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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007158

No of Pages: 163

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The problem of bioaccumulation and biomagnifications of Paraeforce in food chain and the attendant health hazards to human and farm animals as well as the cumbersome nature of the existing physicochemical methods of its degradation culminated in this study. The study is aimed at exploring the biodegradation potential of fungi on Paraeforce-impacted soil and the analysis of the associated enzymes and metabolites. Soil samples were collected from an agrarian soil previously exposed to Paraeforce herbicide. Physicochemical analysis was done on the homogenized soil sample. Fungal isolation was done using traditional plate culture and molecular techniques. The biodegradation potential of the isolates was determined using titrimetric method. The enzymes activity and metabolite concentration were measured spectrophotometrically. Statistical analysis was done on generated data using one way analysis of variance. The physicochemical analysis of the treated soil samples recorded a range of pH (5.1 to 5.9), temperature (31.9 to 33.3 0C), moisture content (52.28 to 62.5 %), nitrate (13.8 to 23.2 mg/kg), total organic carbon (5.3 to 25.1 mg/kg) and conductivity (0.09 to 0.18 µScm-1). Fungi isolated from the soil sample were Pichia kudriavzevii, Hanseniaspora opuntia, Aspergillus, Pichia cecembensis, Rhizopus, Candida, Fusarium and Penicillium. Of the above isolated microorganisms, Pichia kudriazevii, Hanseniaspora opuntia, Aspergillus spinosus and Pichia cecembensis were the only isolates capable of growth in Paraeforce medium. The degradation rate measured showed that Aspergillus spinosus was a better degrader, breaking down 36.8mg/kg of the Paraeforce in 90 days. There was a synergy in the degradative capacity of the mixed culture degrading 46.3 mg/kg in 90 days. At the end of 90 days, the rate of Paraeforce degradation was also high in treatments with Pichia kudriavzevii (27.5mg/kg), Hanseniaspora opuntia (22.4mg/kg) and Pichia cecembensis (23.1mg/kg). Natural attenuation showed a degradation rate of 41.37mg/kg in 90 days One way analysis of variance done on degradation showed there was a significant difference in the mean concentration of Paraeforce (F[6,42] = 4.338, p = 0.002) over a period of 90 days at 5% level of significance. When the sample was optimized using poultry wastes, the degradation rate improved. The mixed culture achieved 50mg/kg degradation of Paraeforce in 56 days. Natural attenuation achieved 50mg/kg degradation in 70 days while Aspergillus spinosus had 50mg/kg degradation in 84 days. Pichia kudriavzevii, Hanseniaspora opuntia and Pichia cecembensis had 36.7mg/kg, 29.5mg/kg and 26.08mg/kg respectively at the end of 90 days. The growth of fungi was influenced by pH, temperature, nitrate, total organic carbon and the Biochemical oxygen demand of the growth medium. Catalase, laccase, lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase were identified in the degradation process with associated formate and oxalate production. These metabolites were used to monitor the degradation process. Aspergillus spinosus and mixed culture of the isolates proved a more efficient tool in this study. The study showed that living cells of the four test fungi have great potential for the degradation of Paraeforce in an impacted soil and should be explored.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              x

List of Figures                                                                                                             xi

List of Plate                                                                                                                xii

Abstract                                                                                                                      xiii




1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               3

1.3       Aim of the Study                                                                                            5

1.4       Specific Objectives of the Study                                                                    5

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               5


2.1       Literature Review                                                                                           6



3.1       Study Area                                                                                                      21

3.2       Soil Sample Collection                                                                                    21

3.3       Point of Analysis                                                                                            21

3.4       Processing of Materials                                                                                   22

3.4.1    Culture media                                                                                                 22

3.4.2    Paraeforce                                                                                                       22

3.5       Determination of the Physicochemical Properties of the Soil Sample            22

3.5.1    Measurement of temperature                                                                          22

3.5.2    pH measurement                                                                                             22

3.5.3    Determination of nitrate concentration                                                           23

3.5.4    Determination of phosphate concentration                                                     23

3.5.5    Determination of biochemical oxygen demand                                              24

3.5.6    Determination of dissolved oxygen                                                                24

3.5.7    Determination of electrical conductivity                                                        25

3.5.8    Determination of total organic carbon                                                            25

3.6       Isolation and Characterization of Fungal Species                                          26

3.6.1    Isolation of fungal species                                                                              26

3.6.2    Purification of the fungal culture                                                                    27

3.6.3    Wet preparation                                                                                              27

3. 6.4   Gram stain reaction                                                                                         27

3.6.5    Colonial morphology                                                                                      28

3.6.6    Sugar fermentation tests                                                                                 28

3.6.7    Citrate utilization                                                                                            28

3.6.8    Indole production                                                                                           28

3.6.9    Total heterotrophic fungal counts                                                                   29

3.7       Screening of Fungal Isolates for Herbicides Degrading Potential and

            Molecular Characterization of Screened Fungal Isolates                               29

