to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Research Hypotheses
Scope of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms
Significance of the Study
Concept, Aims and Objectives of Islamic Studies
Concept of Teachers’ Attitude
Meaning of Information and Communication Technology
Uses of Computer in Teaching and Learning
Teachers’ Attitude towards Information and
Communication Technology
Appraisal of Literature Reviewed
Research Design
Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques
Procedure for Data Collection
Data Analysis Techniques
Data Analysis
Summary of Major Findings
Discussion of Findings
for Further Studies
to the Study
The advent of Information
Communication Technology (ICT), computer systems have shown that they offer
great opportunities for teachers and students in various disciplines. The use
of computer system enable teachers to access the necessary information on
learning instructional materials through the use of internet. Computer system
can be defined as the combination of hardware and software used to store the
needed information from external, internal sources for more accessible
databases towards the accomplishment of organization goals. Through the use of
computer system, necessary information is transmitted widely within the
shortest possible time. Thus enabling researchers, scholars and professionals
to meet, interact and exchange ideas in the field of education (Muhammed,
The role of computer studies in
promoting education cannot be overestimated. Computer technology has gained
recognition worldwide for being used for educational purpose in the school;
that is why it is always said that computer education is a must since almost
every activity is computer driven and cannot be able to make progress as far as
his career options are concerned except it is matched with knowledge of
computer and /or computing technology. There is a clear and wide spread
agreement among the stakeholders in education that all teachers need to be
proficient in information and communication technology as it is capable of
enhancing their knowledge of teaching profession. Information and communication
technology (I.C.T) is often used as an extended synonym for information
technology (IT). It is specific term (i.e. more broad in scope) that stresses
the role of unified communications (telephone lines and wireless signals),
computer as well as necessary enterprise software, middle ware, storage and
audio-visual systems which enable users to access, store, transmit and
manipulate information (Muhammed, 2013).
Computer can be described as
scientific machines that are used to perform tasks or calculating according to
set instruction or programme. Etejere and Ogundele (2008) observed that
computer system enables teachers, researchers, school administrators and
students to acquire process store and disseminate vocal, pictorial, textual and
numerical information through computer system. However, adequate use of
computer system in the school demands effective computer system skills and
Computers also
work through the interaction of hardware and software. The hardware is part of
computer that one can see and touch. The part of computer that helps to
translate instructions and performs calculating is called the central
processing unit. While software refers to the instructions and programmes that
tell the computer hardware what to do through the operating system. Example of
hardware are monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer etc. computers in education
are used in the classroom teaching learning processes through computer aided
instruction (CAL), computer assisted learning (CAL), and e-learning. The use of
computer by the teachers however assists in the curriculum contact delivery.
Computers in the schools system assist in the academic environment to store,
display, transmit and analyze data by the educational researcher. Computer
system is therefore, inevitable for both the teachers and principals, if
schools are to be effective and if their academic goals are to be achieved.
Lawal (2012) noted that, the
assumption of the public that students that study computer education, computer
science, and computer technology in Nigeria tertiary institutions are usually
adjusted or well acquainted to the use of computer system is not true. This is
because there are various computer system resources that come on the market a
new system in acquiring knowledge and information with ease. Computer system in
education is generally used to introduce students and teachers to the use and
working principles of computer system that enhance teacher’s job effectiveness
in their records keeping and teaching learning process in the schools. Computer
system in education aids the following; introduction of simulation and games
pedagogical strategies, computer based instruction, administrative effectiveness,
school discipline, research publications facilities and effective teaching
learning processes. Also, of recent, teachers log into internet websites to access
necessary information for research and assignment.
Hence, computer, as one of the major
tools of I.C.T, since it serves great roles. The productivity side of computer
use in the general content area curriculum is neglected or grossly
underdeveloped (Moursund, 1995; Eisenberg and Johnson, 2006). Recent
publications by educationist and related association advocate for a more
meaningful use of computer-technology in schools. This suggest the integrating
computer skills into the content areas, and that it should not be taught in
isolation as separate “computer classes” as this do not really help students
learn to apply computer skills in meaningful ways. Computer literacy do not
only imply ability to operate computers, but also use it as a tool for
organization, communication research, and problem solving. This suggests a
quick shift from approach and emphasis on theory to practice.
