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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009309

No of Pages: 82

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Field trials were conducted at the research farm of National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike (NRCRI) (070 330 , 0.50 29/ N) in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 cropping seasons to determine the bud nipping effects of pigeon pea on the growth and yield of component crops in cassava/ pigeon pea intercrop in Umudike, Nigeria. Cassava at a density of 10,000 plants/ha were intercropped with pigeon pea at 20,000plants/ha. The sole cassava varieties were also planted at 10,000 plants/ha. The cassava varieties were NR 8082/bud-nipped PP; NR 8082/non bud-nipped PP; Sole NR 8082; TMS 30572/bud nipped PP; TMS 30572/non-bud nipped PP; Sole 30572; UMUCASS38/ bud-nipped PP; UMUCASS38/ non bud-nipped PP; Sole UMUCASS 38; NR 07/0220/bud-nipped PP; NR 07/0220/non bud-nipped PP; Sole NR 07/0220; Sole bud-nipped PP and sole non bud-nipped PP. One variety of pigeon pea was used. The experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. Four varieties of cassava were used. Two white root (NR 8082 and TMS 30572) and two yellow root (TMS 01/1371 and NR 07/0220). The Pigeon peas were bud-nipped at two months after planting. The cassava was harvested at the end of 12 months while PP was harvested at 7 months after planting. The result showed that intercropping cassava with pigeon pea improved the utilization of growth resources optimally and increased the yields of the component crops. The result also showed that sole and intercropped TMS 30572 cassava variety gave highest fresh root yield in 2017/2018 and in 2018/2019 cropping seasons. The cassava varieties- UMUCASS 38 pigeon pea no bud nipping and NR 8082 pigeon pea no bud nipping were more productive in gross monetary return, net return and benefit-cost ratio indices than other treatments in the two cropping seasons.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              vii

Abstract                                                                                                                      ix


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                            1

1.1       Statement of Problem                                                                                     2


CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                               4

2.1       Conceptual Review                                                                                         4

2.1.1    Concept of bud nipping                                                                                  4

2.1.2    Response of pigeon pea to bud nipping                                                          6

2.1.3    Importance of legume in intercropping                                                          9

2.1.4    Pigeon pea in intercropping system                                                                10

2.1.5    Cassava in intercropping system                                                                    11

2.16     Land equivalent ratio (LER)                                                                           13

2.1.7    Gross monetary revenue (GMR)                                                                    14

2.1.8    Cost benefit ratio (CBR)                                                                                 14


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                    16

3.1.      Description of experimental site                                                                     16

3.2       Field preparation and soil sampling                                                               16

3.3       Experimental design, treatment and treatment allocation                              16

3.4       Planting and planting materials                                                                      17

3.5       Field maintenance                                                                                           17

3.6       Data Collection                                                                                               18

3.7       Proximate analysis                                                                                          18

3.7.1    Determination of moisture content                                                                 18

3.7.2    Determination of crude protein                                                                      19

3.7.3    Determination of ash                                                                                      20

3.7.4    Determination of fat                                                                                       20

3.7.5    Determination of crude fibre                                                                          21

3.7.6    Determination of carbohydrate                                                                       21

3.7.7    Determination of caloric value                                                                       22

3.8       Productivity analysis                                                                                      22

3.8.1    Land equivalent ratio (LER)                                                                           23

3.8.2    Land equivalent coefficient                                                                            23

3.8.3    Area time equivalent ratio (ATER)                                                                23

3.8.4    Gross monetary return (GMR)                                                                       23

3.8.5    Total cost of production                                                                                 23

3.8.6    Net return (NR)                                                                                               23

3.8.7    Benefit-cost ratio (BCR)                                                                                24

3.9       Statistical analysis                                                                                          24


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                      25


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION                                                                                61


REFERENCES                                                                                                        62







Table 4.1:        Soil Physico-chemical properties of the experimental sites in                                 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 cropping seasons (0 - 20 cm)             26


Table 4.2:        Agro-meteorological data of the experiential sites in Umudike, Nigeria

                        (January-December 2017, 2018 and 2019 cropping seasons)           27


Table 4.3:        Effect of intercropping  Pigeon pea bud-nipping and cassava variety on

                        plant height of cassava at different ages in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019

                        cropping seasons                                                                                 28


Table 4.4:        Effect of  intercropping Pigeon pea bud-nipping and cassava variety on

                        canopy spread and canopy thickness of cassava at 12 months after                            planting in 2018/2019 cropping season                                                30


Table 4.5:        Effect of intercropping system, Pigeon pea bud-nipping and cassava

                        variety on number of leaves per plant of cassava at different ages in

                        2017/2018 and 2018/2019 cropping seasons                                      31


Table 4.6:        Effect of intercropping system, Pigeon pea bud-nipping and cassava

                        variety on yield components of cassava in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019

                        cropping seasons                                                                                 33


Table 4.7:        Effect of intercropping system, Pigeon pea bud-nipping and cassava

                        variety on fresh root yield of cassava in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019

                        cropping seasons                                                                                 35


Table 4.8:        Effect of intercropping system, Pigeon pea bud nipping and cassava

                        variety on proximate composition of fresh root yield of cassava in

                        2018/2019 cropping season                                                                36


Table 4.9:        Effect of intercropping system, Pigeon pea bud nipping and cassava

                        variety on proximate composition of fresh root of cassava in 2018/2019

                        cropping season                                                                                  38


Table 4.10:      Effect of intercropping system, Pigeon pea bud-nipping and cassava

                        variety on growth attributes of pigeon pea at different ages in

                        2017/2018 and 2018/2019 cropping seasons                                      40


Table 4.11:      Effect of intercropping pigeon pea bud-nipping and cassava variety on

