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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007049

No of Pages: 75

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study was carried out to investigate the effect of motivation on performance of library staff in NRCRI, Umudike using descriptive survey design. The objectives of the study are to find out the staff motivational techniques adopted in NRCRI, Umudike Library, find out the extent to which motivational techniques are applied in NRCRI library, ascertain the effect of staff motivation on performance of library staff in NRCRI, Umudike, find out the challenges impeding staff motivation for high performance in NRCRI, Umudike Library; and suggest strategies to enhance motivation so as to improve staff performance in NRCRI, Umudike Library. Five research questions were also formulated from the specific objectives. Five sets of structured questionnaires were developed from the related literature reviewed for the study. They were faced validated by experts. The questionnaires were used for collecting data from the respondents. The data were analysed using the mean and frequency to answer the research questions. The major finding of the study revealed the motivational techniques adopted in NRCRI Umudike are prompt payment of salaries, prompt payment of allowances, timely promotion of staff, sending staff on regular training, organization of conferences and seminars, giving staff annual leave as at when due, organizing regular meetings to hear the staff’s problems, organizing parties for the staff, allowing the staff go on break, reduction in staff labour and regular monitoring check on staff activities. It was concluded from the findings of the study that the motivational techniques are applied to a Low Extent (LE) in NRCRI. Based on the finding, it was recommended that there should be regular payment of salaries, entitlements and allowances, there should be regular rewarding of outstanding performance, favoritism should be eliminated and there should be in-service training for all library staff.


Title Page                                                                                                                                i          

Declaration                                                                                                                              ii

Certification                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  v

Table of contents                                                                                                                    vi

List of tables                                                                                                                           viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix


1.1  Background to the Study                                                                                                 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                                                                                 6

1.3 Purpose of the Study                                                                                                        7

1.4 Research Questions                                                                                                           7

1.5 Significance of the Study                                                                                                 8

1.6 Scope of the Study                                                                                                           9


2.1 Conceptual Framework                                                                                                     10       

2.1.1 Concept of motivation                                                                                                   10

2.1.2 Concept of performance                                                                                                            13

2.1.3 Motivational strategies/techniques                                                                                 16

2.1.4 The effects of motivation on the performance of staff.                                                24

2.1.5 Problems associated with lack of motivation to Staff                                                   27

2.1.6 Strategies to enhance motivation of library staff.                                                          28       

2.2  Theoretical Framework                                                                                                     31       

2.2.1 Abraham H. Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory (1943)                                               31

2.2.2 Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory (Two Factor Theory) (1950)                           33

2.3 Review of Empirical Studies                                                                                            34

2.4 Summary of Literature Review                                                                                        37


3.1 Design of the Study                                                                                                          39

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                                       39

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                              40

3.4       Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                                40

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                   40

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                                      41

3.7       Method of Data Collection                                                                                         41

3.8       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                           41




4.1  Data Analysis                                                                                                                    42

4.2  Summary of Major Findings                                                                                             48

4.3 Discussion of Findings                                                                                                     50



5.1 Summary of the Study                                                                                                      53

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                        54

5.3 Implications of the Findings                                                                                             55

5.4 Limitations of the Study                                                                                                   56

5.5 Recommendations                                                                                                            57

5.6 Suggestions for Further Studies                                                                                       57

References                                                                                                                              58

Appendices                                                                                                                             62










1: Mean responses on the motivational techniques adopted in NRCRI,

    Umudike Library (n = 15)                                                                                                   42

2: Mean responses on the extent to which motivational techniques are                                 44

     applied (n = 15)

3: Mean responses on the effects of staff motivation on their performance                          45

    (n = 15)                  

4: Challenges impeding staff motivation for high performance (n = 15)                               46

5: Mean responses on the strategies to enhance staff motivation and                                    47

    Performance (n = 15)









Staff motivation is an issue of major concern when organizational progress is talked about. The term motivation was taken from the Latin word movere, which means “to move” (lamprey, Boateng & Antwi, 2013). Houran (2011) observe that when applying motivation in the work situation, the term motivation can be described as the willingness to exert high levels of effort by individuals and team, to reach organizational goals in conjunction with the satisfaction of the individual needs of the participants. According to Ntui, Adu and Eyong (2014), motivation represents psychological processes that cause the continued persistence of voluntary actions that are goal oriented by individuals.

Many contemporary authors have also defined the concept of motivation as the psychological process that gives behavior process and direction. Thus, Burton (2012) sees motivation as predisposition to behave in a purposive manner to achieve specific, unmet need; (Bedeian, 1993) views it as an internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need while (Higgins, 1994) defines motivation as the willingness to expand energy to achieve a goal or reward. Therefore, it is force that activates dormant energies and sets in motion the action of people. It is the function that kindles a burning passion for action among the human beings in an organization.

Precisely stated, motivation is the combination of forces which initially direct and sustain behavior towards a goal Fedias (2012) opines that motivation means all those inner striving conditions described as wishes, desires and goals. It is an inner state that activates or moves. It means that it improves the readiness of an employee to pursue some designed organizational or individual goals.

