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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009657

No of Pages: 130

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study examined the effects of Management Information System (MIS) on the performance of administrative staff of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and Federal University of Technology Owerri. Econometric tools like regression analysis were adopted in the data analyses. The effect of MIS on the performance of the respondents shows that all the performance indicators were found to be significant while for the electronic and print systems used, computers and administrative files were used most respectivelyElectronic and print MIS were positively related to performance of the respondents and significantly improved the performance of the selected University’s administrative staff. However, poor database management, lack of training and lack of senior management support ranked highest among the hindrances to MIS development. The study recommends the need to updating information systems continuously to support the role of MIS in improving governmental organizations performance. There is also need to train employee on how to use information system to improve their performance. Information systems’ practitioners are recommended to design and implement MIS built on the relevant effectiveness dimensions; those are MIS capabilities supporting innovativeness, creativity and environment scanning (open system) as well as modeling, optimizing and forecasting (rational) at the expense of internal controlling, monitoring, excessive documentation and stability (internal process).



Title Page                                                                                                        i

Certification                                                                                                   ii

Declaration                                                                                                     iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                        iv

Table of Contents                                                                                           v

List of Tables                                                                                                  vi

List of Figures                                                                                                 vii

Abstract                                                                                                          xi



1.1       Background of the Study                                                                    1         

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                   5

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                      6

1.4       Research Questions                                                                            7

1.5       Research Hypothesis                                                                          8

1.6       Significance of Study                                                                         9

1.7       Scope of the study                                                                              9

1.8       Limitation of Study                                                                            11

1.9       Definition of Terms                                                                            11



2.1       Conceptual Review                                                                             13

2.11     Information system                                                                            13

2.1.2    Definition of management information system                                  17

2.1.3    Objectives of management information system                                 19

2.1.4    Need for management information systems                                       22

2.1.5    Characteristics of management information system                          23

2.1.6    Factors that should be considered when designing a management            information system                                                                             25

2.1.7    Classical and modern hierarchy use of management information                        system                                                                                                 26

2.1.8    Eras of management information system                                           27

2.1.9    Physical view of management information system                            29

2.1.10  Decision making                                                                                 30

2.1.11  Employee performance                                                                      30

2.1.12  Relationship between management information system and

performance                                                                                        33

2.1.13  Effects of management information system on the performance of employees                                                                                           35

2.1.14  Role of management information system                                           40

2.1.15  Problems of management information system                                   49

2.1.16 An overview of the development of management information

system: the theoretical underpinning                                                 51

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                      55

2.2.1    Cognitive fit theory                                                                            55

2.2.2    Task technology theory                                                                      56

2.2.3    Approaches to management information system                               57

2.2.4    System approach to management information system                       60

2.3       Empirical Review                                                                               61

2.4       Gaps in Literature Review                                                                  65

2.5       Summary of Literature Review                                                          66



3.1       Research Design                                                                                 67

3.2       Population of Study                                                                            67

3.3       Sources of Data Collection                                                                 68

3.4       Sample and Sampling Technique                                                       68

3.4.1    Sampling size determination                                                             68

3.5       Validity of the Research Instruments                                                 70

3.6       Reliability of the Research Instruments                                             71

3.7       Method of Data Analysis                                                                    71



4.1       Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Respondents                         73       

4.1.1    Gender                                                                                                73

4.1.2    Age of the respondents                                                                       75

4.1.3    Marital status                                                                                      76

4.1.4    Respondents’ level of education                                                        77

4.1.5    Staff category                                                                                     78

4.1.6    Level of work                                                                                     79

4.1.7    Division/department/unit                                                                   80

4.1.8    Years of experience                                                                            81

4.2       Effect of Management Information System (MIS) on the

Performance of Administrative Staff                                                 85

4.3       Level of Adoption of MIS by the Selected Universities                    85

4.4       Relationship Between MIS and Staff Performance                           90

4.5       Hindrances to the Development of MIS                                             93

4.6       Hypothesis Testing                                                                             97



5.1       Summary                                                                                            98

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                          100

5.3       Recommendations                                                                              101

5.4       Suggested Areas for Further Research                                               102     

REFERENCES                                                                                             103

Appendix                                                                                                        109





