This study was carried out to evaluate the potential of Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium sp in removing Zinc, Mercury
and Chromium from raw refinery effluents. Physicochemical, heavy metal content
and heavy metal removal capacity were determined, from the raw refinery
effluents from the Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical Company (KRPC) using
standard procedures. Most of the physicochemical and heavy metal content were
within the permissible limits set by the Federal Ministry of Environment
Nigeria (FEMNV) except temperature (42.70C), Conductivity (48.10µS/cm), Chloride (835.5mg/l) and Mercury
(0.0024mg/l). Two fungal species; Aspergillus
flavus and Penicillium sp originally isolated from the KRPC were obtained
from the Department of Microbiology,
Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and re-authenticated by characterization on the
basis of their macroscopic and microscopic morphologies using standard
taxonomic guides. The isolates were inoculated into 100ml flask containing 50ml
of the Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB) supplemented with 5, 10 and 15 µg/ml of Zn,
Hg and Cr analytical grade salts, to test for the heavy metal tolerance using
dry weight mycelial mat. It was observed that the two fungal species were
tolerant and grew in the medium containing 5, 10 and 15ppm of the test heavy
metals. The isolates removed substantial amount of Zn, Hg and Cr from the raw
refinery effluent. Aspergillus flavus
was able to remove 74% of Zinc, 85% of Mercury and 81% of Chromium which
translated to adsorption of 0.800mg/g of Zinc, 0.530mg/g of Mercury and
0.133mg/g of chromium, after 7days Penicillum
sp was able to remove 84% of Zinc, 56% of Mercury and 84% of chromium
translating to the adsorption of 0.323mg/g of Zinc, 0.413mg/g of Mercury and
0.72mg/g of Chromium, over same period. It was therefore concluded that Aspergillus flavus and Penicillum sp obtained from effluent
polluted environments were tolerant to the heavy metals and are good agents in
treatment of refinery effluents and remediation of sites polluted with Zinc,
Mercury and Chromium.
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………...
List of
List of
List of
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………........1
1.1 Statement
of Research Problem………………………..4
1.2 Justification
for the study………………..…………………………......5
1.3 Aims of
1.4 Specific
LITERATURE REVIEW………………….............……………………………………………8
2.1 Heavy
2.2 Environmental
and Health Risks of Heavy Metals……………………………………....10
2.2.1 Chromium……………..………………………………………………………………....10
2.2.2 Mercury…………………………………………………………………………………..11
2.2.3 Lead……..…………………………………………………………………………….….12
2.2.4 Nickel……………………………………………………………………………………..13
2.2.5 Cadmium………………………………………………………………………………....14
2.2.6 Zinc……………………………………………………………………………………….15
2.2.7 Arsenic…………………………………………………………………………………....16
2.3 Industrial
Wastewater Sources………………………………………………….………...17
2.4 Conventional
Processes for Removal of Heavy Metals…………………………………..18
2.4.1 Chemical
2.4.2 Ion
2.4.3 Electrolytic
2.4.4 Adsorption
on new adsorbents……………………………………………………………22
2.4.5 Adsorption
on modified natural materials……………………………………………….21 Zeolites……..…………………………………………………………………………..22 Clay–polymer
composites…..…………………………………………………………22 Phosphate-based
2.4.6 Adsorption on industrial by-products……………………………………………………22
2.4.7 Adsorption
on modified agriculture and biological wastes (bio-sorption)……………....24
2.4.8 Adsorption
on modified biopolymers and hydrogels…………………………………….25
2.4.9 Membrane
2.4.11 Evaluation of heavy metal
removal process……………………………………………..30
2.4.12 The role of fungi in the
removal of heavy metals……………………………………….32
MATERIALS AND METHODS……………………………………………………………….39
3.1 Study
Site …………………………………………………………………………….….39
3.2 Sample
3.21 Sampling
3.3 Collection
of Refinery Effluent…………………………………………………………...40
3.4 Preliminary
Analysis of the Raw Refinery Effluents Sample…………………………….44
3.4.1 Determination
of pH……………………………………………………………………...44
3.4.2 Determination of
3.4.3 Determination of electrical
3.4.4 Determination of Total Dissolved
3.4.5 Determination of Total Suspended
3.4.6 Determination
of dissolved oxygen (DO)…………………………………………..…….45
3.4.7 Determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand
3.5 Determination
of Heavy Metal Content of the Effluent………………………………..…46
3.6 Source of
fungal isolates……………………………………………………………...…...47
3.6.1 Re-authentication
of Fungal Isolates…………………………………………………..….47
