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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007191

No of Pages: 151

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Toxicity is a measure of the degree to which a substance can be poisonous or harmful. It deals with the effects of chemical substances on organisms. The contamination of aquatic environment with various kinds of petroleum products has been a long-term issue and can as such affect the roles of microorganisms in food chain and as agents of degradation of substances in the aquatic environment.  The acute toxicity of petroleum products was assessed on some bacterial species. The petroleum products used include; (drilling fluid – Oil based drilling fluids (OBDF) and Water based drilling fluids (WBDF), degreasers – Aquabreak and Rigwash, Oil Spill dispersants – OSD seacare and Industrial detergents- Gamazyne Biological Toilet Cleanser (BTC) and Teepol). The test bacteria were isolated and identified using standard methods. The test isolates used were Nitrobacter sp, Pseudomonas sp, Vibrio sp, Escherichia coli and Bacillus sp. The percentage log survival was used as an index for acute toxicity. The results obtained from the percentage log survival revealed a decrease in the percentage log survival as the concentrations and exposure periods increased for all the test isolates. The decrease in the survival of the test isolates suggested that the functions of each of the test isolate in the aquatic habitat may as well be impaired like degradation capability of Pseudomonas sp. The toxic effect of these chemicals could also affect the ability of the affected aquatic habitat in supporting life of aquatic organisms. The sensitivity trend for the test organisms at 95% confidence level showed a decreasing order; respectively. Nitrobacter species was responsible for the oxidation of nitrites to nitrates in the nitrogen cycle. The study revealed that these petroleum products were toxic to the test organisms. Growth inhibition of these microorganisms by the petroleum product may have led to the disruption of the biogeochemical cycles where they acted as the key degraders. Such could have had an overall effect on the entire biodegradation activities. The significance of the toxicity of the petroleum products on the test isolates was analyzed by ANOVA using SPSS and the result revealed that there was significant difference between the isolates and the hydrocarbons concentrations. For Nitrobacter species in freshwater, BTC had the lowest toxicity (LC50 2547.24 ppm) while WBDF and Aquabreak had the lowest toxicities (LC50 (454.02 ppm); (LC50 242.90 ppm) in marine and brackish water respectively. The higher the LC50, the lower the toxicity of the chemical. For Pseudomonas sp, OBDF had the lowest lethal toxicity (2073.69 ppm), WBDF (5776.69 ppm) and Aquabreak (230.04 ppm) in freshwater, marine and brackish water respectively. For Escherichia coli, WBDF had the lowest (2192.73 ppm) lethal toxicity on the isolate from freshwater, Aquabreak in marine water (1358.45 ppm) and brackish (4778.71 ppm). In Vibrio sp BTC had the lowest lethal toxicity LC50 in freshwater (2334.02 ppm), WBDF (1980.25 ppm) in marine water and Aquabreak (719.45 ppm) in brackish habitat. Same trend was also observed in Bacillus.




Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                     v

Table of Contents                                                                                                      vi

List of Tables                                                                                                            ix

List of Figures                                                                                                           x

Abstract                                                                                                                     xii


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION                                                                            1

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                             1

1.2       Scope of the Study                                                                                        3

1.3       Statement of the Problem                                                                             3

1.4       Aim of the Study                                                                                           4

1.5       Objectives of the Study                                                                                 4

1.6       Justification of the Study                                                                              4

1.7       Significance of the Study                                                                              5


CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW                                                               6

2.1       Nigeria's Petroleum Industry                                                                       7

2.2       Nigerian Oil Discovery                                                                                  8

2.3       Nigerian Oil Production                                                                               9 

2.4       Pollution caused by Oil as an issue for the Environment                          10

2.5       The Upstream Industry                                                                                11

2.5       Downstream sector: Refining, Processing and Marketing                        12

2.6       Effect of Petroleum Resources on Nigeria's Economy                              13

2.7       Oil Industry's Environmental and Health Effects                                                  14

2.7.1    Drilling                                                                                                           17

2.7.2    Gas flaring                                                                                                     20

.2.7.3   Spilt oil                                                                                                           23

2.8       Petroleum Products and Oil Industry's Upstream Sector                                     25

2.8.1    Fluids for drilling                                                                                          25

2.8.2    Degreasers                                                                                                     28

2.8.3    Dispersants for oil spills                                                                                29

2.8.4    Detergents                                                                                                      36

2.9.      Toxicology of the Environment                                                                   37

2.9.1    Toxicology of aquatic organisms                                                                 39

2.10     Toxicity of Fluids for Drilling                                                                       41

CHAPTER 3   MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                   43

3.1       Sample Collection                                                                                          43

3.2       Physicochemical Analyses of the Water Sample                                        43

3.3       Bacterial Isolation from the Water Samples                                               43

3.3.1    Isolation of bacteria from the experimental water samples for ecotoxicity

            tests                                                                                                                 43