Motivation is a word that is popularly used to explain why people behave the way they do. In psychology and other behavioral sciences, the word ‘motivation’ has a more limited use but in careers like teaching and health, employers of labour are usually advised to motivate their employees. Furthermore, psychologists view motivation as the factor that determines behavior. This is based on the expression that “all behaviors are motivated” (Martin, Guthridge & Mohr, 2009). Consequently, the understanding above, expresses a general altitude or conviction, and is similar to the popular usage, however, when studying motivation; other psychologists focus on two specific aspects of motivational behavior which include the energization or arousal of behavior and the direction of behavior. Thus, motivation is seen as the factor that energies behavior. That is, motivation arouses an organism and causes it to act. According to this viewpoint, motivation provides the energy in behavior, but habits, abilities, skills and structural features of organisms provide direction to function (Martin, Guthridge & Mohr, 2009). Thus, in the behavioral sciences, motivation can mean energization or direction of behavior. Energization is like arousal or activation and means being “stirred up” or “ready for action” which energization can take place in several ways.

Motivational conditions provide stimuli that direct behavior. Example, hunger may motivate somebody to eat while some other internal motivational state such as sex may make the organism sensitive to external stimuli including a mate. But the directing function of the stimulation arising from motives differs from the arousal function of motives.

The management of people at work is an integral part of the management process. To understand the critical importance of people in the organization is to recognize that human element and the organization are synonymous (Musonda, 2014). A well-managed organization does not look to capital investment, but to employees, as the fundamental source of improvement. An organization is effective to the degree to which it achieve its goals.  An effective organization will make sure that there is a spirit of cooperation and sense of commitment and satisfaction within the sphere of its influence.

In order to make employee satisfied and committed to their jobs in libraries, there is need for strong and effective motivation at various levels; department, sections and units of the library (Nurun, Islam, Dip & Hossain, 2017).

Motivation is a basic psychological process. A recent data-based comprehensive analysis by Mullins (2005) concluded that competitiveness problems appear to be largely motivational in nature (Mullins, 2005). Along with perception, personality, attitudes and learning, motivation is a very important element of behavior; nevertheless, motivation is not the only explanation of behavior. It interacts with and acts in conjunction with other cognitive processes. Motivating is the management process of influencing behavior based on the knowledge of what make people thick (Luthans, 1998).

      Motivation and motivating deal with the range of conscious human behavior. Luthans, (1998) asserts that motivation is the process that arouses, energizes, directs and sustains behavior and performance. That is, the process of stimulating people to action and to achieve a desired task. One way of stimulating people is to enjoy effective motivation, which makes workers more satisfied with and committed to their work. Money is not the only motivator there are other incentives which can also serve as motivators, like training, promotion, award and appreciation.

      According to Ombima (2014), staff motivation is very important in boosting library activities. How well staff is being motivated determine what he can offer. This implies that once a staff feels appreciated and challenged through motivation like training opportunities, he feels satisfied towards his job and performs better.

      According to Houran (2011), motivation refers to the interaction between individual and environmental forces to arouse and create persistent behavior. From the above definitions, motivation consists of three interacting and inter-dependent elements of needs, drives and goals.

1.      Needs: These are deficiencies created whenever there is physiological or psychological imbalance or disequilibrium.

2.      Drives or motive: These are set to alleviate needs. They are action oriented and provide an energizing thrust towards goal accomplishment.

3.      Goals: Goals are things which will alleviate a need and reduce a drive. A result that one is attempting to achieve.

Moreover, employees need basic items of survival such as foods, housing, health, security, education among others, which the management of their respective organizations should provide them. Therefore, it is necessary to note that the management of the organization should in the interest of efficiency and high level performance, find the necessary motivational techniques and maintain it, to efficiently and effectively achieve the institutional goal.

There is general agreement that all behavior is motivated and that people have reasons for doing the things they do or for behaving in the manner that they do. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to know what people desire in job, that will help in motivating them. Thus, properly motivated employees will help the institute with effective and efficient performance and to achieve the institute’s mandate.

Motivational techniques

All over the world, every organization provides different kinds of motivational techniques / measures to their employee these motivational  techniques come in the form of salary and wages ,long service, certificate, promotions, end of the year organization  bonus, rewards and other benefits like training, workshops, conferences etc.

National Root Crops Research Institute library staff need these motivational measures to improve efficiency of their work and to boost good performance in order to achieve the Institute’s mandate, good motivational techniques should be put in place for the staff to deliver good job.

According to Akuoku and Donker (2012) who identified free accommodation, car loan, allowances etc. as the best techniques. Salary advance is another technique that motivates staff.

In view of these motivational techniques mentioned above it is very important/necessary that the employer of N.R.C.R.I should note the advantages of motivation and therefore implement it as it will move the Institute and Institute’s library to a greater height

Library staff:

Ergado and Gojeh (2015) define staff to mean the people employed by an organization as the case maybe, not only for administrative work but cut across other technical services that an organization may provide. Library staff is therefore the people employed for the management of library resources.