3.1       Population and sample size of the study                                            70

4.1       Frequency distribution of Respondents according to gender             74

4.2       Frequency distribution of respondents according to age                    75

4.3       Frequency distribution of Respondents According to Marital Status  76

4.4       Frequency distribution of respondents by level of education             77

4.5       Frequency distribution of respondents by status/category                 78

4.6       Frequency distribution of respondents by level of work                    79

4.7       Frequency distribution of the respondents by division/Unit              80

4.8       Frequency distribution of the respondents by their years of

Experience                                                                                          81

4.9       Summary of respondent’s reactions to various research statement

on the Effect of MIS on the performance of administrative staff            82

4.10     Effect of Management information system on the

performance of administrative staff of selected Universities             86

4.11     Level of adoption of MIS by the selected Universities                      87

4.12     Relationship between MIS and job motivation                                  91

4.13     Relationship between MIS and performance error reduction             92

4.14     Hindrances to the development of MIS                                              94

4.15     Chi-square analysis on the effect of management believe of MIS on                    administrative staff performance                                                        95

4.16     Chi-square analysis on the effect of MIS on job motivation             96

4.17     Relationship between MIS and performance of administrative staff            97






2.1       Parts of a Management Information System                  14

2.2       Transforming data into information                         16






Every Organization has objectives that guides and justifies its existence, attainment of these organizational objectives entails effective performance which is dependent on efficient information. These are information concerning personnel activities (job description and job specification), organizational structures, work procedures, communication lines, computers, databases, and so on (Laudon and Laudon 2010), here lies the importance of human resource management and industrial relations in today’s organizational dynamics where managers are being faced with the challenge of making effective decision due to not having the right information at the right time that would aid in aligning employees’ interest with that of the organization thereby motivating the employees towards attaining organizational objectives/goals through effective performance.

With the emergence of management information system, the business processes have undergone a radical change. Management information system has made significant impact in various organizational settings, in offices, factories, communications, entertainment, shopping, banking, hotels, hospitals, transportation and most especially in the education system. It is being used extensively for decision making, ease of operation, communication, record keeping, performance and for obtaining higher productivity from the system where it is actually needed. All these dynamic changes have affected the working style of the manager. The management processes now need speed, precision, and snapshot business status through relevant information technology support. This requires a new management information system development approach. Though basic role of management information system has not changed, it has changed inside out in terms of content and presentation. It is no more a structural system in terms of regularly processed preformatted reports. The shift is from a centralized management information system to a distributed and knowledge driven, user-triggered management information system (O' Brien and Marakas, 2008). Management Information System was written to provide a real-world understanding of Information Systems for business and organizations by training staff and employees on how to use and manage information facilities in improving business processes, business decision making and gaining advantage in respect to competitions, formulating strategic plans in executive suits, optimizing operations in business or factory floors, fine-tuning plans for their own entrepreneurial ventures, designing information system to optimize their organization's needs, or creating valuable new information products in any number of industries. (O' Brien and Marakas, 2008).

Management information system has expanded the physical layout of offices to accommodate local networks and departmental integrated systems and so for performance to be effective, it is no longer limited to the fact that the Administrative staff and management be skilled in a functional specialty such as academics, teaching, research or that they understand the traditional managerial functions of Staffing, planning, organizing, and controlling, Somethings are more needed. The System approach to management of information, with these staff ability to effectively participate in the analysis, design, implementation and utilization of the management information system is very much needed.

The importance of management information systems in Nigerian Universities, comes from the benefits that is generated by the system, such as providing useful information in a timely manner, storage of statistical data and records of staffs and students, improved labour productivity, cost savings, providing the information without any delays and mistakes, and improved the management of work (Yaser, Alina and Nor 2014). Thus, the use of management information systems has become necessary for any organization to facilitate the work procedure, improve efficiency and productivity and improve performance in general.

The information needed for effective performance in universities cannot be provided from people’s often-deficient memories. Chiwetalu (2013) assert that education administrators seem to be overwhelmed with the rise of managerial/administrative workload due to rapid growth and expansion of the institutions of higher learning in Nigeria. For this administrative workload to be done efficiently, a standard information system is therefore needed to provide the administrators with relevant and efficient information that would cause the workload to be done efficiently. According to Aminu (1986) as cited in Ajayi and Omirin (2007), information resource is one of the major issues and indices of university planning. Where the relevant information required for planning are not available as at when needed, it will lead to ineffective planning, poor decision making, poor priority of needs, bad programming or scheduling of activities, hence, consequentially leading to an inefficient and ineffective performance of the University system. It is difficult to carry out an effective long-term planning of activities effectively in the University system without efficient information.  

