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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006917

No of Pages: 109

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study investigated Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence as determinants of Mathematics achievement in Owerri Education Zone. Multiple prediction design was employed. The population of this study comprised of 17,637 Senior Secondary class two (SS2) students in Owerri Education Zone in Imo State. In this study, 391 participants were selected and a multi-stage random sampling technique was used to draw the participants. This sample size was based on Taro Yamane formula for determining sample size from a definite population. Four different instruments were used. (i) Self-Concept Questionnaire (SCQ) (ii) Peer-Influence Questionnaire (PIQ) (iii) Attitudinal Scale (AS) and (iv) Proforma. The Cronbach Alpha reliability techniques calculated yielded reliability coefficients of 0.87, 0.78 and 0.71 for SCQ, PIQ and AS respectively. The data collected were analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Co-efficient with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. The findings revealed that Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence related positively with Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics. Attitude significantly determines Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics. Self-Concept and Peer-Influence insignificantly determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics. Thus, Self-Concept and Peer-Influence determined poorly to the variance observed in Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics. However, Attitude is the best determinant variable to Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics, while Peer-Influence is the least determinant variable. More so, Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence jointly accounted for only about 1.7% of the variance observed in Mathematics achievement scores of students. It was recommended among others that students should develop positive Attitude towards mathematics, have a firm believe in themselves and adopt healthy Peer-relation so as to increase their Mathematics achievement.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

List of Appendices                                                                                                     x

Abstract                                                                                                                      xi

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          1            

1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               12

1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                                                      13

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         14

1.5       Hypotheses                                                                                                     14

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               15

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                         17

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                              18

2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                   18

2.1.1    Mathematics and its usefulness                                                                      18

2.1.2    Self-concept                                                                                                    21

2.1.3    Attitude                                                                                                          22

2.1.4    Peer-influence                                                                                                 24

2.1.5    Concept of gender                                                                                          24

2.1.6    Academic achievement                                                                                   25


2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                   27

2.2.1    Social cognitive theory                                                                                   27

2.2.2    Attribution theory                                                                                           28

2.3       Empirical Framework                                                                                      30

2.4       Summary of Related Literature Review                                                         38

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY                                                                          40

3.1       Research Design                                                                                             40

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                           40

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                  41

3.4       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                  42

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                       42

3.6       Validation of the Instruments                                                                         43

3.7       Reliability of the instruments                                                                          43

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                             43

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                               45

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    45

4.1       Results                                                                                                            45

4.2       Testing of Hypotheses                                                                                                49

4.3       Major Findings of the Study                                                                          53

4.4       Discussion of the Findings                                                                             54


5.1       Summary of the Study                                                                                    59

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      61

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          61

5.4       Educational Implication of the Study                                                            61

5.5       Limitations of the Study                                                                                 62

5.6       Suggestions for Further Study                                                                        64

REFERENCES                                                                                                        65

APPENDICES                                                                                                          70









4.1.1    Correlation Matrix Among the Variables                                                       45


4.1.2    Simple Regression Result on Students’ Self-Concept and Students’

Academic Achievement in Mathematics                                                        46


4.1.3    Simple Regression Result on Students’ Attitude and Students’ Academic              Achievement in Mathematics                                                                46


4.1.4    Simple Regression Result on Students’ Peer-Influence and Students’

Academic Achievement in Mathematics                                                        47


4.1.5    Relative Determining Powers of the Independent Variables for

Male Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics                               47


4.1.6    Relative Determining Powers of the Independent Variables for

Female Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics                           48


4.1.7    Joint Determining Powers of the Independent

Variables to Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics                   48


4.2.1    Significant Determinant of Self-Concept to Students’ Academic

 Achievement in Mathematics                                                            49


4.2.2    Significant Determinant of Attitude to Students’ Academic Achievement

in Mathematics                                                                                                50


4.2.3    Significant Determinant of Peer-Influence to Students’ Academic

Achievement in Mathematics                                                             50


