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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006911

No of Pages: 149

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study is aimed at examining Framing Instructional Strategy and senior secondary school chemistry students’ Achievement in Stoichiometry in Aba Educational Zone of Abia State. The study adopted quasi experimental design. Three research questions and six hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study comprised all the 2,275 chemistry students of 2015/2016 session in public secondary schools in Aba Educational Zone of Abia State. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 72 chemistry students and the use of intact classes was involved. A 30 item multiple choice Stoichiometry Achievement Test (SAT) with options A-D was developed which covered the SS2 chemistry curriculum. The content areas are particulate nature of matter, symbols, formulae and equations, mass-volume relationship. The reliability of the instrument was established using Kuder-Richardson KR-20 and it yielded an estimate of 0.72. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation for research question while the hypotheses were tested using Analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study, among others, showed that there was significant mean difference between achievement scores of students taught with framing instructional strategy and those taught with lecture method. It was recommended that chemistry teachers should use framing instructional strategy in teaching of stoichiometry, among others.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

List of Appendices                                                                                                     x

Abstract                                                                                                                      xi


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          1

1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               7                                                              

1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                                                      8                                                                   

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         9                                                                     

1.5       Research Hypotheses                                                                                      9                                                                                     

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               10                                                               

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                         11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                              12

2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                   12

2.1.1    Metacognition                                                                                                 12                                                                               

2.1.2    Cognitive Vs  metacognition strategies                                                          15                                                            

2.1.3    Metacognition instructional strategies                                                            17                                   

2.1.4    Framing instructional strategy                                                            17                                              

2.1.5     Concept mapping                                                                                           19

2.1.6    Advance organizers                                                                                        20

2.1.7      Lecture method                                                                                             21

2.1.8     Concept of stoichiometry                                                                              23

2.1.9    Achievement in chemistry                                                                              26

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                   27

2.2.1     Ausubel’s learning theory (1962)                                                                   27

2.2.2    Theories of metacognition                                                                              30  Flavell’s theory of metacognition (1976)                                                       31  Brown’s theory of  metacognition (1987)                                                     35

2.2.3    Sources of metacognitive theories                                                                 36

2.3       Related Empirical Studies                                                                              37

2.4       Summary of Literature Review                                                                      47 

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY                                                                          49

3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                        49

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                           49                                                                               

3.3       Population for the Study                                                                                50

3.4       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                  50                                  

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                       51                                     

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                          52                                                     

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                           52                                                          

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                             52                                                         

3.8.1    Experimental procedure                                                                                  53

3.8.2    Control of extraneous variables                                                                      55

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                               56               

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    57

4.1       Results                                                                                                            57

4.1.1    Research questions                                                                                          57

4.1.2    Hypotheses                                                                                                     60

4.2       Major Findings                                                                                                64

4.3       Discussion                                                                                                       65       


5.1       Summary                                                                                                         68

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      71

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          72

5.4       Educational Implications of the Study                                                           72

5.5       Limitations of the Study                                                                                 73

5.6       Suggestion for Further Studies                                                                       73       

References                                                                                                      74







3.1       Summary of experimental procedure                                                              54

4.1       Pretest and posttest achievement mean score and standard deviation

of scores of students in stoichiometry achievement test due to teaching

methods                                                                                                          57


4.2       Pretest and posttest mean achievement score and standard deviation

scores of male and female students in stoichiometry when taught using

 the framing instructional strategy and lecture method as measured

 by stoichiometry achievement test                                                                 58


4.3       Pretest and posttest mean achievement scores of students in urban and

rural areas when taught stoichiometry using framing instructional

strategy and lecture method                                                                           59


4.4       Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for mean achievement score of

students – stoichiometry achievement test (SAT) when taught framing

 instructional strategy and lecture method                                                      60


4.5       Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for mean achievement scores of the

male and female students in stoichiometry test (SAT) when taught using

framing instructional strategy and lecture method                                         61


4.6       Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for mean achievement scores of the

students in schools located in urban and rural areas in stoichiometry

achievement  test (SAT) when taught using framing and lecture method     62


4.7       A 3–way ANOVA for interaction effect among teaching, gender and

location among students in SAT when taught using FIS                               63






A                     Test blue for SAT                                                                               84

B                     Distribution of school in aba educational zone into urban

and rural                                                                                              90


C                     Lesson plan for experimental  group final copy                                 91

D                     Lesson plan for control group final copy                                            121

E                      Teachers’ training kit                                                                          124

F                      Reliability report                                                                                 130

G                     SPSS report SAT                                                                                131









Chemistry is fundamental to everyone’s life and permeates almost every aspect of man’s existence. Chemistry is essential for meeting basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, energy and plays a vital role in the advancement of technology (Ababio, 2011, Amajuoyi, Joseph & Udoh, 2013). Chemistry has been identified as the core of the basic sciences and one of the science subjects stipulated by the National Policy on Education (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2013) which students must compulsorily offer to enable them gain admission into Nigerian tertiary institutions to study any of the sciences and science related courses.


