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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009311

No of Pages: 74

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study was carried out at Umudike Longitude-0733E, Latitude -0529N; and altitude of 122m during the2018 and 2019 cropping seasons to evaluate six taro genotypes namely Nce 001, Nce 002, Nce 003, Nce005, Nce 010 and Nce 011. The relationship between their growth, yield and yield stability attributes was studied with a view to determining the most important indices for yield improvement. The experiment was laid out using a randomized complete Block Design (RCBD) with treatments replicated 4 times. Plot size was 2m by 3m. Data collected included plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant, leaf area per plant (cm2), girth size per plant, number of suckers per plant, number of corms per plant, number of cormels per plant, weight of corms per plant, weight of cormels per plant and yield (t/ha). Results obtained indicated the presence of genetic variability among the taro landdraces for the different traits under consideration. Cormel number, cormel weight and corm weight showed significant positive correlation with yield at p<0.05 suggesting that a  direct relation for these traits will lead to taro yield improvement. Multiple regression, coefficient of determination R2 and R change (R2) showed that three attributes namely cormels weight, corms weight and plant height were the largest contributor to yield (t/ha). These three attributes significantly predicted and explained 79.8% of total yield observed. The study also showed that Nce 011 (4.45 t/ha, 4.41 t/ha) and Nce 003 (4.38 t/ha, 4.41 t/ha) consistently gave the highest yield in 2018 and 2019; an indication  that these two genotypes could be selected in further hybridization.


Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

List of tables                                                                                                               viii

Abstract                                                                                                                      ix

CHAPTER 1  INTRODUCTION                                                                            1                                                                                 

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                            4                                                                     

2.1       History of Cocoyam Production and Genetics of Taro                                             4

2.2       Morphology and Anatomy of Taro                                                                5

2.3       Origin and Domestication of Taro                                                                 8

2.4.      Establishment                                                                                                 10

2.4.1    Vegetative Growth and Corm initiation                                                                    10

2.4.2    Corm maturation                                                                                             11

2.5       Uses of Taro                                                                                                   11

2.5.1    Medicinal                                                                                                        13

2.6       Hybridization of Taro                                                                                     14


CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                     19

3.1       Experimental sites                                                                                          19

3.2       Soil sample collection and analysis                                                               19

3.3       Planting materials and experimental design                                                   19

3.4       Agronomic Practices                                                                                      19

3.5       Data collection                                                                                                19                

3.5.1    The plant girth(cm)                                                                                         19

3.5.2    The plant height (cm)                                                                                     19

3.5.3    Number of leaves/plant                                                                                  21           

3.5.4    Leaf area (cm2)                                                                                               21            

3.5.5    Number of suckers                                                                                          21

3.5.6    Number of Cormels                                                                                        21

3.5.6    Number of corms                                                                                            21

3.5.7    Corms and cormel weight (kg)                                                                       21           

3.5.8    Yield(tons/ha)                                                                                                 21

3.6       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         21


4.1       Soil physicochemical properties and meteorological data of                        

experimental sites                                                                                           23

4.1.1    Climatic Data                                                                                                  23

4.1.2    Soil Analysis                                                                                                   25

4.2       Correlation, Multiple Regression (stepwise) and Path

Coefficient Analysis of Yield and Associated Traits                                     35

4.2.1    Correlation Studies                                                                                         35

4.2.2    Regression Analysis                                                                                       40 Regression Equation                                                                                       40

4.2.3    Path Coefficient Analysis                                                                               40

4.3       Analysis of Variance                                                                                      44

4.4       Discussion                                                                                                       44


CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                            47                   

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      47

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          47

REFERENCES                                                                                                         52

 APPENDICES                                                                                                           52






4.1       Monthly Average rainfall (mm), temperature (0C), relative humidity (%) and              sunshine (hrs) at the experimental site 2018 and 2019                                    24

4.2       Physicochemical properties of the soil at the two experimental sites                                                2018 and 2019                                                                                               26

 4.3      Plant height (cm) of some taro genotypes at 4, 8, and 12 WAP in                         27        two locations over 2 years                              .                                                 

4.4       Girth size of some taro genotypes at 4, 8, and 12 WAP in                            28        two locations over 2 years                                                                             

4.5       Number of leaves/plant of some taro genotypes at 4, 8, and                                     12 WAP in two locations over 2 years.                                                          29

 4.6      Leaf area (cm2) of some taro genotypes at 4, 8, and 12 WAP in                                     two locations over 2 years                                                                              30

4.7       Number of suckers/plant of some taro genotypes at 4, 8,                                          and 12 WAP  in two locations over 2 years                                                   31