4.2.4    Summary of the Multiple Regression Analysis for Male Students’

Academic Achievement in Mathematics                                                        51


4.2.5    Summary of the Multiple Regression Analysis for Female Students’

Academic Achievement in Mathematics                                                        52


4.2.6    Multiple Regression Analysis for Joint Determinant of the three

Variables to Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics                   53





Appendix A:   Percentage of Students in Nigeria from 2000-2016                           70

Appendix B:   Population Distribution                                                                       71

Appendix C:   Sample size determination                                                                  72

Appendix D:   Sample Distribution                                                                            73

Appendix E:    Instrument for Data Collection                                                           74

Appendix F:    Reliability of Instrument                                                                     77

Appendix G:   Validate I                                                                                            79

Appendix H:   Validate II                                                                                          80

Appendix I:     Validate III                                                                                         81

Appendix J:     Data Collection and Analysis                                                             82




Mathematics is the science of quantity and space. Wikipedia Encyclopedia (2014) defined it as the abstract study of topics such as quantity (numbers), structure, space and change. It is a creation of the human mind, concerned primarily with ideas, processes and reasoning. Mathematics can be seen as a body of knowledge, a collection of techniques and methods, the product of human activity, and even as the activity itself. According to Wilson (2013), Mathematics has aptly been described as the true language of science. Nwagbara (2015) described Mathematics as the universal language that acts across cultures and uses carefully defined terms and concise symbolic representations to add precision to communication. The researcher therefore describes Mathematics as the language that controls the whole world. This is so because it cuts across all endeavour of life activities of humanity. Furthermore, the researcher likened Mathematics to a musical instrument in which one can play a variety of beautiful melodies. The beautiful melodies are the knowledge of sciences and technologies and in particular the Mathematics applications to the development of the society. 

Ideally, no nation can develop without integrating mathematics properly into her national life. This is because Mathematics is the springboard for technological and overall national development. The gap between developing countries, such as Ethiopia and Nigeria, and the developed countries, such as America, Canada and Britain, is simply an outcome of the gap in the study of mathematics in favour of developed countries (Unodiaku, 2012). These assertions suggested that Mathematics is a very important subject.

The importance of Mathematics cannot be over emphasized. Mathematics is a core school subject, at the primary and secondary schools that have found application in the social, political, scientific and technological development of the countries of the world. Application of Mathematics originated from the creation of man. Mathematics is needed by man for day-to-day planning and execution of most social, technological and scientific activities. The researcher viewed Mathematics as the queen, bedrock and life wire of science and technology. The researcher also confirmed this notion as there is no aspect of human life that does not require the application of Mathematics in one way or the other.

Concepts in Mathematics have had much direct impact on people’s way of life. In the National Policy on Education, Mathematics is one of the core subjects to be offered by all pupils and students in primary and secondary levels of Education (FRN, 2013). The compulsory nature of Mathematics carries with it the assumption that the knowledge of the subject is essential for all members of the society. In Nigerian Senior Secondary School Mathematics Curriculum, the Mathematical concepts are developed and structured around four major concepts; Numbers and Numerations, Algebraic Processes, Geometry and Everyday Statistics (Jonah, Caleb & Stephen, 2012).