In the past years, Administrative staff in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture and Federal University of Technology Owerri had limited facilities and use of information technology for their administrative functions. These facilities were limited to the sole use of bursary functions and admissions processes only. It was not until recently that the both Universities developed a framework to encourage collaboration and cooperation with individuals, organizations, including providers of information technology, both administrative and academic who possess financial and/or technical muscles. During an interview with the ICTC Director FUTO, Engr. Prof. M. C. Ndineche, He explained that the University have had the information and communication technology facilities since 1996, but it wasn’t effectively used as administrative function were manually done and information’s were still being stored as hard copy. It was not until recently that the Directorate has developed the capacity to coordinate activities such as student administration, registration, e­mail, web browsing, advertising, publications, announcements, networking with various social media e.g. Facebook etc. Included among the services rendered are: use of Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) for marking interview and other examination questions such as checking Post UTME results and Identity (ID) Card Production. Other services are bursary, staff and students’ records. All these should be raw data to be processed for useful information which could enhance efficiency and effectiveness of Administrative staff performance in the Universities.

In recognition of the important role that management information system play in facilitating activities in administrative performance in the university system, it becomes imperative to examine the effects of management information system on the performance of Administrative Staff in Universities, with an indebt focus on Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and Federal University of Technology Owerri within the period of 2011 to 2016.


Poor management information system has been identified as a bottleneck in the successful management of universities in Nigeria (NUC 1987). As it is usually the case in Nigerian universities, where management information system is not effectively used to take decisions on long and short-term planning issues. In a university where information cannot be stored or retrieved as at when needed, it becomes difficult and more likely impossible to take accurate and timely decisions on long and short-term planning such as: expenditure estimates, revenue estimate, cost of each programme of the universities and the like. Ajayi and Omirin, (2007). Ineffective use of management information system in the Administrative performance by some of the universities usually result in failure of academic programmes, ineffective budgeting, wastage of resources, inaccurate projection of students’ enrolment and manpower needs, poor motivation of staff, poor resource allocation and above all low-level performance of staff. among others.

The difficulty associated with effective performance of Administrative Staff in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and Federal University of Technology Owerri had been attributed to ineffective information management implementation. There had been absence or limited use of relevant management information infrastructures to facilitate expansion of the information communication technology capabilities which has resulted to unacceptable tardiness in the delivery of university administrative services including financial transactions and, release of students’ results and transcripts, student records, accounting information, staff data and so on.

Although information resource is one of the major issues and indices for performance, effective performance in Nigerian Universities has become very difficult due to the ineffective use and adoption of management information system. It is against this background that it becomes an obvious need to study how the use of management information system can affect Administrative performance among Nigerian Universities, taking an indebt focus on Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and Federal University of Technology Owerri.


The Broad objective of this study is to examine the effects of management information system on the performance of administrative staff of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and Federal University of Technology Owerri within the period of 2011 to 2016.

The specific objectives are to:

      i.         Ascertain the effect of Management information system on the performance of administrative staff of selected Universities.

     ii.         Determine the level of adoption of management information system by staff of the selected Universities.

   iii.         Ascertain the relationship between management information system and Administrative Staff performance in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture and Federal University of Technology Owerri.

   iv.         Examine the inhibiting factors of Management information system development on the selected Universities.


The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

               i.         Has Management information system any significance on the performance of Administrative staff of selected Universities?

              ii.         At what level was Management information system adopted by staff of selected Universities

            iii.         What is the relationship between Management information system and administrative staff performance in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture and Federal University of Technology Owerri?

            iv.         What are the inhibiting factors of Management information system development on selected Universities?


The following Hypotheses will be tested in Null form:

HO1:          Management information system has no effect on the performance of Administrative staff of selected Universities.

HO2:          Management Information was not well adopted by Staff of selected Universities.