3.6.2 Preparation
of fungal Inocula………………………………………………………..……47
3.7 Determination of Zinc, Mercury and Chromium Tolerance by the Fungal
3.7.1 Preparation of stock solution of heavy metal
3.7.2 Procedure
for Determining Heavy Metal Tolerance of Fungal Isolates………………….48
3.8 Assessment
of the capacity of the fungal isolates in removal of Zinc,
and Chromium from the refinery effluents…………………………………......50
4.1 Physicochemical
Properties of the refinery effluent……………………………………....51
4.2 Cultural and Microscopic
Characteristics of the Fungal isolates used for this Study…….55
4.3 Tolerance
of the test fungal isolates to Zinc, Mercury and Chromium…………………...58
4.4 Removal
of Zinc, Mercury and Chromium by the test Fungal isolates…………….…….62
4.5 Adsorption
of Zinc, Mercury and Chromium by Penicillium
and Aspergillus flavus…………………………………………………………………….62
5.1 Physicochemical
Parameters of the Refinery Effluent……………………………………65
5.2 Heavy
Metal Content of the raw refinery effluents……………………………………….66
5.3 Resistance
of test fungal isolates to Zinc, Mercury and Chromium………………………67
5.4 Heavy
Metal Removal and Adsorbed by Aspergillus
flavus and Penicillium
6.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….……71
6.1 Recommendation……………………………………………………………………….…..72
6.2 Contribution
to knowledge…………………………………………………………………72
Table 2.1: The Acceptable Limits
for most hazardous heavy metals…………………………….9
Table 2.2: Adsorption capacities
of modified natural materials for heavy metals…………..…..23
Table 2.3: Adsorption capacities
of some agricultural and biological wastes for heavy metals...26
Table 2.4: Advantages and
disadvantages of the physicochemical methods
for treatment of heavy metals in wastewater…………………………………….……33
Table 4.1: Physicochemical
properties of the refinery effluent………………………………….52
Table 4.2: Percentage Removal of
Heavy Metal by Test Fungi from the Refinery Effluents……63
Table 4.3: Quantities of the
Heavy Metals bioadsorbed from the
by the test fungal isolates………………………………………………....….64
Processes of a conventional metals precipitation treatment
Plant……………..……………………………........ 20
Figure 2.1: Electrodialysis
principles …………………….................31
Figure 2.2: The Outer layers of
Fungal Cell……………………………….36
Figure 3.1 Southern part of
Kaduna Metropolis showing NNPC Refinery………………………..41
Figure 3.2 Schematic diagram
showing the position of the sampling points relative to the refinery………………………………………..43
Figure 4.1a: Mean Biomass Yield
of the Test Fungi to various concentrations of Zinc…….……..59
Figure 4.1b: Mean Biomass Yield
of the Test Fungi to various Concentrations of Mercury………60
Figure 4.2 Mean Biomass Yield of
the Test Fungi to various
of Chromium Ion…………………………61
Plate I.a: Raw Refinery Effluent
(Site A)…………………………………………………..…41
Plate I.b: Effluent in flow
channel 1 (Site B)…………………………………………….…...42
Plate I.c: Effluent in flow
channel 1 (Site C)…………………………………………….…...42
Plate II: Characterization of Aspergillus
Plate III.: Characterization of Penicillum sp………………………………………………....57
Heavy metal contaminants are common features of effluents generated and
released by wide range of modern industries (Singh and Sharma 2013) and
refinery effluents bearing heavy metals considered to highly toxic (Ezeonuegbu et al., 2014). Heavy metal contaminated wastewater has been identified as one of the most
important sources of pollution. Such waste waters are usually generated from a
variety of sources such as crude oil producing and refining, other
petrochemical industries, metal processing, lubricant and car washing. These
sources serve as the major contributors to the problems of heavy metal
pollution especially of soil and water environments (Machido, 2015). The
discharge of oily wastewater to the environment has potential to cause
significant environmental hazard. This is because it contains toxic substances
such as petroleum hydrocarbons, phenols, polyaromatic hydrocarbons which are
inhibitory to animal and plant growth and also are mutagenic and carcinogenic
to human beings (Musa et al., 2015).
Beddri and Ismail (2007) reported that waste-water effluents from
petroleum refinery and petrochemical plants contain a diverse range of
pollutants including heavy metals. The effluents also contain oil and
grease,and are characterized by high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) - bearing
materials, suspended solids, dissolved solids, phenols and sulfides.
Heavy metals in refinery effluent mainly originate from the feedstock.
