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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006811

No of Pages: 93

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Title Page i
Declaration ii
Dedication iii
Certification iv
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi
Nomenclature xiii
Abstract xv

1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 2
1.3 Aim and Objectives of Study 4
1.4      Scope of Study 4
1.5 Justification of the Study 4

2.1 Overview of Soap Production 6
2.2 Development of Soap Production 7
2.3 Processes of Soap Making 9
2.3.1 Semi-Boiling Process 9
2.3.2 Processing Method 10
2.4 Full-Boiling Process 11
2.4.1 Processing Method 12
2.5 Cold Process 13
2.6 Development of Soap Stamping Technology 15
2.7 Response Surface Methodology 17
2.7.1   Test for significance of the regression model 22
2.7. 2 Test for significance on individual model coefficient 23
2.7.3   Test for lack-of-fit 23
2.7.4   Test for residuals normality 24
2.7.5   Optimization of response surface models 24
2.7.6    Desirability function approach 25
2.8 Review of Stamping and Tableting Machines 26
2.8.1 Major Drawbacks of the Existing Machines 28

3.1 Materials 29
3.2 Methods 29
3.2.1 Machine Design and Description of the Soap Stamping and Tableting Machine 29
3.2.2 Design Concept and Considerations 33
3.2.3 Selection of Pulleys and Belts 34
3.2.4 Selection of Drive Shaft 36
3.2.5 Selection of Prime Mover 38
3.3  Performance Analysis Procedure 39
3.3.1 Determination of limits of the Operational Parameters 44

4.1 Performance Model Development and Analysis 46
4.1.1 Analysis of the Linear Models 48
4.1.2 Analysis of Quadratic (Second order) Models 56
4.1.3 Model confirmatory test results 62
4.2 Optimization Of The Soap Stamping and Tableting Machine 
Performance Parameters 63
4.2.1 The Response Surface Approach 63
4.2.2 Optimization by desirability function approach 68

5.1  Conclusion 70
5.1.1 Contribution to Knowledge 71
Recommendations 71

3.1 Response Surface Design layout 42

4.1 Variation of the Soap stamping and tableting machine performance with conveying speed 46

4.2 Variation of the Soap stamping and tableting machine performance with stamping/tableting speed 46

4.3 Variation of the Soap stamping and tableting machine
performance with  time of operation 46

4.4 Limits of the soap stamping and tableting machine operational parameters 47

4.5 Response Surface Design And Their Corresponding Natural Values 47

4.6 Response Surface design and Responses of the soap 
stamping and tableting machine 48

4.7 Analysis of variance for the linear model of tableting efficiency 49

4.8 Analysis of variance for the linear model of throughput 49

4.9 Analysis of variance for the linear model of specific energy 50

4.10 Coefficients of determination/error standard deviation for linear models. 50

4.11 Effects and coefficients for linear model of tableting efficiency 52

4.12 Effects and coefficients for linear model of throughput 53

4.13 Effects and coefficients for linear model of specific energy 53

4.14 Analysis of variance for the quadratic model of tableting efficiency 57

4.15 Analysis of variance for the quadratic model of throughput 57

4.16 Analysis of variance for the quadratic model of specific energy 58

4.17 Effects and coefficients for quadratic model of tableting efficiency 59

4.18 Effects and coefficients for quadratic model of throughput 59

4.19 Effects and coefficients for quadratic model of specific energy consumption 59

4.20 Coefficient of determination and error standard deviation of the quadratic models 60


2.1 Some Common Variety of Soaps Produced Locally 6

2.2 Soap Stamping and tableting machine 27

3.1 Isometric View of the modified machine  30

3.1b Exploded View of the modified machine  32

3.2 Detailed design drawing of the machine 33

3.3 A typical V-belt with Pulley 35

3.4 Free body and bending moment diagram of applied loads and belt tension 38

4.1       Residual plots for linear model of the tableting efficiency  51

4.2       Residual plots for linear model of the throughput 51

4.3       Residual plots for linear model of the specific energy consumption 52

4.4       Main effects plot of tableting efficiency                54

4.5       Main effects plot of throughput 54

4.6 Main effects plot of specific energy 55

4.7 Residual plots for quadratic model of the tableting efficiency 61

4.8 Residual plots for quadratic model of the throughput 61

4.9 Residual plots for quadratic model of the specific energy 62

4.10 Contour and surface plots of tableting efficiency against STS and CS 64

4.11       Contour and surface plots of tableting efficiency against M, and CS 64

4.12       Contour and surface plots of tableting efficiency against M, and STS 65

4.13       Contour and surface plots of throughput against STS, and CS 65

4.14       Contour and surface plots of throughput against M, and CS 66

4.15       Contour and surface plots of throughput against M, and STS 66

4.16       Contour and surface plots of specific energy against STS and CS 67

4.17 Contour and surface plots of specific energy against M and CS 67

4.18 Contour and surface plots of specific energy against M, and STS 68

4.19 Optimization plot of the soap stamping and tableting machine. 69


θ =      The angle of lap
T_max = Maximum tension of the belts,
T_c = Centrifugal tension.
d =        The diameter of the conveyor and crank shafts
τ = Allowable Shear Stress for steel shaft with provision for key ways,
σ_b = Maximum bending Stress for steel shafts.
η(%) = Tableting Efficiency
Β = Coefficient of Regression
C          =        Centre distances
D1 = Diameter of driving pulley 
D2 = Diameter of driven pulley
K_b  = Combined shock and fatigue factor for bending
K_t  = Combined shock and fatigue factor for twisting 
M_t  = Maximum Twisting Moment on the shafts,
N_g = Number of soap stamped and tableted soaps
N1 = Driving pulleys speed, 
N2 = Driven pulleys speed, 
P        =      Power 
SE = Specific Energy Consumption
t = Time of the operation
TP = Throughput
RSM = Response Surface Analysis or Methodology
AD = Anno Domini
BC = Before Christ
NIST/SEMATECH = National Institute of Standards and Technology


