The objective of the
study was to compare the effects of inquiry-based learning and traditional
lecture methods on student’s acquisition of problem solving and scientific
literacy skills in Physics. Five Hypotheses guided the research. The hypotheses
were tested at P<0.05 level of significance. The pre-test and post-test
quasi experimental and control group design was used for the study. The
population comprised of 100 SSS II students offering physics in ten carefully
selected secondary schools in Abeokuta south local education zone of the
ministry of education, Ogun State. Five students from each group were
constituted as the experimental group while the other group of five students
from each school makes up the control group. The experimental group was taught
some selected physics concepts using the inquiry based learning method, while
the control group were taught the same physics concept using the Lecture
method. Two validated instruments called Achievement Test (AT) and Attitude of
Students towards Physics Questionnaires (ATISQ) were used to gather data. Data
collected were analyzed using Cronbach Alpha Technique for reliability
coefficient as follows: AT r = 0.84, and, ATISQ r = 0.80. The result of the
study revealed that: (1) there is a significant
difference in the performance of the experimental group over the control group. In other words,
there is a statistical difference
in the performance of the students taught by inquiry-based learning method over
those taught with traditional lecture method (3) the attitude toward physics of the student taught by
inquiry-based techniques is significantly higher than those taught by
traditional method. (4) there is no
significance gender difference in the acquisition of problem solving skills
among the students and (5) there is a statistical
difference in the acquisition of problem solving skills among students based on
the school they attend The researcher recommended that inquiry based
learning method should be incorporated in Physics Teacher Training Curriculum in
order to produce teachers who would handle Science Process Skills Instructional
Technique effectively. The Federal and State Ministries of Education should
provide adequate funds to sponsor Physics Teachers for in-service training in
Science Process Skills and Instructional Strategy towards improving academic
performance of students in schools.
PAGE . . . . . . . . . i
CERTIFICATION. . . . . . . . . . ii
. . . . . . . . . iii
ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . v
OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . vi
OF TABLES. . . . . . . . . . vii
OF THE STUDY . . . . . . 1
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY. . . . . . . . 4
1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS. . . . . . . . 5
RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS. . . . . . . . 6
DEFINITION OF TERMS. . . . . . . . 8
. . . . 9
INQUIRY – BASED LEARNING. . . . . . . 10
2.3 SCIENTIFIC LITERACY. . . . . . . . 22
OF PHYSICS . . . . . . . 26
TEST . . . . . . . 27
2.7 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . 34
3.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . 35
3.1 METHOD. . .
. . . . . . . 35
3.2 SUBJECT MATTER CONTENT . . . . . . 36
3.3 INSTRUMENTATION . . . . . . . 37
3.6 METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS . . . . . . 38
. . . . . 39
4.3 HYPOTHESES TESTING . . . . . . . 40
5.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS. . . . . . . . 44
5.3 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . 45
5.3 RECOMMENDATIONS. . . . . . . . 45
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . 46
APPENDIX 1 . . . . . . . . . 50
APPENDIX 2 . . . . . . . . . 54
APPENDIX 3 . . . . . . . . . 58
APPENDIX 4 . . . . . . . . . 61
APPENDIX 5 . . . . . . . . . 64
APENDIX 6. . . . . . . . . . 66
APENDIX 7 . . . . . . . . . 67
1.0: Experimental Group Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores . . . . 28
Table 2:
Results of post test and pre test for the control group . . . . 30
3: Mean score of Pre-test for Experimental and Control group . . . 32
Table 4: Mean score of Post-test for Experimental and
Control group . . . 32
Table 5: Mean of total score of Experimental and
Control group. . . . . .33
Table 6: Mean score of Experimental and Control group
in Pre-test and Post-test. . . 33
Table 7: Sex of Respondents . . . . . . . . . 34
Table 8: Age Group of Respondents. . . . . . . . 35
Table 9: Qualification of Teachers. . . . . . . . 35
Table 10: Subject Area of Teachers . . . . . . . . 36
Table 11: Years of teaching Physics . . . . . . . . 36
Table 12: Q1 - Does your school have a physics
laboratory? . . . . 37
Table 13: Q 2 - Do you have electric power source in
the laboratory? . . . 37
Table 14: Q 3 - Do you have alternative power source
in case of power
failure? . . . . . . . . 38
Table 15: Q 4 - Do you hold all your physics lessons
in the laboratory? . . . 38
Table 16: Q 5 - Do you have enough apparatus to do
round all the students
for Laboratory activities
. . . . . . . . 38
Table 17: Q6 - Do you have assistant/technician to
assist you during
laboratory activities? . . . . . . . . . 39
Table 18: Q7 - What is the average physics class size
of your SS 2? . . . 39
Table 19: Q8 - How many hours of laboratory activities
do you have in a week?. . 39
Table 20: Q9 - How often do you stock your physics
laboratory with new equipments?. 40
Table 21: Q10 - Are your students allowed to use the
laboratory for inquiry or project assignments apart from normal class time? . . . . . 40
Table 22: Did you hear about inquiry – based learning
during your training
in the school? . . . . . . . . . 41
Table 23: Have attended any workshop or seminal on
inquiry – based learning?. . 42
Table 24: Have you participated in any laboratory –
based inquiry activities before?. 42
Table 25: Do you know any textbook for teachers on the
use of inquiry based learning?. 43
Table 26: Do you think the inquiry – based learning
method waste time?. . . 43
Table 27: How often do you use inquiry – based method
to teach? . . . . 44
Table 28: Can you design inquiry activities for
student use? . . . . 44
Table 29: Have you ever designed one inquiry – based
activities for student use? . . 45
Table 30: Do you think students learn better through
laboratory activities? . 45
Table 31: Have you done any personal study on inquiry
– based learning? . . . 46
of the Study
Inquiry-based learning is not a new
approach in teaching but it may not be widely used as it could be. A number of
studies have reported the benefits of inquiry-related teaching approaches,
suggesting that these techniques foster students’ understanding of scientific
processes, scientific literacy and critical thinking (Cavallo et al., 2004; Glasson and McKenzie,
1998; Haury, 1993) among other competencies. Inquiry-based teaching can also
improve students’ understanding of scientific method and its strength and
weaknesses (Keller et al., 2000).
