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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009412

No of Pages: 128

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study was carried out to determine sub-lethal effects of Atrazine herbicide in juveniles of Clarias gariepinus and Hybrid (Heterobranchus longifilis Clarias gariepinus). Fish species were exposed to acute concentrations of 5mg/l, 10mg/l, 15mg/l, and 20mg/L of Atrazine, as well as sub-lethal doses of 0.6mg/l, 1.3mg/l and 2.5mg/L of Atrazine. Both experiments had a control each, which served as a reference point. The LC50 value of atrazine established from the study was 12.5mg/L for both species. A total number of one hundred and twenty (120) juveniles each of Clarias gariepinus and Hybrids of mean weight 7.60±0.10g and mean standard length 3.51±0.13cm, (regardless of sex) were exposed to sub-lethal atrazine concentration for 12 weeks. The effect of the sub-lethal exposure of both fish species to atrazine, was evaluated using standard methods that assessed fish behaviour, histology, haematological, biochemical, proximate composition and atrazine accumulation in the muscles. Atrazine induced hyperactivity and loss of equilibrium at acute levels of exposure. The physico-chemical parameters obtained before and after the experiment were within the tolerated limit.  Histopathological analysis of the fish organs examined revealed varying degrees of pathological alterations to the gill and liver of both fish species. The gill showed alterations like fusion and shortening of primary and secondary lamella. The liver showed histopathological changes such as congestion of central vein and degeneration of hepatocytes amongst other alterations. Assessment of haematology and biochemical parameters revealed significant differences between exposed groups and control. Atrazine also has a dose dependent effect on the growth parameters, with both highest and lowest growth rate recorded in the control and exposed group of Hybrids respectively. Proximate composition of exposed groups was significantly different from the control of both species. Atrazine accumulation in the muscle was found highest in Hybrid juveniles exposed to highest Atrazine concentration (2.5mg/l). Results of the sub-lethal toxicity test showed that Atrazine was toxic to the both species in a dose-dependent manner. The toxicity assessment parameters were more pronounced in the exposed groups of Hybrids than Clarias gariepinus juveniles though not statistically different. All parameters for toxicity assessment showed significant differences in the exposed groups when compared to the control. The study revealed that Atrazine was moderately toxic to C. gariepinus and Hybrid (Heterobranchus longifilis Clarias gariepinus) juveniles and affected the behaviour, haematology, biochemistry, histology, as well as growth of the fish. Hence, the use of the herbicide should be used with caution especially near water bodies.



Title page                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                               ii

Declaration                                                                                                 iii

Dedication                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                     v

Table of Contents                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                             x   

List of Plates                                                                                                  xii

List of Figures                                                                                            xiii

Abstract                                                                                                      xiv



1.1     General Background                                                                         1

1.2     Statement of Problem                                                                       3

1.3     Justification                                                                                      4

1.4     Objectives                                                                                        6



2.1     General Scope of Pesticides                                                             7

2.2     Effects of Pesticide on the Ecosystem                                              8

2.3     Atrazine as a Herbicide                                                                    10

  2.3.1  Properties of atrazine at standard temperature and pressure                       11

2.4     Mode of Action                                                                                11

2.5     Environmental Fate of Atrazine                                                       12

2.6     Toxicity of Atrazine                                                                         13

2.7     Atrazine Toxicity to other Animals                                                  14

2.8     Effects of Atrazine on Humans                                                        15

2.9     Atrazine Toxicity to Fish                                                                  17

2.9.1  Susceptibility of fish to toxicants                                                     18

2.9.2  Pesticide toxicity and fish behavior                                                 19

2.9.3  Pesticide toxicity and fish histology                                                21

2.9.4  Pesticide toxicity and fish haematology and biochemical

Properties                                                                                          20

2.9.5  Pesticide toxicity and fish growth                                                    27



3.1.    Experimental Fish Specimens                                                          29

3.2     Preparation of Test Solution                                                             29

3.3     Exposure of Fish Specimens to Atrazine                                         30       

3.3.1  Range Finding test for the determination of atrazine

         concentration                                                                                     30

3.3.2  Acute toxicity of atrazine herbicide in

          Clarias gariepinus juveniles.                                                           30

3.3.3  Acute toxicity of atrazine herbicide in hybrid juveniles.                  31


3.4     Experimental Design                                                                        32

3.5     Experimental Procedure                                                                   34

3.5.1  Fish growth analysis                                                                         34 Mean weight gain                                                                           34 Specific growth rate                                                                       34