With the knowledge of numbers and numerations simple computations can easily be carried out ranging on how to the use “ready reckoners” and calculators in buying and selling of goods. It helps to recognize and describe the population of a Nation, State, Local Government Area, Town, Clan or Family. In Algebraic Processes through the use of clock the concept of time can be understood. The clock indicates the time to wake up in the morning and prepare for school, have specific lessons, have recess and so on.  In chemistry the concept of ratio and proportion has wide range of application especially in the balancing of chemical equations and mass-volume relationship. The use of chemical for either weed or pest control require a good knowledge of ratio in mixing the chemical. Small and large businesses thrive by using linear programming in minimizing cost and maximizing profit. Most buildings are constructed using the knowledge of geometry such as Pythagoras theorem, measurement of angles and line segments. The marking and construction of play fields for football, basketball, hockey, shot-put and so on require the knowledge of geometry. In economics, sciences, technologies, industries, etc. the concept of variation (direct, indirect, joint and partial variations) are widely applied as useful tools. A tailor uses the knowledge of direct variation in charging his customers. The more the time he spends in designing the cloth the more amount of money the customer will pay. Similarly, indirect variation is gainfully applied in teaching of population education. For instance, the larger the population of a family, the less attention or care is given to member. Partial variation is also used to determine the total cost of electric bill in the schools, homes and industries. The Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) uses the concept of partial variation to EEDC bill per month. The costs of servicing the meter is usually constant or fixed while the costs of consuming the electric current by customers partly varies. Government uses statistics to know the population of teachers and students needed in a particular school. Probability is used in predicting the outcome of an election or possibility of winning the war or football match. Weather forecasting can be easily known through probability. Honestly, the applications of Mathematics in everyday life of human beings are many and cannot be exhausted. In teaching and learning of Mathematics, if the applications of mathematics are used appropriately, it will encourage students to develop interest, have positive attitude towards the learning Mathematics.

According to Wilson (2013), most of people understates the extent to which most modern scientists do depend on Mathematics. In modern research, both natural and social sciences involve the use of statistical techniques for analyzing data. No wonder Nwagbara, Bassy and Enun (2013) opined that where there is no Mathematics, there is no science, where there no science there is no technology, and the absence of technology implies absence of development that ushers in socio-economic transformation. It may be in consideration of these vital contributions of Mathematics to national development that Nigerian government made its study compulsory at all levels of primary and secondary school system of education in the country as indicated in the National Policy on Education (FRN, 2014).

Despite the importance of Mathematics, it is very disappointing to note that students’ performance in the subject at both internal and external examinations has remained consistently poor. Also, statistics have shown that mass failure in Mathematics examination is real and the trend of students’ performance has been on the decline (Betiku, 2012; WAEC, 20016; NECO, 2016). Observations and reports from West African Examination Council Chief Examiners revealed that Secondary School Students continue to perform poorly in Mathematics examinations year after year. The West African Senior Secondary School CE (WASSCE) May/June results from 2000-2016 revealed that an average of thirty-five percent (35%) of students passed Mathematics at credit level, while the remaining sixty-five percent (65%) obtained pass or failure on the subject (see Appendix A). This goes further to show that students’ achievement in external examination in Mathematics has been low consistently year after year.

Many variables had been identified as responsible for the poor performance of students in Mathematics. Variables identified include; Governments, Curriculum, Examination bodies, Teachers, Students, Home, and Textbook among others. According to Okigbo (2010), government failed in training and recruiting of more qualified Mathematics teachers which have led to not meeting the required number of teacher/student ratio of 1:20 in teaching and learning of Mathematics in most of public schools in Nigeria today. The problem has been complicated by some of the available few Mathematics teachers who give the students impression that Mathematics is meant for special people. Sometimes individuals may say that Mathematics can make one mad. More so, some other specific variables have been identified by Udeinya and Okabiah (2011) and Amazigo (2010) to include: poor primary school background in Mathematics, lack of interest on the part of the students, lack of incentives for the teachers, incompetent teachers in primary schools, students not interested in hard work, perception that Mathematics is difficult, large class size syndrome, psychological fear of the subject, poor methods of teaching, and lack of qualified Mathematics teachers, which results in teaching of the subject by unqualified, untrained and inexperienced auxiliary teachers. In agreement with them, the researcher personally observed that other factors like school calendar, improper placement of students and use of phones in the school can also cause poor performance of students in Mathematics.  In secondary school calendar there are three terms; namely 1st term that runs from September to December, 2nd term that runs from January to April and the 3rd term that runs from late April to July. Nigeria as a nation with many ethnic groups, due to too much national holiday’s school calendar is seriously affected. Students and teachers find it difficult to cover the school scheme of work. Most at times some topics are skipped in other to meet up with the small time left for teaching and learning Mathematics. Posting of students to new class that the student does not merit affects his or her academic ability. Students coming to school with phones share their time of reading and solving problems in Mathematics with browsing of what may not encourage them in their studies.

