The main objective of the study was to investigate the impact of
motivation on employees’ productivity. Descriptive Survey research design was used. Population of size was one thousand three hundred (1300). The questionnaires were issued to one hundred and
thirty (130) respondents which formed the sample size. The samples were drawn
using simple random sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed using
frequency counts and percentages. The formulated hypotheses were analyzed using
chi-square (
2) analysis based
on 0.05 probability levels of significance.
study revealed that there is a significant relationship
between Motivation and Employees’ productivity. The organization was able to
achieve high profitability due to effective motivation. Management encourages
employees to put enough effort toward the achievement of organizational goals.
There is effective communication network between management and employees. The
organization rendered financial incentives to its employees to improve their
performance on the job. The productivity level of the organization has
increased as a result of efficient motivation of its workers. Management of the
organization is sensitive to employees’ needs. The success of the organization
depends on effective motivation of its workforce. Thus, the success and
continuity of business organization depends greatly on how effective management
is, in the motivation of its employees.
It was recommended that
management of the organization should encourage effective motivation among the
various units in the organization. Management should also provide conducive working environment that would
enhance workers satisfaction on the job. The organization
should endeavour to promote those factors that cause employees to be satisfied
with their job. Finally,
management should particularly try as much as possible to provide adequate
financial incentive to enable employees put in their best in the achievement of
organizational goals.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract vi
Table of content vii
Chapter One: Introduction
Background to the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 4
Objectives of the Study 5
Research Questions 6
Research Hypotheses 7
Significance of the Study 8
Scope of the Study 8
Definition of Terms 9
Chapter Two: Literature Review
2.1 Conceptual Framework 11
2.2 Employee Motivation 12
2.3 Employee Productivity 15
2.4 Theoretical Background 19
2.5 Motivation Techniques 34
2.6 Other Practical Ways of Employee Motivation 35
2.7 Effects of Intrinsic Motivation 36
Chapter Three: Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design 42
3.2 Population of
the Study 42
3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique 43
3.4 Research Instrument 43
3.5 Methods of Data Collection 43
3.6 Method of
Data Analysis
Chapter Four: Presentation and Analysis of Data
4.1 Analysis of Respondent’s characteristics 46
4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Data According
Questions 50
4.3 Presentation and Analysis of Data According
of Hypotheses 70
Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary of Findings 72
5.2 Conclusion 74
5.3 Recommendations 76
5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies 76
Bibliography 78
Appendix I 80
1.1 Background to the Study
quote “I am satisfied with my Job” is an ideal statement because it has to do
with motivation and job satisfaction.
This further means that motivation and job satisfaction are very crucial
in any organization setting.
before contemporary psychologist became interested in motivation, philosophers
had developed elaborate theories regarding what it is that make animals and
people move. In his early writing Plato,
for instance, already, familiar with pleasure/pain explanation of human kinds
drives, tended to assign that principles to things of the body that disrupt a
person contemplation of the good and works of the rational mind (Hunter,
2007). Later, however, Plato modified
his view and noted that some pleasure such as aesthetic joy – may be viewed as
healthy. He speculated that human have
within them a stream of passionate desire, which may be channel into the search
for physical pleasure, the state of honour or the acquisition of philosophical
knowledge and virtue. Thus like some
contemporary motivational ideologies, drive may motivate human either
transitory pleasure or higher form of pleasure or goals. From the above it is obvious that workers
high performance in terms of productivity is relatively lied to their emotional
instinct, needs, drives and incentives.
workers job satisfaction which has a corresponding influence on the level of
productivity is dependent or the effective and efficient harnessing of both the
innate and outward capability of the human environment via motivation (Linsey,
the pre-independent Nigeria, for example, activities like production and
marketing were the primary concerns of the management. The management of human was generally treated
as part of a general management or administration and was usually fully
entrusted to a low executive called a personnel assistant while management
attended to more important and pressing issues.
many years the concern of management was for technical values, not human
values, not the welfare of the employees.
To use the words of Strauss and Sayles (1960) the workers were
considered little more than machines and were considered less worthy of
attention because the machines were more expensive to replace. As a result, the major pre-occupation of most
employers at this period was the maintenance of the capacity of their technical
resources. No slightest thought was
given to the welfare or development of human organization.
non emergence of personnel department at a time when prominence was being given
to other functional areas like finance, accounting, production and marketing
can be attributed to top management’s perception of what personnel as a unit
had to offer.
was no realistic and acceptable standard by which the contributions of
personnel management as a corporate unit could be assessed. The contribution of, for example the
production department could be assessed in terms of the yearly production
output. The marketing department’s
contribution can be evaluated in terms of the yearly Naira Sales Volume. Corporate profitability as shown by the end
of the year balance sheet could be directly credited to production and sales
effort. On the other hand the personnel
or human management unit had nothing concrete to show and because its
contributions were largely indirect and intangible, it tended to be a victim of
the myopic viewpoint of the captions of industry at that time. As Drucker (1961) would put it “the problem
with personnel administrators is their inability to prove that they are making a
contribution to their enterprise.
development and practice of personnel management as a profession in Nigeria
have been substantially influenced by a host of factors that were worldwide in
nature. There include: the advent of the
Europeans, the scientific management movement, the Hawthorns studies of 1933,
the rise of organized labour unions, labour legislations, the development
within the Nigerian universities and the upsurge in behavioural research which
laid the foundation for the growth and development of personnel management and
human relations.
relations are the encompassing body of knowledge through which workers and
management get things done through each other.