3.6     Haematological Analysis                                                                  34

3.6.1  Determination of packed cell volume (PCV)                                   35

3.6.2 Determination of haemoglobin concentration (Hb)                                  35

3.6.3 Red blood cell (RBC) count                                                              36

3.6.4  Total white blood cell (WBC) count                                                36

3.7     Determination of Serum Biochemical Indices                                  37

3.7.1 Alanine amino transferase (ALT)                                                     37

3.7.2 Aspartate amino transferase (AST)                                                   38

3.7.3  Determination of total protein                                                         39

3.7.4  Determination of cholesterol levels                                                  40

3.7.5  Determination of blood glucose                                                       40

3.8     Determination of Atrazine Accumulation of Fish Muscle of
          Control and Exposed Groups.                                                         

3.9      Determination of Proximate Composition of Experimental

                                    Fish Muscle                                                                                                         41

3.9.1  Moisture content                                                                               41

3.9.2  Ash content                                                                                       41

3.9.3  Crude fibre                                                                                        42

3.9.4  Crude fat                                                                                           43

3.9.5  Determination of crude protein                                                        43

3.9.6  Determination of carbohydrate                                                        44

3.10   Histopathological Examinations                                                     44

3.11   Water Quality Determination                                                           44

3.12   Data Analysis                                                                                    45

3.13   Study Area                                                                                        45


                          4.1     Lc50 of Atrazine, Behavioural Responses, and Physio Chemical

                      Parameters of Exposed Groups                                                        46

            4.2     Effect of Atrazine on the Haematological Parameters of

                      C. gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to Sub-lethal

                      Concentrations of Atrazine.                                                              50

4.3    Effects of Atrazine on the Biochemical Parameters of

         Clarias gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles                                                                 56

4.4    Histopathology of Gills and Liver of Clarias gariepinus and Hybrid

         Juveniles Exposed to Sub-lethal Concentrations of Atrazine                                62

4.4.1 Histopathology of gills of Clarias gariepinus and hybrid

          juveniles exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of atrazine                                 62

4.4.2 Histopathology of Liver of Clarias gariepinus and hybrid

          juveniles exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of atrazine                                 63

4.5    Effects of Atrazine on the Proximate Composition of Muscles

         of Clarias gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles                                                             75

4.6    Atrazine Accumulation in the Muscle of Clarias gariepinus and

         Hybrid Juveniles                                                                                                       78

            4.7    Sub-lethal Effects of Atrazine on the Growth of C.gariepinus and

                     Hybrid Juveniles                                                                               79



            5.1     Conclusion                                                                                        88

            5.2     Recommendation                                                                             89

            References                                                                                                 90









3.1:    Acute Toxicity of Atrazine in Clarias gariepinus Juveniles.                              31

            3.2:    Acute Toxicity of Atrazine in Hybrid Juveniles.                                 32                                                                             

3.4.1: Experimental setup Clarias gariepinus juveniles                                 33

3.4.2: Experimental setup hybrid juveniles.                                              33

                        4.1:    Effect of Atrazine on the Haematological Parameters of

                                  C. gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to Varying

                                   Concentrations of Atrazine.                                                            51


4.2:    Effect of Atrazine on the Biochemical Parameters of

          C. gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to Varying

           Concentrations of Atrazine.                                                            57

4.3:    Proximate Composition of C. gariepinus and Hybrid Juvenile

                                  Muscle Exposed to Varying Concentrations of Atrazine.                  76

                        4.4:  Accumulation of Atrazine in Muscles of C. gariepinus

                                and Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to Varying Concentrations

                                 of Atrazine.                                                                                       79

                        4.5:  Sub-lethal Effects of Atrazine on the Growth of C. gariepinus

and Hybrid Juveniles.                                                                         85                                                                                           







1A   Histopathology of Gill of Clarias gariepinus Juvenile

        Exposed to 0mg/l of Atrazine Showing Normal Primary and

        Secondary Lamellae and Afferent Artery                                          65

1B   Histopathology of Gill of Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to

        0mg/l of Atrazine Normal Primary and Secondary Lamellae

        with Afferent Artery and Cartilaginous Core                                    65

2A   Histopathology of Gill of Clarias gariepinus Juvenile

        Exposed to 0.6mg/l of Atrazine Showing Congestion of

        Primary Lamellae at the Extremities                                                 66

2B   Histopathology of Gill of Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to

        0.6mg/l of Atrazine Showing Congestion of Primary Lamellae

        at the Extremities and Mild Fusion of Secondary Lamellae.                  66

3A   Histopathology of Gill of Clarias gariepinus Juvenile

        Exposed to 1.3mg/l of Atrazine Showing Disintegration of

        Arterial Walls Fusion of Primary Lamellae at the Extremities   67

3B   Histopathology of Gill of Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to

