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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008296

No of Pages: 49

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study examined effect of CRM in customer satisfaction of selected fast food in Umuahia. The study ascertained the relationship between CRM dimension (trust, communication, promise fulfillment and conflict handling) and customer satisfaction. 80 questionnaire were distributed and used. Multiple Regression was used to test the hypothesis raised in the study. The researcher revealed that all the variable of CRM studied has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction except trust. The researcher conclusion, that fast food industry should concentrate their efforts on trust, commitment, communication, promise fulfillment and conflict handling as they can be seen as a factor influencing customer satisfaction. The researcher recommends that fast food industry should constantly review their service quality and CRM application, there should also be plan on ground to survey customers believability of the CRM practices in fast food.


Title page                                                                                                             i

Declaration                                                                                                          ii

Certification                                                                                                         iii

Dedication                                                                                                           iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                v

Table of Contents                                                                                                 vi

List of Tables                                                                                                       viii

List of Figures                                                                                                      ix

Abstract                                                                                                               x



1.1          Background to the Study                                                                            1

1.2      Statement of the Problem                                                                            3

1.3      Objectives of the Study                                                                              4

1.4      Research Questions                                                                                    4

1.5      Research Hypotheses                                                                                  5

1.6      Significance of the study                                                                            5

1.7      Scope of the Study                                                                                     6

1.8      Operational Definition of Terms                                                                7

1.9   Study Limitations                                                                                          8



2.1      Conceptual Frame Work                                                                            9

2.1.1   Nature and Meaning of Marketing                                                              10

2.1.2    Customer Relationship Marketing                                                              12

2.1.3   Dimensions of Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM)                               19

2.1.4   Customer Satisfaction                                                                                24

2.2      Theoretical Framework                                                                              28

2.3      Empirical Review                                                                                      29

2.4      Gap in the Literature                                                                                  31



3.1     Research Design                                                                              32

3.2     Area of the Study                                                                             32

3.3     Population of the Study                                                                     33

3.4     Sample Size and Sampling Techniques                                                  34

3.5      Method of Data Collection                                                                         35

3.6      Method of Data Analysis                                                                            36

3.7      Test of Validity                                                                                          37

3.8      Reliability of the Instrument                                                                       37



4.1      General Description                                                                                   38

4.2      Hypotheses Testing                                                                                    41



5.1      Summary to the Findings                                                                            44

5.2      Conclusion                                                                                                45

5.3      Recommendation                                                                                       45








Table 4.1:     Sex Distribution of Respondents

Table 4.2:     Marital Status of Respondents

Table 4.3:     Educational Level of Respondents

Table 4.4:     Age Distribution of Respondents

Table 4.5:     Occupation of Respondents

Table 4.6:     Income Level of Respondents

Table 4.7:     Customers’ view on level of customer relationship marketing offer by Hoffers and Crunchies (n = 69)






Fig. 2.1:        Research Variables                                                                          9

Fig. 2.2:        Theory of Reasoned Action                                                                   29







           1.1          Background to the Study

The fast food industry is seen today as one of the fastest growing industries in the global market. It has undergone tremendous changes during the last few decades. (Gu & Kim 2002 in Fridaus & Agnes, 2013). The fast food industry is highly competitive and dominated by large companies. (Kannammal & Suvakkin, 2016).The concept of fast food started in early 19th century, at the industrial age when people had to work for 12 to 14 hours a day, there was scarcely any time for long breaks for eating. Today, quick meals outside the home have become an essential part of our lifestyle (Nisa, 2005).


Fast-food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. (Kannammal & Suvakkin, 2016) in recent years marketing has showed dramatic change in the ways companies approach and communicate with customers. As a result of the changes in marketing activities, companies have to adapt to customer relationship marketing (CRM) which consist of the development of a long lasting relationship base on trust, empathy, communication, conflict handling, promise fulfillment, preferential treatment and commitment (Adekseyeva, 2015). In recent studies, the concept of customer relationship marketing (CRM) has become a popular and prominent topic of interest for marketing research.


In today’s highly competitive marketing environment, fast food industries are unable to survive with their transactional attitude towards customers. They have to be more rational in choosing the most suitable approach for justifying and maintaining customers (Hollensen, 2010 cited in Velnampy & Sivesan, (2012) Customer relationship marketing has become a necessity in order for fast food industry to survive, considering the competitors in the industry as cited by (Velnampy & Sivesan, 2012).The main goal of the relationship marketing is to build mutually satisfactory long-term relationship with key constituents in order to gain and maintain their business. Customer relationship marketing (CRM) is replacing the traditional ‘4ps’ of marketing. Long term relationship with customers are the key to stability in an increasingly changes in market. Customer relationship marketing has become the main strategy to retain customers for fast food irrespective of its size.


Despite the fact that relationship marketing is widely acknowledged as an important tool to gain and increase customer retention, loyalty and satisfaction, yet few studies exist in fast food industry in Nigeria. Therefore, this study intend to focus on customer relationship marketing (CRM) on customer satisfaction in fast food industries in Abia State.


