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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007219

No of Pages: 148

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Fresh cow milk was purchased from Fulani hendsmen while strain of Streptococcus thermophillus coded (9) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (LAB 1 and 2) coded 10 and 13 respectively were obtained from microbiology laboratory in London Metropolis University in United Kingdom. The bacteria strains were purified from 150C to 450C on MRS medium. 400C was observed best for optimal temperature with more viable (LAB) on the milk. Raw milk, 5% skimmed milk, was homogenized and pasteurized at (630C for 30min) cooled to 450C. 500ml of treated milk was inoculated in single with 1ml of (LAB) strain and incubated at 400C or 9h. The samples was cooled and preserved for further use having commercial yoghurt as (control). Proximate, physicochemical and microbial analysis was carried out. There were significant decrease (P<0.05) in total bacteria count of fermented nono samples inoculated with Streptococcus thermophillus coded (9) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (LAB 1 and 2) coded 10 and 13 respectively after inoculation and fermentation with values (8.2 x 106cfu/ml to 7.0 x 106cfu/ml), (7.3 x 106 to 6.3 x 106cfu/ml) and (6.0 x 106 cfu/ml to 5.9 x 106 cfu/ml) respectively, while fresh milk recorded (1.60 x 104cfu/ml). Control recorded no growth on total bacteria load, total viable count, and total coliform count. The total viable count of fresh milk was (1.45 x 104 cfu/ml) while sample inoculated with Streptococcus thermophillus coded (9) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (LAB 1 and 2) coded 10 and 13 after inoculation and fermentation recorded (7.4 x 105 cfu/ml to 4.9 x 105 cfu/ml) (6.2 x 105 cfu/ml to 4.0 x 104 cfu/ml), (6.0 x 104 cfu/ml to 5.9 x 105cfu/ml) respectively.No growth of coliform on samples inoculated with Streptococcus thermophillus coded (9) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (LAB 1) coded (10) while sample inoculated with Lactobacillus acidophilus (LAB 2) coded 13 recorded counts from (3 x 104 cfu/ml to 1 x 104 cfu/ml) after inoculation and fermentation respectively, Crude protein of the samples ranged from (3.5 to 4.92%),sample coded (13) recorded the highest protein content while control was observed lowest, crude fiber of fermented nono samples and control has no significance difference (P>0.05) with the value (0.15 to 0.21%), ether extract of the samples ranged from (2.61 to 3.86%) as fermented nono samples coded (9, 13) recorded no significance  difference (P>0.05) with the values (3.85 and 3.86%) respectively, Ash content of the samples ranged from (0.72 to 1.21%), carbohydrate content of the samples ranged from (9.47 to 13.09%). Energy value of the samples ranged from (89.62 to 98.52%). However, control was significantly low in crude protein, fat and ash but has highest value in carbohydrate. The sensory attributes showed that control was significantly high in mouth feel, sweet, sourness, after taste, consistency and general acceptability than other samples. This might be influence of ingredients added during production of the control.



Title Page                                                                                                                               i

Declaration                                                                                                                            ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                 v

Table of Content                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                         vii

List of Figures                                                                                                                       viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                 ix                     



1.1       Background of Study                                                                                                 1

1.2       Problem Statement                                                                                                      4

1.3       Objective of the Study                                                                                               4

1.4       Justification of the Study                                                                                           5


2.1       Traditional Food Fermentation                                                                                   6

2.2       Microorganisms Associated with Traditional Food Fermentation                             7

2.2.1    Lactic acid bacteria                                                                                                     7

2.2.2    Acetic acid bacteria (AAB)                                                                                        9

2.2.3    Yeasts                                                                                                                         10

2.2.4    Moulds                                                                                                                        12

2.3.      Spontaneous Fermentation                                                                                         13

2.3.1    Back slopping fermentation                                                                                        13

2.4       Starter Cultures                                                                                                           14

2.5       Introduction of Bacteria capable of producing Antimicrobial Substance

for Starter Culture                                                                                                       16

