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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007300

No of Pages: 125

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Water is not only essential for life but also an indispensable factor in socio- economic development of any community. A wide array of parasitic threats to drinking water are in existence, especially   protozoa and helminthes. In view of this, parasitic and water quality assessment of drinking water sources at Nkwo-egwu community was carried out to ascertain the quality of this natural resource. To assess this, 45 water samples from 8 sources (Rainwater, Iyiocha, Iyiumuakam, Iyindika, private borehole, public borehole, sachet water and stored  water) were collected between March and August, 2016. The water samples were processed for physico-chemical and parasitological analysis method using macroscopy, filtration, centrifugation and microscopy for parasitological analysis while standard methods were adopted for physico-chemical analysis respectively. It was revealed that the water sources investigated had parasitic infestation. Streams had the highest prevalence of parasitic contamination 15(53.57%) followed by boreholes 7(24.99%) and stored water 4 (14.29%) while rainwater and sachet water recorded had the least 1(3.57%). Protozoans cysts were the most parasitic genera encountered with Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia accounting for 10(35.71%), followed by Entamoeba coli  2(7.14%). Helminthes eggs of Ancyclostoma duadenale and Ascaris lumbricoides accounted for 2(7.14%) and 4(14.29%) respectively. Higher prevalence of parasites 23(82.14%) were recorded in rainy season while 5(17.85%) of parasites were encountered in dry season. This may be due to the effect of rainfall. Physico-chemical analysis indicated that fluoride was found to be higher (2.85-21.2mg/l) than the stipulated standard, however, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), chloride, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), hardness and nitrate conformed to the required standards. Most of the physico-chemical parameters tested in all the water samples were within the permissible limits stipulated by the drinking water standards whereas fluoride content is high hence the consumption of water with such fluoride content could cause skeletal fluorosis  but could be used for other domestic purposes. Findings from this study showed that the parasitic load of the water sample could constitute epidemiological threats to public health. Inhabitants of this community should boil or treat their water before consumption while Provision of portable water by both government and relevant stakeholders should be made available to the residents as this will reduce the rate at which the spread of water-borne parasitic diseases may occur.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              x

List of Figures                                                                                                             xi

List of Plates                                                                                                               xii

Abstract                                                                                                                      vi



1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                                     4

1.3       Justification                                                                                                     5

1.4       Aim and Objectives                                                                                        5



2.1       Properties of Water                                                                                         6

2.2       Drinking Water Quality and Guidelines                                                         6

2.3       Intensity and Prevalence of Waterborne Parasites                                         15



3.1       Description of the Study Area                                                                                    22

3.2       Study Population                                                                                            24

3.3       Determination of Sample Size                                                                        24

3.4       Sample Collection                                                                                           24

3.5       Procedure                                                                                                        25

3.5.1    Processing of water samples for physico-chemical analysis                           25

3.5.2    Identification of parasites                                                                               25 Direct wet preparation of water samples                                                        26 Iodine preparation of water samples                                                               26

3.5.3    Physico-chemical analysis                                                                               26 Temperature                                                                                                    26 pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, electrical conductivity and total      

            dissolved solids.                                                                                              26 Ammonium and nitrate.                                                                                  26 Chloride.                                                                                                         27 Hardness                                                                                                         27 Turbidity                                                                                                         27 Fluoride                                                                                                           27

3.6       Consent and Ethical Consideration                                                                28

3.7       Data Collection Techniques                                                                            28

3.8       Data Analysis                                                                                                  28                                                                                                              



4.1       Results                                                                                                            29

4.1.1    Prevalence of parasites in relation to sources of drinking water                     29

4.1.2    Prevalence of parasites in relation to sampling period                                    32

4.1.3    Summary of the physico-chemical parameters recorded in the different       34

            water sources.

4.1.4    Correlation between physico-chemical parameters and detected waterborne

            Parasites                                                                                                          36

4.1.5    Comparison of physico-chemical parameters of different sampling sites       37 Variation of  pH against sampling period.                                                      37 Variation of water temperature against sampling period.                               39 Variation of salinity against sampling period.                                    41 Variation of dissolved oxygen against sampling period                                 43 Variation of hardness against sampling period.                                              45 Variation of nitrate against sampling period.                                                  47 Variation of electrical conductivity against sampling period                         49 Variation of total dissolved solids against sampling period.                          51 Variation of chlorides against sampling period                                              53 Variation of turbidity against sampling period                                             55 Variation of ammonium against sampling period                                         57 Variation of fluoride against sampling period                                              59

