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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007626

No of Pages: 72

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study examined the impact of outsourcing on organizational performance, a study of MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia. The specific objectives were to identify the effect of business process outsourcing on by MTN, Airtel and Etisalat performance in Umuahia, to ascertain the benefits of technology outsourcing to MTN, Airtel and Etisalat performance in Umuahia, to establish the relationship between outsourcing and organizational performance in MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia, to determine the effect challenges of outsourcing on performance of MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia. Primary data wassourced fromquestionnaires that were issued to staff of MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia. Descriptive survey design was adopted by the study. The questionnaire was distributed to staff of MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia. A test-re-test was conducted to ensure validity and reliability of the data. The data were analyzed using simple percentage, frequency, simple regression. The descriptive result show that  majority  53.2%,  58.5%,  57.4%, 53.2%, 47.9%  and 48.9% of the respondents strongly agree that support, printing, production, advertising, technology and distribution service were business process outsourcing affecting  MTN, Airtel and Etisalat  performance in Umuahia, Abia State. Majority  47.9%,  53.2%,  53.2%, 48.9%, 42.6%, 48.9%, 47.9% and  45.7% of the respondents strongly agree that  reduction in operating cost, increased  productivity and efficient,  flexibility, better quality of product and service, customers retention, strategies planning and flexibility, access to expertise and  focus on core business were the benefit  of technology outsourcing on MTN, Airtel and Etisalat  performance. Majority agreed that 53.2% and 53.2% of the respondents strongly agree that there is relationship between outsourcing and organizational performance. Majority 47.9%, 53.2%, 53.2% and 48.9%, 42.6%, 48.9%, 47.9%, 45.7%, 42.6%, 48.9%, 47.9% and 45.7% of the respondents strongly agree that loss of management control, loss of internal expertise skill, risk to succession planning, doubtful cost savings, vendor, failure to deliver, cost of delayed delivery or non-delivery, disclosure of corporate secrets, cost escalation, interest conflict with outsourcing partner, loss due to disaster and recovery cost. The empirical result show that  there is significant difference between support, printing, production, advertising, technology distribution services   and MTN, Airtel and Etisalat  performance in Umuahia, that reduction in operating cost, increased productivity and efficient, flexibility, better quality of products and services, customer satisfaction, technological advancement, customers retention, strategic planning and flexibility, access to expert have positive and  significant  effect on performance of MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia, there is positive relationship between outsourcing and organizational performance in MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia and that loss of critical skills, leakage of confidential information, pirates, plagiarism, vendor failure to deliver, cost of delayed delivery or non-delivery, disclosure of commercial secrets, cost escalation, interest conflicts with outsourcing partners, loss due to disasters and recovery costs had negative and  significant  effect on  performance of MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia. It was recommended that top managers of telecommunication companies understudied should paid more attention to the identified main factors that constitute critical drivers like reduction in operating cost, increased productivity and efficient, flexibility, better quality of products and services, customer satisfaction, technological advancement, customers retention, strategic planning and flexibility, access to expertand to consider them while planning the strategy of outsourcing.



Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Dedication                                                                                                                               iii

Certification                                                                                                                           iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  v

Abstract                                                                                                                                  vi

Table of Content                                                                                                                     vii

List of Table                                                                                                                           viii


1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                            1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                           3

1.3       Objectives of the Study                                                                                              4

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                                    4

1.5       Research Hypotheses                                                                                                  5

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                                           5

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                                      6

1.8       Limitations of the Study                                                                                             7

1.9       Profile of the Studied Organization                                                                            7

1.9.1    Profile of MTN                                                                                                           7

1.9.2    Profile of Airtel                                                                                                          8

1.9.3.   Profile of Etisalat                                                                                                        8

1.10     Operational Definitions of Terms                                                                              9


2.1      Conceptual Framework                                                                                               11

2.1.1   Outsourcing                                                                                                                 11

