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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008330

No of Pages: 110

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study focuses on the effects of motivation on sales force performance of a selected GSM provider in Umuahia, Abia State. The objective of the study is to determine the direction from very high to very low levels of motivation of sales force of GSM providers, identify the differences in the motivational tools used on the sales force by GSM providers and to ascertain whether staff preferred leave period and participation in decision making have significant effect on sales force performance of GSM providers determine the most effective motivational incentives - insurance scheme, commissions and regular pay used by GSM providers. The data were sourced using structured questionnaire. Simple percentages and frequencies were employed for the purpose of analyzing of variance (ANOVA) test statistic was adopted in the test of the two hypotheses. The target market requires better goods, services,quick and reliable support than they had before. The study concluded that there is no significant difference in the level of sales forces motivation in the service companies in Nigeria. The sales force motivational tools used in the service industry is said to be the same. Based on the finding, the following were recommended; bonus as a motivational factor should be highly considered. Bonus in form of wages and salaries are the basic needs in an organization which must be satisfied. Bonus as a motivational factor should be highly considered and bonus in form of wages and salaries are the basic needs in an organization which must be satisfied.





Title Page                                                                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                                                                            iii

Dedication                                                                                                                                                                               iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                                                                  v

Abstract                                                                                                                                                                                   vi

Table of Content                                                                                                                                                                     vii

List of Tables                                                                                                                                                                          ix

List of Figures                                                                                                                                                                         xi



1.1   Background to the Study                                                                                                                                                1

1.2    Statement of the Problem                                                                                                                                   3

1.3    Objectives of the Study                                                                                      5

1.4    Research Questions                                                                                            5

1.5    Hypotheses of the study                                                                                                           6

1.6    Significance of the Study                                                                                                         6

1.7     Scope of the Study                                                                                                                                              7

1.8   Limitations of the Study                                                                                                           7


2.0    Introduction                                                                                                       9

2.0.1 Brief History of 9Mobile                                                                                                                                               11

2.0.2 Brief History of Mobile Telecommunications Network (MTN)                     12

2.1     Concept of Motivation                                                                                                                                      14

2.2    Models and Theories of Motivation                                                                  17

2.2.1  Content Theories                                                                                               18  Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs                                                        18

2.3    Factors Which Affects Motivation                                                                    21

2.4       Motivational Techniques                                                                    23

2.5       Ability, Motivation and Employees Job Performance                                   28

2.5.1    Sales Force Compensation and Incentive Plan                                              32

2.5.2      Objectives of Sales Force                                                                                                                               37

2.6       Sales Force performance in MTN                                                                              39

2.6.1      Sales Force Performance in 9Mobile.                                                                        39

2.6.2      The Difference in the Sale of Physical Product and Service Product                                    40

2.7          The Relationship of Motivation to Productivity And Performance                                                                        40

2.8.      Motivation and Ability Contribute To Performance                                                  41



3.1       Research Design                                                                                                         42

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                                                                                        42

3.3       Sources of Data                                                                                                                                                                                             42

3.4        Population Of The Study                                                                                43

3.5       Sampling Technique                                                                                                   44

3.6       Validity of the Instrument                                                                                          44

3.7          Reliability Test of the Instrument                                                                  44

3.8        Method of Data Presentation And Analysis                                                   46



4.0           Introduction                                                                                                                47

4.1           Data Analysis                                                                                                              47

4.2       Test of Hypotheses                                                                                       59

4.3       Discussion of Results                                                                                                 64



5.1           Introduction                                                                                                                67

5.2           Summary of Research Findings                                                                                 67

5.3           Conclusion                                                                                                                  69

5.4           Recommendations                                                                                                      70

References                                                                                    72       

Appendix                                                                            75





Table 2.2:        Financial and Non-financial Rewards for the Sales Force                                    33


Table 3.1:        Population Distribution                                                                                  43       