3.7.1    Screening of fungal isolates for herbicides degrading potential                     29

3.7.2    Molecular method for characterization of screened fungal isolates               29 Genomic DNA preparation                                                                             29 DNA extraction                                                                                              29 TAE (Tris-acetate-EDTA) agarose gel electrophoresis                                   31 Polymerase chain reaction: amplification of DNA                                         31      Sequencing                                                                                                 32      Phylogenetic analysis                                                                                 32

3.7.3         Growth and tolerance of fungal isolates on paraeforce medium               32

3.8            Determination of the Effect of Different paraeforce Concentration

                 on Fungal Growth.                                                                                     33

3.9            Determination of the Rate of Biodegrading Activity of the Isolates        33

3.9.1         Experimental design                                                                                  33

3.9.2         Rate of paraeforce degradation by fungal isolates                                                34      Soil extraction procedures                                                                         34      Paraeforce degradation test                                                                       34      Optimization of the fungal degradation process using poultry wastes      35

3.10          Determination of the Effect of Different paraeforce Concentrations on

                 Soil Nitrate and Total Organic Carbon                                                      35

3.10.1       Assessment of the effect of different paraeforce concentration on

                 soil nitrate                                                                                                  35

3.10.2      Assessment of the effect of different paraeforce concentration on soil

                 organic carbon                                                                                            36

3.11         Assay of the Fungal Enzymes and Metabolites                                          36

3.11.1      Screening of fungal species for enzymes’ production                                36   Catalase production                                                                                                36   Laccase production                                                                                     37   Lignin peroxidase assay                                                                              38   Manganese peroxidase assay                                                                      39

3.11.2     Analysis of some metabolites                                                                      40  Determination of oxalate concentration                                                      40  Determination of formate                                                                            41

3.12        Statistical Analyses of Data                                                                         42



4.1       Results                                                                                                            43

4.2       Discussions                                                                                                     92



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      102

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          103

5.3       Contribution to knowledge                                                                             102









4.1       Physicochemical characteristics of the soil samples                                   44

4.2       Colonial and cell morphology of the fungal isolates                                  45

4.3       Biochemical characteristics of yeast isolates                                              46

4.4       Identity of the fungal isolates                                                                     55









1.1       Structure of paraeforce                                                                                   1

2.1       Pathway for paraeforce degradation in soil                                                    17

4.2       Phylogenetic tree showing evolutionary relationship between fungal

isolates and close relatives                                                                              51

4.3       Turbidimetric measurement of fungal growth on paraeforce medium.          56

4.4       Measurement of growth of Pichia kudriavzevii on paraeforce medium         58

4.5       Measurement of growth of Hanseniaspora opuntiae on paraeforce

            medium                                                                                                           60

4.6       Measurement of growth of Aspergillus spinosus on paraeforce medium       62

4.7       Measurement of growth of Pichia cecembensis on paraeforce medium        64

4.8       Effect of paraeforce concentration on fungal growth                                                67

4.9       Rate of paraeforce degradation by fungal isolates                                         70

4.10     Optimization of paraeforce degradation using poultry wastes                       73

4.11     Effect of different paraeforce concentration on soil nitrate                           75

4.12     Effect of different paraeforce concentration on soil organic carbon              78

4.13     Catalase production by the fungal isolates                                                     81

4.14     Laccase production by the fungal isolates                                                      83

4.15     Lignin peroxidase production by fungal isolates                                            85

4.16     Manganese peroxidase production by the fungal isolates                              87

4.17     Determination of oxalate concentration in paraeforce degradation               89

4.18     Determination of formate concentration in paraeforce degradation              91






4.1       Agarose gel electrophoresis and sequencing of the extracted fungal DNA   49












Microbial biodegradation of xenobiotics is attracting attention worldwide including the break down of Paraeforce which is a toxic nitrogen-based compound from paraquat group of herbicides. Paraeforce is a household herbicide used for weed control in crop farming. It has a chemical name (IUPAC) 1, 1-dimethyl-4, 4-bipyridinium dichloride. It is a green coloured liquid with a boiling point of 175–180 OC and is very soluble in water. Paraeforce is relatively stable at normal temperature and pressure, and at about neutral pH. These properties enable it to persist longer in the soil. Figure 1.1 shows the chemical structure of a Paraeforce

Figure 1.1: Structure of Paraeforce


Paraeforce which is mainly used in agronomy to control weeds in farms has contributed so much to world food crop production. The use of Paraeforce in crop farming is an augumentation process aimed at improving crop yield. The use of Paraeforce and other pesticides helps to confront challenges faced by farmers in their farming business arising from invasion of many common weeds whose growth is supported by favorable environmental conditions in the tropical countries. These environmental conditions include adequate rainfall, favourable temperature, sufficient sunlight, fertile soil and so on. As such, different types of herbicides are found in the market. A greater population of the rural farmers are either uninformed or illiterates and may not be able to read and understand instructions on herbicides’ use, yet they use same for weed control. The wrong application of these herbicides results in the contamination of some essential natural resources such as soil, ground water, rivers and surface runoffs. These contaminations expose both target and non-target organisms, the environment and human beings to danger and health hazards. The effectiveness of these herbicides including Paraeforce in controlling weeds in farms has resulted in their use by most farmers. 

