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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009285

No of Pages: 130

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The productivity of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] is mainly dependent on the acquisition of genotypes which possess desirable traits and development of high yielding varieties with desired quality attributes. For this purpose, a field experiment was carried out at the National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike, Nigeria, to characterize and evaluate the level of diversity within and across eight different sweetpotato families (LIGRI X SAUTI, SAUTI X 442162, LIGRI X FAARA, LIGRI X APOMODEN, SAUTI X BOHYE, SAUTI X LIGRI, LIGRI POLY CROSS AND SAUTI POLY CROSS) during the 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons.. A total of 141 sweetpotato genotypes obtained from eight different families of sweetpotato seeds sourced from the West Africa Sweetpotato Breeding Platform, Kumasi, Ghana and two checks were used for this research work.  The sweetpotato families which were poly-cross (half-sib) and controlled cross (full-sib) were characterized morphologically using International Potato Centre (CIP) descriptors. The total of 143 genotypes were laid out in an augmented design. Varied numbers of genotypes recorded significantly higher values than the mean of the checks for days to physiological maturity, fresh weight of storage roots, total storage root yield, marketable storage root yield, dry matter and starch content. However, non significant differences were observed among the genotypes for unmarketable weight. Ligri PC/17 had the highest storage root yield in 2015 cropping season, Sauti X Bohye/8 had the highest storage root yield in 2016 cropping season. For the half-sib families, SAUTI PC and LIGRI PC dry matter ranged from 23.59% to 50.76% while starch content ranged from 13.6400mg100g-1 to 30.1200mg100g-1 while for the full-sib families, LIGRI X APOMEDEN, SAUTI X 440163, SAUTI X LIGRI, SAUTI X BOHYE, LIGRI X FAARA, LIGRI X SAUTI dry matter ranged from 18.89% to 51.49% while starch content ranged from 11.21mg100g-1 to 33.41mg100g-1LIGRI X FAARA/8 gave the highest dry matter content of 51.49% while SAUTI X LIGRI/5 gave the lowest 18.89%. LIGRI X FAARA/6 gave the highest starch content of 33.41mg100g-1 while SAUTI X 440163/5 gave the lowest of 11.21mg100g-1. Results from the study showed the presence of considerable variation among the genotypes for several traits studied and the possibility of selecting accessions for further testing for different breeding objectives.



Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              viii

Abstract                                                                                                                      x



1.0       Introduction                                                                                                    1


CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATURES                                     4

2.1       Origin and Distribution of Sweetpotato                                                         4

2.2       Botany of Sweetpotato                                                                                   5

2.3       Dry Matter Content in Sweetpotato                                                               6

2.4       Production and Importance of Sweetpotato                                                  9

2.5       Constraints to Sweetpotato Production                                                          12

2.6       Genetic Diversity of Sweetpotato                                                                  12

2.7       Breeding Sweetpotato for High Dry Matter Content                                     14

2.8       Starch                                                                                                              15

2.9       Digestible and Non-Digestible Starch Fractions                                            17

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                        18

3.1       Experimental Site                                                                                           18

3.2       Planting Materials                                                                                          18

3.3       Cultural Practices                                                                                           20

3.3.1    Nursery management                                                                                      20

3.3.2    Irrigation                                                                                                         20

3.3.3    Land preparation                                                                                            20

3.3.4    Soil sampling                                                                                                  20

3.4       Experimental Design and Data Collection                                                     21

3.5       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         23

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                         24

4.1       Soil and Agrometeorological Data                                                                 24

4.2       Dry Matter and Starch Content for Genotypes across the Full-sib and

 Half-sib Families                                                                                           27

4.3       Dry Matter and Starch Content for Full-sib Families                                     31

4.4       Dry Matter and Starch Content for Half-sib Families                                    41

4.5       Fresh Yield of Storage Roots                                                                         47

4.6       Number of Marketable and Unmarketable Storage Root                               52

4.7       Total Storage Root Yield                                                                                57

4.8       Comparison of the Yield Characters for Both Cropping Seasons                        67

4.9       Selection of Highest Yielding of 15 Genotypes from the 141

Sweetpotato Genotypes on the Basis of Means.                                             67