Table 4.21:      Responses on whether they have a clear idea of their company’s aim,           48

principles and priorities.                                                                                            


Table 4.22:     Company’s internal image consistent with its external image.                         48


Table 4.23:`    Ratings of level of sales force motivation in 9Mobile                                    49


Table 4.24:     The factors that have effect on sales force performance                                    49


Table 4.25:      Sales force motivational tool(s) the companies use                                       50


Table 4.26:     The extent motivational tools differ in 9Mobile Nigeria                             51


Table 4.27:      Motivation and Leadership as means of achieving company’s desires,

wants and needs                                                                                              52


Table 4.28:      Factors that motivated the staff to join their companies                              53


Table 4.29:      Sales force participation in decision-making in matters of their interest

 motivates them.                                                                                             53


Table 4.30:      Factors that motivate them on their job                                                          54


Table 4.31:      Recent changes that affected sales force motivation                                     54


Table 4.32:     Motivational factors to the sales force in 9Mobile Nigeria                                    55


Table 4.33:      Responses to motivational tools as factors that positively affect sales

force performance in 9Mobile Nigeria.                                                          56


Table 4.34:     The extent motivation can influence sales force performance in GNP.           56


Table 4.35:     Responses to whether sales/marketing Manager facilitates the process

 for sales force self-management.                                                                  57


Table 4.36:      Responses to whether sales/Marketing manager invest more time in   

some salespersons, look at real situation and help find a workable way. 58


Table 4.37:      Responses to whether sales/marketing manager care about sales

force interests, listening properly against planned counter argument.       58


Table 4.38:     Responses to whether sales force feels empowered with job description/

quota and incentives help in finding the solutions.                                        59


Table 4.39:      Result of responses as tabulated in table 4.4 and 4.23                                    59


Table 4.40:      ANOVA Computation using Microsoft Excel                                               60


Table 4.41:     Result of responses as tabulated in table 4.7 and 4.26. 4.                            61

Table 4.42:      ANOVA Computation using Micro Soft Excel                                             61


Table 4.43:      ANOVA computation using Microsoft Excel                                                            62


Table 4.44:      Result of responses as tabulated in table 4.5, 4.7 and 4.23, 4.25.                63


Table 4.45:     ANOVA Computation using Microsoft Excel                                               64




Fig 1. A diagrammatic view of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need is shown below.                                                             19


Fig. 2.6: Motivation and Ability Contribute to Performance                                                                                                 41





1.1       Background to the Study

To compete in today’s global markets, organizations strive to deliver their products (physical) and services (intangible) in both an efficient and effective manner. In service supply chain, human labour forms a significant component of the value delivery process and physical handling of a product leads to standardized and centralized procedures and controls in manufacturing supply chains, (Sengupta et al 2008:1). The focus of efficiencies in service supply chains is on management of capacity, flexibility of resources, information flows, service performance and cash flow management. Critical factors are demand management, customer relationship management and supplier relationship management in manufacturing supply chains and service supply chains. Sales force in any company - big or small, manufacturing or service, is charged with generating product sales from assigned customer accounts in independent territories. However, the evolving selling environment today is much more complex, demanding significant changes in performance metrics, goals, control and compensation.

South-East zone is an epitome of developing and concentrated businesses that engage sales force east of the Niger. The role of sales and marketing is becoming increasingly important to

manufacturing and service firms (big and SMEs) in the South-East. Unfortunately, most of these companies do not apply the theories of sales management to their sales operations. They usually rely on past experience or judgment. Sales management is considered to be recognize management process activities involving the need to plan, set objectives, develop policies, procedures, strategies and tactics, to organize and co-ordinate, direct operations, motivate, communicate, develop staff, supervise and control and evaluate results, (Bolt 1987:28).

