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Thesis on outsourcing as a strategy for reducing overhead cost in selected banks in Lagos


This investigated the extent to which banks are applying outsourcing arrangement as a financial strategy to cut cost, asses its inherent benefits and demonstrate how it puts banks in favourable liquidity positions. It also examined the maintenance of quality of service delivery irrespective of overhead reduction.


Primary data were collected from 10 heads of department, with 5 selected from each bank. Secondary data were collected through official records.


The findings of the study showed that 'all things being equal' in the long run banks overhead costs fall relatively due to impact of outsourcing strategy; the pictorial representation clearly revealed this. Also, in banks that other strategies of overhead control have not been deployed, we saw that the rate at which expense grow was higher than that of the revenue, it was when outsourcing value were taken cognizance of that the expense growth kept under revenue.


It can be concluded from these findings that the concepts of outsourcing has not been fully embraced in Nigeria banks because of the sensitivity of the industry vis‑a‑vis the need to protect the integrity of their records and customers' information. The banks were able to manage their operating cost through the use of outsourcing because they escaped issues like salary increase, inflation of consumables like cleaning materials, security gadgets with other leakages in the banks' overheads by fixing management fees or other chargeable fees.


And the impact of outsourcing was seen to force the growth rate of real operating cost down below the growth rate of the revenue or income of banks that diligently deployed the use of outsourcing strategy in its operations.







Title Page                                                                                                  ii

Certification           iii 

Dedication                                                                                                 iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                    v

Abstract                                                                                                     vi

Table of contents           vii

List of tables                                                                                              x

List of graphs                                                                                             x


Chapter One – Introduction

1.1      Background to the Study                                                                1

1.2      Statement of the Problem                                                               3

1.3      Research Questions                                                                        4

1.4     Objectives of Study                                                                         5

1,5     Significance of the Study                                                                5

1.6     Scope and Limitations of the Study                                                6


Chapter Two – Review of Literature

2.1          Introduction                                                                                8

2.2          Various perceptions of outsourcing                                           8

2.2.1       The managerial perception of outsourcing                                9

2.2.2        Taker and Third view of Outsourcing                          11

2.3           Conceptual Clarification of Outsourcing               13

2.3.1         Definition of outsourcing                                                  13

2.3.2        Various types of outsourcing                                           15

2.4           Theoretical and historical background

                of outsourcing                                                                           18

2.4.1        The theories of change                                                          18     The individual perspective school                                 18      The group dynamics School                                               19      The open system School                                                        20

2.4.2          Historical Background of Outsourcing                    21     When and where outsourcing started                         21       How outsourcing arrived in other parts

                of the world

2.4.3        Phases in outsourcing development

2.5          The merit and demerit of outsourcing

2.5.1       The demerit of outsourcing

2.5.2        The merits of outsourcing

2.6          Assessing overhead costs in

               outsourcing arrangement                                                    26

2.7         Stages in outsourcing arrangement                              28

2.7.1        The planning stage                                                                28

2.7.2        Evaluation stage                                                                    28

2.7.3        Decision stage                                                                         32

2.7.4        Evaluation of result                                                          33

2.8           Conditions guiding outsourcing

                arrangement                                                                            33

2.8.1        Strategic atmosphere Conditions                              33

2.8.2        Political atmosphere Conditions                                 35

2.8.3        Organisational atmosphere Conditions                  36

2.8.4        Economic atmosphere Conditions                                 37

2.8.5        Technological atmosphere Conditions                      37

2.8.6        Social atmosphere Conditions

2.8.7        Judicial-legal atmosphere Conditions                        38

2.9           Outsourcing and the Future                                             39

2.10         Definition of Terms                                                                   41


Chapter Three – Methodology of the Study

3.1          Introduction

3.2          Criteria to Choice

3.3          Sources of Data

3.4           Data Analysis Techniques


Chapter Four – Presentation Analysis and interpretation of data

4.1       Introduction                                                                                 47

4.2       Data presentation, analysis and interpretation              47

4.2.1    Findings through five years profit and loss

            reports of the selected banks

4.3           Conclusion on five years profit and loss

             reports of the selected banks


Chapter Five – Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1     Summary                                                59

