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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006340

No of Pages: 55

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This research work was undertaken to examine the impact of small scale business enterprises as a catalyst of poverty alleviation. The purpose of the research work was intended to find out solution to the problems of small scale business enterprises in Dutse local government. Questionnaire were distributed to two hundred as the research samples while simple was used. The research work found out that a small scale business is the catalyst of poverty alleviation. However government support play very vital role in promoting small scale businesses. The research  recommends that small scale business operating regular and timely.

Title page ………………………………………………………………….i
Approval page.............................................................................................ii
Dedication..................................................................................................iv Aknowlegement..........................................................................................v
Table of content …………………………………………………………vi
 Abstract .............................................................................................. … .x

1.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………….1
1.2 Historical Background of the Study ..................................................... ..2
1.3 statement of the problems ........................................................................3 
1.4 Objectives of the study ............................................................................4
1.5 Significance of the study .........................................................................4 
1.6 Research hypothesis…………………………………...………………..5
1.7 Scope and limitation of the study………………………….……………5
1.8 Definition  terms ......................................................................................6

2.1 introduction ............................................................................................8 
2.2 Historical perspective of research area………………………...………..8 
2.3 Definition of the term small scale business……………………………9 
 2.3.1 Characteristics of small scale business ........ . .................................10
2.3.2 Funding of small scale business ................ . ......................... . …….11
2.3.3 The role of small scale business in economic development………..12
2.3.4 Importance of small scale business to the nigerian economy ……..14
2.4 Poverty .................................................................................... …..…15
2.4.1 Poverty alleviation programmes ......................................................16
2.4.2 Method of alleviating poverty .........................................................17
2.4.3 Tradermoni…………………………………………………………18
2.4.4 Nirsal …………………………………………    …………………21
2.4.5 Smedan …………………………………………………………….23

3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................28.
3.2 Research design ..............................................................................28
3.3 Area of the study .............................................................................29
3.4 Population and sample of the study ................................................29 
3 .5  Sampling techniques ....................................................................29
3.6 Instruments of data collection ........................................................30 
3.7 Method of data analysis and presentation .....................................30

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................. 31
4.2 Presentation and analysis of data ...................................................31
4.3 Test of hypothesis ……………………………………………….39
4.4  Research  findings...........................................................................39

5.1 Summary ......................................................................................... 40
5.2 Conclusions .................................................................................... 40
5.3 Recommendations.............................................................................40  Reference ................................................................................................42 


There is need to express the development of small business. A small independent business is everywhere and in every line of work. Many people want to be their boss someday; these goals serve as an entrepreneur. Most especially now that people have come to realize that it does not pay to work as civil servant but rather think of business of their own. In recent time in this country government (state and federal) have championed the campaigns for individuals most especially those unemployed ones to become creative and stop searching for jobs that are not there, rather they should start thinking of how to get themselves in fore create employment for themselves, if possible employ other people. 
Also small scale business dominated the overall business activities in Nigeria. They can be established by individuals, groups, companies or cooperative but whatever the nature of small business such business shares the same general characteristics of being one. It is interesting to note that most business started as small then expanded and grew at the same time it will be risky to assume that small business and industry are exactly the same. 
Many people in today’s indigenous giant enterprises started as one person operation, they strived over the years to grow bigger. 
As substantive as the number of today’s Nigerian, who are determined more than ever to quit their job, (despite the battled shape of the economy) and start their own business of course, many of the firm (newly established ones) have failed despite the much time, effort money committed and in reality the entrepreneur, failed due to one problem or the other. 