3.3.2    Characterization of the test isolates                                                             44 Colonial morphology                                                                                    45 Microscopic examination                                                                              45

3.4       Organisms for Ecotoxicity                                                                            45

3.5       Types and Sources of Petroleum Products for Ecotoxicity Tests              45

3.6       Sterilization of Materials                                                                                           46

3.7       Preparation of Media                                                                                                46

3.8       Ecotoxicity of Petroleum Products on Nitrobacter spp and other Bacterial

Isolates                                                                                                            57

3.8.1    Preparation of test medium                                                                          57

3.8.2    Preparation of test organisms                                                                                  57

3.8.3    Preparation of standard bacterial inoculum                                               57

3.8.4    Test procedure for the bacterial species                                                     58

3.8.5    The percentage log survival of Nitrobacter spp and other bacterial

            isolates in the toxicants                                                                                  58

3.9       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         59

CHAPTER 4 RESULTS                                                                                          60

4.1       Results                                                                                                            60

4.2       Discussion                                                                                                      113


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                          121

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      121

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                         121

5.3       Contributions to Knowledge                                                                        122







4.1:      Physicochemical characteristics of the water samples                               61

4.2:      Colonial characteristics of the bacterial isolates                                                     62

4.3:      Bacterial isolates from the experimental aquatic environment                             63

4.4:      24th median lethal toxicity (PPM) on Nitrobacter                                        108

4.5:      24th median lethal toxicity (PPM) on E. coli                                                109

4.6:      24th median lethal toxicity (PPM) on Pseudomonas sp                               110

4.7:      24th median lethal toxicity (PPM) on Vibrio sp                                          111

4.8:      24th median lethal toxicity (PPM) on Bacillus sp                                       112






4.1       Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling

fluid, BTC and Teepol to Nitrobacter in fresh water                                              76

4.2:      Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Nitrobacter in

fresh water                                                                                                     77

4.3:      Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

BTC and Teepol to Nitrobacter in marine water                                        78

4.4:      Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Nitrobacter in

            marine water                                                                                                 79

4.5:      Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

             BTC and Teepol to Nitrobacter in brackish water                                     80


4.6:      Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Nitrobacter in

            brackish water                                                                                                           81

4.7:      Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

            BTC and Teepol to Pseudomonas sp in fresh water                                               82


4.8:      Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Pseudomonas

             sp in fresh water                                                                                           83

4.9:      Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

            BTC and Teepol to Pseudomonas sp in marine water                               84

4.10:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Pseudomonas sp

in marine water                                                                                                         85

4.11:    Lethal toxicity of the Oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

BTC and Teepol to Pseudomonas sp in brackish water                             86

4.12:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Pseudomonas sp in

brackish water                                                                                               87

4.13:    Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

BTC and Teepol to Vibrio sp in fresh  water                                                           88

4.14:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Vibrio sp in

fresh water                                                                                                     89

4.15:    Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

BTC and Teepol to Vibrio sp in marine water                                            90

4.16:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Vibrio sp in

marine water                                                                                                 91

4.17:    Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

            BTC and Teepol to Vibrio sp in brackish water                                         92

4.18:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Vibrio sp in brackish

water                                                                                                              93


4.19:    Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

            BTC and Teepol to Escherichia coli sp in fresh water                               94

4.20:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Escherichia coli sp

in fresh water                                                                                                 95

4.21:    Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

BTC and Teepol to Escherichia coli sp in marine water                            96                                                                        

4.22:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Escherichia coli sp

in marine water                                                                                             97

4.23:    Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

BTC and Teepol to Escherichia coli sp in brackish water                         98

4.24:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Escherichia coli sp in

brackish water                                                                                               99

4.25:    Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

BTC and Teepol to Bacillus sp in fresh water                                            100

4.26:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Bacillus sp in

            fresh water                                                                                                                 101

4.27:    Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

BTC and Teepol to Bacillus sp in marine water                                         102

4.28:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Bacillus sp in marine

 water                                                                                                             103

4.29:    Lethal toxicity of the oil based drilling fluid, water based drilling fluid,

BTC and Teepol to Bacillus sp in brackish water                                      104

4.30:    Lethal toxicity of Rigwash, Aquabreak and OSD to Bacillus sp in

            brackish water                                                                                               105









1.1               BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

Hydrocarbon contamination caused by petrochemical sector activities is currently one of the most serious environmental issues. Accidental discharges of petroleum products are a major environmental problem (Nilanjana and Preethy, 2011).

Petroleum and petrochemical pollution have been identified as a big and serious concern in the environment (Alexander, 2000). Because oil is so easily absorbed into the food chain, most of its components are hazardous to humans and wildlife. This has aroused a lot of concern over the effects of hydrocarbon pollution of the environment (Alexander, 2000; Semple et al., 2003; Stroud et al., 2007, 2009; Nrior and Odokuma, 2015a).