2.6       Development of Inoculum (Starter culture)                                                               17

2.6.1    Single and mixed culture fermentation                                                                       18

2.6.2    Selection of (LAB) for starter culture                                                                      19

2.6.3    Genetic improvement of starter cultures                                                                     19

2.6.4    Functional starter cultures                                                                                           20

2.6.5    Multi-strain dehydrated starter culture                                                                       24

2.7       Scale up Strategy                                                                                                        26

2.8       Antimicrobial Activity                                                                                                28

2.8.1    Bacteriocin production                                                                                               29

2.9       Enzymatic Activity cf Fermenting Microorganisms (Amylolytic activity)                31

2.9.1    Applications of amylases                                                                                            32

2.9.2    Proteolytic activity                                                                                                      32

2.9.3    Lipolytic activity                                                                                                         33

2.9.4    Acidification activity                                                                                                  33

2.10     Prospects and of future use Starter Culture for Traditional African Food Fermentation          34

2.11.    Dairy Products                                                                                                            35

2.11.1  Different products from dairy foods                                                                          38

2.11.2   Cheese production and microbial activities                                                               41

2.12     Major roles of Microorganisms in Cheese Production                                               42

2.13      Yoghurt Production and the Microbial Activities Involved                                      43

2.13.1  Major roles of microorganisms in yoghurt production                                               43

2.14     Ice Cream Production and the Microbial Activities Involved                                   44

2.15     Factors Affecting Spoilage in Dairy Products                                                            46

2.15.1   Prevention of microbial spoilage in milk.                                                                   48

2.16     Health Benefit of Milk to Man                                                                                   49


3.1       Materials                                                                                                                     51

3.2       Preparation of Micro Media                                                                                        51

3.3       Preliminary Test for presence Isolate (subcultured from vial to plate)                       52

3.3.1    Subcultured from plate to slant bottle                                                                                    52

3.3.2    Concentration of the starter culture determination                                                     53

3.3.3    Gram staining                                                                                                              54

3.3.4    Catalase  test                                                                                                               54

3.3.5     Indole test                                                                                                                  54

3.4.6     Citrate utilization test                                                                                                55

3.3.7     Hydrogen sulphide (H2s) production test                                                                  55

3.3.8     Sugar fermentation test                                                                                              56

3.4   Determination of the Optimal Fermenting Temperature of the Single Starter Culture 56

3.4.1 Production of fermented “nono”                                                                                   59

3.5    Proximate Analysis                                                                                                        61

3.5.1 Determination of moisture content                                                                                61

3.5.2 Fat determination                                                                                                           61

3.5.3 Determination of ash content                                                                                        62

3.5.4 Determination of protein content                                                                                  63

3.5.5 Determination of total carbohydrate                                                                             64

 3.6   Physicochemical Analysis                                                                                              64

3.6.1 Determination of pH level of the samples                                                                     64

3.6.2 Total solid determination                                                                                               65

3.6.3 Determination of total soluble solid                                                                              65

3.6.4 Determination of lactose                                                                                                66

3.6.5 Determination of total titratable acidity                                                                                   67

3.6.6 Determination of temperature                                                                                        67

3.7    Microbial Analysis                                                                                                         67

3.7.1 Determination of total viable count                                                                               67

3.7.2 Total microbial count                                                                                                     68

3.7.3 Total coliform count                                                                                                      69

3.8     Sensory Evaluation                                                                                                        70

3.9     Statistical Analysis                                                                                                        70



4.1 Preliminary Test Result                                                                                                     71

4.2 Identification of Coded Isolates                                                                                      72

4.3 pH Values of Uninoculated Treated Milk (control) and Inoculated Samples                  73

4.4 Proximate Composition of the Samples                                                                            87

4.5 Physichochemical Composition of Samples                                                                     92

4.6 Microbial Analysis of Samples                                                                                         96

4.7 Sensory Evaluation of Samples                                                                                        103     




5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  107

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      107

REFERENCES                                                                                                                    108