1.2      Statement of the Problem

Considering the competitive nature of the fast food industries in Nigeria, the question left is how to develop a good customer relationship in order to create intimacy and a level of trust that will promote customer satisfaction.

As the fast food industry becomes more turbulent, the most important issue the seller face is no longer how to provide an excellent, quality product or service but also to keep loyal customer who will contribute to long-term profit to the organization.


The Nigeria fast food industry is more concerned with how to satisfy, maintain and improve customer satisfaction through Customer Relationship Marketing.

Numerous studies have been carried out on relationship marketing on customer satisfaction (Fernando and Karunanithy, 2013; Alibhai, 2015; Vahdat, Abdolmolmanafi and Sarlak, 2014; Desbordes, 2011); all these are on banking industry but not in Nigeria while the studies carried out by Belnampy and Sivesan (2012) focused on mobile service providing companies in Sri Lanka, and  not in Nigeria.


While the studies carried out by Abdullah & Kanyan (2013) focus on food service industry not in Nigeria. Ibok (2007) focuses on fast food industry and was conducted in Nigeria but not in Crunches and Hoffers Umuahia branch, Abia State. Again inadequate empirical studies have been carried out on effects of Customers relationship marketing on customer satisfaction. In order to fill the knowledge gap in Abia state and ensure that customers are satisfied at a profit of the fast food.

The research intends to carry out a research the effect of CRM on customer satisfaction using the dimensions of CRM to achieve it.


1.3      Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study was to examine the effect of customer relationship marketing on customer satisfaction. The specific objectives are to:

      i.         determine the effect of trust on customer loyalty in the fast food industries in Abia State.

    ii.         ascertain the effect of promise fulfillment on  customer retention in the fast food industries in Abia State.

  iii.         determine the influence of conflict handling on repeat purchase in fast food industries in Abia State.

   iv.         determine the effect of communication on customer loyalty in the fast food industries in Abia State.


1.4      Research Questions

In order to achieve the above stated objectives on the effect of customer relationship marketing on customer satisfaction; the following research questions were used to guide this study.

      i.         to what  extent does trust enhance customer satisfaction?

    ii.         what effect does communication have on customer satisfaction?

  iii.         to what extent dose promise fulfillment influences customer satisfaction?

   iv.         does conflict handling enhance customer satisfaction?


1.5      Research Hypotheses

The study is anchored on the following testable null hypothesis.

HO1There is no positive relationship between trust and customer satisfaction.

 HO2: There is no positive relationship between communication and customer satisfaction.

HO3There is no positive relationship between promise fulfillment and customer satisfaction.

HO4There is no positive relationship between conflict handling and customer satisfaction. 


1.6      Significance of the study

Customer relationship marketing has become one of the diverse ways food industries can use to satisfy and retain their customers. And this study is expected to be of importance to the management of fast food industries in Nigeria. It will helpful to highlight areas of improvement for the fast food industry and the need for managers to try to deepen their relationship with their customers as a way of ensuring sustained profitability in a highly competitive industry.

To the government and policy makers, the study would provide insights at different levels on how best to tap into the vital role of fast food industries as drivers of economic growth. And this study, as a result will be of a very large significance to some group of people as highlighted below;

      i.         The fast food industry will be the source of information input for marketing decisions. This will be especially in the areas of identification, targeting, satisfaction and retention of customers over a period of time.

    ii.         The researcher will see the study as a source of data for related study; such that it will serve as literature in their research process.

  iii.          The student, lecturers and other people in the academics will see the study as source of knowledge for the teaching and learning purposes. Such will help add to their classroom knowledge of marketing.

   iv.         The study will serve as some academic purposes. It will serve as a references material to those who would carry out studies in related areas in the future.


1.7      Scope of the Study

This study was domiciled in the area of consumer behaviour.  The Geographical scope was in Hoffers and Crunchies, Umuahia, Abia State. The coverage scope was be made up of customers of Hoffers and Crunchies fast food in Umuahia, Abia State.



1.8      Operational Definition of Terms

i.          Customer: This is the final user of the service/product of the organization

ii.         Fast food: It is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly.

iii.       Relationship Marketing: This is the marketing strategy directed towards the identification, satisfaction and retention of the customer at a profit.

iv.       Satisfaction: This is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his/her expectations.

v.         Trust: This refers to relying on someone’s word.

vi.       Communication: This is a transfer of information from one person to another, whether or not it elicits confidence.

vii.     Promise fulfillment: This refers to a declaration one will say and fulfill it .

viii.    Conflict handling: This is the ability of the service providers to handle conflict appropriately which will also directly influences the customer loyalty.


1.9   Study Limitations

      i.         The sample of this study covers the customers and management of two fast food industries in one State, so there is a need for another study that takes into consideration a number of different fast food industries in the state.

    ii.         This research is developed for the fast food industry. Therefore, result generalization is limited only to fast food industries and cannot be extended to other services. From a methodological perspective, the result from this study can only be generalized for fast food industries, due to the fact that it has only been applied to these business models.


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