These and other studies imply that the use of inquiry-based learning is an
effective approach for teaching science at all levels ranging from K-12 through
to undergraduate education (NRC, 2000). That physics is a practical course is
not a negotiable affirmation. Practical problems as well as standard
examinations in physics do not test only knowledge of physics theories. They
also test science literacy and problem solving skills. “Professional physicists
earn their salaries not particularly for their knowledge of physics but for
their ability to solve workplace problems (Dan Styer, 2002)”.
It is important that teaching and learning
of science should enhance scientific literacy as well as ability to solve
practical problems. We live in a very dynamic world where knowledge is
increasing every second and changes are experienced in almost every sphere of
life. The kind of learners being groomed in our schools must therefore be those
who are able to cope with, and contribute to the existing body of knowledge to
the advantage of man. It is also important that they be scientifically
literate, that is, they must be able to” acquire a mix of concepts, history and
philosophy that help to understand the scientific issues of our time” (Robert,
2002). Man’s brain is expected to do more than storing information and
knowledge. It must be able to manipulate knowledge to solve practical problems.
This idea of solving practical problems is
responsible for the many problems contained in most physics textbooks with
answers supplied. No one solves such physics problems by simply writing down
the correct equations and the correct reasoning with the correct connections
the first time through. Just as no one build a puzzle by putting every piece in
its correct positions the first time through. The answers provided for
questions contained in physics textbooks represent the end product of a problem
solving session and rarely show the process involved in reaching that end
product. This is a deliberate attempt to provoke the problem solving skills in
students. Building a student up to the level of acquiring problem solving and
scientific literacy skills will require a carefully selected method of
teaching. A teaching method that may work for helping students to understand
physics principles may not necessarily work for teaching them to apply the
principles to practical situation in which the physics is helpful. Teachers
therefore need to teach to avoid a situation where students would say “I
understand the material I just can’t solve the problems” as this will mean a
defeat of the objectives of teaching and learning physics as contained in the
National curriculum for physics stated as follows:
is a very crucial subject for technological development and as such its
teaching and learning must be a
matter of national concern. Based on this concern and an analysis of the
situation, the following objectives are to be satisfied by the senior secondary
school physics curriculum”.
provide basic literacy in physics for functional living in the society.
acquire basic concepts and principles of physics as a presentation for further
acquire essential scientific skills and attitudes as a presentation for the
technological application of physics.
stimulate and enhance creativity (National curriculum for senior secondary
schools, 1985)
These four objectives presupposes
understanding of physics concepts and principles beyond head knowledge or
learning and being able to recall just as it was taught. Head knowledge will
only produce ‘informed illiterates’ for they will not be able to put knowledge
gained into meaningful use.
Equally important as acquisition of
problem solving skill is the need to acquire scientific literacy skill. People
must be able to “use science” even if they are unable to “do science”
.According to Robert (2002), “I feel strongly that those who insist that
everyone must understand science at a deep level are confusing two important
but separate aspects of scientific knowledge .As in many other endeavors, doing
science is obviously distinct from using science and scientific literacy
concern only the latter”.
The traditional lecture method might have
been in use for a very long time, investigating how its effectiveness on
student’s gain in problem solving and scientific literacy skills compare with
other newer methods like the inquiry-based learning method is certainly worth
the sort.
Statement of Problem
problem of lack of interest in Physics lies not only on the side of students
but also on the teachers as well as the teaching method they use in their
teaching. Teaching is frequently done in a boring manner: mainly through textbook
reading during lessons, instead of real experiences or multimedia teaching
methods. Lessons are schematic, with no innovative scenarios, like
role-playing, reporting, and competitions and so on. A negative perception of
Physics creates a kind of a negative feedback-in lower secondary school. Other
problems are poorly equipped laboratories, usually possessing only old
experiments, with no explanations or teaching scenarios.
teaching activities, teachers assumed that students are at the same ability
levels and low achievers that need more attention are neglected. If the ability
levels of students are not given the needed attention, then poor performance of
the SS students would remain.