4.1.6       Background characteristics of respondents                                                 61    Sources of drinking water                                                                            63    Frequency of water supply                                                                          65    Physical quality of drinking water                                                               67    Association between sources of drinking water and educational

   attainment of respondents                                                                           69   Different storage methods used by residents of Nkwo-Egwu.                    73

4.2       Discussion                                                                                                       75



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      84

5.2       Recommendation                                                                                            85

5.3       Contribution to Knowledge                                                                            86

References                                                                                                      87

Appendix                                                                                                        98







TABLE                                                                                                                 PAGE

1:         Prevalence of parasites in relation to sources of drinking water                     31

2:         Prevalence of parasites in relation to sampling period                                    33

3:         Summary of the physico-chemical parameters recorded in the different

water sources.                                                                                                 35

4:         Distribution of respondents according to age, sex, educational attainment

and occupation.                                                                                               62


5:         Sources of drinking water                                                                               64

6:         Frequency of water supply                                                                             66

7:         Perceptions of physical characteristics of drinking water                               68

8:         Relationship between sources of drinking water and educational status

of respondent between June-August                                                              70

9:         Relationship between sources of drinking water and educational status

of respondent between March-May                                                                 72

10:       Different storage methods used by residents of Nkwo-egwu.                       74









FIGURE                                                                                                                 PAGE

3.1:      Map of umuahia north showing study area.                                                   23

4.2:      Variation of  pH against sampling period.                                                      38

4.3:      Variation of water temperature against sampling period.                               40

4.4:      Variation of salinity against sampling period                                                 42

4.5:      Variation of dissolved oxygen against sampling period.                                44

4.6:      Variation of hardness against sampling period.                                              46

4.7:      Variation of nitrate against sampling period.                                                  48

4.8:      Variation of electrical conductivity against sampling period .                       50

4.9:      Variation of total dissolved solids against sampling period.                          52

4.10:    Variation of chlorides against sampling period.                                             54

4.11:    Variation of turbidity against sampling period.                                              56

4.12:    Variation of ammonium against sampling period.                                          58

4.13:    Variation of fluoride against sampling period.                                               60








PLATE                                                                                                                   PAGE

1:         Giardia lamblia                                                                                               106

2:         Entameoba  histolytica                                                                                    107

3:         Ascaris lumbricoides                                                                                       108

4:         Entameoba coli                                                                                               109

5:         Ancyclostoma duodenale                                                                                110










Water is of fundamental importance to human life, animals and plants (Iyaji, 2016). Safe drinking water is of basic necessity to human physiology as man’s continued existence depends largely on its availability (Nwosu et. al., 2004). A lot of diseases which are infectious have been seen to be transmitted through water ( Wright et. al., 2004; Younes et. al., 2001) with some of these diseases being common causes of deaths especially in developing countries (Eshcol et. al., 2009; WHO, 2004). It has become imperative that safe drinking water is provided especially in the rural areas that lack access to public water supply system (Eshcol et. al., 2009; Edema et. al., 2001).


Omalu et. al. (2010) opined that majority of inhabitants in the major cities of Nigeria lack access to pipe borne water, maybe due to either unavailability or inadequacy. This factor has made them to resort to the costly alternative of buying water from tank vendors; sachet or bottled water as a major source of drinking water (Sunday et. al., 2011).

Waterborne parasitic infections are considered a threat and of public health importance majorly in developing countries (Oyedeji et. al., 2010) .

Biological contaminants like viruses, bacteria, helminthes, protozoa and fungi constitute the major cause of food-borne and water-borne diseases with different degrees of severities from mild indisposition to life-threatening illness, in some cases; both (Okonko, 2009).


However, the volume of water required by individuals varies depending on climate, standard of living, habit of the people and even age and sex. A factor that affects the access to quality drinking water is the location of the water source to the house. This condition pushes the person involved mostly women and children (especially girls) to travel distances to get safe drinking water which prevents them from engaging in productive ventures or going to school like their male counterparts.


Furthermore, in a bid to alleviate the stress in fetching safe drinking water, they often resort to reducing the quantity of water used in the house far below the recommended volume and also they may resort to fetching water from unimproved sources e.g. pond, unprotected well, stream. Safe drinking water is that which does pose significant health challenge over a life time consumption, including any sensitivities that might occur in different phases of life.  It is water which is free from pathogenic microbes, chemicals/substance and aesthetically acceptable.

It is important that this type of water should not only be available, but also be available in enough quantity all the time. In assessing quality of drinking water, physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters must be considered.