5.2     Conclusion                                             61

5.3     Recommendation           64

           Bibliography                                                          65






Table 1 – Five Years Profit and Loss Summary

                    Report for Zenith Bank Plc                                                      48


Table 2 – Actual Operating Expenses based on

                     Index Trend Analysis Zenith Bank Plc                              51


Table 3 – Five Years Profit and Loss Summary

                    Report for Guarantee Trust Bank Plc                               53


Table 4 – Actual Operating Expenses based on

                    Index Trend Analysis GTBANK                                       56













                     GTBANK PLC OVERHEADS                                                      57










The banking industry in Nigeria has become a jungle of sorts where the rules of the game are not so clear cut any longer. Some call it a battle arena where gladiators are expected to fight according to laid down rules created and implemented by the bias arbitrator. Others call it a battlefield where it is only the strong and highly competitive banks can survive. However, a state of anarchy ensues in the search by all to be the best and be appreciated by all stake holders. (Osekita, 2002).


Profit is a function of revenue minus cost; however, most business conscious people believe that for you to make profit you should make more sales. This principle is not far fetching from banking business, as pressure on deposit mobilization targets are emphasis.


The most interesting thing in the banking industry is that all banks market the same customers; chase the same money in circulation and use the same personnel. Another interesting thing to note is that all banks are branding the same products using different style, logo and slogan.

The issue is that how do we survive this war, since we know according to Charles Darwin [1801] that “it is not the strongest species that survive nor the most intelligent but the ones that are most responsive to change”. The concept of change cannot be thrown aside in this heat intense banking industry. Therefore, in search of what change that can assist to compete in the banking environment is the concept of synergy which states 1+1=3. That is the total been more than the sum of parts.


The concept of synergy is then introduce into “cost reduction” strategy where it is expected that 1+0 = 2  that is, at same equilibrium level of revenue and a reduction in cost produces increase in profitability and still maintain same quality of service delivery thus giving the organization unbeatable “competitive niche”.


One of the ways of reducing overhead cost in the bank is to introduce outsourcing. Cost reduction is not the only target of outsourcing. Outsourcing is instrumental in increasing the business productivity. It also allows organization to have access to best-of-breed talent and technology. This means outsourcing creates values.

The answer to why outsourcing should be more than cutting costs include creating value – value for the company through re-engineered processes, value for customers through better service and value for shareholders because the markets reward companies that focus on their core business. Although value can mean different things to different people for instance, in outsourcing, value can mean long-term cost-effectiveness. It can mean increased revenues, profits and rewards for shareholders. It can also mean greater competitive advantage, the result of more responsive processes and improved levels of service. At its best, value should mean all of these and more. In fact, there are degrees of value that an outsourced process will have on the larger organization. For example, a company that out sources its finance and accounting (F & A) function could expect to obtain immediate demand for value.


The dynamic and volatile global economy which fueled the ideas of “globalization” have forced several banks to seek ways of establishing an effective and efficient match-using strategies to find or facilitate connection with their competences, opportunities and risks resulting from environmental change.


One of the strategies employed by few Nigerian banks since the ingredients of their services delivery had been the same or recycled personnel, products, branding, customers and even ideas, it thus become necessary to change profit formulae.

This formula concentrates on cost reduction strategy and still maintains same quality of service delivery. Two banks were studied, Zenith bank and Gtbank. Annual reports and other privileged information of these banks indicate the unreserved interest of management to make profit and be on top especially through the use of cost minimization strategy which outsourcing is predominately used.



Liquidity is one of the major reasons why many banks avoid high wage bills despite acclaimed level of income generation. Besides, many of the banks revenue are paper income that cannot, on the real generate money profit. Many banks that failed today like commerce bank, eagle bank, metropolitan bank, etc face this type of problem where they spend real cash above the real income generated. (Osekita 2002).