                        yield and yield components of pigeon pea in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019

                        cropping seasons                                                                                 42


Table 4.12:      Effect of intercropping Pigeon pea bud-nipping and cassava variety

                        on proximate composition of grain yield of pigeon pea in 2018/2019

                        cropping season                                                                                  43


Table 4.13:      Effect of intercropping pigeon pea bud-nipping and cassava variety on

                        proximate composition of grain yield of pigeon pea in 2018/2019

                        cropping season                                                                                  45


Table 4.14:      Correlation matrix of Fresh root yield of cassava and other plant

                        attributes in 2017/2018 crop                                                               47


Table 4.15:      Correlation matrix of fresh root yield of cassava and other plant                            attributes in 2018/2019 cropping season                                            48


Table 4.16:      Correlation matrix of grain yield of pigeon pea and plant attributes in

                        2017/2018 cropping season                                                                49


Table 4.17:      Correlation matrix of grain yield of pigeon pea and other plant                            attributes in     2018/2019 cropping season                                        51


Table 4.18:       Effect of  cassava variety and pigeon pea bud-nipping on  land                             equivalent ratio, gross monetary return, land equivalent coefficient,                        total variable cost of production, net return and benefit cost ratio of                  component crop in cassava/pigeon pea intercrop in 2017/2018

                        cropping season                                                                                  52


Table 4.19:      Effect of cassava variety and pigeon pea bud-nipping on land                             equivalent ratio, gross monetary return, land equivalent coefficient,                        total variable cost of production, net return and benefit cost ratio of                  component crop in cassava/pigeon pea intercrop in 2018/2019                            cropping season                                                                         54







In the humid tropical zone of west and central Africa, cassava is a major food crop, often inter-cropped with annuals which mature earlier. The annual crops may be cereals (Ezumah and Okigbo, 1980), grain legumes (Mba, 1985; Lutaladio, 1986; Balasubramanian and Sekayange, 1990) or vegetables (Ikeorgu et al., 1989). Among the grain Legumes commonly intercropped with cassava are peanuts (Arachi hypogea), pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan) (Okigbo, 1977), and cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) (Mba, 1985; Juo and Ezumah, 1991).

Cassava is grown widely in several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. It was introduced into Africa in the latter half of the 6th century from South America and perhaps also from Central America where it is believed to have originated (Udo et al., 2005). Cassava is a popular energy food in most of the tropics and has replaced yam and cocoyam as the number one carbohydrate staple. According to Udo et al., (2005) cassava is said to provide up to 40 % of all the calories consumed in Africa. Currently, Nigeria is the largest world producer of cassava with about 34 million metric tons. The leading position of Nigeria in cassava root yields is however attributed to increase in hectarage of production over the years (FAO, 2012). Generally, per hectare crop yield obtained by the small holder farmers in Nigeria is still low (10-18 t/ha), compared to those from researcher managed fields (30-40 t/ha) (Alumni and Manyong, 2003). In this research work, four varieties of cassava will be used (two white roots and two yellow roots cassava varieties). The two white roots are; TMS 30572 and NR8082, the two yellow roots varieties are; TMS01/1371 and NR 07/0220.

Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) is one of the tropical and sub-tropical legumes cultivated for its edible seeds. Pigeon pea is fast growing, hardy, widely adaptable and drought resistant (Bekele, 2003). Because of its drought resistance quality, it can be considered to be of utmost importance for food security in regions where rainfall is unreliable and droughts are prone to occur (Cop-Trust, 2004). The fruit of Cajanus cajan is a flat, straight, puberscent pod, 5-9 cm long x 12 - 13 mm wide. It contains 2 to 9 seeds that are either brown, red or black in colour, small and sometimes hard-coated (FAO, 2016).

Dry pigeon peas (seeds) are common in Indonesian and Indian cuisines. In India, pigeon peas are soaked, dried, hulled and split to prepare dhal. In Indonesia, pigeon peas are fermented with Rhizopus mould then soaked, dehulled and cooked to produce tempeh. Fermentation with Aspergillus oryza gives a sauce similar to soy sauce (Orwa et al., 2009). Dry peas can be ground and mixed with wheat flour to give a higher protein content than flour alone. Immature pods may be cooked in curries and other relishes (Orwa et al., 2009; Ayenan et al. 2017). Pigeon pea has numerous uses in animal feeding. The leaves and pods are valuable and palatable protein-rich fodder. The leaves are sometimes used to replace alfalfa in ruminant diets in areas where alfalfa cannot be grown. Seed processing by-products and sometimes the whole seeds are used as livestock feed (Phatak et al., 1993). The seeds can be fed to poultry and mixtures of pigeon pea with maize grain were successfully used in Hawaii (Orwa et al., 2009).


The yield of pigeon pea is limited by a number of factors such as agronomic, pathogenic, entomological, genetic and their interaction with environment.  However, due to poor grain yield record prevalent in pigeon-pea performance, the agronomic practice of bud-nipping was introduced in the study to assess the physiological response of pigeon pea to bud-nipping intercrop with four varieties of cassava in a cassava-based cropping system in Umudike, South East, Nigeria.


The objectives of the study were as follows:

1.     to determine the effect of pigeon pea bud-nipping on growth and yield of the component crops in cassava and pigeon pea intercrop,

2.     to determine the cassava morphotype best suitable in cassava/pigeon pea intercrop,

3.     to determine the effect of pigeon pea bud-nipping on the nutritional quality of the component crops,

4.     to determine the biological and economic productivity of sole and intercropped cassava and pigeon pea.


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