The study examined the effect of manpower planning on the survival and growth of fast food industries in Abia State. The study sought to determine the impact of employee training on organizational performance in fast food industries in Abia State, ascertain the extent of skill acquisition on the survival and growth of fast food industries in Abia state, examine the extent of knowledge transfer on organizational productivity in fast food industries in Abia state and determine the relationship between manpower planning on the survival and growth of fast food industries in Abia State. The researcher adopted descriptive research for the methodology. The study used two sources which are the primary data and secondary data to gather information from the respondents. The researcher adopted probability sampling technique in sampling population of the study. The total population that was of this study was 120 respondents. Taro Yamane formula was derived to determine the sample size of 92 respondents. Therefore total numbered of 87 questionnaires were retrieved from the respondents which formed basis of the study. Simple regression analysis and SPSS chi-square test was adopted to test the hypotheses of the study. The result of chi-square test between employees training on organizational performance shows the Pearson chi-square = .000 < 0.05 significance level, which concluded that employee training has significant impact on organizational performance of fast food industries in Abia State. The chi-square table shows the relationship between manpower planning and survival and growth. The Pearson chi-square = .002 < 0.05 significance level. Which state that there is a positive relationship between manpower planning and survival and growth of fast food industries in Abia State. The study concluded that there is positive relationship between manpower planning and survival and growth of fast food industries in Abia State. Manpower planning motivates the employees to work and also retain competent personnel towards enhancing organizational productivity. Organizations should allocate substantial amount of money for skills and acquisition programs, since its effect reflects on the performance level of the organization.
Key words: Manpower, Planning, Fast Food, Training and Survival and Growth.
Cover Page i
Title Page ii
Declaration iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgement vi
Table of Contents
List of Tables viii
Abstract ix
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the study 4
1.4 Research Questions 4
1.5 Research Hypotheses 4
1.6 Significance of the Study 5
1.7 Scope of the Study 5
1.8 Limitations of the Study 5
1.9 Brief History of the Organization Under
Study 6
1.10 Operational Definition of Terms 7
2.1 Conceptual Framework 8
2.2 Theoretical Framework 19
2.3 Empirical Review 21
2.4 Summary of Reviewed Related Literature 25
2.5 Gap in Literature 27
3.1 Research Design 28
3.2 Source of Data 28
3.3 Population of the Study 28
3.4 Sample Size Determination 29
3.5 Sampling Techniques 30
3.6 Description of the Research Instrument 30
3.7 Validity of the Instrument 31
3.8 Reliability of the Instrument 31
3.9 Method of Data Analysis 31
4.1.1 Return of Questionnaires 33
4.2 Testing of Hypotheses 39
4.3 Discussion of Findings 42
5.1 Summary of Findings 44
5.2 Conclusion 44
5.3 Recommendations 45
5.4 Areas of Further Studies 45
Table 4.1: Sex
distribution of Respondent
Table 4.2: Marital
Status distribution of Respondents
Table 4.3: Educational
Qualification distribution of Respondents.
Table 4.4: Age Bracket distribution of Respondents
Table 4.5: Year of service distribution of
Table 4.6: Determine the impact of employee training on organizational
performance in fast food industries in Abia State.
Table 4.7: Ascertain the extent of skill acquisition on the survival and
growth of fast food industries in Abia state.
Table 4.8: Examine the extent of knowledge transfer on organizational
productivity in fast food industries in Abia state.
Table 4.9: Determine the relationship between manpower planning on the
survival and growth of fast food industries in Abia State.
Table 4.10: Chi square
test on employee training and organizational performance
Table 4.11: Regression
analysis on skill acquisition and survival and growth
Table 4.12: Regression
analysis on knowledge transfer and organizational productivity
Table 4.13: Chi square on man planning and survival and
Background of the Study
The place and value of manpower planning as a
resource for organizational productivity and success cannot be overemphasized,
our concerned business resources, the organization of physical and financial
resources cannot take place until
manpower are organized, and the effectiveness of the organizational scheme
depends on the manner in which manpower are utilized. Indeed individual firms
or organizations cannot do without manpower, our knowledge of elementary
economics inform us that labour (i.e power) is the human effort, mental or
physical exerted in the production of goods and services it is one of the very
important factor of production; others are land, capital and entrepreneur. Every
constructive strategic action taken by an organization basically is tilted
towards the realization of its primary purpose, when this happens,
Organizations must set in motion appropriate line of actions; to boost its
overall performance. This implies that organizational growth (OG) attempts to
paint a picture in which the organization is achieving its primary purpose,
Mission, and predetermined objectives optimally and maximally.Seemingly, OG
entails cyclical activities that are applied to established organizational
Predetermined objectives, monitoring progress towards attaining these
objectives, and making adjustments to realize them more proficiently and
successfully (Sajid and Hassan, 2013).
