This study is titled the impact of
manpower planning on employee productivity. The aim is to examine roles
planning by planning of manpower on employee productivity. This study was
carried out at Oxford University 'Press, Ibadan. Total number of 100
questionnaires was administered on survey population and simple percentage was
used to analyses the gathered information.
The researcher concluded from his
finding that: (i) Organization must be. Conscious about staffing level,' (ii) that
organization should consider how long a particular job would exist (iii) That
organization must invest in developing and maintaining the skills of its entire
workforce, not only a few people at the top and that the nature of the reward
system must be examined.
1.2 Statement
of Problem
1.3 Scope
of the study
1.4 Methods
and sources of data collection
Data Collection Methods
1.6 Justification
1.7 For
The subject matter
1.9 Inadequacies
of other methods
1.10 Sampling
1.11 Design
and administration of Questionnaire
2.1 Literature
2.2 Theoretical
2.3 The
second theory of motivation hygiene theory
2.4 Human
resources cycle
2.5 Recruitment
2.6 Performance
2.7 Rewards
2.8 Development
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research
3:2 Data
collection method
3.3 Population
3.4 University
Press Pic
3.5 Organizational
structure of university press PIc
3.6 Manpower
3.7 Selection
3.8 Performance
3.9 Reward
3.10 Manpower
development and training
4.0 Data
analysis and
4.1 Performance
5.1 Observation,
recommendation conclusion
5.2 Summary
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Conclusion
planning may be defined as the strategy for acquisition, utilization,
improvement and preservation of an enterprise's human resources in order to
achieve an organization's goals and objectives.
Once a company
has developed a long range strategy known as "Corporate Planning", it
becomes possible to estimate the number of people of all types and categories
that may be required over the following years. At the time that these estimates
are made, some companies take the opportunity to review their staffing criteria
as well as the mere members required in each category. Thus, it may desirable
to evaluate the performance of men with different qualifications who have been
doing the same job over a period of time. Any conclusion arrived at would be
taken into consideration when preparing a long-term Manpower plan.
Also, Manpower
planning is functionally, indicating how many employees ought to be selected,
trained, promoted, retired, dismissed and so on over the following years and
hence, an estimate of the personnel facilities that will be required can be
made. The factors that are usually taken into consideration in making up
Manpower plan includes:
The changing nature of business.
The rate of retirement and other causes of staff lose.
Changes in social employment conditions.
Changes in education.
Changes in job condition
Changes in company's organization.
Promotion pattern.
Personnel or
labour is considered an essential factor in the production of goods and
services, for its need to blamed (with) other factors of production or inputs
appropriately for optimal productivity.
Labour, under
the capitalist system is a means of workers existence, provided the worker is
prepared to sell his "labour power" to the capitalist, otherwise he
belongs to the unemployment market.
Labour is the
most crucial of all the factors production, of its operationally defective, the
organization sustains a vicious cycle of ineffective and inefficient management
procedure with resultant macro effect on the level of productivity. In his
words, A.K Ubeku 1975 noted:
The Manpower
requirement of any organization has to be planned for just as we budget
Economic purposes. In a dynamic situation like the one in which we are now find
ourselves in this Country, no Organization can grow effectively unless the
functions of Manpower planning are carried out effectively. Some organizations
without well-established personnel department fall into the error of looking
for staff as when necessary. This is bad management. In every aspect of running
a business, forward looking should be the rule, and this is even more important
when we talk about adequate Manpower and the right type of Manpower in a
country like Nigeria where Managerial and technical skills are few.