Dutse mining “rocks” has its qualifier Gadawur come from the word of a legendary hunter at an incident in Garu town then a rock forest. Some time in memorial the hunter was said to heave notice 3 suddenly crossing of an antelope taken by surprise he said “Yanzu Naga Gada (Antelope) Wur (Crossed) Tawuce”. Mean it is just now I saw antelope crossed, these word of hunter Gada (antelope) and Wur crossed where the origin of Dutse Gadawur. The ancient city of Dutse but ample historical evidence available suggest that Dutse have existing as retail out lot any organized kingdom for more than six hundred (600) years, the Kano chronicle for distance relate about war between Sarkin Kano Abdullahi Burja at Dutse in the first half of 15‘h century (1400-1450AD). This shows that not only Dutse was retails but was even parsing thrent to the expanding Kano kingdom the years between 1500-1800AD witness remarkable achievement in the field of retail outlet, politics, administration, culture and the building of the city was which have thirteen gates (13). For instance entered the trade network that linked Ganja Kano and Bauchi region. What was just remarkable however was that Dutse remarked a independent political entity throughout the speech over the loss, in the opening years of the nineteen century as a result of Jihad pointed at. By Usman Dan Fodio, Dutse lost it is independent and fold under influence of Kano. This not with intending Dutse maintain a semi independence status as historical fact available indicate sufficient to not that, Dutse has two (2) dwelling dynasty tracing to the champion of the Jihad moment in Dutse scale M. Lawan and Muse Dan Malam Amoda who provide the successive Sarkin Dutse Apulo the presents day, Dutse was a local government in old Kano state since before the creation of Jigawa state in the year 1991 August 27, Jigawa state was created by federal military government under General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Administration and Dutse was announced to be the state capital city or head quarter that is why Dutse became Municipal local government in Jigawa state. The mounting poverty level in developing economies is posing significant threat to the very existence and sustainability of the economies. In Nigeria, various economic programme introduced by various governments in the past have not significantly reduced the level of poverty. The failure of various development programme to impact on the level of welfare of the citizens in terms of poverty reduction particularly through employment generation. This triggered a new focus on the role and importance of small and medium sized enterprises as a viable channel to attaining economic growth and development (Agumagu, 2006). 

1. A small scale business needs finance in order to run the business, majority of our people lack finance that will be used in order to establish businesses that will develop a rural community(Dutse local government) 
2. Also majority of the people who operate small scale business are not educated enough to permit the raped growth and expansion of their business viz-a-vipiloting the overall sustainable socio-economic development of their areas. 
3. Many of the people who operate a small business does not have, technical known - how to run the business which resulted to ineffective and failure of the business. 

The main purpose of this research is to examine small scale enterprises and poverty eradication in Dutse local government. Other objectives include to:
i. Examine the effect of small businesses in the development of Nigeria economy.
ii. Find the financing opportunities available to small scale business in Nigeria. 
iii. Evaluate the efforts of past and present government in promoting the small       business in (Dutse) Nigeria through various institutions. 
     iv. Examine the effect of small scale business operation in poverty eradication. 

It is hoped that the findings and recommendations of the study will be of great benefit through the following ways: 
The study will broaden students understanding about the effect of Small scale Enterprise in the eradication of poverty. 
The study will also of great benefit to the public by bringing to their awareness about the existence of small scale business and the roles it played 1n upgrading the society welfare The study will also help entrepreneur to expound 1n their various business lines, equipping them about how source for support from fnanC1al institution. 

The research hypotheses of the study are:
Hypothesis One 
 Hi= Small scale businesses facilitates poverty alleviation. 
Ho= Small scale business does not facilitates poverty alleviation. 
Hypothesis Two 
 Hi= Small scale businesses bring about raped socio-economic development. 
Ho =Small scale businesses does not bring about raped socio-economic development.  
Hypothesis  Three 
Hi= Small scale businesses helps or contribute in reducing social vices through  poverty alleviation. 
Ho= Small scale business does not help or contribute in reducing social vices through alleviating poverty.

This study is limited to Dutse Metropolis Area and its entire people because the information needed to see to the actualization of the study can easily be generated and be of benefit to the research by limiting may research information finding in Dutse local government area. 
Data  information, for the research must be collected by the researcher and in the process the researcher faces problems, such as finance, time and non-discloses of some information by the respondents.
Small scale businesses, or more simply, a small business, is one marked by a limited number of employees and a limited flow of finances and materials. Clearly, Google, General Motors and Wal-Mart are not companies that anyone would mistakenly label a small enterprise. By the same token, it’s just as obvious that a one-person home business, or a mom-and-pop corner candy store are the epitome of a small business. But where does the boundary lie?
Enterprises is another word for a profit business or company, but it is most often associated with entrepreneurial ventures. People who have entrepreneurial success are often referred to as “enterprising.”
Entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.
Catalyst is a common word that you might come across while studying chemistry especially while learning about chemical reactions. While some of the chemical reactions occur quickly, some take a long time and require extra materials or effort. This is where a catalyst comes in. What is the meaning of catalyst? We will find out in this lesson.
Poverty alleviation aims to improve the quality of life for those people currently living in poverty. Another term that is often used is poverty reduction.

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