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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007759

No of Pages: 61

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study analyzed in details the effect of logistics management on marketing performance of water packaging enterprises in Abia State Nigeria. The study examined the cost implication of logistics management, performance of the enterprise and determinants of performance. Fifty (50) water packaging enterprises were selected from the major cities of the state. Descriptive (tables, frequencies and charts) and inferential (cost and returns, multiple regression) statistics were adopted in the data analysis. The result showed thata mean of 9 years indicates that these enterprises have been in existence for a minimum of this period. The result revealed further that 74% of the water packaging enterprises in Abia State are located in the urban centers while 26% in the rural centers. Majority (50%) of the enterprises were medium-scaled, 30% large scaled and 20% small-scaled. Given that 62% of the managers had tertiary education, this implies that a very high level of literacy (ability to read and write) abides in the study area.The study shows that 96% of the water packaging enterprises in the study area made use of distributive systems while only 4%. The cost share among these components shows that 61% of the total logistics management budget was spent on transportation with 21% and 18% spent on warehousing and inventory control respectively. Estimated gross revenue of N 800,000, total cost of N 486,215 and net return of N 313,785 were received. A profitability ratio of 0.40 indicates that 40% of the total revenue received was accounted for by net revenue showing that water packaging enterprises in Abia State are profitable.An R2 shows that 76% of changes in the performance (profit) of water packaging enterprises were accounted for by the explanatory variables included in the model while 24% was accounted for by random disturbances in the model. Performance of the enterprises was positively influenced by turnover and business experience of the managers at 5% significant level respectively and negatively influenced cost of operation, age of the enterprises and government charges at 1%, 5% and 10% significant levels respectively.The result of the probit regression showed that logistics management was positively related to size of firm, location of firm and demand for the product and negatively related to cost of logistics and distance to the target market. The correlation result showed a strong positive relationship between logistics management and performance of the water packaging enterprises at 5% level of significance. It was recommended that water packaging enterprises should ensure that their transportation system is efficient and affective so as to guarantee place and time utility of their products, warehouse management must be given special consideration. This may involve the engagement of commercial warehouses that will ensure momentum and profit boost;these enterprises are also advised to ensure an efficient inventory control system as this has the capacity of enhancing sales and turnover; Government should review their charges on these enterprises and thereby reduce the unnecessary burden on them.










1.1     Background of the study

1.2     Statement of the problem

1.3     Research question

1.4     Objectives of the study                                             

1.5     Research hypothesis

1.6     Significance of the study

1.7     Scope of the study

1.8     Limitations of the study




2.1     Concept of logistics in the business world

2.2     Definition of marketing logistics

2.3     Meaning of logistics in marketing

2.3.1  Perspectives of logistics

2.4     Physical distribution

2.4.1  Components of physical distribution

2.5     Distribution strategies

2.5.1  Element of distribution Physical distribution Warehouses and warehousing

2.5.2  Channel management

2.6         Features of logistics management

2.6.1   Logistic in the economy: A macro perspective

2.6.2   Cost associated with logistics performance

2.6.3  Transportation management Product factors in mode selection  Market factor in mode selection

2.6.4  Warehouses as a component in physical distribution

2.7     Role and relevance of logistics in marketing

2.7.1  Geographical spread of goods

2.8     Impact of logistics and physical distribution on profit maximization




3.1     Study area

3.2     Sampling technique

3.3     Sources of data

3.4     Method of data analysis

3.4.1  Model specification




4.1     Socio-economic characteristics of the respondents

4.2     Logistics Management Components and Distributive System of Packaged Water Enterprises in Abia State

4.3     Cost Implication of Logistics Management by Water Packaging Enterprises

4.4     Performance of Water Packaging Enterprises in the Study Area

4.5     Determinants of Performance of Water Packaging Enterprises

4.6     Factors affecting logistics management adoption of the water packaging firms

4.7     Effect of logistics management on performance of water packaging firms




5.1     Summary

5.2     Conclusion

5.3     Recommendations





Table 1       Frequency Distribution of Firms According to Business Age

Table 2       Frequency Distribution of Businesses According to Location

Table 3       Frequency Distribution of Businesses According to Scale of Operation

Table 4       Frequency Distribution of Businesses According to Capital Structure

Table 5       Frequency Distribution of Businesses According to Union Membership

Table 6       Frequency Distribution of Firms According to Managers Level of Education

Table 7       Frequency Distribution of Firms According to Managers’ Business Experience

Table 9       Frequency Distribution of the various Logistic Management Components  adopted by Package Water Enterprises in Abia State.

Table 10     Performance of Water Packaging Enterprises in the Study Area

Table 11     Determinants of Performance of Water Packaging Enterprises in Abia State.