Others are from corrosion products of the equipment and pipes, processed
chemical additives and from materials like catalysts and other chemicals used
in processes downstream of the primary distillation. The most common of these
metals are Nickel, Vanadium, Copper, Chromium, Lead, Cadmium, Zinc and
Selenium. Mercury has also been found to appear as impurity in natural gas and
crude oil (Alao et al., 2010).
Heavy metals particularly Zinc, Chromium, Arsenic and Mercury are
environmental pollutants threatening the health of human population and natural
ecosystem through direct ingestion, inhalation and indirect by consumption of fish, animals or plants in which the metals
have accumulated (Alao et al., 2010).
Other metals like gold, aluminum, cadmium, silver, lead and mercury are also potentially toxic to living organisms
(Kumar et al., 2010, Ezeonuogbu et al 2014). Toxicity of these metals
occurs through the displacement of essential metals from their natural binding
site or through ligand interactions.
Methods employed for the removal of organic pollutants from refinery
effluents are not applicable when heavy metal ions are at issue because, unlike
the organic pollutants, they are non- biodegradable and therefore persist in
effluent subjected to conventional treatments (Tran et al., 2015).
Over the years, several approaches including chemical precipitation,
chemical oxidation, solidification, ultra filtration, flocculation, electrolyte
extraction, dilution, sedimentation, evaporation, reverse osmosis,
neutralization and membrane separation have been used for removal of metal ions
from solution (Viraraghavan and Yan, 2000).
These methods present disadvantages in that they
are capital intensive, may result to incomplete metal removal, high demands of
reagents, high energy requirements and generation of toxic sludge or other
waste products that require careful disposal (Hemambika et al., 2011). With the increase in environmental awareness and
legal constraints being imposed on discharge of effluents, the need for
alternative cost effective technologies is essential. In this endeavor,
biological approach has a great potential for the achievement of this goal and
it is economical. Microbial populations in metal polluted environment adapt to
toxic concentration of heavy metals and become heavy metal resistant (Prasenjit
and Sumathi, 2005). The response of microorganisms towards toxic heavy metals
is of special interest with regards to their application in the reclamation of
polluted sites (Shankar et al.,
Biosorption and bioaccumulation are biological methods of control of
heavy metal pollution. These processes involve metal uptake by either non-
living (biosorption) or living (bioaccumulation) biomass (Chojnacka et al., 2007). Biosorption is influenced
by environmental factors like pH, temperature, ion competition, variations in
the chemical composition of the cell wall, capsule, and polysaccharides. In any
case, metals can be deposited around the cell as phosphates, sulphates and
oxides (Giovanni, 2009). These biochemical processes could be an effective
solution to the majority of the problems associated with heavy metals released
in the environment by industries (Giovanni 2009). They offer many advantages
over conventional methods including cost effectiveness, efficiency,
minimization of chemicals and biological sludge, requirement of additional
nutrients and regeneration of biosorbents with possibility of metal recovery
(Ronda et al., 2007).
To date, a good number of biomass types have been tested for their metal
binding capabilities under various conditions. The outcome of such studies
provided proofs that, fungi have great potential in this regards (Ezeonuegbu et al., 2014, Machido et al., 2015).
Fungi are known to tolerate and detoxify metals by several mechanisms
including valence transformation, extracellular, intracellular precipitation
and active uptake. These mechanisms result from complexation and ion exchange
reactions between metal ions and groups on their cell walls (Gupta et al., 2000; Hemambika et al., 2011). The black molds
(Aspergilli) are widely distributed in the environment and are capable of
metabolizing enormous variety of substances owing to the large number of
diversified enzymes they produce (Angumeenal and Venkappayya, 2004).
The present study is aimed at assessing the potential of Aspergillus sp and Penicillium sp in the removal of Zinc (Zn), Mercury (Hg) and
Chromium (Cr) from refinery effluents released by Kaduna refinery and
petrochemical Company (KRPC).
The three major petrochemical refineries in Nigeria generate large
quantities of effluents that are discharged into natural bodies of water, the
quality of which has been widely reported to be tainted as a result (Otokunefor
and Obiukwu, 2005; Atubi, 2011). This represents a serious threat to the
environment and human health.
