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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004175

No of Pages: 59

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study examines the effects of fuel subsidy removal on Nigerian’s standard of living in Lagos State in which 50 civil servants were randomly selected in Ikeja for the purpose of the study. Statistical data for about eight different periods where fuel hike occurred in Nigeria was revealed and the instrument used to collect the data was questionnaire which contained sixteen questions. Data collected was dully analyzed with the help of chi-square. So, it was deduced from this study that increase in fuel pump price which resulted from fuel subsidy removal has an adverse effect on the standard of living of the people, since fuel is essential for the transportation of major commodities, such as agricultural produce and other market product in Nigeria.     








TITLE                                                                                                        PAGES

Title page                                                                                                        i

Certification                                                                                                    ii

Dedication                                                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                          iv

Table of content                                                                                              v

Abstract                                                                                                           viii



1.1              Background of the Study                                                                     1

1.2              Statement of the Problem                                                                  5

1.3              Purpose of the Study                                                                           6

1.4              Research Questions                                                                            6

1.5              Research Hypotheses                                                                          7

1.6              Significance of the study                                                                     7

1.7              Scope/Delamination of the study                                                       9

1.8              Limitation of the Study                                                                       9

1.9              Definition of Terms                                                                             10



2.1       An Overview of the Structure of Nigerian Economy                          11

2.2       Oil/Petroleum Sub-Sector in Nigerian Economy                                15

2.3       Fuel Subsidy and its Removal in Nigeria                                            17

2.4.      Economic Development Growth and Development and

Standard of Living                                                                               21

2.5       Factors that Determines the Standard of Living                                24

2.6       Challenges to Economic Development in Nigeria                              27

2.7       Impact of Subsidy Re-Investment and Empowerment

Programme (Sure – P) in the Economy                                              30



3.1       Introduction                                                                                        34

3.1       Research Design                                                                                 34

3.2       Population of the Study                                                                       34

3.3       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                      34

3.4       Instrument for Data Collection                                                           35

3.5       Validity of Instruments                                                                       35

3.6       Reliability of Instrument                                                                     35

3.7       Method of Data Collection                                                                 36

3.7       Method of Data Analysis                                                                    36




4.1       Introduction                                                                                        37

4.2       Organization of Personal Data                                                           37

4.3       Data Analyses and Discussion                                                             40



5.0       Introduction                                                                                        46

5.1       Summary of Findings                                                                          46

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                           47

5.3       Recommendations                                                                              48

            References                                                                                          50

            Appendixes                                                                                          52






1.1            Background of the Study

Research on the effects of fuel subsidy removal on Nigerian’s standard of living has been on interest to the economy and Nigerians. This research evidence will show the effect of fuel subsidy removal on the standard of living of Nigerians.


Petroleum is the mainstay of the Nigerian economy. It plays a very crucial role in shaping and modifying the economic, political and social destiny of the country.


The discovery of oil in commercial quantities at Olobiri in the Niger Delta and later at Afam and Boma in the 1960s established Nigeria as oil producing nation. The oil sector, as the prime mover of the economy became apparent in the 1970s due to the dramatic increase in oil process and the rise in the nation’s proven oil reserves and production.


Subsidy has been defined as aids directly granted by government to an individual or private commercial enterprise deemed beneficial to the public. (Ogundipe D.O. 2013).

According to Ogundipe D.O. 2013, Fuel Subsidy can be said to be the financial aid granted to autonomous and foremost oil marketers by the government for them to supply their products as a cheaper rate for the good of the masses. This move is almost always aimed at boosting the economy of a country, providing social amenities for the people, stabilizing the market, creation of employment opportunities and of course the new theory of it is capable of fighting corruption as postulated by the Nigerian government. The issue of subsidy is not alien to the nation’s down-stream because it existed during the military regime when the four refineries of the nation could only produce little which could not even satisfy the domestic needs of the people. Then, a need arose for the importation of finished petroleum products such as diesel, petrol and kerosene to meet the domestic need of Nigerians. For this reason, the influential Nigerians and those in the corridor of power considered the sudden wealth that will result from this opportunity and started acquiring the various wells in the country and finally, they overtook the petroleum industries. This undoubtedly was the birth of the child of fuel problems Nigerians are nurturing today especially as it affects petroleum.


On the first day of January, 2012 Nigerians woke up to face one of the greatest shock of their lives when the removal of fuel subsidy was announced by the federal government at a time perceived wrong, in a way many saw as erroneous, in a situation several believed was unstable and with arguments many opined came with a sinister motive. This raised the price of a litre of petrol from N65 to N141. A drive through the memory lane revealed that subsidy was once removed on kerosene and diesel by the then Federal government of Nigeria on reasons similar to one gave by the President Jona led administration and with promises that such policy will have a long lasting positive effects on all areas in the nation. However, nothing tangible could be said to be the celebrated outcome of the said policy. It was argued by the then federal government that the removal of subsidy on diesel and kerosene would make the products available and affordable but it turned out to be a fallacious fabrications, the products have become more scarce and expensive, instead of the promise of its expensive, instead of the promise of its availability. Saddening enough, none of the crippled refineries was brought back to its feet from the money realized from the removal of subsidy on diesel and kerosene. One begins to wonder if the time honoured saying ‘once bitten twice shy’ was not the rhythm in the minds of long-suffering Nigerians when the Petroleum Products Pricing and Regulatory Agency (PPRA) announced the infamous policy on the 1st of January, 2012.