The Nigeria National policy on
Education (2004) cited the importance of computer system in teacher education
programmes exposure to changes in the methodologies, curriculum reform, and
that innovation in the professions is very important. In addition, it is noted
computer system skills enable teachers to implement effective report keeping
strategies and computer assisted instruction and communication. The rationale
for this study therefore, is to investigate the teacher’s attitude towards
computer skills as it impact to teachers’ effectiveness is upper basic schools
especially in Kwara State, Nigeria teaching and learning subjects whether in
developed or developing countries requires the use of various teaching aids/apparatus.
In most of science education, the use of technology is quite acceptable and
highly recommended to enhance learning. Researchers have promoted out the capabilities
of computers to improve students. Scientific knowledge and seated what “what
based technology gives science teachers access to a rich vanity of textual
materials and graphic information “yet, many teachers shy away from
incorporating I.C.T (this computer) into their teaching and learning process
despite the access to computers in the school. Clark (2000) pointed aver that
few teachers used computer-based technologies for instructional purposes and
observed that computer are not being integrated into most instructional
curricula, Heinch, Captain, Vecta and Tidys (2000) noted that advancement in
technology have now made it possible to integrate computer into the teaching of
science. They stressed that the emphasis in teaching and learning should now be
on providing learner with the opportunity for problem solving. These believe should
include cooperative learning methods which may not necessarily require
additional special training in the part of the user. He further stated that
computer is more of natural tool to use in teaching and learning because a wide
variety of software is available. This provides student with experience to work
together to solve complex problem.
Heinch (2000) believed also that
when computer is integrated into curriculum; students will be able to
incorporate several different type of computer application to explore a problem
in a particular field. The students will also learn to explore topics in science
and create meaningful learning experiences for themselves through their
exposure in the knowledge of I.C.T (Heinch, 2000). According to Opue (2003) the
classroom teacher will never be replaced by programme of self-instruction.
Rather, he will be freed to guide the learning of his students in ways that
only a human being can. In using computer for instruction the teacher’s role is
hypothesized as change basically from that of informal to learning
facilitators. His duty of delivering lectures change to that of guide and
problem solver. According to John, (1992), instructor is free from time
consuming chore as compiling, administering and marking test has time to work
individual with the subject. At the school, the instructor decides when the
students use the terminal, read the book or work with laboratory equipment.
This is to say that the teacher is relieved from pure informative task. He
could dedicate himself to the processing of this information. Teachers’
attitude in using computer for instruction are further conceptualized as
spending his time intending group discussion and in working with student
individually and in small group using laboratory work where applicable. The
teacher is not a spectator of in comprehension but guides the student in the
multitude of diversified document to make relevant choice. He is a guarantor of
assimilation as well as facilitator to learner’s use and access to knowledge of
computer in education (Clive, 2006). Secondary school teachers’ attitude
towards I.C.T (Computer) is not particular concern when new subjects or
innovation are introduced into the school system. Therefore, this study
attempts to investigate Upper Basic Islamic studies teachers’ attitude towards
the use of I.C.T in teaching Islamic studies in Ilorin East Local Government
Area Kwara State.
Definitions of attitude are based on
the level of understanding of scholars. An attitude can be defined as a
positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, activities, ideas or just
about anything in your environment (Ozden, 2011). Egly and Chaiken (1998)
defined attitude as psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a
particular entity with some degree of favour or disfavor. Through it is
sometimes common to defined an attitude as an effect towards an object, effect
(i.e. discrete emotions or over all arousal) is generally understood to be
district from attitude as a measure of favourability (Ajzen, 2001).
This definition of attitude allows
for one’s evaluation of an attitude object to vary from extremely negative to
an extremely positive, but also admits that people can also be conflicted or
ambivalent towards on object meaning that they might at different times express
both positive and negative attitude towards the same object (Wood, 2000)
whether attitudes are explicit (i.e. deliberately formed) versus implicit (i.e.
sub-conscious) has been a topic of considerable research. Research on implicit
attitudes, which are generally unacknowledged or outside of awareness, uses
sophisticated method involving of people’s response times to stimuli to show
that implicit attitude exist (perhaps in tandem with explicit attitudes of the
same object). Implicit and explicit attitudes seem to affect people’s
behaviour, though in different ways. They tend not to be strongly associated
with each other, although in some case they are. The relationship between then
is poorly understood.