Chemistry is involved in several fields of study and candidates are expected to satisfy the requirement of at least a credit in chemistry in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) to qualify to study courses like medicine, Pharmacy, industrial chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering and other applied sciences in tertiary institutions (Jegede, 2012). The need of increase in performance of students in chemical knowledge has led to the reorientation in the teaching of Chemistry. This is done in a way that is designed to increase literacy, sustain interest in the subject and help develop relevant problem solving skills. For instance, there have been several revisions of the secondary school science syllables in Chemistry, such as the revised curriculum of 6-3-3-4 and 9-6-4 systems.. (Federal Ministry of Education 2007).


In spite of the importance of chemistry, students’ enrolment and performance in chemistry have not been impressive over the years (West African Examination Council, 200; Udo & Eshiet, 2009). Analysis of students’ enrolment for WASSCE in chemistry between 1998 and 2007 revealed the highest percentage enrolment to be 33.7% in the year 2007 (WAEC, 2007). Ifeakor (as cited in Okonkwo, 2012) reported that a consistent trend of poor performance of students in Chemistry in the National Examination Commission between (2004 – 2007).


This observation could be attributed to student, teacher, home, government, and examination body – related factors (Okebukola, 2002). In the same vein, the few candidates who enrolled for chemistry performed poorly. WAEC (2007) noted from their analysis, that for a period of ten years (1998 – 2007), it was only in 2003 that up to 50.98% of candidates who sat for chemistry in WASSCE passed at credit level. This trend has always generated concern among scholars, parents, educators, scientists and the government.


Research reports (Ogunkola 1999, Inyang and Ekpeyong 2000 (2010).). Shows that poor teaching strategy seems to be a reoccurring reason for poor achievement in the science classroom. Some teaching strategies place little demand on the teacher. As a result it becomes easy to cover the curriculum. Over the years, the most dominant teaching method has been the conventional “talk and chalk” strategy (Loughran, Mulhall, & Berry 2006). Other conventional methods of teaching, among others include lecture, discussion, expository which are commonly used by teachers. Olalede (2000) indicated that the teaching of chemistry in schools in Nigeria has not completely weaned itself from its historical antecedents in which the class is dominated by the teacher and the participation of students in verbal interaction and skill demonstration is limited.


Many educationists have suggested different strategies in teaching and learning of chemistry topics, Topics like lecture, discussion demonstration, field trips, inquiry, and mastery learning methods. Okpala (2006) observed that to be effective, the teacher has to be a source of information and guide, an organizer of opportunities for learning, someone who can structure a suitable environment for learning, a superior and a consultant. The current innovations in teaching, is to determine the most suitable strategy for a particular learning situation. The strategy used in teaching either promotes or inhibits learning. A good chemistry teacher must use appropriate strategy so as to arouse the students’ interest and encourage them to develop positive attitude for learning outcome. The need to use appropriate strategies that can stimulate the interest of students cannot be over – emphasized.


The teacher has numerous tasks to carry out in the classroom. According to Simon,  Evans, Mc Creedy, Overton and Summer field  (2008) , the traditional stereotype of the teacher as one who stands in front of the classroom and “tells” the children has been at odds with views of educationists for many years now. For the teaching of chemistry to be effective in the secondary schools, the teaching should involve the task of assisting the students in making worthwhile and satisfying adjustment to learning. In his view, Nwachukwu (2009) stated that if the students are not assisted they may not appreciate learning, since the main duty of the teacher is to remove obstacles from the learning process and encourage students to learn. He also stated that if proper adjustments are not made frustration will set in, and learning will not be effective. Therefore, reduction of frustration is very important for effective teaching and learning to take place in chemistry.


In schools, students differ in their academic achievement. Some of the students perform above their chronological ages. Some of them are average achievers while some are under achievers. The under achievers may  be referred to as a group of learners who lack either motivation, interest or environmental stimulation as a result. They perform below the expected ability of their chronological ages. An under achiever can be described as someone whose achievement is low as his real potential has not been fully demonstrated because the experiences available to him have not successfully promoted the innate potential in him (Opara, 2013).


The effect of instructional strategy on students’ understanding of science concept seems to differ in effectiveness particularly as it concerns areas perceived to be difficult in chemistry. Stoichiometry is one of the topics in Chemistry that is perceived difficult. Majek (2008) reported that students as well as teachers ranked stoichiometry as one of the difficult area/content to teach. Majek (2008) found that stoichiometry is difficult not only to learn but also difficult to teach because of the poor methods adopted. As one of the concepts in modern Chemistry, teaching it well is essential in understanding other concepts in Chemistry.