The fate of herbicides applied into the soil is determined by the processes of transfer and degradation. The transfer processes are usually in form of percolation into the soil, surface runoffs, flora and fauna uptake. In all these, the applied chemicals may persist in the soil environment for a relatively long time. These processes determine the persistence of herbicides, their effectiveness and the potential for soil and ground water contamination.

Currently some physicochemical methods are being used in the detoxification of herbicides aimed at restoration of contaminated soil to its original state. These methods include among others evaporation, precipitation, electroplating, and photocatalysis; and are seen to be tasking and expensive and may leave behind toxic metabolic products that further contaminate the environmnent. Besides, pesticides applied into the soil can cause environmental problems, affecting the biochemical and microbial aspects of soil properties. Consequently, there is the need for less cumbersome and less problematic methods. The new approach currently being canvassed and is attracting attention in detoxification of Paraeforce and similar persistent compounds is biodegradation involving living organisms. Biodegradation brings about complete breakdown of these complex organic compounds to simpler forms; carbon dioxide and water. Most microorganisms can detoxify these recalcitrant compounds, mineralize them and/or use them for their growth. This process is achieved by action of microbial enzymes. The benefits of microorganisms in this new technology are based on their ability to withstand unfavourable environmental conditions.

Researches have shown that the degree of pollution of soil and ground water with these herbicides depends on their persistence, the quantity and frequency of use; and their toxicity. It will be imperative to know that most of these herbicides are formulated and designed to persist long enough to be able to achieve the desired effect on the weeds. Paraeforce posses the property of binding tightly to clay particles making it very difficult to be removed once attached to the soil particles. This makes the herbicides biologically unavailable for detoxification. The ability to bind tightly to soil particles protects residual herbicides from photocatalysis and from biodegradation, accounting for its long environmental half-life. In soils containing low amount of clay, Paraeforce residues can be mobilized due to their water solubility. Herbicides contamination could be long-term and has a significant impact on decomposition processes and thus nutrient cycling and their degradation could be expensive and hard to achieve. The need to understand the basic factors affecting the processes of biodegradation of Paraeforce is very important in order to adopt effective methods to reduce its persistent period within the soil.


The world-wide use of Paraeforce in agronomy is an essential part of improving crop yields. This is because it reduces competition with the invading weeds for limited nutrients and increases crop yield. The indiscriminate use of it, however, leads to environmental pollution and its associated health hazards. As farmers continue to see the need for herbicides usage, large quantities of these chemicals are being applied to the soil. As such, the fate of the herbicide deposited in the soils has become a concern and of increasing importance since it could be leached to contaminate the groundwater (Greer et al., 2016). This Paraeforce could accumulate to toxic levels in soil and ground water and become harmful to microorganisms, plants, wild life and man (Amakiri, 2010; Asogwa and Dongo, 2009; Oluwole and Cheke, 2009).


Paraeforce is a known carcinogen (EPA, 2003) causing so many health challenges such as breast cancer, birth defects, heart failure, liver failure and disruption of endocrine system

(Kumar et al., 2016; Baran et al., 2007). In rats and rabbits, it causes genetic mutations, benign brain cancer and birth defects (EPA, 2003).

The conventional flocculation and coagulation treatment technology cannot adequately remove Pareforce in water and soil; it requires a more expensive chemical treatment (EPA, 2003; Cantavenera et al., 2007; Florencio et al., 2004). This is grossly cumbersome and beyond the reach of peasant rural farmers.

There is alteration of soil biological activities by regulating its protein synthesis and enzyme activation (da Silva, 2010). Also, Paraeforce application influences the dynamics of soil microbial population and diversity due to death of some sensitive soil microbes (Devashree et al., 2014). Soil pollution with uncontrolled use of Paraeforce has also affected the soil bioenergetic cycles by inhibiting or completely eliminating essential energy fixing microbial population in the soil (Karas et al., 2011).

1.3       AIM OF THE STUDY

The aim of this study is to investigate the biodegradation potential of fungi on Paraeforce (herbicides) impacted soil and the analysis of some associated enzymes.


            1.4              SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY


The specific objectives are to:


1.      Determine the physicochemical properties of the soil samples

2.      Isolate and characterize fungal species from contaminated soil

3.      Determine the effect of different concentrations of Paraeforce on fungal growth.

4.      Determine the rate of biodegradation activity of the isolated fungal species.

5.      Optimize the biodegradation process using poultry wastes

6.      Determine the effect of different concentrations of herbicides on soil nitrate and total organic carbon.

7.      Evaluate some fungal enzymes on Paraeforce degradation.


This study is expected to contribute immensely towards enriching the available technologies employed in the remediation of Paraeforce-impacted soils by use of fungal living cells or the enzyme extracts. It will be beneficial to the entire human race in that the health hazard associated with the use of this herbicide would be reduced to infinitesimal level or completely eliminated.



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