This study compared cookies produced from a blend of flour made from three grain (wheat, soyabean and yam), an experiment was carried out to assess and evaluate five product from the percentage (%) of this flour blend. the population for the study was estimated to be 2442 covering the entire staff in college of Applied food science and tourism and student of Michael Okpara university of agriculture, Umudike. A simple random was employed to select twenty panellist who were guided on the instrument for the evaluation. the cookies produced from five blend flour were administered to this panellist to evaluate using a nine (9) Hedonic scale. the flour samples which have promixate composition ranging from moisture content 7.81 - 11.60%; ash 2.91 - 6.09%; fat 16.29 - 18.16%; fibre 1.14 - 4.19%; protein 10.55 - 15.17%; and carbohydrate 48.18 - 56.42%. the result shows that wheat flour only which served as the control was best followed by sample 103 (70% wheat, 30% soya bean and 30% yam blend). Although wheat flour remains the best in cookies products but can be substituted with sample SB 103 (wheat, soya bean and yam blend).
Cover page
Title page i
Approval page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
List of tables vi
Table of content
Abstract ix
Chapter One
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 3
1.3 Objectives of study 3
1.4 Research Questions 3
1.5 Significance of the Study 4
1.6 Scope of the Study 5
2.0 Literature Review 6
Conceptual Frame Work 7
Origin And Distribution Of Yam 7
Nutritional Value of Yam 8
Uses of yam 9
Processing Method of Yam 9
Origin And Distribution Of Soya beans 10
2.3.1 Nutritional Value of Soya Bean 12
Uses of soya bean 12
Origin And Distribution of Wheat 13
2.4.1 Nutritional value 14
2.5 Summary of Literature
Review 17
Chapter Three
3.0 Material and Methods 19
3.1 Research Design 19
3.2 Area of the Study 20
3.3 Population for the
Sample 20
3.4 Sample/ Sampling
Techniques 20
3.5 Instrument for Data
Collection 29
3.6. Data
Collection Techniques 30
3.7 Proximate Analysis 30
3.7.1 Ash
content determination 30
3.7.2 Moisture
content determination 31
3.7.3 Crude
fibre Determination 32
3. 8 Fat Content Determination 33
3.9 Protein Determination 34
Carbohydrate determination 35
3. 11 Statistics Analysis 36
Chapter Four
Results and
4.1 Findings of
the Study 37
4.1.1 Research
Question 1 37
4.1.2 Research
Question 2 38
4.1.3 Research
Question 3 38
4.1.4 Research
Question 4 39
4.1.5 Research Question 5 41
4.2 Discussion
of the Findings 42
4.2.1 Proximate
composition Result 42
4.2.2 Discussion
of Sensory Attributes Result 44
Chapter Five
Conclusion and
Recommendation 46
1.1 Background
The consumption of cereals food such as
cookies, pies, cake and bread has become very popular in Nigeria especially
among children. Most of these foods are
however for poor source of protein that is often of poor international quality
(Alobi, 2001).
Cookies are baked small sweet cakes and
biscuit which have small pieces of chocolate
and sweet flavor. Cookies are
ideal for nutrient availability, palatability, compactness and convenience.
They differ from other baked products like bread and cakes because of their low
moisture content , comparative freedom from microbial spoilage and long shelve
life (Mean, 2009).
Composite flour can be prepared from some
of our local food products like yam and soya bean to substitute the use of
already known flour (wheat) used in most backed products.
Composite flour technology initially
referred to for mixing wheat flour with cereal and legume flour for making
bread and biscuit. However, the term can also be used with regard to mixing
non-wheat flour, roots and tubers legumes or other raw materials (Dendy, 1992).
Cookies are nutritive snacks produced from unpalatable
dough that is transformed into appetizing product through the application of
heat in an oven (Kure et al., 1998).
Soya bean is mainly cultivated for its
seeds used commercially as human food and livestock feed and for extraction of
oil. Soya bean flour adds variety to baked goods and boosts their protein
content. It also keeps baked goods from becoming stale. The oil of soya bean is
produced for human consumption while the defatted meal is processed into soya
product (Salunkhe et al., 1992; Katz,
1998; Liu, 2006).
Wheat (Triticum
Spp.) is one of the world’s major
cereals but is largely adapted to temperate climate. In Africa it is
successfully grow in upland regions during cool season (Mayhew and Penny,
protein of wheat are complex, the storage proteins in wheat kernels are the
source of gluten, which is the complex
nitrogenous compounds that gives wheat flour dough their cohesive and elastic
properties (Sharma,2002).
Yam (Genus
dioscora) are monocots, related to lilies and grasses. There are over 600
varieties of yams and 95% of these crops are grown in Africa. Root and tubers
such as yams and living organism when stored, they continue to respire.
1.2 Statement
of Problem
In this study we encountered some problems
as we try to identify export other local common accessible raw material that
can be used in the transformational process of producing high nutritional
cookies beneficial for consumption or well as increasing the variety of choice
of cookies. Using a new approach (skills and knowledge) as we also try to turn
more/create awareness of its possibility/applicability.
1.3 Objectives
of Study
The major objective of this study is to determine
the proximate composition and sensory evaluation of cookies produced with
wheat, soyabean and yam.
Specific objective
To produce acceptable blend flour of yam
and wheat
To produce acceptable blend flour of soya
bean and wheat
To determine the proximate composition of
cookies produced from this blend flour.
To evaluate the acceptability and sensory
attributes of cookies produced from these blend flour.
1.4 Research
1. Can acceptable composite flour be
produced from yam and wheat?
2. Can acceptable composite flour be
produced from soya bean and wheat?
3. What is the proximate composition of
cookies produced from these
composite flour?
4. What are
acceptability and sensory attributes of cookies produced from these composite
1.5 Significance of the Study
Wheat flour is a major raw material in
cookies production and it is relatively expensive.
Therefore composites flour of yam and soya
bean will reduce the demand for importation of wheat thereby saves the nation’s
foreign exchange which could be channeled to promote locally grown non-wheat products flour crop that could be made
available to the industry at comparative prices (on the long-run it will be
cheaper than imported wheat flour prices). The results from this study will be
helpful to food processing industries on the potentials of these composite
It will also provide knowledge on the
qualities of cookies produced with these composite flour and this will enable to
individual and families to know its nutritional benefits.
Finding from this work will also be
relevant to the bakery industry in their search for alter native raw materials
for production of cookies and other confectioneries. Cookies produced from
these composite flour cloud be an excellent means to improve nutritional
qualities and varieties of snacks available to consumers.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This work covers Michael Okpara University
of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia Abia State
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