2.1:      Lactic acid bacteria and their health benefits for food

 Production companies                                                                                    23


2.2:      Dairy products and typical types of spoilage microorganisms or

microbial activity                                                                                            40


4.1:      Identification of the Coded  Isolates                                                             72


4. 2:     Physichochemical Composition of fermented Nono and commercial

Yoghurt (Control)                                                                                          95


4.3:      Proximate Composition of fermented Nono and commercial

Yoghurt (Control)                                                                                      91


4.4:      Quality attributes of fermented Nono and commercial yoghurt (Control)     106







3.1:      Flow chart of preliminary test for novel single strain starter culture              57

3.2:      Flow Chart for the Production of  fermented‘‘Nono’’                                  60

4.1:      pH value of inoculated and uninoculated fermenting cow milk at

150C for 24h                                                                                                   74

4.2:      pH value of Inoculated and uninoculated fermenting fresh cow milk

at 250C                                                                                                            76


4.3:      pH value of Inoculated and uninoculated fermenting fresh cow milk

at 250C                                                                                                            78


4.4       pH value of inoculated and uninoculated fermenting fresh cow milk

at 300C                                                                                                            80


4.5:      pH value of inoculated and uninoculated fermenting fresh cow milk

at 350C                                                                                                            82


4.6:      pH value of inoculated and uninoculated fermenting fresh cow milk

at 400C                                                                                                            84


4.7:      pH value of inoculated and uninoculated fermenting fresh cow milk

at 450C                                                                                                            86


 4.8:     Total Viable Count                                                                                        97


 4.9:     Total Microbial Load.                                                                                     99


 4.10:    Total Coliform count.                                                                                    102





Plate 3.1: Preparation of starter culture process                                                                      52

Plate 3.2: Novel Single Strain starter culture process                                                             58

Plate 3.3:Fermented Nono and the control (Commercial plain yoghurt)                                59







                                                                  CHAPTER   1                           




Nono is a chance traditionally fermented Nigerian diary product produced and commercialized by the Fulani tribe. It is used as a staple food  in the West African Sub-region and the Middle East where it is known as Dahi or Lassai (Nahar et al., 2007; Nebedum and obiakor,2007) Untreated milk spoils within a short time due to microbial activity which gives milk a sour taste and causes precipitation of casein, a processes known as “curdling”. Off flavours and off odours are developed, causing serious wastage of this very important food product. Bacterial actions in milk result in acid production which ceases when the acid strength is increased. Subsequently, mould and yeast present in milk flourish in the acid medium. They utilize the acid and cause chemical changes producing an alkaline condition. Finally, bacteria infiltrate and decompose milk constituents to by-products that are of public health significance. Unhygienic milking conditions and uncontrolled processing methods may create disease conditions such as tuberculosis, typhoid fever, septic sore throat, diphtheria and scarlet-fever. (Shakuntala et al, 2008).

Thus, the introduction of single strain starter culture for production of fermented nono will establish improved standardized quality fermented nono, reduce wastage and improve the availability of the milk product.Inherent microorganisms are responsible for traditional food fermentation.Meanwhile, starter cultures are introduced to ensure and enhance fermentation and favourable processing conditions which can be selected to ensure desired quality (Adesulu and Awojobi. 2014). These processes encourage development of a desirable safe microflora, which preclude growth and sporulation of spoilage bacteria and food borne pathogen. With the increasing demand for natural preservation techniques, introduction of fermentable microorganisms on some foods is gaining interest (Adesulu and Awojobi, 2014). Acid producing microorganisms show some level of food safety by inhibiting the growth of undesirable pathogens such as Ecoli, Enterobacter agglomerans, Listeria monocytogenes and Pseudomonas spp.The introduction of viable lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures has gained interest to standardize traditional fermentation steps.  Many studies have focused on characterization of these microorganisms that are involed in traditional fermentation (Owusu-Kwarteng et al., 2012; Ekwem, 2014; Obinna-Echem et al., 2014)