The way staff perceives motivation influence their out put, but the present study will provide new information and new perspectives, describing job motivation and performance of library staff of National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike particularly in the context of Abia State, Nigeria.

      Staff performance is the key indicator of overall motivation received. It can be useful when comparing the efficiency of different employees. Staff motivation and performance in the National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike is the subject matter of this project. Since motivation is a result of employee’s behavior, influencing this behavior is a manager’s key to increasing performance.

      In organizations like NRCRI, high level of performance and efficiency is their watch word in a competitive environment. This cannot succeed without hardworking and committed employees through motivation factors which will assist in getting work done in the right manner, in order to achieve higher performance. When this is done, the Institute will definitely attain its desired objectives and mandates.



National Root Crop Research Institute library has been facing some problems which are as follows;

Fund: The library has been lacking funds seriously as the parent organization does not include the library in their budget making. Lack of interest in the welfare of the staff: The library staff suffers so many neglect from the institute’s management as the need of the staff are not mate. The staff of the library only depend on their salary. So no casual hands, no cleaner, no messenger and no clerical staff. Lack of interest in the professional knowledge upgrade: The staff of NRCRI library have not been allowed to attend professional conferences/workshops so as to upgrade themselves with modern ideas and techniques in running the library. Lack of interest in the upgrade of Institute’s library: The NRCRI library has been neglected to the extent that, the library lack work tools such as cataloguing and classification tools, ink, stamp pad, stamp, paper and new information materials, except bouquets and gifts from philanthropists.

 These problems have been militating against the performance of the staff of this library, which if met or well treated will increase the performance of the workers. The current research is to find possible ways of ensuring staff motivation is implemented in NRCRI as to achieve better staff performance.

Research’s preliminary  survey of available literature reveal that much have been done on motivation and staff performance in different organizations/establishments, but no effort has been made to uncover the effect of motivation on library staff performance in NRCRI, Umudike. This is the gap this study intends to fill.


The general purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of motivation on performance of library staff in NRCRI, Umudike. Furthermore, the specific objectives are to:

1.            find out the staff motivational techniques adopted in NRCRI, Umudike Library;

2.            find out the extent to which motivational techniques are applied in NRCRI library;

3.            ascertain the effect of staff motivation on performance of library staff in NRCRI, Umudike;

4.            find out the challenges impeding staff motivation for high performance in NRCRI, Umudike Library; and

5.            suggest strategies to enhance motivation so as to improve staff performance in NRCRI, Umudike Library


The following research questions will guide this study

1.            What are the staff motivational techniques adopted in NRCRI, Umudike Library?

2.            What are the extent in which motivational techniques are applied in NRCRI library?

3.            What are the effects of staff motivation on the performance of library staff in NRCRI, Umudike?

4.            What are the challenges impeding staff motivation for high performance in NRCRI, Umudike Library?

5.            What strategies can be adopted to enhance motivation so as to improve staff performance in NRCRI, Umudike Library?



This study which is aimed at evaluating staff motivation and performance of library staff will be of immense benefit to: National Root Crop Research Institute, Umudike. Library managers and management, Library staff and library educators, students and researchers in the following ways.

The result of this study will enable the management of NRCRI institute to take necessary procedures to provide the appropriate motivational factors so that their workers will be encouraged to put their best in achieving the Institute’s mandates.

Institutions/establishment in Abia state and Nigeria in general will benefit as this study seeks to explore into the relationship between staff motivation and performance. This will help them to adopt strategies which will assist in increasing staff efficiency and performance in their institutions.

Library management in other institutions will need this study in order to effectively plan on the ways of handling library staff as to get the best out of them and further build a motivating and friendly environment for performance and efficiency.

Library staff and other staff of NRCRI will benefit from the findings of this

Study as this study will assist in enhancing the performance in their institution. This study will also serve as an opener to them on the methods that can be used in motivating them.

Library educators would find this study a worthy resource material as it would provide and enrich literature for effective teaching and learning in library schools.

Students, especially those in library schools and management sciences will benefit from the study, as it should teach them the effect of staff motivation on performance of staff and further assist them in carrying out their researches and study.

Furthermore, this study would also be of immense benefit to university library policy makers and implementers as it would serve as a guide in identifying the areas of dissatisfaction of staff and so formulate and implement relevant library policies relating to the staff motivation and performance

Researchers and other authors would find the study useful as it will add to existing literature in staff motivation and performance


The study will cover National Root Crop Research Institute Library, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria

The study would identify the motivational techniques adopted, the extent to which the motivational techniques are applied, the roles of management in motivating staff, effect of motivation on the staff performance, challenges facing staff motivation and performance as well as strategies to enhance staff motivation and performance in NRCRI, Umudike library. Additionally, the library staff of NRCRI will serve as respondents for the study which will include professional and para-professional staff.


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