The student’ poor achievement in Mathematics also emanated from anxiety and fear of the subject. Phobia has been observed by Aprebo (2012) to be an academic disease whose virus has not yet been fully diagnosed for an effective treatment in the class and the symptoms of this phobia are usually expressed on the faces of Mathematics students in their classes. The researcher further pointed out that the final output of this fear is spread to all subjects that relate to Mathematics and this may result to learners’ inability to improve their interest in Mathematics thereby leading to poor achievement in the subject. The WAEC Chief Examiner’s Report (2016) suggested that students’ performance in Mathematics could be improved through meaningful and proper teaching. According to the report, teachers should help students develop interest in Mathematics by reducing the abstractness of Mathematics, and thence remove their apathy and fears of the subject. Thus it becomes pertinent to look for personality variables that could be manipulated in order to find their effects on learning outcomes. This could address the problems of teaching and learning of Mathematics in schools. Based on this, the researcher examines personality factors that contributes to academic achievement such as are Self-Concept, Peer- Influence and Attitude. 

A learner’s Attitude relates to all the factors of his education. According to Odufuye (2005), the Attitude of a learner towards Mathematics will determine the measure of the learner’s attractiveness or repulsiveness to Mathematics. This invariably, will influence the learner’s choice and even, achievement in that subject. Olaosebikan (2005) in his study on Attitude of students towards Mathematics stated that Attitudes are related to the achievement and enrolment in the subject. According to him, poor Attitude, leads to poor achievement and poor achievement leads to not offering the subject. It follows therefore, that in order to have better students’ performance in Mathematics, there is need to motivate them to have positive attitude towards the subject. This is supported by the finding of Adebowale (2010) who stated that, students’ lack of interest in Mathematics makes it difficult for teachers to impart pertinent knowledge to them on the subject. Research findings by Aghenta (2012) and Soyibo (2015) revealed that Nigerian students have negative Attitude towards science and for those who have chosen to study science subjects. Medahunsi (2015) and Ezezobor (2016) among others, observed that their performance in Mathematics and science has been poor and found significant relationships between Attitude to a subject and achievement in that subject. Similarly, Akinola (2013) stressed that Attitude has a greater influence on aspects of learning which are emphasized in the classroom. Dulton (2014) concurred that attitudes are related to academic performance when measured on promotion grades.

More so, Bandura (2001) opined that Attitude is often used in conjunction with motivation to achieve. It is how well people judge themselves to perform a task successfully. Moreover, extensive evidence and documentation were provided for the conclusion that Attitude is a key factor in the extent to which people can bring about significant outcomes in their lives. In a more objective term, Attitude may be said to connote response consistency with regards to certain categories of stimuli (Anastasi, 2010). He said further that in actual practice, attitude has been most frequently associated with emotionally toned responses (Anastasi, 2010). Zimbardo and Leippe (2011) defined Attitude as favorable or unfavorable evaluative reasons whether exhibited in beliefs, feelings, or inclinations to act towards something. According to Myres in Akinola (2013), attitude is commonly referred to as beliefs and feelings related to a person or event and their resulting behaviour. This means that when individuals have to respond quickly to something, the feeling can guide the way they react. Psychologists like Greenwald, McGhee and Schwarts in Dulton (2014) agree that knowing people’s Attitude is to predict their actions. Attitude involves evaluations. According to them, attitude is an association between an object and our evaluation of it. When this association is strong, the attitude becomes accessible. Encountering the object calls up the associated evaluation towards it. They said further that one acquires attitude in a manner that makes one sometimes potent, sometimes not. For this reason, they concluded that Attitudes predict actions if other influences such as self-efficacy, motivation and self-Concept are minimized. In the context of this study, Attitude would mean students’ views and feelings towards mathematics learning and their resulting behaviour. Self-Concept is another variable associated with Attitude.