1.3mg/L of Atrazine Showing Fusion of Primary Lamellae                                        Shortening of Secondary Lamellae and Mild Blood Vessels

Congestion.                                                                                         67

4A     Histopathology of Gill of Clarias Gariepinus Juvenile Exposed

          to 2.5mg/L of Atrazine Showing Swelling and Disruption of

 both Primary and Secondary Lamellae at the Extremities.             68


4B     Histopathology of Gill of Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to 2.5mg/l

          of Atrazine Showing Fusion/Shortening/Swelling of both

          Primary and Secondary Lamellae and Disruption of the

          Cartilaginous core                                                                            68

5A     Histopathology of Liver of Clarias gariepinus Juvenile

Exposed to 0mg/l of Atrazine showing Normal Central

Vein and Small Blood Vessels Dispersed at Intervals                      69


5B     Histopathology of Liver of Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to

          0mg/l of Atrazine Central Vein and Small Blood Vessels

          Dispersed at Intervals                                                                        69

6A     Histopathology of Liver of Clarias gariepinus Juvenile

          Exposed to 0.6mg/l of Atrazine Showing Perivascular Cuffing

          around the Central Vein and Congestion of Small Blood

 Vessels                                                                                              70

6B     Histopathology of Liver of Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to

          0.6mg/l of Atrazine Congestion of Central Vein a Mild

          Congestion of Sinusoids                                                                     70

7A     Histopathology of Liver of Clarias gariepinus Juvenile

          Exposed to 1.3mg/l of Atrazine showing Mild Congestion of

          Central Vein and Congestion of Sinusoids.                                       71

7B     Histopathology of Liver of Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to 1.6mg/l

          of Atrazine Showing Congestion around the Central Vein and

          Mononuclear Inflammatory Cells in the Liver Parenchyma.               71

8A     Histopathology of Liver of Clarias gariepinus Juvenile

          Exposed to 2.5mg/l of Atrazine Showing Congested Central

          Vein, Congested Sinusoids and other Blood Vessels                                    72

8B     Histopathology of Liver of Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to 2.5mg/l

          of Atrazine Showing Congested Sinusoids, Areas of Fatty

          Degeneration of Hepatocytes and Inflammatory Cells Linning

          the Blood Vessels                                                                                72



1:       Graphical Representation of Growth Rate of

          Clarias gariepinus Juveniles.                                              81

2:       Graphical Representation of Growth Rate of Hybrid

Juveniles                                                                                 81

4.3:    Graphical Representation of Growth Rate of Clarias

         gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to 0.6 mg/l of

         Atrazine.                                                                                82


4.4:    Graphical Representation of Growth Rate of Clarias

          gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to 1.3 mg/l of

          Atrazine.                                                                               83


4.5:    Graphical Representation of Growth Rate of Clarias

          gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles Exposed to 2.5 mg/l of

          Atrazine.                                                                               84










The use of herbicides to control weeds has been a common practice in global agriculture, mainly with the objective to increase agricultural production. According to Vasilescu and Medvedovici (2005), herbicides are defined as any substance, individually or in mixtures, whose function is to control, destroy, repel or mitigate the growth of weeds in a crop. Herbicides are the most used chemical substances throughout the world (He et al., 2012).

They are used extensively for agricultural purposes and their use is necessary to control nuisance organisms and increase crop yields to support the rising global population. However, when these chemicals are used in an uncontrolled manner, they can cause impacts on non-target organisms, especially on those that live in aquatic environments.

Major disadvantages of herbicides are that they are not biodegradable and as a result can persist in the environment for a long period of time, also they are mildly toxic, cause diseases and even accidental death. They can even be carried into rivers by rainwater or be leached to groundwater thereby causing pollution of the underground water reserve.

Some herbicides can accumulate in the food chain and become toxic for animals, including man.

Some herbicides, when at low concentrations, cannot cause immediate detectable effects in the organisms, but, in long term can reduce their lifespan longevity. The contamination of aquatic environments by herbicides has been characterized as a major world concern.

This aquatic contamination is due to the use of these products in the control of aquatic plants, leachate and runoff of agricultural areas. It is a growing public concern about the amount of herbicides that have been introduced into the environment by leachate and runoff, not to mention that the contaminations of the aquatic environments generally occur by a mixture of these compounds and not by isolated substances (He et al., 2012)

Atrazine, a well-known herbicide was invented in 1958 in the Geigy laboratories as the second of a series of 1, 3, 5-triazines (Wolfgang Krämer 2007). The molecular weight of Atrazine is 215.69 and its chemical formula is: (2–chloro-4-ethylamino-6- isopropylamino-S-triazine). Like other triazine herbicides, atrazine functions by binding to the plastoquinone-binding protein in photosystem II, which animals lack.