4.8       Number of corms/plant, weight [kg] and yield (t/ha) of some                                     taro genotypes in two locations over 2 years                                                 32

 4.9      Number of cormels/plant, weight (kg) and yield(t/ha) of taro                                     genotypes in two locations over 2 years                                                         33

 4.10    Number of corms +cormels, weight (kg), and total                                                   yield [t/ha] of some taro genotypes in two locations over 2 years                34   

4. 11    Pearson’s correlation coefficient of yield and yield component of six                               genotypes of taro (Colocasia esculenta) (L) (Schoot L) in 2018                                          cropping season                                                                                              37   

 4.12    Pearson’s correlation coefficient of yield and yield component of six                               genotypes of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) (L)(Schoot L) in 2021                                     cropping season                      .                                                                       38               

4.13a: Multiple Regression (B, stepwise), coefficient of determination                                        (R2), R2 change (∆R2), between total yield (t/ha) and other attributes                             of some taro genotypes evaluated in 2018                                                   

4.13b: Multiple Regression (B, stepwise), coefficient of determination                                  (R2), R2 change (∆R2), between total yield (t/ha) and other attributes                     of some taro genotypes evaluated in  2019                                                    39                   








Cocoyam is the common name for two tuber crops. Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott) and tannia (Xanthosoma sagittitoluim (L) (Schott) also refers to new cocoyam) are the most important species (Green and Oguzor, 2009). Cocoyam is found throughout the tropics and is of economic interest within tropical regions of the world. . Taro have been in existence for over five centuries ago and its domestication is likely to have occurred more than 10,000 years ago. Cocoyam forms one of the major source of carbohydrates after cassava and yam in Nigeria.

A crop initially referred to as a minor crop in the traditional intercropping system and often regarded by the local indigenous people as a "woman crop" has presently assumed significant economic importance due to the discovery of its qualities and industrial uses. Nigeria is presently the world's highest producer of cocoyam, producing about 180000 tons of cocoyam per annum accounting for about 30% of worlds total and 48% of Africa's total production (Onwueme and Sinha, 1991). This is produced in an estimated land area of 350000ha. Inspite of this however, yield is still very low in Nigeria (5143kg/ha) compared with what is obtained in Japan (13493kg/ha) and China (13333kg/ha) (Onwueme and Sinha, 1991). This very low yield may be attributed to poor production techniques, such as the overuse of agrochemicals or the choice of low-yielding cultivars, may be blamed for the extremely low productivity. (Fadina and Ogunyem 2002; Akpantaku, 2000), Taro is an important traditional staple crop in many sub-Saharan African countries, but its potential contribution to food security is partly harnessed by lack of research and development on its agronomy and commercialization (Mare, 2009). Taro is used mostly as food, and prepared in the same way as potato. Its flour is considered good for formulation of baby food because its starch is easily digestible, helps with digestive problems as well as iron supplement (Onwueme, 1999", Shanye, 2004; RanWyk, 2003). However, taro is a difficult crop to grow because of its high requirements for soil nutrients moisture and labour. It is also affected by numerous pests and diseases, which can have a drastic impact on yield. Farmers have lost interest in farming as a result of these causes  acting in consonance (Okpul et al, 2002).

Cocoyam has provided colonies that helped to sustain most especially the rural and poor segements of the population which incidentally is the most threatened in terms of food security (Osuji and Nsaka, 2009; Amadi et al., 2015). Almost all parts of a cocoyam plant are utilized; corms and cormels are boiled or roasted as a source of carbohydrates, leaves are frequently consumed as vegetables representing an important source of vitamins and even petioles and flowers are consumed in certain parts of the world (Singh et al., 2012). Cocoyam is nutritionally superior to major competitors roots and tubers like cassava and yam in terms of digestibility, content of crude protein and essential minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus (Chukwu, et al., 2011).

The use of cocoyam is rooted in the culture of the people that are involved in its production. It was introduced into West Africa around 1840 (Doku, 1980). In Nigeria C. esculenta first became established as a staple in the Southeast  followed much later by xanthosoma sagittitoluim (L) Schoot) (Ezedinma, 1987) which became the main cocoyam grown in the southwest (Ogwueme, 1987).


 Thus, the objectives of the study will include;

       To determine the growth and yield of different taro genotypes.

       Identifying the taro genotype with highest stability in yield.

       Evaluation of yield stability of different genotypes of taro.


Yield improvement have been a major concern for farmers. Growth and attributes evaluated in this study have explianed the criterial and the best indices for proper selection for breeding purposes and for the farmers. This study justified interest of farmers on the genotypes that produces consistent yield under their growing conditions and breeders also want to fulfill these needs.



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