instructional materials according to
Fadeiye (2005), bring life to learning by stimulating students to learn.
Fadeiye added that instructional materials are not an end in themselves but
they are means to an end.
Nweke (2008)
stated that teaching is instrumental to learning and learning is more permanent
when more of the senses are involved in the learning process. To facilitate
clear comprehension of social studies instructional materials, Bozimo and
Ikwumelu (2007) categorized them into two groups, namely, reading and non-reading
materials According to them, reading materials include textbooks, magazines,
newspapers, and references among others while non-reading materials include
pictures, maps, globes, and field trips among others, including all types of
community resources such as industrial plants, museums, zoos, parks and
resource persons.
Karma (2006:61) outlined the importance of instructional
materials as follows:
- Instructional materials appeal to different senses in
children thereby involving them all the learning process.
- They help to make learning more permanent.
- They make the lesson more lively and interesting.
- The complement and supplement the teaching process.
Despite the
indispensability of instructional materials in the pedagogy of social
studies, there appear to be problems militating against the effective use
of instructional materials in social studies. One of such problems
according to Fadeiye (2008) is non availability of such materials.
However, Agu (2006) lamented that instructional materials focused on the use
of chalkboard and foreign textbooks by teachings. He also stated that most of
the teachers of social studies lack the needed experience in the use of certain
instructional materials.
To promote effective use of instructional materials in
social studies, Fadeiye (2008) state that encouragement should be given to
teachers to improve some of the instructional materials from local materials.
Teachers cannot shy away from this challenge and the earlier they rise to the
occasion, the better for our country. The improvisation of some teaching aids
from local materials, to the best of the researcher’s knowledge, will go a long
way to promote effective teaching particularly in social studies. Hence, the
need to carry out this study on the indispensability of instructional materials
in the teaching of social studies in junior secondary schools in Ezza south Local
Government Area of Ebonyi State.
The overriding
goal of what social studies teacher genuinely do in the classroom setting is to
cause effective learning to occur. This is in line with the description of
Ezeoha (2006) of the classroom as the power-house in which the success of
learning process is generated.
while most teachers and administrators adopt social studies their means of
teaching citizenship, it is ironical that most of them differ remarkably when
it comes to the application of appropriate instructional materials that are
used in social studies. Some teachers according to Fadeiye (2005) teaching
without instructional materials either because of non-availability of such
materials of because they lack knowledge as regard the relevance of
instructional materials in teaching. This leads to poor understanding of
important concepts in social studies.
This is therefore, a serious challenge to the concerned
agencies and authorities. If the problem is not properly identified and
checked, students may likely develop apathy for social studies education even
at a higher level. It is based on this background that the researcher is
motivated to study the indispensability of instructional materials in the
teaching of social studies with a view to promoting the effective use of
instructional materials in teaching.
The main
purpose of this study, is to find out the indispensability of instructional
materials in the teaching of social studies in junior secondary schools in Ezza
South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The study is specifically designed
1. Find out the instructional materials that could promote
teaching of social studies in junior secondary schools in Ezza South Local
Government Area of Ebonyi State.
2. Find out the influence of instructional materials in the
teaching of social studies in junior secondary schools in Ezza South Local
Government Area of Ebonyl State.
3. Find out ways of promoting effective use of instructional
materials in social studies in junior secondary schools in Ezza South Local
Government Area of Ebonyi State.
The study is
significant to teachers, students, ministry of education, curriculum planners
etc The result of the study will expose the teachers to various instructional
materials that could be used in the teaching of social studies The result of
the study will equally acquaint the teachers, as well as students with the
knowledge of the influence of instructional materials on the teaching of social
studies in schools.
The study will
also help the Ministry of Education as well as school authorities to develop
and put to use appropriate instructional materials which will help promote
teaching and learning of social studies in junior secondary schools The study
will serve as a guide to other researchers who may wish to carry out research
on a related aspect of the topic or study.
The study
focuses on the indispensability of instructional materials in the teaching of
social studies in junior secondary schools. The study seeks to find out the
instructional materials that could promote the teaching and learning of social
studies and ways of promoting effective use of instructional materials in the
teaching of social studies. The study is delimited to junior secondary schools
in Ezza South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.
The following
research questions are formulated by the researcher to guide the study:
1. What are the instructional materials that could promote
the teaching of social studies in junior secondary schools in Ezza South Local
Government Area of Ebonyi State?
2. What is the influence of instructional materials in the
teaching schools in Ezza South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State? of social
studies in junior secondary schools in Ezza South Local Government Area of
Ebonyi State?
3. What are the ways of promoting effective use of
instructional materials of social studies in junior secondary schools in Ezza
South Local Government Area of Ebonyi State?
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