HO3:          There is no significant relationship between management information system and Administrative Staff performance in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture and Federal University of Technology Owerri.

HO4:          There is no inhibiting factors of Management information system development on selected Universities.         



In Nigeria today, the Significance of an efficient management information system in a stable organization like the University system cannot be overemphasized. This is because of the theoretical and Empirical contribution and benefits that are derivable to not just Michael Okpara university of agriculture and Federal University of Technology Owerri, but to Nigerian universities at large.

The empirical significance of this work is to assist not just the university administration but also public and private organizations administration to structure out an effective way of managing their information that will consequentially improve their employee’s performance, since information must flow from the institution’s management/administrators to staff, students and vice-versa. This can however be achieved by appreciating the paramount role of efficient management information system as a veritable tool for providing timely, relevant and accurate information.

The Theoretical Significance of this study is to reinforce the already existing knowledge and possibly reveal new facts that could form basis for further research studies on human resources practices for effective performance in Nigerian Universities. This work would apart from providing information also facilitate the academic community in high-quality teaching and learning services, carrying out research and online publication. As this would improve and develop the standard of the university.


The scope of this study was designed to examine management information system and the effect it has on the performance of Administrative staff of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and Federal University of Technology Owerri, all in south eastern Nigeria, within the period of 2011 to 2016.

The target scope of this study includes the Registrar Unit, and the information and communication technology. Directors of the both Universities. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture operates a collegiate system, The University has a Senate which oversees and harmonizes all activities of the University. Federal University of Technology Owerri, Uturu is another area covered in this study. As one of the foremost state The Administrative staff of FUTO are pooled Staff under the Registrar. The faculties, colleges, Departments and Units interrelate in a system manner towards the achievement of the University’s vision and mission. Federal University of Technology Owerri, just like Michael Okpara University of Agriculture has a University Senate and Governing Council that have oversight functions of the University activities.

Geographically, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture is located in Umudike, Ikwuano local government area of Abia state. While FUTO is surrounded by many autonomous communities and homesteads all of which had contributed land acquired for the development of the University. These communities are Ihiagwa, Obinze, Umuoma, Nekede, Eziobodo, Avu, Okolochi, Obibiezena, and Emeabiam. It is bisected by a new road between Obinze and Naze which connects the two mentioned major roads.

The Time scope for this study is within the period of 2011 to 2016. This period was chosen to capture a more current and consistent use of management information system in universities. Before this period, most High institutions seldom use the MIS facilities because they were yet to be comfortable with it. So, it was within this period that Most Universities started making effective use and update of MIS facilities in carrying out their administrative functions.


So far, some of the challenges limiting the success of this Research are;

Inadequate information was provided by both Universities due to organizational secrecy and public service bureaucracy, thereby restricting the information gathered by the researcher. In overcoming this challenge, I had to visit all the several administrative units to gather all the information needed, as continuous waiting and relying on the personnel department was futile.

Time equally posed a big constraint in this research work as some environmental factors beyond the researchers control disrupted the smooth timely run of the subject matter. In overcoming this challenge, I was able to engage a few of my colleagues to assist me in the distribution and retrieval of my questionnaires

Finally, there were limited materials and works on the field of study that should have aid the Researcher in carrying out an effective study. In overcoming this challenge, I had to extend my search to not just book print library, but also to online library.


The following terms are defined as applied in the context of this study

Management Information System (MIS): Management information system as used in this work stands for the collection of people, tools, software and their procedure of handling information to perform various business tasks at various levels in the organization

Efficiency: stands for how mis has been able to influence a reduced amount of wasted inputs i.e energy, time and finance etc. and maximizing outputs.

Effectiveness: stands for How Mis has been able to increase or improve the procedure to which organizational objectives are achieved and targeted problems are solved while output in terms of Profits, Goals and solved Problems are achieved.

Selected Universities: This are the cases being studied by the researcher, that is Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike and Federal University of Technology Owerri.

MIS facilities: This stands for equipment and skills that is designed to perform or provide the services of processing or transforming gathered information to produce relevant information that would aid in performing organizational activities. Some these facilities could be computers, power, internet/intranet services and finally an expert or expertise in handling the facilities, etc.

Performance: This stands for action or process employed in achieving organizational objectives or goals.


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