The derivation
from standard manpower planning system with resultant effect on productivity
led by a study carried out by Kalby (1980) on "Nigeria Worker". It
emerged as an established fat that "The Nigerian worker is capable of
producing as much as his counterparts in Europe or Asia but for some limiting
factors which are functions of management inadequacies". Also, in the
National development plan, the problem of manpower gap has been repeatedly
predicted. In the light of the above -identified problems and the relevance of
efficient manpower planning to productivity, this study wants to examine the
extent to which effective manpower planning can eliminate the problem of
manpower gap as well as the attainment of the goals and objectives of the
The purpose of
this study is to examine the impact of man power planning on employee
To examine the
human cycles, which are four generic human resources functions. There are
recruitment/selection, performance/Appraisal, Rewards and Development as
necessary steps towards filing the manpower gap which is cankerworm eating deep
into the fabrics of productivity. While conducting the study into the above
aspects of manpower planning at University Press PIc, Ibadan, the researcher
has the following objectives in focus:
Determine how
the organization attains and maintains at the minimum cost, the equality and quantity of
manpower requirement to satisfy the manpower needs of the company.
Determine how
the company is able to anticipate the problems arising from potential over or
under supply of manpower needs from the labour market.
Examine the
corporate policies on vertical and horizontal mobility of personnel towards the
enhancement of the corporate goals and objectives.
It is hoped that
the study will generate further research into this important area of human
resources and also to contribute to a general understanding of labour in the
This research
work on University Press PIc., Ibadan, and a publisher in Nigeria is to examine
the management tools with a view to assessing the level of manpower gap. The
study population includes the management, senior, intermediate and junior
members of staff. The respondents include the Executive Director, Departmental
Managers or Controllers, Intermediate and Junior members of staff of various
units within the company.
It is important
to mention the sources of data collection and method of collection for this
project. The choice is predicted on pragmatic consideration especially in view
of the constraints posed by limited time and inadequacy of other resources
necessary to conduct research of this nature. The title of this research
precluded that the project was primarily designed to be a case study of not
just a company. But mainly, a fundamental phenomenon out of the whole gamut of
human resources/personnel functions at any corporate person. Therefore,
adequate efforts have been made to highlight the research problem/objectives
which is "Manpower Gap" - evidence of defective human resources
functions at University Press Pic. Three basic data collection techniques
namely: participant observation, structured interview/questionnaire and
document analysis are utilized.
Scope of the
study: University Press PIc has it’s headquarter in Ibadan. It has area offices
or zonal operational offices in Zaria/Kano, Jos, Owerri, Lagos and Benin with
average of 17 members of staff in each zone. The head office is comprising of
Administrations/Human Resources, Finance, Publishing, Distribution and
Marketing Departments with average of 19 senior personnel and an average of
23.4 junior personnel per department.
The research was
conducted in the head office, Ibadan in the Administration Human Resources Department.
Due to constraints imposed by time and cost, the research is restricted to the
head office only. However, this was considered suitable for the fact that 212
or 69.5% of the total work force of 305 (as at march 2001) are in Ibadan.
Visits were made
to all the departments including the company's guesthouse. Interpersonal
relationship was created which aided the collection of data from the chosen
member of personnel.
observation methods may be used in laboratory or field research, this work
carried out under naturalistic settings is considered better carried on
participant observational method.
observational method is used in this study because of naturalistic
consideration of the project. Karl Weick (1968) defined observational method as
"the selection, provocation, recording and encoding of that set of
behaviours and settings concerning organisms 'in situ' which is consistent with
emplurial aims".
Weick was
careful to explain each term in his definition. By selection, Weick meant to
emphasize that specific observer’s edit or focus their research observations in
both intentional and unintentional ways. This selection can affect what is
observed, what is recorded and what conclusions are drawn from the data.
In introducing
provocation into the definition of observational methods, recognized the
important relationship between experimental intervention and observational
methods. Traditionally, a bystander has conceived observational methods as an
unobtrusive and passive recoding. Like Weick, (1968) he argued that passivity
is not inherent in observational methodology. The observer should be able to
modify the research setting without destroying its naturalness. For example, a
worker of different sex can be introduced into a maintenance crew or children
may be moved from a quiet play area to a noisy one. Thus observational research
can and should be experimental as well as correlational in nature. In including
recording and encoding in his definition, Weick, (1968) emphasized that much of
observational research consists of recording events through the use of field
notes, category systems or other means. Encoding is the process of simplifying
these records through some data reduction method such as counting frequency of
different behaviours or activities.