Traditionally,milk can be fermented by natural occurring microorganisms, especially lactic acid bacterial generally improves palatability, digestibility, and nutritive value of milk products (Achi, 2005).Pure bacteria from wild environs of fermentable foods display diverse metabolic activities that differ strongly from mixed starter cultures used in many food industries  (Lionie Marine Schutte, 2013). These include the viability state and ability to survive growth difference behaviour, abilty to survive and flourish on a perticlar food or raw material, antimicrobial properties and flavor and aroma attributes.Starter culture of acid producing bacteria needs to inhibit the growth of other non acid production microorganism by production of antimicrobial substance such as bacteriocin.Ability of bacteria to produce Lactic acid during fermentation  also reduces the level of antinutrients such as lectin, oxalate, tannins, saponins etc (Ayad et al., 2002). The amount of vitamins can be improved in the fermented foods.

            Preservative activities of lactic acid producing microorganisms have been observed in many fermented foods and the increase lactic acid level to 4.5 during fermentation which killed or retard the existence of spoilage organisms, leading to food deterioration,food infection and illness.(Schnurer and Magnusson, 2005). The expiration period or time of the said fermented food is prolonged.Lactic acid bacteria also produce some inhibitory properties such as bacteriocin and acetic acid against other bacteria (Oyewole, 2012).Some bacteria capable of producing lactic acid during fermentation have been proved with anti-tumour effects.They as well produce some organic acids capable of killing and retard the growth of fungal such as benzoic acid, lactic acid, sorbic acid and nucleic acid. Thus, introduction of lactic acid bacteria as a starter culture helps inhibit and kill the non acid tolerant microorganisms during fermentation within environment.

            Furthermore, bacteria capable of producing organic acid (lactic acid) during fermentation has been demonstrated to inhibit growth of gram-negative bacteria which are highly resistant to most processing (Lionie Marine Schutte, 2013). Thus, fermented foods can control diarrhoeal diseases in children. In recent years, interest has increased on development of latic acid bacteria starter culture for most traditionally fermented foods globally.Such lactic acid bacteria starter cultures would be developed  with bacteria isolated from naturaly ferments of such traditional foods.Use of starter culture in traditionally fermented foods will help sustain uniformity, eliminate all undesirable microorganisms and enhance shelf stability of such product.The texture, colour,flavor,taste,aroma and even the nutritive value of such products will be the same Such products are always reproduceable  (Blandino et al., 2003).The trust of this study is to employ novel single strain of lactic acid bacteria as starter culture from isolates of naturally fermented milk for traditionally fermented nono production.


Milk also known as Nono is one of the most valued natural foods simply because of its high content of most essential nutrients,  it is fermented into at least 400 different specialty products globally (Willey et al., 2008).numerous  microorganisms are involved  in natural fermentation of this product.Unfortunately,there is no unified method and standard culture for locally or traditionally fermented nono production.Resulting to continued contamination and variations on the nutrient composition,texture,flavour, and microbial load of the final product.Novel single strain lactic bacterial starter culture is needed to produce fermented nono of consistent and safe quality; and rich in probiotics for good health of consumers.


The main objective of the study was the potential use of novel single strain starter culture for production of a traditionally fermented ‘Nono’ based on lactic fermentation.


Specific Objectives of the Study are to

i.      Determine the potential novel of single strain lactic acid bacteria starter culture for traditionally fermentation of nono.

ii.                  Produce traditionally fermented Nono using single strain starter culture.

iii.                Determine the proximate properties of the traditionally fermented Nono

iv.                Determine the physicochemical properties of the traditionally fermented Nono

v.                  Examine  microbial quality of the traditionally fermented Nono

vi.          Determine the organoleptic characteristics of the traditionally fermented Nono 

    with commercia yoghurt as control.





The use of novel single strain starter culture for traditionally fermented ‘nono’ product will result in unified product quality, preclude pathogenic microorganisms and improve high content of probiotics .This will make commercial production of this product more feasible and reliable with persistent unique quality and acceptable to consumers and enable the product enter international market, which will creat more job opportunities to the people.

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