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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009424

No of Pages: 63

No of Chapters: 1-5

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A study on pre-germination treatment on the germination and early seedling growth of Parkia biglobosa of the tropical rainforest using various pre-germination treatment was conducted at the Department of Forestry and Environmental Management Nursery site of the College of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. Though, there has been emphasis on the use of indigenous tree species to check land degradation but these have not yielded the desired result, due to poor natural rate of regeneration and slow growth rate of most indigenous trees. Parkia biglobosa is being endangered as a result of over-exploitation coupled with the adverse effect of increasing human activities on its habitats and lack of its stand plantations. Matured seeds of Parkia biglobosa were collected from Oban West Forest Reserve in Cross River State, Nigeria. The seeds were dried at room temperature and tested for viability by floatation method. The seeds were subjected to four (4) different pre-germination treatments, namely: soaked in water at 80C for two minutes (Treatment one), soaked in water at 60C for two minutes (Treatment two), soaked in water at 40C for two minutes (treatment tree), soaked in water at 20C for two minutes (Treatment four) and soaked in water at 7C for two minutes which served as the control. From the experiment, dormancy was effectively broken by soaked in water at 80C for two minutes which improved the germination to 95%. Soaked in water at 60C for two minutes had 65% germination, treatment with water at 40C for two minutes had 45% germination while treatment with water at 20C for two minutes had 34% germination and seeds that were soaked in water at 7C for two minutes (control) had 29% germination.

Based on the result of the study, seeds soaked in water at 80C for two minutes were recommended as the best germination treatment to break seed dormancy experienced in Parkia biglobosa  seeds. 


Cover page

Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                   iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

List of tables                                                                                                               viii

List of Plates                                                                                                               ix

Abstract                                                                                                                       x



1.1      Background of the Study                                                                           1

1.2      Statement of the Problem                                                                           2

1.3      Objectives of the Study                                                                              3

1.4      Justification of the Study                                                                           3

1.5     Scope of the Study                                                                                     3

1.6   Research Hypothesis                                                                              3



2.1       Forest tree Domestication                                                                         5

2.2                  Medicinal Description of Parkia biglobosa                                6

2.3                  Biodiversity of Seed Proteins of Parkia biglobosa                     7

2.4                  Physical Properties of Seeds                                                        8

2.5                  Seed Collection                                                                                        9

2.6                    Location of Seed Collection                                                                     9

2.7                     Seed Germination                                                                                    9

2.8                     Type of Seeds Germination                                                                     10

2.9                     Seed Germination Characteristics                                                           11

2.10      Grading of Seeds                                                                               11

2.11      Seedling Growth                                                                                12

2.12      Genetic Variations Within and Between Population                        13


3.1              Study Area                                                                                          15

3.2.1            Methodology source of planting materials                                       15

3.2.2            Seed viability test                                                                         15

3.2.3            Soil sample                                                                                   16

3.2.4            Methods                                                                                        16

3.2.5            Germination count                                                                        16

3.2.6            Water/weeding of seedlings                                                         17

3.2.7          Data collection and analysis                                                               17


     4.1            Result                                                                                                    18

     4.2            Discussion                                                                                             30



     5.1              Conclusion                                                                                          32

     5.2              Recommendations                                                                              33

                         References                                                                                         34

                        Appendices                                                                                         41



4.1   Physiochemical Properties of Soil Medium Before and After                      

        Experiments                                                                                                        19

4.2   Seed Lengths and Weights                                                                                 23

4.3    Germination Percentage Analysis of Parkia biglobosa Seeds      

         at Various Treatments                                                                                       23

4.4    Pre-germination Treatments of Parkia biglobosa Seeds at Various  

         Treatments                                                                                                         25

4.5    Leaves Count                                                                                                     26

4.6    Seedling Girth                                                                                                    27

4.7    Seedlings Height                                                                                                28