"that set of behaviours and settings concerning organisms" in the
definition is meant to communicate the fact that most observational research
uses a number of different measures of behavior obtained in a variety of
settings from both animal and human subjects. Weick (1969) admitted that the
phrase "In situ" was the most difficult to define. It is meant to
refer to those situations in which the participants spend most of their time or
which are familiar to them. Williams (1969) faced the same difficulty in
attempting to define naturalistic research. He concluded that the word
naturalistic describes the research or method rather than phenomenon under
investigation. Thus, it is important to specify the investigator's activities
rather than the subject matter studied that is, one can study behaviours at a
cocktail party or in a doctor's waiting room by observing interaction or by
interviewing the participants. The former would be a naturalistic method but
the latter would not. In addition, the introduction of experimental
manipulations would not necessarily make the method "less natural".
Finally, by
empirical aims, Weick, (1968) emphasized the variety of functions observational
methods can serve. They can be used also for description, hypothesis or theory
generation or hypothesis or theory testing.
justification for the choice of participant or observational methods in
conducting the research could be categorized into three classes as shown below:
F or Description
The Subject Mater
Inadequacies of other methods.
One of the major
reasons for using an observational method is that it can tell us a great deal
about behavioral patterns. This purely descriptive aspect of behavior has been
neglected by most social sciences Barker (1968); (Williams and Raush 1969). In
contrast, the physical sciences have descriptive handbooks of phenomenon they
study. Chemistry has descriptive data concerning the properties of chemicals,
biology devotes considerable resources to providing descriptions of fauna and
flora, and of course astronomy is almost entirely based upon observation and
description. Yet, very little descriptive material exist in the social
sciences. Descriptive materials not only provide information concerning what
types of behaviours are found under what circumstances but also aids in the
selection of problems and hypothesis without sufficient descriptive materials,
erroneous selection and inference can easily be made. Barker's (1968)
conclusion was that researchers could often be led to investigate a phenomenon
that may not exist or may be of little importance outside the laboratory. Thus,
the use of descriptive records of behavior, as it occurs in situ, could
possibly help avid these types of problems.
1.10 THE
observation may be the only feasible method by which to gather data. Individual
may be unwilling to cooperate with the researchers: even with cooperative
interviewers if the researcher does not know the subject's jargon or language,
interviews as an alternative system will be difficult to conduct. Observation
of the individuals' behavior would usually not be impeded by the difficulties.
In similar fashion, the social scientist may be investigated in the laboratory.
Research about
the efficiency of human resources administrators would be difficult to stage in
the laboratory. Even if it were possible, ethical problems created by placing
intense stress upon subjects would not permit such experiments. Instead,
observation of people's behavior could be studied at the office of human
resources officers. While being present when such an event occurs is indeed
difficult, social scientists have been successful in this type of research. The
researcher on participant observational method of research has the additional
advantage of recording on going behaviours as it occurs
Criticism of
many of the other research methodologies centres in the concept of internal
validity. Banana and Hunch (1972) and Cook and Diamond (1976) presented
evidence that indicates that filed research provides more generalizable results
than do other methodologies. They noted that laboratory research suffers from
problems of demand. Characteristics, Campbell (1969) not found in many
well-designed observational studies.
situation may be thought of as unique social settings involving interactions
between persons called subject and other persons called experiments. Critics
see this setting as one that does not lead to generalizable results. Oren
(1962) was among the first to note subjects participating in laboratory studies
appeared to be motivated to figure out the purpose of the research and to
"help" the experimenter by confirming the hypothesis. Oren himself
hypothesized that the subjects used the cues provided by the experimental
procedure to determine the purpose of study. Subsequent research (Rosenberg,
1969); Sigall, Aronson, and Van Hoose, (1970) indicated that subjects in a
laboratory experiment tend to behave in ways which will make them look good.
Clearly subjects in laboratory studies, just as those had been interviewed, are
aware that their behaviours are under scrutiny. One way to reduce the
manifestation of such demand characteristics is to conduct the study in the
field. In many occasions subjects observed in the field are not aware of their
roles as "subjects". Yet in many field observation studies the
subject are cognizant of the fact that their behaviour is brief studied. The
latter type of study is subject to the same difficulties of interpretation as
the other method. It is for this reason that unobstructive or disguised observational
studies in the field are advantageous.