This is frequently used as a generic term to describe the ways in which
management interact with their employees.
Halloran (1978) defines human relation as “all the interactions that occur
among people”. Whether there are
conflicts or co-operative behaviours, the study of human relations in business
and industry is the study of how people can work effectively in groups in order
t6o satisfy both organizational goals and personal need of the employees.
human relations seek to improve people organization relationship in such a way
that people are motivated to develop team work that effectively fulfill their
needs and achieve organizational objectives.
1.2 Statement
of problem
is not an understatement to say that even when workers have their salaries
increased, bonuses paid to them, other allowances and entitlements given them,
yet their productivity still becomes a thing that attracts the question why
such productivity should be at the breakeven or less than what is
expected. Sometimes, management of the
organization become worry about output
being relatively low to inputs. It is
this phenomenon that has brought this study to find out the extent to which
incentive can impact on the productive level of employees. Other problems could be negative work
attitude put up by workers, incessant industrial strikes, frequent industrial
accidents, etc. However, these are many
other factors that are responsible for decrease in workers performance, such as
environment of work, hours of work, etc.
panacea to all these problems is that management should employ a more
sophisticated approach to ensure that motivation technique are dully applied to
achieve high productivity, industrial peace and harmony and profit maximization
objectives of the organization.
1.3 Objectives
of the Study
at the macro and micro levels, few things are more important than the issue of
productivity improvement. But
productivity improvement is usually a factor of two subsystems: the technical
and human elements which, remains the most vital factor for productivity
improvement. This is because equipment
and technology are the product of human mind and can be productive only by
people. The success of any productivity
depends on recognized as the most important factor of all the factors of
production. That being so, it is
therefore imperative for production managers and top management staff in
particular to look more closely into the human factor and examine what it takes
to maximize human endeavour towards maximum productivity improvement.
the fact that inefficiency of motivational techniques in any given organization
will definitely have an adverse effect on the overall organizational efficiency
and performance. Hence, the need for
effective motivational technique that will improve performance and profit
objective of the organization is required.
the same vein, this research study was designed to achieve the following:
To ascertain the influence of motivation
on workers level of productivity.
To identify the motivational technique
adopted by (NIMR).
To identify the motivational technique
adopted by the establishment. To identify and explain the underlying variables that
are responsible for an effective
motivational technique in Nigeria Institute of Medical Research (NIMR).
To make useful suggestions based on the
findings of the research particularly how motivational techniques can still
thrive and sustain increase in market share and sustain increase in market
share and potentials in spite of threats constantly posed by the ever changing
business environment.
1.4 Research
study will investigate to answer such questions as:
To what extent would motivation impacts on
employee productivity?
Would employee perform more than expectation
if they perceive management being attentive and concern to issues relating to
their welfare?
How can management of Nigeria Institute of
Medical Research present an efficient and effective motivation approach that
will lead to employees’ satisfactions?
Does constant and excessive motivation
package lead to a desire objective of the organization?
Would the benefit derive from motivating
work force more than cost incurred in motivating the employees?
At what degree of satisfaction would
employees be pleased with management motivational packages design to satisfy
1.5 Research
following hypothesis will be tested in the study:
Ho: There is no significant relationship between motivation and
workers productivity.
H1: There is significant relationship between motivation and workers
1.6 Significance
of the Study
research study would be of immense benefits and use to those who may have
gained such exposure to what effect motivation has on employees performance,
especially as it effectively carried out in the service oriented and
manufacturing sector of the economy. In
addition, this research will pave way for whoever is interested in carrying any
further research study in various aspect exposed by the study. It will not be out of place to also state
that, aspiring managers and managers will use the knowledge of the study to
enhance workers sense of commitment to work for adequate productivity to
management and also to fix employees performance for subsequent improvement of
1.7 Scope
of the Study
study was restricted to motivation of employees of Nigeria Institute of Medical
Research – Yaba, Lagos State.
study takes into consideration the members of staff of the centre – senior, middle
and junior workers, visitors, patients on admission and outpatients are
excluded from this study. NIMR was
chosen as a sample and used as a case study because it is a notable leading
service oriented in the health sector.
1.8 Definition
of Terms
following concepts are used in the study:
Productivity: This is the net wealth after subtracting
the inputs from output or final result.
Instinct: This an innate biological force
that despises a person to act in a given way.
This is the physiological
state of deprivation.
Drive: This is a psychological
consequence of need.
Incentive: This is an external stimuli that
spurs man to action.
NIMR: This acronym means “Nigeria
Institute of Medical Research”
Organization as “The relating of efforts
and capacities of individuals and groups engaged upon a common task in such a
way as to secure the desire objective with the least function and most
satisfaction to those whom the task is done and those engaged in the
Management: This is getting things done through others
with the sole aim of attaining optimum results with available organizational
Society: This is a seq subsistent or seq
sufficient social system characterized by interdependent, independents,
continuity and pursuance of the system.
Motivation: This is the driving force behind human
Satisfaction: Job
satisfaction as “the pleasurable or the appraisal of one’s job experiences.
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