It is in the light of
these that this study was conducted to find out if inquiry based would assist
in improving students acquisition of problems solving and scientific skills in
Physics better than the traditional lecture method.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study are as follows:
- To determine
whether there will be any significant difference in the acquisition of
problem solving skill by physics students taught using inquiry-based learning
method and those taught using traditional lecture method .
- To determine whether there will be any
significant difference in the acquisition of scientific literacy skills by
physics students taught using inquiry-based learning method and those
taught by traditional lecture method.
- To determine
whether there will be any significant difference in the attitude of
students to physics between those taught by inquiry-based learning method
and those taught by traditional lecture method.
- To determine
whether there will be any significant difference between male and female
students taught by inquiry-based learning methods and those taught by
traditional lecture method.
To determine whether there will be any significant difference in the
acquisition of problem solving
skills of physics students taught by inquiry-based learning method and those taught by traditional lecture methods
based on the type of school (public/private) the
students attend.
Research Questions
the purpose of this study, the following research questions are pertinent:
Will there be any significant difference
in the acquisition of problem solving skills of physics students taught by
inquiry-based learning methods and those taught by traditional lecture methods?
Will there be any significant difference
in the acquisition of scientific literacy skills of physics students taught by
inquiry-based learning methods and their counterparts taught by traditional
lecture methods?
Will there be any significant difference
in the attitude of physics students to physics between those taught by
inquiry-based learning methods and those taught by traditional lecture methods?
4. Will
there be any significant difference in the acquisition of problem solving
skills between male and female students taught by inquiry-based learning
methods and those taught by traditional lecture methods?
5 Will
there be any significant difference in the acquisition of problem solving
skills of physics students taught by inquiry-based learning methods and those
taught by traditional lecture methods based on the type of school
(public/private) the students attend?
Research Hypothesis
H1: There will be no
significant difference in the acquisition of problem solving skills of physics
students taught by inquiry-based learning method and those taught by
traditional lecture method.
H2: There will be no
significant difference in the acquisition of scientific literacy skill of
physics students taught by inquiry-based learning method and those taught by
traditional lecture method.
H3: There will be no
significant difference in student’s attitude to physics between students taught
by inquiry-based learning method and those taught by traditional lecture
H4: There will be no
significant difference in the acquisition of problem solving skills of physics
students and their sex.
H5: There will be no significant
difference in the acquisition of problem solving skills of physics students and
the category of school they attend.
Significance of the Study
Learning science lessons by apprehending
requires using science process skills. Having science process skills acquired,
at the same time, means preparing future scientists, having scientific literacy
acquired, that is enabling students to use science information in daily life
(personal, social and global). Science process skills are based on scientific
inquiry and teaching science by inquiry involves teaching students science
process skills, critical thinking, scientific reasoning skills used by
scientists and inquiry is defined as an approach to teaching, the acts
scientists use in doing science and it can be a highly effective teaching
method that helps students to get the understanding of concepts and use of
process skills
It is
hoped that the findings from these studies would:
help the students to develop positive
attitude towards learning Physics
be of benefit to students and it would
equip them for solving problems of scientific nature effectively and at the
same time enhance their academic performance.
motivate physics teachers to teach using inquiry-based
learning method and help them find fulfillment by working as true scientists.
be useful to other researchers who are
interested in issues related to varied abilities.
be useful to associations concerned with
outcomes of research especially those interested in instructional innovations
in Physics
Also be of interest to curriculum
developers who would benefit from the findings of the study by bringing into
focus the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning method and thereby enable
them to make necessary adjustment in the curriculum where necessary.
stimulate further research which would
results in the upliftment of the standard of science education in Nigeria.
1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study will be carried out under the
following scope and limitations due to some constraints in the prevailing
1. The
inquiry-based method and the Traditional lecture method will be focused upon
among other possible methods of instruction which may facilitate problem
solving and literacy skills acquisition among physics students,
2. Only
five private and five public secondary schools in Abeokuta, Ogun State will be
used due to constraint of time, availability of subject, teacher, and
reasonable class size,
3. The
content of instruction shall be within the SS scheme as contained in the
National curriculum for physics.
Definition of Terms
learning: This is the kind of learning through laboratory
activities in which the instructor lead students to discover a specific concept
after being prompted by a specific question or problem.
solving skill: This refers to the skill required to use
the knowledge (of physics) to correctly interpret and solve numeric and
practical problems.
activities: These are physics activities designed for students
from which they can work by investigation to proof theories and establish
science: This refers to science that goes beyond head
knowledge to what is practically useful in everyday life situation.
literacy: Scientific literacy encompasses written, numerical, and digital literacy as they pertain to understanding science, its methodology,
observations, and theories
school: Secondary schools owned and managed by the
school: Secondary schools owned and managed by private
individuals, family, groups or mission.
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