1.         Seeds of Parkia biglobosa                                                                              20

2.         Parkia biglobosa seeds at different treatments level                                     20

3.         Early Seedlings of Parkia biglobosa                                                              21

4.         Early Seedlings of Parkia biglobosa                                                              21

5.         Early Seedlings of Parkia biglobosa                                                              22

6.         Early Seedlings of Parkia biglobosa                                                              22





Parkia biglobosa is a perennial plant which belongs to the sub-family Mimosodeae and family Fabaceae. It is a leguminous crop found mainly in the tropics. The tree is cultivated but could be seen in a population of two or more in the savannah region of West Africa (Hopkins, 1983). Parkia biglobosa is prominent in entire savannah region of West Africa (Yudkin, 1985). It grows in savannah region of West Africa up to the edge of Sahel zone (Campbell, 1980). Dalziel (1963) and Keay (1989) reported that Parkia biglobosa extends from Senegal to Sudan and its habitat is in savannah land as it is characteristic of transition areas from Shelian to Sudanian eco zone locally on farmlands. It is common in Nigeria particularly in the Northern and southern western parts of Nigeria (Odunfa, 1982). It is found throughout the savannah land of North Central Nigeria covering Benue, Kaduna, Kogi, Nassarawa and Plateau State (Tee et al., 2009). A mature Parkia biglobosa tree of 20 to 30 years could bear about a tone and above of harvested fruits. Musa (1991) reported that the tree can start to bear fruits from 5 – 7 years after planting. The tree is 7 - 20 meters high and bears pods that occur in large bunches and vary from 120 – 300 mm in length.

Parkia biglobosa has the ability to withstand drought conditions because of its deep tap root system. It is an important food tree and plays a very vital role in the rural economy of West African countries Virtually every part of the species is of value as food or fodder (Gbadamosi, 2002). It plays vital role to food security, supply of timber, firewood, fodder, drugs, and dyes as well as restoration of fertility (Okunlla et al., 2011). The seed contain 54% fat and 30% protein in addition to vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium and phosphorus (Alieron, 2004). The leaves, fruits, nuts, root, bark, stem, flowers and seeds of Parkia biglobosa are all used for medicinal purpose to treat a range of ailments including diarrhea, ulcers, pneumonia, burns, cough and jaundice. (Sacande and Clethero, 2007). As a leguminous plant it has been reported to have the ability of fixing atmospheric Nitrogen to the soil (Cobley and Steel, 1976). The yellow powdery pulp is rich in carbohydrate (Oladele et al., 1985) and rich in oil suitable for the manufacture of soap (Owoyale et al., 1986) and is used in the production of a native gruel (Kunnu) (Musa, 1991). Parkia biglobosa seed possesses an exogenous dormancy in which the hard seed coat prevents its germination. As a result of this, there is rapid decrease in the number of Parkia biglobosa in many localities.The seed coat dormancy in Parkia biglobosa seed prevents the species from fast and uniform germination at the nursery stage (Okunlola et al., 2011).


A major problem of pre-germination treatments on the germination and early seedling growth of Parkia biglobosa are: oxygen, temperature and seed dormancy.

Oxygen is required by the germinating seed for aerobic respiration. Oxygen is required by the food stored in the cotyledons to metabolism to occur.

Temperature plays a significant role in the rate at which germination proceeds. A seed could germinate between 4C and 37C, but the optimal temperature ranges between 12C and 25C.

Dormancy: Seed dormancy is a temporary failure of a mature viable seed to germinate under environmental conditions that would normally favour germination (Hilhorst, 1995; Li and Foley, 1997). There is the need to break the dormancy for large number of seeds to germinate.



The general objective of this study was to identify the effects of pre-germination treatment on the germination and early seedling growth of Parkia biglobosa at Umudike, Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study are:

i.    to determine the germination percentage of Parkia bilglobosa at various      treatments and

ii.     to examine the effects of pre-germination treatment on the seedling growth of            Parkia biglobosa.


            Parkia biglobosa has many uses. The leaves are used as manure in farms. The fruits are used in preparing soup. There is paucity of literature on the germination and early seedling growth of this plant species. The villagers find it difficult to replace dead trees. There is the need to study the germination and early seedling growth of this plant species.


This research covers nursery investigation on the effect of pre-germination treatments on the germination and early seedling growth of Parkia biglobosa at Umudike, Nigeria.


The following null hypothesis were formulated for this study:

Hypothesis one

Ho:  there is no significant effects on pre-germination treatment on the germination rate of Parkia biglobusa at various treatments.

Hypothesis two

H0: There is no significant effects of pre-germination treatments on leaves count of Parkia biglobosa at various treatments

Hypothesis three

Ho: There is no significant effects of pre-germination treatments on seedling girth of Parkia biglobosa at various treatment

Hypothesis four

Ho: There is no significant effects of pre-germination treatments on seedling height of Parkia biglobusa at various treatments

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