The study of Self-Concept has awakened growing interest in psychological research in recent years. Self-Concept, according to Hamachek cited in Machargo (2014), is the set of perceptions or reference points that the subject has about himself/herself; the set of characteristics, attributes, qualities and deficiencies, capacities and limits, values and relationships that the person knows to be descriptive of himself/herself, and which he/she perceives as data concerning his/her identity.  The author further explained that it is a set of knowledge and attitudes that one has about himself/herself; the perceptions that the individual assigns to himself/herself and characteristics or attributes that are used in describing one’s self. It is understood to be fundamentally a descriptive assessment and has a cognitive nuance.

The importance of Self-Concept stems from its notable contribution to personality formations. Self-Concept has to do with social competence since it influences how a person feels, how he or she thinks, learns, values himself or herself, relates to others, and ultimately, how he or she behaves (Clark, Clemes & Bean; 2010). Bryne (2014) noted that much of the interest in the relationship between Self-Concept and achievement stems from the belief that academic Self-Concept have motivational properties such that changes in academic Self-Concept will lead to changes in subsequent academic achievement. Marsh (2010) submitted that in reality, the relationship between Self-Concept and academic achievement is likely to be reciprocal, that is, prior academic achievement affects subsequent academic self-concept and prior academic Self-Concept also affects academic achievement. It follows therefore, that if an individual has a negative attitude towards a particular subject, as a result of low Self-Concept, the individual will have low level of confidence to study and achieve better in the subject. The perception of one Self-Concept has been found to influence the attitude, learning and performance in a subject. According to Harter (2008), Self-Concept is a characteristic way of thinking, feeling and behaving about oneself. It may embrace attitudes, one’s own interest area or opinions that affect the way we deal with different situations. The researcher said further that it is important for students to have a good understanding of themselves and their personality, if they are to make intelligent career plans. What they would like to be is a determining factor in Self-Concept.

The Self-Concept factors to be considered include their mental abilities, special abilities and interest. Pajares (2007) considered factors of mental abilities to be verbal comprehension, word fluency ability, spatial ability, numerical ability, reasoning ability and memory. He matched careers with abilities in backing up his reasoning and urged students to become familiar with their personality and self-concept in order to guide their career choice. According to him, a developed career plan included evaluation of personality through Self-Concept, self-assessment and communication with others. According to Wigfield and Eccles (2010), Self-Concept is shown to be a domain with many pathways. In this domain, there are numerous career clusters as well as career clashers that coincide with abilities. Dekrefflin (2013) found that individual learners who have higher self-concept aim more at success in academics than those with low Self-Concept. He also found that students with low Self-Concept maintain a low level of confidence, negative self-perception and low level of performance.

Self-Concept is also defined in this context as the collection or impressions a student made about his/her appearance. These impressions form the cognition or the understanding in dealing with persons or things. Thus, what makes up the cognitive map or Self-Concept may not be fully known. Everyone shares some factors or constructs. These constructs are self-concept traits that become valuable when choosing a career. The environments, such as our formal education has played a major role in the formation of constructs. Organizations of personality or self-concept constructs are evidence in three situations. First, the individual sees the factors that could potentially change personality. Second, only certain environmental factors impinge upon the individual. These environmental factors enter into the ideas that the individual has had about themselves. Third, of all the factors that enter into the cognizance, only a few are perceived, and even those may be distorted or altered to fit the requirements needed to fulfill the comfort limits of our reality. One of these factors is peer-influence.