Table12.     Factors affecting logistics management adoption of the water packaging firms

Table 13     Effect of logistics management on performance of water packaging firms










1.1       Background of the study

At present, logistics plays a very important role in organizations. Due to the highly competitive environment, organizations have tried with their utmost endeavor to deploy brand new strategic approach within their own organizations so as to generate a higher competitive edge. Logistics plays key role in supporting organizations as they strive for more efficient management systems (Sheridan, 1993; Wallenburg, 2005). As in the business practices, the inefficient logistics system together with the inefficient internal management would disable the organization to respond to the needs of customers with the lowest price at the shortest feasible time frame including the quality level which does not meet customer expectation and would lead the organizations to the competitive disadvantage situation against their rivals. With a broad range of manufacturers and distributors for our customers to choose from, they can choose to purchase the products from the manufacturers and distributors who are capable to offer products which match their specified quality at the lowest prices and be delivered on time (Stalk and Hout,1990; Azzone and Masella, 1991; Adobor & McMullen, 2007).                                                                                   

Logistics is becoming a major factor of differentiation in the market, as referred to by Bowersox et al. (2002) and Gunaseakaran and Ngail (2003). In the current competitive climate, there is strong pressure, on one hand, to operate in product and service differentiation, and on other hand, operate on the price factor allowing its reduction. As Melnyk et al. (2009) mentioned, logistics can manage these aspects, constituting a strategic or value-creation tool.

Thus, logistics in intra-organizational and inter-organizational functions is a prominent activity in companies, since this plays an important role in supply management, both internally and externally.

In the literature, various empirical studies, such as Ellingeret al. (2000), show that logistics is a strategic vector in companies’ organization and influences their performance, namely in terms of service quality and overall profitability. In parallel with its internal importance, logistics also has an impact on effectiveness and profitability, as mentioned by Mentzeret al. (2001) and Fugate et al. (2010). The management of logistics activities has become a valuable way of securing competitive advantage and improving organizational performance (Li et al.2006).                                              

Logistic is the management of the flow of goods between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet some requirements, of some customers or corporations, the resources managed in logistics can include physical items, such as food, materials, animals, equipment and liquids, as well as abstract items, such as time, information, particles, and energy. The logistic of physical items usually involves the integration of information flow, material handling, production, packaging, inventory, transportation, warehousing, and often security.                                                                                                                     

Marketing performance has become important tool globally for any organization to remain in competitive market environment and was stronger. Aremu and Lawal (2012) sees performance as a pattern of resource allocation decisions made throughout an organization. This encapsulates both desired goals and beliefs about what are acceptable and most critically unacceptable means for achieving them. Marketing performance must focus on delivering greater value to customers and the firm at a lower cost (Chiliya et al., 2009). Owomoyela et al, (2013) also see marketing performance as a way of providing quality product that satisfies customers needs, offering affordable price and engaging in wider distribution and back it up with effective promotion performance. Marketing performance is a prerequisite of industry’s ability to strengthen its market share and minimize the impact of the competition.

Successful logistic management and marketing performance are achieved by utilization of installed capacity in productivity, commitment, specialization in business strategy, organizational growth through increase in output, more market share, product quality, organizational effectiveness and efficiency etc. it enhances organizational relationship with the external environment.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) operators (like bottled water company) need to provide a quality product with good packaging in wider distribution and back it up with effective promotional strategy in order to survive the pressure from global market competitive environment.

Bottled water is drinking water that is packaged in a plastic or glass water bottles. Bottle water may be carbonated water. Size range from small single serving bottles to large carboys water coolers. Water is one of the most vital natural resources of all life, development and the environment (Perlman, 2009; Hofwegen, 2007; Chovwen et al, 2009; Butterworth and Soussan, 2001). This underscores its inclusion as one of the vital components of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations.

Globally, packaged drinking water have continued to stake its claim to consumer share of throat as demand rose in view of the fundamental values of purity, quality and reliability leading to a leap in its market by 6% in 2007, with bottled water volumes reaching 206 billion liters in that year and with a 7.9% compound annual growth rate in the year 2002-2007. In 2010, world’s bottled water industry experienced a growth rate of 4% to exceed $99 billion (Market line, 2011). The market is expected to expand by more than 27% in the five- year period ending 2015 to generate more than $126 billion in revenue. Indeed. There is high market potential for improved packaged water across the globe.

1.2       Statement of the problem

One of the major functions of logistic management on marketing performance on water packaging enterprises is to effectively plan for distribution of goods and service delivery (drinking water) to the consumption point (customers) and at the right time. However, the state of infrastructure and bad logistic management of some water packaging enterprises in Abia State has caused a serious challenge to the enterprise. Due to the poor condition of our major road, the cost of moving our goods to different part of Abia State especially in Umuahia municipal and Aba regions becomes very high. Another problem is that, there is difficult to measure logistics success and there is difficult to show contribution of logistics to the company and the value-added created by means of logistics. We have to take into a consideration many different data, sources and measures. But logistics effectiveness is more than only costs and cost reduction. According to Bhagwat and Sharma (2009), analysis of logistics performance is among the main challenges faced by today's companies. Other challenges include, for example, customer service, strategic partnerships, inventory management and logistics flow management, reducing cycle times and geographical coverage along with flexibility (Li et al, 2006).These challenges arise mostly from the decentralization of production systems, leading companies to move towards the development of basic skills and the need to implement efficient and effective management of logistic activities.