Udosoro (2011) and Badru (2004) supported the above in their finding that although stoichiometry is important in modern Chemistry, teachers and students find it difficult to teach and learn respectively. As one of the concepts in modern Chemistry therefore, teaching it well is essential in understanding other concepts in Chemistry.


Stoichiometry is one of the science concepts that pose strong difficulties to students’ understanding. It is been considered as unifying concept linking many aspect of the subject matter in chemistry curriculum (Olalede 2010). Stoichiometry is one the concepts in modern chemistry and teaching it well is essential in understanding other concepts in chemistry.


Although stoichiometry is important in modern chemistry, research shows that both teachers and students find it difficult to teach and learn respectively (Udosoro 2011; Badru 2004). This therefore, emphasizes the need for further research on teaching methods that could probably enhance the understanding of some chemistry concepts

 Stoichiometry is the study of the quantitative relations between amounts of reactants and products. It is important that students know the nature of products when other elements react with each other. Stoichiometry is one of the Chemistry concepts that pose strong difficulties to students’ understanding. It has been considered as unifying concept linking many aspect of subject matter in Chemistry curriculum (Olalede 2010).


One of the learning processes found capable of enhancing learner’s involvement in knowledge acquisition is the individual’s metacognition Brown & Flavell as cited in, Walsh & Sahis; (2005). Metacognition is concerned with various strategies used by individuals to detect, outline and control knowledge. Metacognitive strategy is strategy that empowers the learner to take charge of his/her own learning in a highly meaningful way. These metacognitive strategies include organizing strategies, framing, concept mapping, advance organizers, metaphor, imagery and mnemonics (West, framer and Wolf, 1991).


Framing instructional strategy is one of the metacognitive strategies that are learner-centred and activity based. Framing strategy is a visual arrangement that enables a substantial amount of information to be put in a grid or matrix or frame work. Frames consist of main idea in rows and columns which allow  information about the main ideas to be entered in ‘slots’ as facts, examples, descriptions, explanations, processes and procedures in order to show the relationship among them and within the concepts. The purpose of teaching is learning. A teacher teaches only what he or she considers important. In learning the concept of stoichiometry, students need to move from passive to active and dependence to independence. Students learn the same concept in different ways, and teachers need to move learning from teacher – centred to student centred.  As the centre of all learning and teaching revolves around the student, it will be unwise if the teaching strategy fails to recognize the central position of the student. The teaching strategy based on the student – centred approach allows the involvement of the student in an open – ended laboratory exercise. 


However, most studies in the area of framing are foreign and may not be challenging to learners in Nigeria. This assertion is strengthened by findings of Anderson (2005) that school location, classroom organization, home background, and cultural practices, affect students’ performance in science.   


Framing empowers the student to take charge of his own learning in a highly meaningful way. The student detects outlines and controls knowledge acquired through instructional materials, which are in final forms. The student is able to identify and structure knowledge, making remembering and transferring of learned content to new situation.   


Furthermore, the extent instruction in learning strategy is dependent on gender appears not to have been resolved. For instance, Furio, Azcona & Guisasola (2002) found significant difference in chemistry achievement in favour of males. Akintunde & Lawal (2008) found the same trend in mathematics. But reported a bias in teaching method. While Opara, (2003) reported that teaching method is not gender biased.


Balogun, and Adeniyi as cited in Nwosu, (2004), have documented the paucity of Nigerian girls in science and technology. It thus seems that gender stereotyping is still much in Nigerian Education setting and it may be a militating factor to chemistry education of girls in Nigerian secondary schools (Opara, 2003). This study on Framing Instructional Strategy and students’ achievement on stoichiometry would consider gender interaction on academic achievement of students.

Another factor that is alleged to influence student’s Achievement in Chemistry is school location. The effect of school location on students’ achievement has been an issue of previous research studies. However, no consistent result has emerged. Jegede (2012) reported that sex and school location have significant influence on science achievement. Jahun and Momoth (2001) have a contrary report. Considering the above inconsistencies, this study examined the interaction effects of framing on gender and school location on achievement in stoichiometry.


Researchers are of the opinion that quality teaching is found in the school and it is being carried out by qualified teachers who can motivate students to learn under diverse conditions (Nwachukwu 2009 (Nwachukwu, 2009, Olalede, 2010 & Njoku 2004). Motivation is regarded as one of the qualities of achieving good teaching and learning in schools. Nwachukwu (2009) maintained that students’ motivation to learn can be defined as meaningful value, benefits of academic tasks to the learner regardless of whether the learning is intrinsically interesting. Olaleye (2010) reported that students are more effective learners if they are intrinsically motivated towards learning than if they are extrinsically motivated. Framing instructional strategy which is activity based and learner- centred  may improve the achievement of students in Chemistry especially stoichiometry is effectively implemented by Chemistry teachers in Aba Education Zone of Abia State. It is against this background that this study sought to investigate the effect of framing instructional strategy on students’ academic achievement in the concept of stoichiometry.