Plant death results from starvation and oxidative damage caused by breakdown in the electron transport process. Oxidative damage is accelerated at high light intensity (Appleby et al., 2001).

Atrazine is one of the most widely used pesticides in the world. Approximately 80 million pounds are applied annually in the United States alone, and atrazine is the most common pesticide contaminant of ground and surface water (Solomon et al., 2013).

Atrazine has been proven to covalently bind to a large number of mammalian proteins (Dooley et al., 2008). Atrazine has been known to have a persistent effect on the environment. Due to Atrazine's persistence in the environment and its readiness to enter water systems via runoff, drinking water contamination is a major public health issue in areas of heavy application (ATSDR, 2003)

Fish are often used as sentinel organisms for ecotoxicological studies because they play a number of roles in the trophic web, accumulate toxic substances and respond to low concentrations of mutagens (Cavas and Ergene-Gözükara, 2005). To access environmental quality, fish are usually used as bio indicators. They have the ability to detect the presence of chemicals even at sub-lethal levels.

Toxicity testing in fish is of great concern due to their potential adverse effects on human health after consumption, thus toxicity studies are essential to determine sensitivity of animals to toxicants and also useful for evaluating the degree of damage to target organs and the consequent physiological, biochemical and behavioral disorders (Omoniyi 2018).


Worldwide use of pesticides in 2007 was estimated at 2.4 billion kg of which the largest proportion, 40% or 950 million kg was herbicides (U.S EPA, 2012a). The intense use of herbicides on agricultural fields to control diseases and increase food production has contributed to environmental pollution in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

The presence of pesticides in the environment has caused significant social and scientific development anxiety worldwide, as their all over the world extensive usage can create potential risks to the environment and human health, as they can easily pollute bodies of water, resulting in extensive damage to non-target species, including fish (Moreno et al., 2010).

Atrazine can be transported more than 1,000 km from the point of application via rainfall and, as a result, contaminates otherwise pristine habitats, even in remote areas where it is not used (Thurman and Cromwell, 2000; Mast et al., 2007).

Fish serves as bio-indicators of environmental pollution and can play significant roles in assessing potential risk associated with contamination in aquatic environment since they are directly exposed to chemicals resulting from agricultural production via surface run-off or indirectly through food chain of ecosystem (Lakra and Nagpure, 2009).


The issue of food security in Nigeria has raised questions on how to feed the teeming population that is in excess of 213 million inhabitants. Food security in Nigeria has been a topical issue of discourse in government circle since the initiation of the Millennium Development Goals (MGDs) at the onset of the twenty first century (Agbon et al., 2014).

Herbicides are used to control weeds and are usually targeted to processes and target sites that are specific to plants but in most cases these chemicals reaches non-target areas and exerts both acute and chronic hazards to non- target organisms.  Environmental threats to freshwater ecosystems are increasing at faster rates as industrialization, urbanization and agricultural activities intensify (Amaeze et al., 2020).

Billions of kilograms of industrial chemicals find their way into fresh water bodies around the world annually including 140 billion kilograms of pesticides (Mensah et al., 2014). Over the last decades, the extensive agricultural and non-agricultural use of pesticides has elicited extensive research on their effects on non-target organisms.

Despite the existence of several toxicological studies carried out with herbicides in different organisms to quantify the impacts of these pollutants and know their mechanisms of action, there is a great need to expand even more the knowledge about the effects of herbicides in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Environmental contamination due to excessive use of pesticides has become a great concern to the public and environmental regulatory authorities.

In Nigeria, agrochemicals that contain pesticides especially chlorinated hydrocarbons and the organophosphates, are routinely employed as part of the integrated farming practice to protect crops and animals from insects, weeds and diseases (Fafioye et al., 2001Ezike, 2017), as a result of this, there is need to study the effect of these chemicals on aquatic organisms which are to a greater extent, the non-targeted organisms.


The specific objectives of the study are to determine:

                            i.         Effect of sub-lethal concentrations of Atrazine on growth of Clarias gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles.

                          ii.         Effect of sub-lethal concentrations of Atrazine on the histology of the gills and liver of Clarias gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles.

                        iii.         Sub-lethal effect of Atrazine on haematological and biochemical parameters of Clarias gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles.

                         iv.         Effect of sub-lethal concentrations of Atrazine on proximate composition of muscle of Clarias gariepinus and Hybrid Juveniles.

                          v.         Level of  Atrazine accumulation  in the muscle of test organisms




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