In sales management, Alexander Hamilton Institute reported in Kalu (2005:29) that motivation and supervision are two of the most important topics. Four success factors for sales success include: Product and Application, Selling Skills, Time and Territory Management, and Motivation. Among these elements, only motivation is important in all kinds of selling. Ubanagu (2006:190) stated that motivation is the effective managerial application of tangible and intangible incentives to improve the performance of the workforce. The obvious and distinctive feature of sales force activity is that it involves personal contact with the customers, that is, the need to persuade through personal visits, and the need to undertake other activities not directly associated with presentation. Thus, all classes of sales force or salespeople, namely Route sales people, Sales clerk, Detail sales persons, Account representatives, Sales engineers and Creative sales persons require adequate and proper motivation.

The three popular methods of compensating sales people identified by Ubanagu (2006:190) are straight salary, straight commission and combined plans. He further explained thus:-

1.     Straight salary: This system is mostly adopted when the management wants to motivate sales people to achieve objectives other than short run volume. Straight salary method of compensation is adopted in the following situations:-

a.               When the individual sales person’s impact on sales volume is very difficult to measure in a reasonable time;

b.              Where the sales people are engaged in missionary selling as in the

c.               When the selling process is complex and involves a team or multi-level selling effort as in that of MTN.

2.              Straight commission: A commission is payment for achieving a given level of performance and are based on a certain percentage (%) of the sales essence units volume. However, MTN Nigeria Company bases their commission on the profitability of sales to motivate the sales force in order to extend effort on the most profitable product or customers.

3.              Combination Plan: It put the basic salary with commissions/bonus or both. If salary is combined with commission, the commission is tied to sales volume as in the case of straight commission plan. A bonus is a payment made at the discretion of management for achieving or surpassing some level of performance. The attainment of quota is often the minimum requirement for a sales person to earn a bonus as it is the case in MTN Nigeria.

4.              The purpose of motivating subordinates/sales forces .is to get them to achieve objectives (results) that help the organizations, how to motivate employees remains a perennial challenge faced by managers. This study will therefore examine the effects of motivation on sales force performance in manufacturing and service companies with a view to making a comparative analysis, bringing out the areas of differences and similarities, and projecting more effective and modern ways of motivating the sales force for optimum productivity. So, MTN Nigeria in Umuahia was used for this purpose.

1.2              Statement of the Problem

Customers are more demanding today than ever before. The target market require better goods, services and quick and reliable support than they had in the past. The sales force in the field who should have some wealth of knowledge and experience about the products, market, competitors, industry trends, do not seem to be active and effective as exemplified by failure to keep business promises, giving incorrect information to customers, and poor customer relationship management.

Specifically, greater percentage of the sales force in manufacturing and service companies have been major culprits in these practices including lateness to work and not keeping appointment at all. Others could be very unfriendly and even become hostile while attending to customers. Some sales force loses focus and consequently supply wrong brand of products to customers. These result in long waiting time for customers to receive the needed goods and services, and the consequent low performance as some customers lose patience and consequently take their leave and even go the alternatives. The poor attitudes of the sales force such as lateness to work, delayed sales calls, lack of information for customers problems, could contribute to the low growth of sales force performance in manufacturing and service companies.

The foregoing situations of the sales force in manufacturing and service companies in relation to economic performance raise issues on whether these companies can achieve and sustain high rates of output and growth, able to generate and sustain large numbers of employees, and whether they can compete effectively in the global market. The failure of sales force could have industrial, managerial and marketing implications which this study is set to explore, and which constitutes its research problem. Particularly in the context of how the sales force are motivated towards improving productivity using the incentives of salaries, sales calls allowances, sales bonuses, access to sales vans, product availability and continuous training and updating of the sales force.

1.3              Objectives of the Study

Consequent upon the background of the study and the statement of the problem, the researcher will endeavour to:-

i.determine the direction from very high to very low levels of motivation of sales    force of GSM providers

ii.identify the differences in the motivational tools used on the sales force by GSM providers

iii.ascertain whether staff preferred leave period and participation in decision making have significant effect on sales force performance of GSM providers determine the most effective motivational incentives - insurance scheme, commissions and regular pay used by GSM providers.