Physical parameters include colour, odour, taste, temperature, pH, turbidity etc. There are myriad of chemical substances which may be naturally present or introduced (even chemicals used for water treatment) into water; those that are naturally present seldom pose risk to health. However anthropogenic chemicals released (fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, industrial effluents and by-products etc) carry more health risk to consumers. Fortunately, whether chemical is naturally present or introduced into water, there are maximum allowable concentrations (limit) of most of them proposed by WHO which serves as guide.

Poor quality of safe drinking water is the reason for the spread of deadly diseases such as, poliomyelitis, dysentery, shigellosis, typhoid, hepatitis A, cholera, diarrhoea (Policy and practice of water supply in Nigeria, 2007). Annually, unsafe water, alongside  poor sanitation, kill nearly 1.6 million children under 5 years which is over eight times the number of people who died as a result of Asian Tsunamis in 2004 (UNICEF 2006) and most of this occur in poor and economically disadvantaged countries of the world.


The Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) lost to food and water borne diarrhoea in Africa region was 4.1 per 1000 globally as compared to 5.7-7.1 per 1000 in Africa (WHO, 2009). Diarrhoea diseases and worm infestations account for 10% of the total disease burden in developing / economically disadvantaged countries (Park,  2005) . Federal Ministry of Health’s data shows that diarrhoea is second to malaria as a disease of high prevalence. It accounts for 16% of under 5 years mortality. Worm infestation is still having its toll on the people especially the vulnerable (children and women).


Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni are the causes of schistosomiasis with prevalence in communities that patronize ponds and other artificial reservoirs where snails breed. The incidence in different parts of the country ranges from 10-18% in Gumau, Bauchi State, 50.4% in Admin community, Cross River State to 71.8% in Oyan reservoir area, Ogun State. Generally, women and children are susceptible to water related diseases; this might be related to the fact that children require twice the volume of water taken by adults per day and women consume 20% more than men which means, women and children are 20% and 100% respectively more exposed than men. In the 1980s, government of Nigeria made concerted effort to attain the target of UN International sanitation and drinking water Supply which was to provide potable water for all by the year 1990. Although Nigeria fell short of the target, it was able to provide 25 litres and 60 litres of potable to rural and urban dwellers respectively. A national sanitation and water supply policy was adopted in January, 2000. The policy made sanitation and adequate water supply a right of all Nigerians (Park, 2005; Policy and practice of water supply in Nigeria, 2007). On16th April, 2007, Nigerian Standard of safe drinking Water Quality was submitted to the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) and was accordingly approved (SON, 2007).


Although a lot has been done to increase access to improved source of drinking water, more still need to be done in terms of translating policy to action, monitoring water quality regularly in order to nip any outbreak in the bud, monitoring and controlling activities of water vendors and “pure water” producers to ensure safety of their products.

In addition to these, concerted efforts are expected to maintain present equipment and upgrade them when necessary to cope with teeming and growing population of the nation.


Globalization and population growth have placed enormous demand on industry and commerce, it has also affected the availability and quality of consumable water (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 1992).

        In spite of all the different efforts made in curbing water and sanitation issues over the decade, the water situation in Nigeria appears to be deteriorating.

        Water coverage rate in Nigeria is amongst the lowest in the world (Olabisi ,2008).

        These points to the fact that Nigeria is not on the track to achieving Millennium Development Goal except it redoubles its effort and intensifies the present reforms on water and sanitation.

        A lot of researches have been made in this field of study but none have been able to critically evaluate the parasitic and water quality assessment of at least six water sources in rural communities like Nkwo-egwu.

        There is need therefore to carry out  an investigation on parasitic and quality assessment of drinking water sources at Nkwo-egwu  community.


      The quality and quantity of drinking water supply to human population is on the decline (Bauwer, 2003).

      However, Previous studies on the quality of safe drinking water in various parts of Nigeria revealed high contamination in the various samples of drinking water.

       While studies in various parts of Nigeria have documented the failure of the water supply to meet minimum WHO quality standards, no similar study has been conducted at Nkwo-egwu community in  Umuahia North L.G.A, Abia-state, Nigeria.

      This study will aim at providing empirical assessment of the quality of water available to community in relation to the parasitic content.



a)                  Aim

    Aim of the study is to assess the parasitic and quality of safe drinking water sources at  Nkwo-egwu community, Umuahia north L.G.A., Abia State.

b)     Specific objectives are

1.      To determine the parasites of different water sources at Nkwo-egwu community.

2.      To assess the physico-chemical qualities of the drinking water from the different sources and to compare the physico-chemical characteristics with Standard Organization of Nigeria and WHO.

3.      To compare the relationship between physico-chemical parameters and waterborne parasites.

To obtain information on the respondent’s socio-demographic data and their source(s) of drinking water, perception on the quality, supply of safe drinking water and storage methods using the questionnaire.

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