Petroleum refineries use relatively large volumes of water, especially
for cooling systems. As a result, local studies in Kaduna have also shown that
approximately 165,000m3/ day of untreated liquid effluents containing heavy metals is generated
and heavy metals in such effluents often far exceed those permissible for
environmental safety (Musa et al.,
2015). Refineries also generate solid wastes and sludges (ranging from 3 to 5
kg per ton of crude oil processed), 80% of which may be considered hazardous
because of the presence of toxic organics and heavy metals. Accidental and
intentional discharge of large quantities of pollutants can and do occur as a
result of abnormal operation in a refinery and potentially pose a major local
environmental hazard (Salleh et al.,
The law under Nigerian constitution (the national
effluents and limitation regulation) is currently not upheld, which facilitate
indiscriminate discharge from our refineries, because no punishment is meted
out to defaulters (Obot et al.,
Heavy metals like Zinc, Mercury and Chromium
constitute a high proportion of the refinery effluent. Zinc which is considered
essential micronutrients is known to become toxic at high concentrations.
Mercury is problematic in cryogenic petrochemical facilities and is toxic to
humans. Chromium can cause nasal problems and ulcer as well as kidney and liver
damage and it has also been found to be carcinogenic leading to depressed
growth (Ezeonuegbu, 2014)
The physical and chemical methods currently used to remove heavy metals
are not cost effective and often do not restore the environment to its original
state. These leaves us with biological method such as adsorption, which is a
more effective and sustainable alternative means of restoring the environment
to its original state compared to conventional (physical and chemical) methods
is adopted (Hussein et al., 2004).
At a global scale industrial processes generate approximately 2.4
million tons per annum of liquid effluents containing heavy metals and other
toxic materials (Veglio and Beolchini, 1997; Bello and Abdullahi, 2016). Local
studies in Kaduna have also shown that approximate volume of 165,000m3/ day of untreated liquid
effluents containing heavy metals is generated (Ezeonuogbu, 2014).
Hence, the speedy development, increasing
sophistication, arbitrary and unregulated discharge of industrial and urban
wastes into the environmental sink has become an issue of global concern (Gupta
and Mahaptra, 2003; Strong and Burgess, 2008). Therefore, effort must be out on
ground as soon as possible to put a stop to this menace.
The removal and recovery of heavy metals are necessary for the
protection of the environment and human health. Conventional methods are
ineffective in treatment of low concentration of metal ions and also generate large quantity of toxic sludge which are to be
disposed in further steps. Biological methods such as biosorption and
bioaccumulation of heavy metals provide an alternative to conventional
(physical and chemical) methods (Hussein et
al., 2004).
Mycoremediation is a more promising and less
expensive way of cleaning up contaminated soil and water (Kamaludeen et al., 2003). Mycoremediation through
the use of biosorption and bioaccumulation approaches is an emerging technology
in which microbes including fungi are used to clean up contaminated soil and
water and to remove or stabilize the contaminants which offer a low cost and
ecologically valuable means for the mitigation of heavy metal toxicity in the
environment (Strong and Burgess, 2008). Many microbial populations including
fungi have been identified as superior candidates for metal mycoremediation and
major advantages of fungi are its significant metal uptake ability at low
anticipated price (Bai and Abraham, 2001). Microbial populations present in
metal polluted environment have adapted and become resistant to toxic metal and
the presence of heavy metals and their bioavailability exert selective pressure
on the microbial community with selective advantage conferred on those
organisms that have developed tolerance mechanism to toxic heavy metals
(Jaeckle et al., 2005).
The cell wall of fungi present a multi-laminated architecture where up
to 90% of the dry mass consist of amino and non amino polysaccharides and
proteins which offers many functional groups (such as carboxyl, hydroxyl,
sulphate, phosphate and amino groups) for binding metal ions. According to
Ronda et al. (2007), the cell walls
of fungi are also rich in glycoproteins such as glycans (β – 1,6-and β- 1,3-
linked D- glucose residues), chitosan (β-1,4-linked mannose) and phosphomanans
(phosphorylated manans) with various metal binding groups present in the
polymers. Heavy metals like Copper, Cadmium, Mercury, Zinc, Manganese, and Lead
present in refinery effluent can be removed by indigenous microbes isolated from the effluents itself
(Hakeem and Bhatnagar, 2010). Aspergillus
and Penicillium species
accumulate and absorb micronutrient and heavy metals.These organisms are exposed to a lot of health hazards, it is therefore
important to remove these toxic heavy metals from waste water before its
The aim was to assess the potential of Aspergillus flavus and Penicillum
sp in removing Zinc, Mercury and Chromium from raw refinery effluents
1.4 The Specific Objectives were to;
1. Determine
the physicochemical properties of the refinery effluent.
2. Re-authenticate
the fungi isolates to be used in the study.
3. Determine
the tolerance of the fungi isolates to Zinc, Mercury and Chromium invitro.
Determine the capacity of the
fungi isolates in the removal of zinc, mercury and chromium from the raw
refinery effluents.
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