A second major
problem associated with non-observational methods lies in the difficulty in
making predictions about real world behaviour. A good example of this problem
is in the use of attitude surveys, which are probably the most frequently used
social science method. Attitude surveys rally almost entirely on verbal self-reports
which appear to be poor predictors of behaviour in situations. Abelson's
(1972): Liska (1975): Sedrest, (1969) and Wicker (1969). It would be worry to
leave this work with the impression that it is impossible to predict behaviour
from attitudes. Recent advances in this field Fishbein and Ajzen, (1975) have
suggested that the expectation that attitudes should directly predict behaviour
was overly simplistic.
As the scope of
the research was restricted to Ibadan Head Office only, the population of the
study is selected by non-probability accidental sampling method on survey
population of 50% of the total work force. The senior members of staff study
population is about two - fifth (2/5) hence 20% of the senior staff and 30% of
the junior staff making up 37 and 69 semi and junior staff study population
respectively. The nature of the research restricted the sample population to
the company's employees who are Directors, Senior Staff or Junior Staff. The
members of management are inclusive because comparative analysis of their
response in questionnaire with other employees would shed light on the
perception of management to the problem of "manpower gap". However,
new employers whose appointments were not yet confirmed, other categories of
temporary employees such as Industrial attaches and Youth Corps members were
excluded from the sample population.
sources of data used are:
Questionnaire: A set of
objective questions and one free comment question was administered to the
University Press PIc, Personnel. This was the major source of data that are
directly relevant to the study's objective.
interview: Direct interviews of some management personnel including the Managing
Director was done. This proved an efficient way of eliciting information from
the directors and principal officers.
The use of company's records, internal memos published
papers and magazines.
Questionnaire is
one of the sources used for data collection in this research work. Since the
survey method was adopted, the design of the questionnaire was categorized on
respondent personal data and the normative model of job satisfaction which is
one of the major areas this study seeks to investigate as leading question to
the problem of manpower gap: Mixture of dichotomous and multi choice questions
were used. This was to allow the access to detailed and accurate data. Control
questions were injected into the questionnaire in order to check the
respondent's consistency in answering the questions. The questionnaire
comprised of 38 questions with an accompanying letter.
questionnaire is structured
Section A for personal data, academic qualification and
recruitment exercise contained in 21 questions.
Section B comprised 17 questions based on knowledge of
the company's management style, job satisfaction and productivity.
Section C is free comment
Non probability
sampling method whereby the researcher simply reached out and took the cases
that were at hand continued the processed until the sample read - the
designated group of population per department. The researcher administered the
questionnaire on
20% senior
members of staff and 30% junior categories of the population size. Table below
shed more light on the choice of correspondents.
Total Staff Survey Population
Source: An interview with the
personnel/training officer
From the table
above, out of the total Head office workers strength of 212 or 69.5 percent of
the total company work force, questionnaire was administered on 106 or 50% of
the workers strength. Administration Human Resources Department comprising of
the MD’s Property Development, Personnel and Training and Audit Units have 37
staff strength. Finance Department comprising of Account and Data processing
units have 33 staffers, publishing comprising of production or desktop
publishing and Editorial are made up of 25 workers while the Marketing
Department are made up of tertiary unit, publicity unit, filed sales and depots
have 102 personnel. Distribution department has the minimum of 15 staffers and
without sub unit.
Total of one
hundred and ten copies of the questionnaire were distributed. Responses was
quite encouraging as all came back with 100 unfilled or mutilated. I had a good
response rate of 91 % thus, the analysis of data was based on this. The
strutted interview, observational method and documents analyzed complemented in
no small measure filled in the questionnaire.
This constitutes
of decomposition, examination and collection of data collected. This was done
with the help of statistical and mathematical techniques so as to describe and
draw conclusion from the sample population techniques such as ratio percentage
and mean were used. Analyzed data are presented in tables, histograms, graphs
and charts in order to ensure concise and clarity of presentation.
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