1.4               Research Questions

Based on the background of the study, statement of the problem and the objectives of the study, the following research questions were raised to guide the study:-

                 i.What is the level of sales force motivation of GSM providers?

               ii. What are the different motivational tools used on the sales force by the GSM providers?

             iii. What are the motivational effects of staff preferred leave period and participation in decision-making on sales force performance of GSM providers?

What are the most effective sales force motivational incentives used by GSM providers

1.5.    Hypotheses of the study

Following the statement of the problem, the objectives of the study and the research questions raised there from, the following hypotheses were formulated to guide the survey

i.There is no significant difference in the level of sales force motivation of GSM providers.

ii. There is no significant difference in the sales force motivational tools used by the GSM providers.

iii.Preferred schedule leave period and participation in decision making do not have significant effect on sales force performance of GSM providers.

1.6     Significance of the Study

This study of the effects of motivation on sales force performance of GSM providers in Nigeria will be of immense benefit to the growth of manufacturing and service output in the economy. The study will provide the marketing managers with better conceptual, human and technical skills for assessing and increasing the efficiency of their sales force and other levels of employee towards achieving both personal and organizational goals.

This study will also be relevant to companies operating in Nigeria. The management of these companies will be refreshed and educated more on the needed adequate knowledge and application of appropriate motivational strategies that will enhance industrial harmony and growth. This will facilitate peace, commitment and interpersonal relationship. The study will encourage the management of various companies and corporations to make policies that will harvest “happy sales force, happy company” situations.

In the educational sector, the study will equip the teachers and educational administrators/managers with the right mindset to “invite students to learn”. Through this study, they will see more reasons to helpfully but objectively commit the students to the pursuit of successful teaching and learning process. The students themselves will be prepared through this study to adequately handle some economic functions involving human resource management especially the sales force issues. This work is intended to help the students get ready for the additional management responsibilities they are likely to encounter in the real world.

1.7              Scope Of The Study

This research work was confined to assessing the effects of motivation on sales force performance in 9Mobile Nigeria and as manufacturing company in the South-East states. This study will identify the available sales force motivational tools, the ones used differently or otherwise by the two companies, and proffer the way forward. However, lack of adequate time and finance did not permit the extension of the study to their head offices, but it is believed that what was obtained from their Umuahia branch offices  represented the general true situation.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

The conduct of research in Nigeria and of course all developing countries is hindered by a lot of problems. In this particular study on the effects of motivation on sales force performance in 9Mobile  and MTN-in Umuahia,the following problems were encountered:

a.              Power supply: Poor power supply is the greatest problem of this research. Sometimes there will be no light for about one month or more. When light is on, it would be very epileptic thereby forcing the researcher to incur more cost to power the generator otherwise nothing would be done. Browsing, studying, processing of data progress, etc were all affected by inefficient power supply even in all sectors of the Nigerian economy.

b.              Family distractions: Combining and co-coordinating office work, family duties and rigorous academic exercise as this research is a herculean task. Besides, hostel accommodation was not available to make the study easy.

c.              Data collection problem: There were delay in executing and returning the questionnaire by the respondents. This called for repeated visits to the two companies studied, so also the poor attitude of some target respondents who did not execute the instrument at all. In fact, sourcing data from corporations was a very difficult case as the staff were secretive the extent of which depend largely on the level of exposure and mindset of staff of the two companies, and the individual differences of all concerned with this research work..

d.              Financial problems: This depicts the prevailing economic condition in the country and the consequent financial state of average Nigerian student. Financing this research was therefore a big task. There is nothing like research grant to aid self-sponsored study.

e.              Time constraint: As time waits for no man, the time frame for this study did not allow the use of many analytical techniques and expansion of the scope. The overall academic pressure, lapsing of programmes and fear of NUC’s screening harmer on researcher’s job would not permit extension of period slated for this study.

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