Soap is a salt of a fatty acid used in textile spinning, lubricants production and mainly as surfactant in conjunction with water for washing, bathing and cleaning (Wilcox, 2000; Dunn, 2010; and Thorsten, 2003). Thus, soap is a significant product permanently of good hygiene to man and his setting. Soaps for cleansing are usually obtained by treating vegetable or animal oils and fats such as palm oil, coconut oil, olive oil and laurel oil with strong alkaline solution (Cavitch, 1994; Garzena, 2004), attributed the cleaning action of soap to the action of micelles, tiny spheres coated on the outside with polar hydrophilic (water loving) groups, encasing a lipophilic (fat loving) pocket that may surround the grease particles causing them to disperse in water. Soap making falls into two distinct scales; - small and industrial production.

The production of soap industrially requires a continuous process that involves constant addition of fat and removal of products. Smaller scale production involves the normal batch methods with three major variations: the cold- process, wherein the reaction takes place considerably at room temperature, the semi-boiled or hot-process, wherein the reaction takes place at near-boiling point, and the fully boiled process, wherein the reactants are boiled at least once and the glycerol recovered (Nwankwojike, 2012). The cold and hot processes (semi-boiled bath process) are the simplest and typically used by small scale soap producers, artisans and hobbyists. The sequential steps involved in use of these two processes for soap production by these categories of producers as described in (Dunn, 2010; and Zillion Ztanmax Global Ltd, 2010).

Soaps are produced in different shapes, sizes, colours and qualities/grades depending on their specific uses and manufacturer. However, soaps created by different manufacturers could have different identical shapes and sizes particularly as each manufacturer has a unique mould representing their trademark. Hence, it is always difficult to differentiate soaps of the same features produced by different manufacturers when there is no brand imprint on them. Oluka et al. (1999), said that trademark is made on products by manufacturers to distinguish the products from that of other manufacturers and that it is useful for companies producing high quality merchandise since shoppers typically patronize their product even while not testing. Registration of trademark uniquely distinguishes manufacturer products from deterrent. Furthermore, large scale soap manufacturers registers some unique shape of their products as trademark and print their logo in the body of the products to enable product identification even when it is not packaged or covered with the company's label.

Generally, manual process of soap stamping printing of identification marks and tableting shaping and sizing of factory-made soaps are wiped out by industrial scale machine-controlled producing systems whereas most tiny and a few medium scale soap producers use hand stamps and mould/cutting devices knifes for these two operations. A major constraint in soap production for small and medium scale soap manufactures is difficulty in tableting, stamping and shaping for unique product identification. However in the past, manual method of tableting with a knife edge and stamping with a hand stamp has been developed, but this method is quite laborious, time consuming, lacks precision and consistency and is not commercially viable. On a bid to solve this problem, Eze (2010) developed a manually operated soap tableting and stamping machine. This machine was very tedious to operate, although mechanized, but still faced the same problem confronting the manual method of hand stamping. Consequently, this gave rise to the development of a motorized soap stamping and tableting machine by Echidime (2011) and Asiegbu (2014) respectively. But none of these machines were able to shape the soap to bring about unique product identification in terms of shape and stamping. Hence this gives rise to the need for the modification and optimization of soap tableting and stamping machine for small and medium scale soap manufactures.

Dunn., (2010) customers rate products of small scale soap producers as inferior even supposing a number of their product are of higher quality than some industrially created ones. In addition, the tedium and drudgery associated with the use of manual devices for soap tableting and stamping by small scale producers make production of soap at this level uneconomical and unattractive to entrepreneurs, despite the huge market prospect of this sector in Nigeria. 

Preliminary performance testing of this machine indicates its conveying speed, stamping and tableting speed and time of operation affects its three performance parameters similarly at the same level. In other words, high levels of these three operational parameters results to high values of the three performance indicators. It is desired to operate this machine with maximum efficiency and throughput, and minimum specific energy consumption possible. For this reason, it is of economic sense to apply a multi-response optimization technique that uses small number of experimental runs to evaluate the effect of all these factors simultaneously (instead of one-factor-at-a-time experimental approach which is time consuming and costly) to determine the optimal settings of these operational parameters that will satisfy these three responses.

This study aims at modifying and optimizing a soap stamping and tableting machine for small scale industries. The specific objectives include;

Design and fabrication of a soap stamping and tableting machine for stamping and tableting bar soaps.

Multi-objective evaluation of the machine using central composite experimental design.

Development and optimization of performance models of the machine using response surface methodology.

This work involves design modification, fabrication, and optimization of a soap stamping and tableting machine.

The innovation of soap stamping and tableting machine is of interest and relief to small scale soap producers, it is a set of compact and moveable automated equipment for soap brand stamping and tableting into size primarily for small scale industries. The uniqueness of this machine is it's interchangeable tableting knifes unlike the regular one-off cut operation, a conveying loading bay, a soap ejection conveyor and a collection tray. The automated machine enhances different pattern of desired shape, enhance high efficiency in production, reduce cost of production and increase profit of small-scale producer. This innovation enables high competition between the small-scale soap manufacturers and major soap producers in the industry, reduce drudgery and encourage entrepreneurs to engage in soap production.

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