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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004997

No of Pages: 52

No of Chapters: 5

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This research work is a detailed on and delves into the strategies for effective teaching of biology in secondary schools in Ebonyi   Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. It examines the poor performance of students in biology, the secondary schools and possible remedies. Strategies for effective teaching of Biology cannot be over emphasized because of the backwardness of biology and other sciences in Nigeria. This was what ignited the research to find the present methods used in teaching biology in secondary schools and to recommend better and easier means of teaching biology in secondary schools. The problem of poor performance in biology examination has been traced to the method used in teaching the students, which makes the students to be cold to the subject, thereby not putting any effort believing that no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to pass the examination. Some of the recommendations suggested are that government should equip all the laboratories in the country’s secondary school; emphasis should be made to the teaching of practical biology in the secondary schools.













Background to the Study. 1

Statement of the Problem.. 5

Purpose of the Study. 6

Significance of the Study. 6

Scope and Delimitation of the Study. 7

Research Questions. 7




The Importance of Biology Education. 9

Sources of Curriculum Content for Biology Education. 15

The Role of Principals in the Design of Biology Curriculum.. 18

Evaluation of Students Performance, Progress and Growth Implications on the Secondary Schools  19

Biology Education in Retrospect. 24




Research Design. 26

Area of the Study. 27

Population Study. 28

Samples and Sampling Techniques. 28

Instrument for Data Collection. 28

Validity of the Instrument. 29

Reliability of the Instrument. 30

Administration and Collection of Instrument. 30

Method of Data Analysis. 31







Discussion of Findings. 37

Recommendations. 39

Conclusion. 40




Table 1: Responses on well-equipped Laboratories in the                  teaching/learning of biology. 32


Table 2: Responses on Regular tests/assessments on students’                  proficiency in biology. 34


Table 3: Responses on the use of Professional Biology Teachers on the Teaching/Learning to Biology. 35




Background to the Study

       Science and technology have proved significantly useful in man’s daily struggle to control his immediate environment and build a virile world. Specifically Jegede and Brown (2008) opined that sound national development emanate mainly from the areas of science and technology. Okeke (2007) stated that science and technology are like two inseparable twins that mainly hold the National development and sustainability. Science is a systematic process of obtaining testable knowledge about nature and natural occurrences, utilization in careful manner of the observation and experimentation. Technology, on the other hand is the process of designing and utilizing techniques to convert resources to material object. Most developing nations as a result of visible role of science and technology now make frantic efforts to improve on the study of science and allied science subjects in their schools, for instance in Nigeria, the National policy on education stipulates that admission into the Nation’s tertiary institutions should be based on 60:40 ratio of science and Arts related subject respectively (Federal ministry of Education (FME, 2004).

       The study of biology is essential for nation’s building, scientific and technological development. With out sound knowledge and wholesome attitude towards biology, the much needed and vouched technological breakthrough may not be achieved. For instance, the knowledge of biology is brought to play, in the area of manufacturing and processing industry, medicine, food production and pharmaceuticals among others. Osuafor and Okoro (2013) said that science education is imperative for useful living in any society. It is the centre for producing resources necessary for socio-economic, scientific and technological development need for advancement of any nation.

       From the above, notwithstanding much has been said about factor that hinders the effective teaching and learning of biology and has caused a lot of backward and poor academics performances of senior secondary school student in Ebonyi State and Nigeria entirely. The implication of this persistent poor performances of students in biology due to a lot of factors created greater percentage of them to fall to get good grades that will take them to higher institution of her studies. This has been a source of problem to well meaning Nigerians, parents, governments, researchers and science educators.

       Researchers in science education in Nigeria have continued to seek for ways of improving the situation and maximize meaningful learning of biology by the students. Biology is described as a science of life and plays vital roles in the life of every human being. It is very vast with many decisions including zoology, botany, ecology, genetics, morphology anatomy, physiology histology, microbiology, biochemistry evolution and the more advanced cell biology, molecular biology among other. Apart from the interrelatedness that exists among these branches, biology is close related with other science subject like agricultural science, chemistry, Geography, mathematics and physics. Little wonder that biology finds application in many specialized areas like medicine, pharmacy, food production and processing industries, biotechnology, genetics engineering, agriculture and horticulture, agriculture and environmental protection, tourism industry among other (Osuafor and Okoro 2013).

       Considering biology’s many branches and vast application in every field of human endeavor as enunciated above the importance of biology in the nations economic development cannot be over emphasized. It is therefore becomes very necessary that effort are geared towards finding a last solution to the students academic poor performances in the subject. To this end several factors have been identified by researchers as been responsible for the effective teaching and learning which definitely lead to poor performances. These includes the following; lack of qualified and experienced teachers, lack of educational instructional materials like textbook, visual and audio visual aids, laboratories, conducive learning environment, over loaded syllabuses, lack of interest on the parts of the students, poor teaching method/interaction pattern on the parts of the teachers, large class size/high teacher, family background (Nwagbo, 2011).

       Ncharam (2008) has established that students inability to seat down and study, comprehend what the curriculum talked about and this highly result to poor performances in external examination. This also results to general backwardness in technological and scientific advancement. Akpan (2009) rightly documented that proper understanding of concept and concentration science related subject and this contribute to no small measure to better the academics achievement and performances of students. He went further to say that, to such students there is therefore no nature of manipulated questions that might be posed to them in that particular concept that they cannot be able to provide solutions to, since they have mastery and regular practice of the concept involved in the question. This would give the students the opportunity to think ethically, manage and use available resources within their environment effectively to develop the Nation.

Statement of the Problem

       The poor performance of the secondary school students in Biology examinations (such as in SSCE and JAMB examinations had been a matter of concern to both the government and the Nigerian society.

       This is because Biology is one of the most important science subjects since it deals with life and living things. In addition, a sound knowledge of Biology will prepare the student for degree programme on such vital courses as medicine, pharmacy, microbiology, nursing and many others. Despite all the efforts being made by the various ministries of Education in the country to enhance students’ performance in Biology, the problem still remains. Why do students perform poorly in biology examination? What are the current methods of teaching biology in secondary? What are the strategies for effective teaching of biology in secondary schools? These questions present the problems that necessitated this research.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose these researches are as follows:

i.. To highlight and discuss the relevance of well-equipped laboratory to the teaching of biology in the secondary schools.

ii To identify the impact of regular test/assessments both practical tests and problems — type tests on students’ proficiency in biology.

iii. To ascertain the effect of the use of professional biology teachers (resources teachers) on the teaching of biology in secondary schools.

Significance of the Study

       The findings to be made in this research if implemented will benefit both the teachers and the students in many ways.

       Firstly, study will boost the understanding of the students on the subject (biology/and will enhance their performance in biology examinations. It will also help teacher educators to design an effective training programme for the teachers to improve their worth such as workshops, seminars, conferences etc.

Secondly, the study will reduce the excessive workload of the teachers and will provide them with more time to effectively evaluate the students’ proficiency.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

       The scope of this study borders on the problems hindering the effective teaching of biology in the secondary schools. This research will be limited to the biology teachers of the state owned secondary schools located in Ebonyi L.G.A. of Ebonyi state

Research Questions

This study will be guided by the following research questions:

i. To what extent does the use of well equipped biology laboratory affect the teaching and learning of biology in the secondary schools?

ii What are the impact of regular tests/assessments on students proficiency in biology?

iii. How does the use of professional biology teachers (resource teachers) affect the teaching and learning of biology in the secondary schools?

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