Students’ achievement in chemistry has been persistently poor especially in the area of stoichiometry perennially report on students’ weaknesses in chemical arithmetic, poor mathematical skills and inability to determine mole ratio from stoichiometric equations. This has been attributed to poor teaching strategies adopted for the teaching of chemistry by chemistry teachers which has been teacher centered for quite sometimes now. The need for change in pedagogy becomes necessary and framing instructional strategy might be relevant in this situation.


Chemistry teachers use discussion and lecture methods frequently in their chemistry classrooms they present facts and principles contained in textbooks and students are rarely involved in any practical laboratory exercises. This kills interests of students in the study of chemistry. Considering the role of chemistry in the development of science and technology, there is a need to make sure that chemistry is properly taught most especially the difficult concepts. This study therefore proposes: That there is a great need on chemistry teachers to explore a more effective strategy for enhancing performance in chemistry. Literature is replete with the unresolved status of school location and gender of the students in science achievement. The questions raised are; how would framing instructional strategy influenced students’ achievement in stoichiometry, how would framing instructional strategy interact with each of gender and school location on students’ achievement in stoichiometry.



The main purpose of this study was to the effect of metacognitive instructional strategy on students’ achievement in stoichiometry. Specifically the study achieved the following objectives:

(i)               to ascertain the effect of framing instructional strategy on students’ achievement in stoichiometry;

(ii)          to determine the effect of gender on students’ achievement in stoichiometry as measured by SAT.

(iii)       To determine the effect of school location on student achievement in stoichiometry as measured by SAT when taught with framing instructional strategy.

(iv)        to determine the influence of school location on the students’ achievement in stoichiometry, as measured by SAT. 

(v)          to establish the interaction effects of framing and school location on students’ achievement as measured by SAT.

(vi)        Determine the interaction effect of framing strategy, gender, and school location on students’ achievement in stoichiometry, as measured by SAT



The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

(i)   What are the mean achievement scores of students taught stoichiometry using framing instructional strategy and those taught using lecture method as measured by stoichiometry achievement test (SAT)?

(ii)  What are the mean achievement scores of students when taught stoichiometry using framing instructional strategy based on gender of the students as measured by stoichiometry    achievement test (SAT)?

(iii) What are the mean achievement scores of students when taught stoichiometry using framing instructional strategy based on school location as measured by (SAT)?



The study was guided by the following hypotheses and were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

HO1: There is no statistically significant mean difference between the Achievement of students taught stoichiometry using framing instructional strategy and those taught with lecture method.  

HO2: There is no statistically significant mean difference in the mean achievement of students taught stoichiometry using framing instructional strategy and those taught with lecture method based on gender.

HO3: There is no statistically significant mean difference in the performance of students taught stoichoimetry using framing instructional strategy based on school location.

HO4: There is no significant interaction effect of framing strategy and gender on students’ achievement in stoichiometry.

HO5: There is no significant interaction effect of framing instructional strategy and school location on students’ achievement in stoichiometry.

HO6: There is no significant interaction effect on instructional strategy, gender and school location on students’ achievement in stoichiometry



The outcome of this study would be of immense benefits to students, classroom teachers, school administrators, and institutions of higher learning.  The findings of the study would benefit students in that they would actively participate in teaching and learning of chemistry especially content areas that are perceived as being difficult. It would enable students to have executive control of the learning process. Each student can post information in his own pattern, rate and uniqueness. This could motivate students in the course of instruction and therefore enhance greater interest in the learning of chemistry. The findings of the study might also be a benefit to the chemistry teachers. Apart from adding to the number of metacognitive instructional strategies, it may make the teaching of chemistry more interesting and meaningful by applying framing instructional strategy and thus improve teachers’ effectiveness by using framing instructional strategy. The findings of the study might also be of immense benefit to the teacher training institutes such as College of Education, faculties of Education in Nigeria Universities and National Teachers’ Institute. Such training agencies might explore the findings of the study in the pedagogical training of the modern science teachers. The course content of chemistry methodology will be enriched by the application of framing instructional strategy. Students could be grouped based on gender and taught stoichiometry using framing method.  



The study focused on framing instructional strategy on students’ achievement in stoichiometry. The specific areas involved were particulate nature of matter, symbols, formular and equations, and mass – volume relationship. The study was carried out with SS2 students offering chemistry in Aba Educational Zone of Abia State. The study considered gender and school location of the students in Aba Educational Zone of Abia State. The SS2 chemistry students were chosen because stiochiometry is contained in their scheme of work. Aba zone was chosen because the researcher resides in that zone and that enabled him to ensure an effective monitoring and supervision of the study.


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