Drilling fluid (oil and water basis), Dispersants for oil spills, degreasers, and industrial detergents are just a few of the petroleum products used in Nigeria's upstream sector (EGASPIN, 2002).

They are a mixture of chemical substances, both natural and synthetic that are used in cooling and greasing the drill bit, removing cuttings from the bottom of the hole and bringing them to the surface, controlling formation pressure, and improving the drill string and equipment in the hole (Burke and Veil, 1995).

 Drilling muds in Nigeria are divided into two categories: Muds made of water and oil (mineral/synthetic or pseudo-mineral/synthetic (EGASPIN, 2002). Drilling off-shore is becoming more common as it is a means of discovering new oil reserves. This has become a new source of petroleum pollution.

As a detergent and cleaning agent, any soap or non-soap powder can be used in both industrial and home settings (Holding, 2005). The need for an improved method of biodegradation has become more imperative owing to the introduction of new synthetic materials or products into the aquatic environment. Again, the difficulty in the management of these new synthetic products has led credence in continued call for the treatment of these pollutants before they are discharged into the aquatic environments. Detergents are detrimental to the environment, they could be instrumental to the breakdown of the exterior mucus layer that shields fish from germs and other infections, severe damage to the gills, decreasing of the water's surface tension, algae bloom that release toxins and restrict oxygen in streams, and a decrease in the capacity of aquatic creatures to reproduce (Holding, 2005). The primary factors to the detergents' toxicity are the sodium silicate solution and the surfactant employed in their formulations (Holding, 2005).

Humans use water sources for recreation, and some aquatic habitats are critical to the tourism sector, particularly in temperate areas (Fuhrman, 1991).

Most Nigerian chemical, culinary, agricultural, and petroleum-based industries dump their wastes in natural surface waters, which include ponds, streams, rivers, estuaries, lagoons, lakes, seas, and oceans, either directly or indirectly (NEST, 1991; Nrior and Wosa, 2016). These wastes are capable of causing harm to aquatic microbial species. Therefore, the research study was to investigate the toxic effects of some petroleum products used in the upstream sector of the petroleum industry for oil exploration and production activities.


The scope of the study included:

i.        The determination of the effect of acute toxicity of petroleum compounds like drilling fluids, oil dispersants, degreasers, and industrial detergents on microbial species isolated from the aquatic ecosystems.

ii.      The evaluation of physicochemical properties of the experimental marine, brackish, and freshwater ecosystems.

iii.    Isolation and identification of bacterial species associated with the experimental marine, brackish, and freshwater ecosystems.


i.                    Increases in carbon dioxide and other gases are directly linked to the usage of fossil fuel sources in energy production. Such increase in carbondioxide content of the air has led to the current global warming trend (Nrior et al., 2017b).

ii.                  Petroleum exploration, development, and production have negative and severe local effects on the aerial, soil and aquatic environments. (Aniefiok, 2013).

iii.                The vast amounts of offshore oil and gas exploration, as well as the scarcity of data on the impact of waste on aquatic ecosystems, have put existing petroleum sector     management rules and recommendations to the test (Aslan et al., 2019). In view of this, it has become imperative to determine the influence of petroleum compounds on aquatic lives more especially in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria.

1.4       AIM OF THE STUDY

This study was aimed at finding out the ecotoxicological effects of various petroleum products on aquatic bacterial species.

                1.5       OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

                The specific objectives of the study included;

i.                    The isolation and characterization of species of bacteria associated with selected aquatic habitats (Marine, Freshwater and Brackish) in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria.

ii.                  The selection of test bacterial species from the array of the bacterial isolates for more            detailed study in terms of the effect of some petroleum products and detergents on     the activities of the said bacteria on the study aquatic environment.

iii.                The said products included; drilling fluids, oil dispersants, degreasers, and industrial detergents.


i.                    The assessment of organic chemical toxicity is a necessary component of environmental risk assessment and this is required by law. (European Parliament Regulation (EC), 2004).

ii.                  There is scanty information on the petroleum products employed in Nigeria's petroleum industry which have ecotoxicological effects on aquatic organisms. In view of this, there is urgent need to provide baseline data on the effects of drilling fluids, oil           dispersants, degreasers, and industrial detergents that are commonly employed in crude oil exploration on various aquatic species especially aquatic bacterial populations.


The significance of the research study included the following:

i.        Till date the effects or toxicity of drilling fluids, oil dispersants, degreasers, and industrial detergents on aquatic bacterial species of the aquatic environments within the crude oil exploiting areas of the Niger Delta are yet to be determined.

ii.      It has also become imperative to determine the LC50 for each product used in the petroleum exploitation industry.



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