It is for this reason that OG is established
upon the view that the organization constitutes an array of productive assets
viz; human, financial material, and other resources for attaining its shared
purpose (Afzal, 2013).There is no misgiving about this, that the core of the
performance of any organization mostly depends on the proficiencies of its
workforce since effective OG is largely anchored on human elements (Cao and
Park, 2008); it is for this reason that “the human element is fundamental in
the composition and functionality of the organization as no organization can
exist without them (Barney, 1991). In this sense, if organizations must perform
optimally, it must attract, hire, and retain capable manpower with requisite
skills, knowledge, experience, talents, and abilities (Dessler, 2008).This
requires and appropriate and broad manpower management activity which
encompasses manpower planning (MP) or manpower review and planning, succession
planning, recruitment, selection and placement, continuous professional
training and development e.g. aiding self-development of employees at all
levels, performance appraisal, wage and salary administration and/or reward and
compensation, promotion, deployment (or redeployment),rightsizing, transfers,
and work-sharing. Others are social security and welfare of employees, job
and/or role analysis, developing and maintaining workers’motivation, setting
and establishing general and specific management policy for organizational
relationship, demotion, pay-reduction, termination, retirement, etc.
(Armstrong, 2006).Clearly, proactive manpower planning is needed for the
realization of the organizational objectives. Specifically, manpower planning
entails defining the specified objectives of the organization, initiate and
establish a sound strategy for realizing these objectives, and develop a
comprehensive “rolling plan”to integrate its activities (Robbins and Judge,
Cole (2002) noted that the state of affairs
surrounding Manpower planning is largely dominated by the percentage of the
demand of the goods and/or services of the organization; the availability of
competent prospective manpower competing for the job(or the firm contending for
such employees); and the period within which this occurred(or is likely to
occur); which affects the logical approach to recruitment, retention, and
continuous professional development for manpower including when essential
decisions for dismissing staff are made (Ama, 2006).In congruence with the
above, so as to ensure the accessibility of suitably qualified manpower in the
precise numerical strength needed by organizations, including fast food
industries, organizations must proactively forecast and shop for suitably
qualified and talented, device means for their retention on the job, optimal
deployment and utilization, as well as disengagement; if and when required
(Cole, 2014). That is; “taking into account existing manpower with respect to
immediate and future manpower needs, proactively forecast for prospective
manpower in line with the realities of the external environment of business,
follow up trends in education, and trends in skills acquisition and application
per time”. In the same vein, Lunenburg (2012) opined that forecasting the sum
of manpower needs and acquiring same; attracting individuals suitable for job
categories(s) in organizations is one key area that operating, line, or hiring
manager needs to pay attention if they want to achieve high performance. An
essential resource of every organization is having employees with the
capability to achieve its intended purpose. This again is squarely hinged on
the measure of output of the employees (Cole, 2002). It is for this reason
that, Lunenburg (2012) submitted that organizations must be proactive in the
utilization of manpower to attain huge performance standards. In this sense,
Manpower planning helps to offset uncertainties and complexities and ensure accessibility
of the right blend of manpower while bearing in mind the time and the right
place that they are required (Cole, 2002).Truly, operating, line, or hiring
managers seem to play an essential part in the performance of the organization
because they anticipate future demands of the manpower requirements. This
invariably helps to engender and manage the manpower needs as required in
taking strategic action(s) so as to prepare for the movement of individuals
into, within and outside the firm (Lunenburg, 2012). Although, several studies
have been done as evident in literature on the impact of manpower planning on
the growth of organizations (Bowen and Ostroff, 2004), but a gap still exists
because none has been exhaustive and extensive enough to capture the effects of
manpower planning on growth and survival especially in the fast food sector in
Abia State, Nigeria. Based on this observation, this research work is steered
towards filling this gap by ascertaining and identifying the effects of
manpower planning the growth and survival of fast food industries in Aba, Abia
State Nigeria.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
An increase in the performance of a firm is a
competitive advantage over its rivals, and this can be realized through
manpower planning. Manpower planning policies however have not been
beneficially successful in attaining its predetermined objectives as
organizations still experience low performance despite manpower planning
practices. This is because proactive manpower planning in organizations is a
challenge as operating, line, or hiring managers are mostly carried away by
planning for financial, material, and other resources leaving manpower planning
to chance (Armstrong, 2006). Managers sometimes gamble with it by bringing on
board individuals that lack the requisite qualification(s), knowledge, talents,
abilities, and skills without actually having a blueprint to develop and
enhance these manpower’s for the task and duties ahead. S
In the light of these realities, to enhance
optimum growth of organizations; the uncertainties associated with manpower
planning such as labour turnover, absenteeism, seasonal unemployment, market
instabilities, and modifications in technology have to be well thought-out in
the course of putting manpower plans in motion (Huselid, 1995). These
uncertainties pose a major challenge to manpower planning in general in that it
limits the managers’ ability to forecast personnel needs in particular as it
hinders the organization’s much needed strategic actions, with the resultant
effect of ineffectiveness, unproductiveness, and unsuccessful goal attainment.