4.10     Pearson Correlation Co-efficients (r) for the Storage Root

Characters of the 141 Genotypes of Sweetpotato                                          71

4.11     Selection for High Dry Matter and Starch Content                                        75

CHAPTER 5:  CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                               78

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      78

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          78

References                                                                                                      79

Appendix                                                                                                        88


2.1: Composition of raw sweetpotato                                                             8

2.2: Nigeria Production of sweetpotato (tons)                                                            11

3.1: The families of the sweetpotato seeds and their quantity                                   19

4.1 Soil physical and chemical properties of the experimental sites in

2015 and 2016 cropping season                                                                                 25

4.2:  Agro-meteorological data of the experimental site for 2015

and 2016                                                                                                                     26

4.3: Genotype Mean for Dry Material and Starch across the full-sib

and half-sib families                                                                                                   28

4.4: Mean of Genotypes of  Dry Matter and Starch within Family of

LIGRI X APOMEDEN                                                                                               33

4.5: Means of Genotypes of Dry Matter and Starch within Family

of SAUTI X 440163                                                                                                   33

4.6: Means of Genotypes for Dry Matter and Starch within Family

of SAUTI X LIGRI                                                                                                     36

4.7: Means Genotypes of Dry Matter and Starch within Family

 of SAUTI X BOYHE                                                                                                36

4.8: Means Genotypes of Dry Matter and Starch within Family

 of SAUTI X FAARA                                                                                                 39

4.9: Means of genotypes for Dry Matter and Starch within Family

of LIGRI X SAUTI                                                                                                     40

 4.10: Means of Genotpyes of Dry Matter and Starch within Family

of SAUTI PC                                                                                                              44

4.11: Means of Genotypes of Dry Matter and Starch Within Family

 of LIGRI PC                                                                                                              45

4.12 Means of genotypes for marketable and unmarketable storage roots weight/ha for 2015 and 2016 planting seasons                                                           49

4.13: Means of genotypes for marketable and unmarketable root numbers

 for 2015 and 2016 planting seasons                                                                          54

4.14 Means of genotypes for total storage root yield for 2015 and 2016

 planting seasons                                                                                                         60

4.15 Means of genotypes for total storage root yield of Poly cross and

Controlled cross genotypes for 2015 planting season t/ha                                         63

4.16 Means of genotypes and total storage root yield for Poly cross and Controlled cross genotypes for 2016 planting season                                                                                    65

4.17: Mean squares of the analysis of variance for comparison of years (2015 and

2016) for storage roots character across the families of the sweetpotato

genotypes                                                                                                                    68

4.18:  Highest yielding 15 genotypes from the 141 sweetpotato genotypes

 on the basis of means                                                                                                 68

4.19: Mean squares for the combined analysis of variance for

storage root characters across the families of the sweetpotato genotypes

 for 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons.                                                                        69

4.20: Pearson Correlation Co-efficients (r) for the storage root

characters for the 141 genotypes of sweetpotato                                                        72

4.21: Selection for high dry matter across the eight different families

of the sweetpotato genotypes                                                                                     74

4.22: Selection for high starch content across the eight different families

of the sweetpotato genotypes.                                                                                     77









Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) is the seventh most important food crop in the world (FAOSTAT, 2012). In developing countries it ranks fifth in terms of economic value of production (Loebenstein, 2009). Among the tropical root crops, it is the second most important after cassava (FAOSTAT, 2012). In sub-Saharan Africa, where the crop is grown on some 13.37 million hectares of land (FAOSTAT, 2012), it is the third most important root crop after cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and yam (Dioscorea spp.). The crop is mainly grown in developing countries where over 95 % of the world‟s production occurs (Loebenstein, 2009). Asia is the world’s largest producing region while China, being the largest producing country, (FAOSTAT, 2012) accounts for over 70 % of the world‟s production (Loebenstein, 2009). Most of the crop produced in China (70 %) and other parts of Asia are used to feed animals, particularly pigs. Sweetpotato therefore plays an important role in many rural economies in Asia (Loebenstein, 2009). Africa produces about 15 % of the world’s sweetpotato (Loebenstein, 2009). The largest producer in Africa is Tanzania, followed closely by Nigeria with production figures of about 3.6 and 3.3 million tons, respectively (FAOSTAT, 2012). Unlike Asia where most of the crop is used in the animal industry, the crop is a major staple in countries surrounding the Great Lakes in Eastern and Central Africa; Malawi, Angola, Mozambique, Uganda, and Madagascar in Southern Africa, and Nigeria in West Africa. In Ghana and parts of West Africa it is referred to as a secondary crop because it complements the major root and tubers crops - cassava and yam (Akoroda, 2009).