Past studies postulate general theories to outsourcing applicable only in the Europe, societies where to increase profitability, a reduction in cost must suffice and not an increase in sales as sales is maximized having in mind a single objective paradigm.


However, a more pratical approach and applicable to the peculiar environment in which Nigerian banks operates would be recommended here. As there exist room for more sales, since according to CBN circular, 45% of the monies are outside the banks


Therefore this study is meant to address this peculiarity of nature of the Nigerian environment and entrenched in the knowledge that reduction in cost plus increase in sales would equal increase in profitability.



The following questions guide the study on "outsourcing as a strategy in reducing overhead cost in the selected banks, Zenith bank and GTBank in Lagos".


The questions include:

1.        What is the meaning of outsourcing?

2.        What are the steps involved in outsourcing?

3.        What are the subsisting conditions guiding outsourcing arrangements?

4.        What are the merits and demerits of outsourcing?

5.        How can outsourcing, as a financial strategy be successfully applied in the banking industry with resounding success?

6.        Does outsourcing have direct relationship to overhead cost reduction?

7.        How does outsourcing affect the standard of service delivery in banks?



The main objective of the study is to investigate "outsourcing as a strategy in reducing overhead cost in some selected banks in Lagos".


The specific objectives of the study can be aptly put as follows;

To investigate if banks are applying outsourcing arrangement as a financial strategy to cut cost, and the extent of its application. To assess the benefits inherent in the use of outsourcing arrangement as a financial strategy and its attendant demerits/disadvantages To demonstrate how outsourcing puts banks in favourable liquidity position To examine the maintenance of quality of service delivery irrespective of overhead reduction To examine how outsourcing as a financial strategy can be used to reduce overhead cost in banks.



The study is significant and highly relevant in the following ways;

1.        The study will show banks and similar financial institutions how outsourcing can be used to improve the quality of service delivery to customers, which will help banks to remain competitive and successful in the face of stiff competition existing in the financial industry.


2.        It will show the practical ways banks and other financial institutions can implement and incorporate outsourcing in their operations.


3.        Overhead costs unarguably account for a large proportion of bank expenses. The study will therefore reveal how outsourcing can be used to reduce such costs [overheads].


4.        The study is also expected to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on outsourcing as a financial strategy and arrangement.


1.6             SCOPE OF THE STUDY

The research work concentrates majorly on strategy to reduce overhead cost in banking industry and at the same time achieve excellent service delivery.

Data for the study are limited to Zenith bank and GTbank in Nigeria.





The chapter reviews the relevant literatures on issues relating to outsourcing. Specifically, the chapter considers: Perceptions of outsourcing, theoretical and historical background of outsourcing, types of outsourcing, conditions guiding outsourcing arrangement, implementing outsourcing and the future of outsourcing, and merits and demerits of outsourcing.



Various stakeholders in the organization or industry perceive outsourcing in different ways and Veruska Evanir Pereira (Washington DC, 1999) in his research work titled “the techniques of outsourcing – A Global view in Brazil” identified these various perceptions as follows:



Outsourcing is an extensive word that indicates the existence of another company or party called “third” that has competence, specialty, and quality which operates in partnership conditions, come to render services to a contracting company called “the taker”.

Outsourcing, with no doubt, will command the managerial activities, in this decade. With it a new managerial horizon appears, where the great corporations become thinner, agile and they move with energy and investments for the improvement and the development of their end products, in other words, their products become more competitive, winning quality and affordable prices.


But most of the entrepreneurs, directors, managers, supervisors and bosses look for outsourcing as an efficient and effective alternative that generates the managerial flexibility, with quality, providing the agility, simplicity and competitiveness in the companies. In this situation, companies understand that the implantation of outsourcing projects will bring countless advantages and benefits, turning the companies to more flexible and adapting more easily to the fast changes of the market and with that they become leaders in their segment, with considerable gain.


In the face of the new economical and financial reality and of the competitiveness of the market, the development of outsourcing projects is an important goal to be reached. The search of the modernization and of the administrative efficiency; it should be constant and allow the suitable positioning of the companies and always contemplating the progress of the competitors.