This study is therefore intended to proffer viable solutions to these
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The broad objective of this study is to
examine the effect of manpower planning on the survival and growth of fast food
industries in Abia State. Other objectives are to:
i. determine the impact of employee training on
organizational performance in fast food industries in Abia State.
ii. ascertain the extent of skill acquisition on
the survival and growth of fast food industries in Abia state.
iii. examine the extent of knowledge transfer on
organizational productivity in fast food industries in Abia state.
iv. determine the relationship between manpower
planning on the survival and growth of fast food industries in Abia State.
1.4 Research Questions
This converts the research problems into
question in specific terms, thereby making them verifiable and they are as
i. How is the impact of employee training on
organizational performance of fast food industries in Abia State?
ii. To what extent is skill acquisition on the
survival and growth of fast food industries in .
iii. Does knowledge transfer improve organizational
productivity in fast food industries in your outlet?
iv. What is the relationship between manpower
planning on the survival and growth of fast food industries?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The researcher has chosen to formulate the
following hypotheses base on the data collected.
Ho1: employee training has no
significant impact on organizational performance of fast food industries in
Abia State.
Ho2: skill acquisition to a low
extent affects the survival and growth of fast food industries in Abia State.
Ho3: knowledge transfer has no
significant effect on organizational productivity in fast food industries in
Abia state.
Ho4: there is no positive
relationship between manpower planning on the survival and growth of fast food
industries in Abia State.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The main purpose of this study is to show the
significant of manpower planning in an organizational set up and indicate how
it helps to the growth and survival of organization. There is no gain saying
the fact that manpower is a vital asset to an organization, it is an expensive
asset demanding the application of policies and strategies that will lead to
the recovery of amount invested and as well guarantee optimal return on
investment. Therefore, this study will be of tremendous help to both fast food
industry and other set up to focus on effective manpower planning to achieve
their goals and objectives.
It is also important for further research by
other researchers.
Some misplace theirs which the researcher had
to call several times at some for the collection of the completed
1.7 Scope of the Study
It will not be economically wise to regard the
entire fast food in Aba as the case study of the project. Consequently, this
study was limited to Apples fried and Crunches fried Ltd. The information
obtained was based on the answers received from questionnaires and personal
interview conducted by the researchers with the staff.
1.8 Limitations of the Study
There are problems encountered by the
researcher in the course of generating data for this project and they are;
of Respondents: The high rate
of secrecy manifested by respondents in releasing of information as concerns
their operations of the concerned fast foods, contributed to the limitations of
this study.
Ignorance: Ignorance manifested itself in this study. it
was most disappointing that even graduates who occupied responsible posts were
among the respondents that needed a lot of persuasion before they agree to
complete their questionnaires, planning activities.
Finance: Finance constraint was another problem faced
by the researcher in the course of the study. As a result of the poor state of
the economy, costs of almost everything especially transport had increased
drastically. This made the researcher encounter heavy financial difficulties as
a result of insufficient fund to meet the high cost of stationary and printing
of study involved.
Time: The time frame within which this work was
allowed was quite limited for an intensive as well as extensive work to be
accomplished and so forms a constraint on the work.
1.9 Brief History of Crunchies and Apples
Fast Food
FRIED CHICKEN is a first grade quick service restaurant that offers the best
varieties of quality fast food products and first class services. We are
currently spread across the South-South and South-East Cities of Nigeria, with
over thirteen years’ experience. We have carved a niche of excellence in the
fast food delivery market with a service per excellence acquired from our daily
interaction from our valued Customers.
We have
further introduced Crunchies Plus, an extension of Crunchies Fried Chicken
which is located in Asaba, Calabar, Onitsha and Uyo to cater for further
varieties of mouth-watering cuisines. This vision was an insight from
customers’ requests and their increased delight for our new products.
Over the coming years, CRUNCHIES has built a unique
culture of delivering superior Customer service and satisfaction in an
environment that’s filled with energy, opportunity and fun. We believe in our
people, trust in their positive intentions, encourage ideas from everyone and
have actively developed a workforce that is diverse in style and background in
all our operational locations. We build a high trust relationship with the
society and believe we are socially responsible in ensuring not only do our
customers derive the best from us, but also the community in which we operate.
Fast Food Office
in Plot 54, Okigwe Road. Find Address, Phone Number, Contact Details, customer
care, email office address, reviews & ratings.
1.10 Operational Definition of Terms
Manpower: is the human effort, mental or physical
exerted in the production of goods and services.
Planning: Is a process concerned with defining ends,
means and conduct of every level of organizational life. It is a management
activity which begins by defining the aim and objectives of the organization.
planning: This is decision
making processes that identify and acquired the right number of workers with
the proper skills, motivate them to achieve with the proper skills, motivate
them to achieve high performance and create interactive links between business
objectives and workers planning activities.
productivity: This refers to
when produced goods and services are of low quality or does not match the
demand level of the customers. In this case demand exceeds supply and the
organization needs to employ more workers or buy more machines that have higher
Quality: This is the degree of excellence a product
possessed with respect to design of product and conformity with certain
prescribed standards and specifications so as to meet customer’s expectations
most satisfactory.
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