In Nigeria, most of the sweetpotato landraces have white fleshed roots with negligible amount of the pro-vitamin A pigment. However, Ijeh and Ukpabi (2004) have shown that a popular local yellow fleshed landrace (known as Ex-Igbariam) has appreciable but relatively limited   quantity of β-carotene (3 µg/g fresh root sample). Recently (2005 to 2006), the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Nigeria acquired some yellow and orange fleshed sweetpotato genotypes with improved agronomic traits  from the International Potato Centre, Lima, Peru (known by its Spanish acronym of CIP) through its substation in East Africa. These genotypes, especially those of orange fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP), were bred as a tool for the global fight against vitamin A deficiency   in areas that lack vitamin A rich food materials (Degras, 2003).

Sweetpotato has many positive attributes. It produces more carbohydrate per unit area per unit time than other root crops; it has short production cycle;  it grows well in many agroecologies;  it requires low inputs, and is fairly tolerant to production stresses such as high temperature, water deficits, insects, diseases and low soil fertility (Woolfe, 1992). Nutritionally, its high levels of proteins, minerals and dietary fibre, make it superior to most staples (Low et al., 2007). The orange-fleshed varieties are rich in provitamin A. It is reported that regular intake of one hundred grams of orange-fleshed varieties containing about 3 mg/100 g β-carotene on a fresh weight basis is adequate to meet the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A, and prevent vitamin A deficiency in pregnant mothers, and also prevent blindness in children (Mcharo and La Bonte, 2007). Sweetpotato is also a good source of dietary fiber and provides a feeling of satiation that helps to control food intake and promote a healthy digestive tract. Thus, consumption of sweetpotato helps to lower the risk of constipation, diverticulosis, colon and rectal cancer and obesity (Willcox et al., 2009). The orange and purple-fleshed varieties are known to have antioxidant properties which give protection from the formation of free radicals and therefore, prevent cancers (Willcox et al., 2009). Sweetpotato is known to have low glycemic index, in that, the slow rate of digestion of its complex carbohydrate, lowers the rate of absorption of sugars into the blood stream. It is therefore, a suitable source of food for the diabetics (Willcox et al., 2009).

Sweetpotato has many industrial applications (Lin et al., 2007). It is an industrial source of starch and alcohol (Rahman et al., 2003), yielding 30–50 % more starch than rice, corn and wheat sources measured under the same conditions. Its high grade starch is suitable for food and pharmaceutical industries, and has been used in textile, paper, cosmetics, insulating and adhesive industries (Rahman et al., 2003; Veeraragavathatham et al., 2007).

Sweetpotato has a long history as a lifesaver and a food security crop. It saved lives after the second world war, and when typhoons demolished rice fields, millions were kept from starvation in famine-plagued China in the early 1960s and Rwanda in 1999 (Veeraragavathatham et al., 2007). Sweetpotato therefore, has immense potential and has a major role to play in human nutrition, health, food security, industry, and poverty alleviation.

Despite the importance of sweetpotato in developing countries there are several constraints facing production of the crop. Among these are abiotic and biotic constraints such as viral infection, weevil infestation, lack of quality planting materials and lack of improved cultivars with high and stable yields.  The key constraints to sweetpotato production are diseases and insect pests. Sweetpotato weevils constitute a major constraint to sweetpotato production and utilisation worldwide (Veeraragavathatham et al., 2007).

Therefore the objectives of this study are:

1.         To compare the observed variation between half-sib and full-sib families in dry matter content, starch content, fresh root yield.

2.         To study the variation within and across bi-parental families in root yield and yield components.


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