Barron, Schwartz, Vye, Moore,
Petrosina, Zech and Bransford (1998) noted that attitudes can influence out
thoughts, even if they are not always reflected in our overt behaviour.
According to the researchers, while many attitudes are explicit (conscious and
reportable). Others are implicit (uncontrollable and perhaps not consciously
accessible). However; attitudes truly are essential building block of social
thought. Attitudes are important because they affect our behaviour. According
to Ajzen (1991), attitudes affect our behaviour when they are strong and
The teaching of Islamic students in
the school system aims at affecting significant positive changes in the
behaviour of learners and their personality. Consequently, the quality of one’s
education depends mainly on the nature of knowledge being disseminated and
acquired. Islamic studies is a unique world view, which is all encompassing,
through it man gains information otherwise beyond his comprehensive and such
could be used to uplift society (Adedeji, 2003).
The characteristics of Islamic
studies education is such that it impacts to the learner/students a true
knowledge of his responsibility to the individual, to the family and the
society at large. Islamic studies are essential for moral intellectual and
spiritual development of the child. Recognizing these need: the curriculum for
Islamic studies was designed at different levels of education particularly,
junior and senior secondary school with the objective of inculcating true and
balance intellectual and religious in the learner at a reformative age
(Ajidagba, 2005).
The following are the Information
and Communication Technology tools that can be used to teach different subjects
including Islamic studies: computer, internet, satellite, phones, radio,
television, cellular, network, hardware and software, Microsoft, power point,
you tube website, Microsoft excel, and so on. Microsoft power-point can be used
in teaching Islamic studies because, its programme has been used to modify the
contents of the materials and help teachers to transfer text to the slides and
insert some graphics related to the topic in order to make students understand
them better. Sometime other torching slides of device with shooting background
music which would be liked to certain topic slides. Wan and Kamarauzana (2009).
Similarly, Jamaliudin and Zaidatun (2005) added that by putting an image that
relates to the days concepts, playing music or having a short video clip to
draw student’s attention or stimulate discussion. The impact is very effective
when the students give their fullest attention in the classroom.
Microsoft power point is a relevant
tool to the teaching of Islamic studies when dealing with fundamental aspect of
Islam. Such as prayer (salat), a complete rakah as a topic in salat has various
steps and each of the steps can be taught through the use of related graphic,
soothing background and text of the Microsoft power point. This will enable
students to concentrate fully on the lesson and understanding it better,
because three tools are used to teach a particular step Muhammad, 2013).
Statement of the Problem
Over the years, efforts have been
made by the government to make computer training accessible to both public and
private schools’ teachers through organizing workshops and seminars in order to
improve their skills and knowledge of computer application to better their
productivity, competency and efficiency in the course of their lessons delivery
in the classrooms but this has not been materialized due to the attitude of
some teachers towards the use of computer during the course of their teaching
(Osborne and Hennessy, 2003).
However it has been observed that
teaching and learning of Islamic studies in secondary schools was embedded with
multidimensional problems which hampered successful implementation of the
curriculum. The most obvious learning problem are the teachers who are
ill-equipped for the task ahead, unqualified, complexity of the curriculum,
inadequacy of instructional facilities for example, computer lap-top etc.
(Arikewuyo, 1999). In Nigeria today, Islamic studies teachers have been
requested to shift from conventional method of teaching Islamic studies and
embark on the application and utilization of I.C.T equipment. This will help to
enhance the interest of the students and improve their academic performance in
the subject. Many researches have been done relating to the use of I.C.T to
teach in secondary schools and colleges. But there is need to determine the
extent to which Islamic studies teachers are ready to embrace this new teaching
strategy. Therefore, the focus of this project work is to determine the
attitude of Islamic studies teachers towards the use of ICT in teaching Islamic
Religious studies in Upper Basic Schools in Ilorin East Local Government Area.
Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of this study was
to investigate the Upper Basic school Islamic studies teachers’ attitude
towards the use of ICT (Computer) in teaching Islamic Religious Studies (I.R.S)
in Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State. Specially, the study examined:
the Upper Basic School Islamic Studies
teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for teaching Islamic Studies in
Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State.
the Upper Basic School Islamic Studies
teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for teaching Islamic Studies in
Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State on the basis of gender.
the Upper Basic School Islamic Studies
teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for teaching Islamic Studies in
Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State on the basis of teachers’
the Upper Basic School Islamic Studies
teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for teaching Islamic Studies in
Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State on the basis of teachers’ years of
teaching experience.
Research Questions
Answers were sought to the following
research questions:
What is the Upper Basic School Islamic Studies
teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for teaching Islamic Studies in
Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State?
Is there difference in Upper Basic School
Islamic Studies teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for teaching Islamic
Studies in Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State on the basis of gender?
Is there difference in Upper Basic School
Islamic Studies teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for teaching Islamic
Studies in Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State on the basis of teachers’
Is there difference in Upper Basic School
Islamic Studies teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for teaching Islamic
Studies in Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State on the basis of teachers’
years of teaching experience?
Research Hypotheses
The following null hypotheses were
tested in this study:
H01: There is no significant difference in Upper
Basic School Islamic Studies teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for
teaching Islamic Studies in Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State on the
basis of gender.
H02: There is no significant difference in Upper
Basic School Islamic Studies teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for
teaching Islamic Studies in Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State on the
basis of teachers’ qualification.
H03: There is no significant difference in Upper
Basic School Islamic Studies teachers’ attitude towards the use of ICT for
teaching Islamic Studies in Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State on the
basis of teachers’ years of teaching experience.
Scope of the Study
This studies was carried out to
assess the attitude of Upper Basic Islamic studies teachers toward the use of
ICT in teaching Islamic studies in Ilorin East Local Government, Kwara State.
The population of the study comprised all Upper Basic Islamic studies teachers
in Ilorin East Local Government. 100 teachers were sampled form ten (10)
schools in Ilorin East Local Government. An adapted questionnaire was used to
carry out the research work and T-test statistical tool was used to test all
hypotheses formulated at 0.05 significance difference.
Operational Definition of Terms
The following terms and variables
were operationally defined:
It is the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of information
related to a particular out come and it is a long-term process. (Suskie, 2004).
Attitude: It
represent a general feeling either positive or negative about ICT.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT): It refers to as computer and laptop.
Islamic Studies:
It is a subject taught in schools to development of a balanced personality that
is socially accommodating intellectually alert, morally sound and spiritually
upright (Adebayo, 2005).
Experienced Teacher: Experienced teacher in this study, refers to
Islamic studies teachers who have been teaching Islamic studies for at least,
five (5) years at Upper Basic School Level.
Less Experienced Teacher: Less experienced teacher in this study, refers to
Islamic studies teachers with less than five year teaching experience in
teaching Islamic studies.
Qualified Teacher:
Qualified teachers in this study, refers to Islamic studies teachers with any
of the following degree certificated B.A (Ed), M.A. (Ed), or PGDE in Islamic
Unqualified Teachers: Unqualified teacher, in this study refers Islamic
studies teachers without B.A. (Ed), M.A.(Ed) or PGDE in Islamic studies.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study would
benefit computer teachers, I.R.S teachers, school administrators, curriculum
planners and researchers to be equipped with relevant materials that can
enhance teachers’ improvement on the use of Information and Communication
Technology (Computer System) in Upper Basic School in Nigeria.
The findings of this work would
assist teachers of computer by information them of the importance of
information and communication technology, while teaching.
The finding of this study would
provide the needed in sight for Islamic studies teachers so as to know the
degree of utilization of information and Communication Technology tools in
teaching, enhancing and militating factors in the use of Information and
Communication Technology tools and possible strategies for effective use of
This study is significant for
curriculum planners in order to create awareness between public and private
sector on the use of Information and Communication Technology tools. The
finding of this study would also engender the need for Information and
Communication Technology (I.C.T) tools developers to develop tools which are
relevant to learners.
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