After weeklong   protests by Nigerians, which was led by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), Trade Union Congress (TUC), and some civil society groups, government bowed to public pressure not to remove the fuel subsidy entirely in view of some negative effects it would unleash on the populace, especially where there was absence of palliative and coupled with the fact that the government took the people by surprise. The government after much hesitation, made a U-turn in her policy, partially removed the subsidy and reduced petrol price from N141 to N97 per litre. Although, it was not a return to status quo, Nigerians had wanted but they heaped much of their hope on government planned palliative to cushion the negative effects the partial removal of the fuel subsidy would have on the masses. Unfortunately, most of the promised palliative such as massive job creation, easy transportation and other goodies did not get out of government’s drawing board.


Early 2014, the same government was again touting with the idea of removing what remained of the subsidy, which the people thought is the only benefits they derive from the nation’s naturally endowed petrol – dollar largesse. The government argued that a tiny percentage of Nigerians called the cabal are the ones hugely profiting from the subsidy largesse and that the current low price of oil will always encourage smuggling of the product along our numerous porous boarders. Government also said that the total fuel subsidy removal will attract more investment in the downstream oil sector which will boost employment and the economy.

Although, the government arguments may sound convincing, Nigerians have a pathetic tale and manifold frustrations to express over many years of government’s fuel price hike based on terrible regimes and the failure by the government to deliver on its promises.


1.2      Statement of the Problem

The government policy of fuel subsidy removal was to bring about positive effects and changes to the economy through subsidy reinvestment programme (SURE – P) and to eradicate oil related corruption, thereby increasing the standard of living of Nigerians.


However, Fuel subsidy removal would have the following negative effects on Nigerians:

i.                    Lack of adequate palliative such as massive job creation, easy transportation and regular supply of electricity to cushion the negative effects.

ii.                  Increase in cost of production which will be resulted from increase in fuel price.     

iii.                Increase in the cost of providing services

iv.               Increase in house rent (cost of living)

v.                 Increase in transportation cost

vi.               Fall in the standard of living

vii.             Increase in the prices of goods and services

viii.           Increase in corruption

ix.                Increase in the cost of education


1.3      Purpose of the Study

This study aims at assessing the effects of fuel subsidy removal on Nigerians’ standard of living. The purpose of the study is summarized as follows:

1.     To find out whether fuel subsidy removal has any effect on the private cost of education

2.     To find out the relationship between fuel subsidy removal and increase in transportation cost

3.     To find out the relationship between fuel subsidy removal and increase in house rent (cost of living)

4.     To find out the relationship between fuel subsidy removal and increase in the price of goods and services


1.4      Research Questions

        i.            Does fuel subsidy removal has any effect on the private cost of education?

      ii.            Is there any relationship between fuel subsidy removal and increase in cost of transportation?

    iii.            To what extent is the relationship between fuel subsidy removal and increase in house rent?

   iv.            Does fuel subsidy removal has any effects on the increase in the prices of goods and services?


1.5      Research Hypotheses

Ho1:    There is no significant effects of fuel subsidy removal in the private cost of education.

Ho2:    There is no significant relationship between fuel subsidy removal and increase in house rent (cost of living)

Ho3:    There is no significant relationship between fuel subsidy removal and increase in transportation cost

Ho4:    There is no significant effects of fuel subsidy removal on the increase in the prices of goods and services.


1.6      Significance of the Study

The significance of the study to the:



i.          Government

a.     The result of this study would give necessary information to provide adequate palliative for the masses to cushion the native effects of fuel subsidy removal.

b.     It will give the government an insight to judiciously utilized and revenue generated from fuel subsidy removal without any form of corruption

c.      This study outcome will prompt the government to get all the cabals behind the profit from the subsidy largesse and bring them to book


ii.        Researchers

The findings of this study would serve as reference point for future researchers, which would form the basis of their research work.


iii.       Populace

The outcome of this study would provide necessary information to the populace over the subsidy removal, though may be accomplished with increase in cost of living, transportation, goods and services, cost of production etc. but it will lead to:

a.     Attraction of more investment in the downstream oil sector

b.     The boosting of employment and the economy

c.      The discouragement of smuggling of petroleum product along our boarders.

d.     Increase in gross domestic product (GDP)


1.7      Scope/Delimitation of the Study

This study will mainly be focused on workers or staff in:

i.                    Ikeja Local Government, Secretariat, Anifowoshe, Ikeja.

ii.                  Ralimat Islamiyya School, Ikeja Lagos.

iii.                Lagos State Internal Revenue Service (LIRS) Oregun, Ikeja


1.8      Limitation of the Study

During the research work, the following were the factors militated against the research work.

1.     Finance: this is the major factor as it serves as a barrier for acquiring the needed information. Also transport cost and financial implication for the success of the research work.

2.     Time Factor: limited time was one of the constraints of the study. As no enough time required for the execution time is involved between when the questionnaires were administered to the respondents and when they are collected and collated for onward analysis and also in carrying out interviews.

1.9      Definition of Terms

        i.            Subsidy: Money that is paid by government of an organization to reduce the cost of services or of producing goods so that their prices can be kept low.

      ii.            Palliative: An action that is designed to make a difficult situation seem better without actually solving the cause of the problems

    iii.            Refinery: a factory where a substance such as oil is refined

   iv.            Largesse: An act of being generous with money

     v.            Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The total value of all the goods and services produced by a country in a year.

   vi.            Cabal: A small group of people who are involved in secret plans to get political power.

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