Peer is a person who has equal standing with another or others (Siegler, 2010). Wikipedia Encyclopedia (2012) defined peer group as a group of people who, through homophile, share similarities such as age, background and social status (Siegler, 2010). Influence is the power to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves or thinks without using direct force or orders. Peer-Influence is used in this research as the pressure people of equal standing; age group, classmate or people of the same character exert on member of the same group. Peers are likely to influence one another’s beliefs and behaviour. Vygotsky (2005) in his theory on sociocultural influence which focuses on the importance of child’s culture in the society notes that a child is continually acting in accordance with the level of his or her social interaction with others. Despite this background, researchers still contend the effect of peer influence on academic achievement. Salleh (2011) asserted that students were not negatively influenced by their peers in decision- making but that peer gives positive influence on their achievement in academics and make them differentiate between wrong and right. Adeyemo and Torubelu (2008) said positive peer relations was effective in predicting students’ academic performance. In a study on Peer-Influence, pupils’ interest in schooling and academic achievement, Adika and Toyobo (2007) reported that both Peer-Influence and pupils’ interest correlate significantly with academic achievement. According to Burke and Sass (2008), peer effect depends on students’ ability and on the ability of the peers under consideration. Peer effect tends to have smaller impact when teacher-related factors are included; a result that suggests significant combined influence of peer and teacher quality on students’ behaviour. Peer effect tends to be strong at the classroom level than the grade level (Burke & Sass, 2008). Oloyede and Olatoye (2015) reported that there was no significant relationship between Peer-Influence and study habit; Peer-Influence did not predict study habit; Pee-Influence accounted for 0.0% of the total variance in adolescents’ study habits; there was no significant difference between male and female adolescents both in the levels of Peer-Influence and study habit.

Although Mathematics is recognized as abstract subject that can easily be learnt by male students only, literature (Ezenwa, 2010) had shown that Mathematics is more of cognitive activities which could be influenced by gender. Gender according to Pollard and Morgan (2002) refers to the socially constructed expectation for male and female behaviour which prescribes a division of labour and responsibilities between males and females granting of different rights and obligation to them. Such activities like problem solving, critical thinking, logical reasoning, analysis of data and so on are always attributed to males than females.  Personality variables such as the consideration of Self-Concept, Peer-Influence and Attitude in teaching could help to enhance Mathematics learning, appreciation and achievement irrespective of gender. Hence the study intends to investigate the extent to which students’ Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence determine the Mathematics achievement of Secondary School Students.


Observations and reports from examining bodies revealed that a high percentage of secondary school students continue to perform poorly in Mathematics examinations. This poor performance continues to generate much concern among parents, teachers, students and other stakeholders in the education sector. Due to the poor results in Mathematics, many learners have developed phobia for the subject which makes them to fail even in classroom Mathematics test. For students to be able to acquire Mathematics skills, concepts and processes effectively, they have to develop self-concept, healthy peer-influence and positive attitudes toward Mathematics. The alarming poor performance of students in Mathematics is a dangerous situation that could breed unrest and youth restiveness in the Owerri Education Zone. Several studies carried out in Nigeria identified among others students’ self-concept, peer-influence and attitude towards Mathematics as principal factors for poor performance in the subject and this could constitute problem to the attainment of science and technological skills among the ever increasing youth population. It is however, not yet established whether the poor performance of the students in Owerri Education Zone, is related to Mathematics Self-Concept, Peer-Influence and Attitude of secondary school students in the zone. It is on this basis that the study was carried out.


The main purpose of the study was to investigate self-concept, attitude and peer-influence as determinants of mathematics achievement in Owerri Education Zone. Specifically, the study sought to determine:

1.      The relationship among the three determinant variables (Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence) and Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

2.      The extent to which Students’ Self-Concept determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics. 

3.      The extent to which Students’ Attitude determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

4.      The extent to which Students’ Peer-Influence determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

5.      The extent to which Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence determine Male Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

6.      The extent to which Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence determine Female Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

7.      The joint determinant value of the three variables (Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence) and Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.


The following research questions guided the study:

1.      What is the relationship between the three determinant variables (Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence) and Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics?

2.      To what extent do Students’ Self-Concept determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics?

3.      To what extent do Students’ Attitude determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics?

4.      To what extent do Students’ Peer-Influence determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics?

5.      To what extent do Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence determine Male Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics?

6.      To what extent do Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence determine Female Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics?

7.      What is the joint determinant value of the three variables (Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence) and Academic?