Although, the packaged water industry has grown exponentially, it is yet to fully maximize it potentials in terms of logistics management to consumers and low cost of production. Only in a simplest marketing system will a producer sell directly to the final consumer. It is in view of this that this study considers it imperative to look at the effect of logistic management on the marketing performance of water packaging enterprise in Abia State.        


1.3       Research question

The following questions will be answered in line with the objectives of the study:

i.                    what are the socio-economic characteristics of the packaged water producers in the study area? 

ii.                  what are the various logistic management components for marketing packaged water among water packaging enterprises in the study area?

iii.                what is/are the cost implication of logistics management by water packaging enterprises with respect to transportation, warehousing and inventory cost?

iv.                what are the performance of water packaging enterprises in the study area with respect to profit and productivity?

v.                  are there factors that influence adequate logistic management by the water packaging enterprises in the study area?

vi.                What are the factors that affect logistic management among the firm?

vii.              What are the effect of logistic management in the performance of water packaging firms?

1.4 Objectives of the study                          

The broad objective of this research work is to examine the effect of logistic management on the marketing performance of water packaging Enterprises in Abia State, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to:

        i.            examine the characteristic features of packaged water enterprises in the study area;

      ii.            ascertain the various logistic management components for marketing packaged water among water packaging enterprises in the study area;

    iii.            evaluate the cost implication of logistics management by water packaging enterprises with respect to transportation, warehousing and inventory;

    iv.            evaluate the performance of water packaging enterprises with respect to profit and productivity in the study area;

      v.            analyze the determinants of performance of water packaging enterprises in the study area;

    vi.            estimate the factors affecting logistics management among the firms;

  vii.            determine the effect of logistics management on performance of water packaging firms;

1.5       Research hypothesis

The hypotheses of the study are:

HO1: There is no significant relationship between the factors that influence logistic management it the study area.

HO2: There is no significant relationship that exist between the promotional strategies to adopt by water packaging enterprises in the study area.


1.6       Significance of the study

This study will be useful to many sectors of the economy, as little research has been done on this area. Also logistic management on marketing performance on water packaging enterprise will increase if the research recommendations are judiciously implemented. The research will help the operation of water packaging enterprises not only in Umuahia and Aba metropolis but Nigeria in general.

Water packaging enterprises in Abia State adopts intensive as well as selective, logistic strategies. Intensive involves using all the available outlets while selective involves using a limited number of outlets in a geographical area to market her products. That’s why organization effort should aim at helping an employee to acquire basic skills required through training etc to make effective sales and distribution of its products so as to maintain a large market share as well as business growth. Therefore, logistic management and effective marketing performance plan is needed in every marketing organization (water enterprise) for profit making.

The primary aim of being efficient and effective is to get loyal customers at low marketing costs. The needs to sustain consumer loyalty in the face of market, uncertainties have led to wars of wit among supply chains in the marketing system. To the consumer, logistic management may mean getting his commodities at the lowest price while from the producer’s perspective: it may imply selling at the highest price. To reconcile these differences in perspectives, companies must not only create high absolute value, but value also high relative to competitors at a sufficiently low cost. This is only possible to the extent to which firms can reduce wastage in their marketing operations.

The outcome of this study will generate interest and data for accessing portable water production and distribution in the study area. These data will be specifically useful or justifiable to many people such as:

i.                    The marketer: Goldrick et al., (2006) assert that effective logistic management system exposes and make it easy for customers to get what they want (water) at the right time, place and from the right source. Thus, the study of what logistic management strategy to adopt to increase distribution of goods and services will help the marketer realize his mistakes of the past.

ii.                  The company: Water packaging enterprises will find this research, finding guide valuable, this is because the finding will enable them know their deficiencies and how to correct them.

iii.                Future researchers: Future researchers will also benefit a lot from the study, this is because, they may likely want to expand or change their strategy, this work will serve as a stepping stone for them.

In addition, a study of this will also be useful to policy makers, investors, and regulatory agencies such as National Agency for Food Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) in taking informed decisions on quality and price control issues with respect to packaged water. Apart from its useful purpose as a reference to researcher, the study will reveal in-death analytical exposition that would lead to increased interest in logistic management.


1.7 Scope of the study

This study is limited to the effect of logistic management on the marketing performance of packaged water in Abia State Nigeria with particular reference to Aba and Umuahia metropolis. 

1.8       Limitations of the study

The study recorded some limitations. Some of these limitations are uncooperative attitude of the respondents. Some workers in the company were unwilling to supply the needed information due to how confidential and sensitive the data are. Lack of adequate finance to fund the research work as to visit many places was a major setback. Furthermore, time was a major challenging factor to the researcher, as a student, he was faced with class lectures, and assignments which adversely affected the researcher’s work. 

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