The administrative and managerial improvement of companies is an essential condition that must happen before the sensitive changes in the direction of a new positioning of the extremely competitive market comes. The companies that already noticed that there is a road to follow already glimpse the considerable advantages of outsourcing.


The progress of this new technique of administration is not only more accentuated because many companies worry about the labour judicial occurrences that already projected casual labour as a badly drifted and administered management technique. But, having the full knowledge of what to do, when, why, how and where, the labour risks are avoided and outsourcing process starts to have the appropriate safety, that is, it will guarantee the implantation and development with great managerial results, outlining the labour implications. It is essential that the entrepreneurs become aware that the opening up of its power and control; and the decentralization is still the beginning towards the walk for the success of outsourcing projects.


The world focus on outsourcing as partnership, re-dimension of structures, the de-verticalization, the associations, the strategic alliances, the unions of companies, the internal entrepreneur’s search. The type of management arrangement is very advantageous, providing important and sensitive managerial improvements in the development of the organizations.


The application of outsourcing technique is processed in two ways. This is simply purchase and the sale of services arrangement where the relationship between client/supplier exists. The services rendered that defines “society” relationship and commitment, and finds the actions of the taker and of the supplier as the only objective and interest for the same effective result. Many imagine that outsourcing is a simple sub hiring that frequently takes the taker to be interested only in how much he will gain. The distrustful and insecure posture exists, inducing the taker to look for immediate gains, with the choice of supplier that will in a moment allows it to achieve its interests. The largest concerns is with the price and those forms of outsourcing that the taker would obtain to gain the largest advantage of the contractual relationship as the supplier.


In a process, real outsourced companies accomplish a smaller number of activities which allow them to have a better control on their operational inputs, qualitative performances, administration of the product, making possible to produce more and better with lower costs and intensifying the means of information. The implantation of outsourcing technique is fundamental so that takers can answer with agility and discover other business opportunities in an atmosphere of internal and external strong competition.



Both the taker (the company that outsourced) and the third (outsourced company or personnel) have similar interest, in other words, they should be perfect partners integrated and informed of the needs of each other. However, we can still observe some conservative attitudes/perception as takers seek for earnings with a short period, economical price offered to the thirds for their services; also, the thirds may not be concerned with the improvement of the quality of taker’s products and so on.


The great progress of outsourcing technique is gradually showing that the behaviour of the takers and that of the thirds is changing consciously for a partnership relationship.

As this inter-relationship changes, the conservative position of the taker and the third gradually disappeared, thus developing activities for the taker, changing the situation of acting with the taker, in other words, committed with the qualitative results of its activities.


However, in the vision of the taker the following areas of concern still exist:

·                  The need to invest in the training of the third;

·                  Internal resistance for the changes amongst taker’s employees;

·                  Some labour union pressure;

·                  Adaptation of the managerial cultures;

·                  Producer/third with deficient quality;

·                  The fear of transfer of technology, which can fall in the hands of competitors; or the third, who can become a competitor.

The focus of the taker/ third include the followings:

·                  The intention of the taker to reduce labour costs, without being interested in the quality, specialty and the partner’s competence of the thirds;

·                  To maintain their activity with the taker without submitting to its economical interests;

·                  That the taker becomes aware that the services of the thirds exist, specialized and updated in agreement with the most modern techniques in the taker’s branches;

·                  That the taker believes in the operational capacity of the thirds to execute their tasks, that is different to the end-activity of the taker, in ways more competent, effective and efficient.

·                  That, in spite of improper, inconvenience and risk, the taker does not interfere nor try to supervise the activities of the thirds;

·                  That the taker specially requests to the thirds to execute any service that is not included in their area of specialty;

·                  That the taker monitors the activities of the third, always evaluating the quality of the results and informing the positive points and the negatives appropriately.


Finally both are motivated for together they progress in the development of the partnership, conscious that the posture of win-win which is expected to prevail in outsourcing.

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