1.5       HYPOTHESES

The following null hypotheses (HO) were formed for the study and tested at 0.05 level of significance:

HO1     Self-Concept does not significantly determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

HO2     Students’ Attitude does not significantly determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

HO3     Peer-influence does not significantly determine Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

HO4     Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence do not significantly determine Male Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

HO5     Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence do not significantly determine Female Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.

HO6     There is no significant joint determinant of the three variables (Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence) and Students’ Academic Achievement scores in Mathematics.


It is hoped that the findings from this study would benefit the Mathematics Teachers, Students, Curriculum Planners, Researchers and the Government. The study might help the Mathematics teachers in Mathematics teaching. This is because the Mathematics teachers might effectively incorporate Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence to the teaching of Mathematics. This could help the teachers to re-position their teaching strategies to increase the Self-Concept, positive Attitude and Peer-Influence of the students for better enhancement of their Mathematics learning.

The findings of this study might help the students to remove some of the social apathy towards Mathematics and know that their achievement on the subject depends on Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence. Thus, the students might appreciate the need for Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence in Mathematics learning in their classrooms and this may help them to acquire both Mathematics skills and Mathematics achievement. Also, it would enable the students to contribute to national goals for Mathematics education.

The findings of the study might be beneficial to curriculum planners. They can apply the knowledge of the concepts (Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence) when reviewing Mathematics curriculum. Thus the curriculum planners can now incorporate/entrench the concepts when reviewing Mathematics curriculum for teachers to use or sensitization while teaching the students. Also, the goals of the curriculum planners might be re-directed towards more on acquisition of high self-concept, attitude as well as peer-influence in Mathematics than on acquisition of knowledge. The curriculum planners might also benefit from this study by making adjustment in teacher education programmes in Mathematics in such a way that Self-Concept, Attitude, Peer-Influence and achievement should be emphasized in relevant educational institutions.

Furthermore, researchers in Mathematics education might equally benefit from the findings of this study by using it as a stepping-stone for further studies in Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence. In essence, this work when published could serve as reference material for future researchers in the elated area.

The Government might benefit from the findings of this study because it might enable them to understand the extent of relationship among the three variables in the students' achievement in Mathematics and design appropriate intervention probably in form of workshops seminars and conferences for both students and teachers and possibly for parents/guardians and stakeholders in Education. It might also be beneficial to Government education agency to design suitable instructional strategies that might enhance the learners’ achievement in Mathematics.



This study is delimited to Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence as determinants of Mathematics achievement among Senior Secondary School two (SSII) Students in Owerri Education Zone of Imo State. The SSII level was chosen because students at this level have spent five years in the school system. They also have learnt more Mathematics concepts than SS1 students and are not faced with external examination distraction which may lead them not to have time for drill and practice or any further demonstrations.                    

 There are many factors which may be contributing to poor achievement in Mathematics in schools but this study is delimited to only students' Self-Concept, Attitude and Peer-Influence (independent variables) as the determinant factor to students’ academic achievement (dependent variable) in Mathematics.

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    1 week ago

    Good job

  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    Fast response and reliable

  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    Projects would've alot easier if everyone have an idea of excellence work going on here.

  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    Very good 👍👍

  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    Honestly, the material is top notch and precise. I love the work and I'll recommend project shelve anyday anytime

  • Anonymous

    1 week ago

    Well and quickly delivered

  • Anonymous

    3 weeks ago

    I am thoroughly impressed with! The project material was of outstanding quality, well-researched, and highly detailed. What amazed me most was their instant delivery to both my email and WhatsApp, ensuring I got what I needed immediately. Highly reliable and professional—I'll definitely recommend them to anyone seeking quality project materials!

  • Anonymous

    4 weeks ago

    Its amazing transacting with Projectshelve. They are sincere, got material delivered within few minutes in my email and whatsApp.

  • TJ

    2 months ago

    ProjectShelve is highly reliable. Got the project delivered instantly after payment. Quality of the work.also excellent. Thank you