2.1.2.  Types of sourcing                                                                                                        13

2.1.3. Benefit of outsourcing practice                                                                                    17

2.1.4. Problem of outsourcing practice                                                                                  18

2.1.5.   Organizational performance                                                                                       20

2.1.6    Outsourcing and organizational performance                                                            22

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                              24

2.2.1    Resource based view (RBV) theory                                                                           24

2.2.2    Transaction cost economic (TCE) theory                                                                    25

2.2.3.  Core competency theory                                                                                              26

2.2.4.  Contractual theory                                                                                                       26

2.3.     Empirical Review                                                                                                        27

2.4.     Summary of Reviewed of Related Literature                                                              33

2.5.     Gap in the Literature                                                                                                   33


3.1       Research Design                                                                                                         35

3.2       Sources of Data                                                                                                          35

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                              35

3.4       Sample Size Determination                                                                                        35

3.5.      Sampling Technique                                                                                                   36

3.6. Description of the Instrument                                                                                          36

3.7. Validity of Research Instrument                                                                                     36

3.8. Reliability of Research Instrument                                                                                  36

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                            36


4.0    Introduction                                                                                                                   38

4.1 Rate of return questionnaires                                                                                            38

4.2.1 Socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents                                                        39

4.2 Data Presentation                                                                                                              41

4.3    Test of Hypotheses                                                                                                        45



5.1.   Summary of Findings                                                                                                                                                                            51

5.2.   Conclusion                                                                                                                                                                                             52

5.3.   Recommendations                                                                                                                                                                                 53

5.4.   Areas of Further Studies                                                                                                                                                                        53





4.1.:  Return of distributed questionnaire from the staff of MTN, Airteland  Etisalat                                                                                38

4. 2.: Socioeconomic characteristics of the staff of MTN, Airtel and Etisalat                                                                                    39

4.3.: What are the effect of business outsourcing on MTN, Airtel and Etisalat performance

            inUmuahia                                                                                                                  41

4.4.: What are the benefits of technology outsourcing on MTN, Airtel and

            Etisalat performance in Umuahia                                                                               42

4.5.:  Is there any relationship between outsourcing and organizational performance in

            MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia, Abia State                                                     43

4.6:  What are the challenges of outsourcing in MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia                                                                         44












The business environment  in which organisations operate has witnessed a tremendous change in the time past. The increase level of globalisation find themselves operating in a highly competitive international market and the use of highly advanced technologies has challenged the very basic principles and ideologies of business management to compete in a global environment, therefore organisations have had to change in order to sustain growth and break new frontiers. As a result, most industries have transformed completely from manual processes to complicated, automated and computerised technologies (Minoli, 2016).

 In other words, information communication technology usage and faster information flows have revolutionised our way of life and the way business operate. The needs and demands of consumers are also forcing organisations to reform and restructure to ensure that they keep up with market demand (Entrekin and Lourt, 2001; Schultheis and Summer, 2016).

The overall effect of this is that practice is business and economic activities are constantly changing (Kong,2007).There is no gain saying that if an organisation must survive in the business world today it must focus on speed, flexibility and agility. To survive in a competitive global market and to accomplish long term growth, organisations need to develop and focus on their core competencies (Li-ttua and Simon, 2007; Merrifieeld , 2016). In this situation , organisations needed to focus on main  and core competencies whilst contracting non-core  function to an external entity which will carry out those function as one of their core activities.

However global outsourcing has been identified as concept that relates to building competitive capability or advantage by many organisations, that is in either manufacturing or service oriented business.  It means organisations use outside organisations for a broad set of service (Noe, 2003). Management of most organisations see outsourcing as a strategy to improve organisational performance or organisational development. In general, outsourcing can be described as organisations delegating their non-core functions to an external organisation that provides particular service functions or products ( Hausen, 2016) Outsourcing is defined as the procurement of products or services from sources that are external to the organization (Rundquist, 2015).

Thus, outsourcing referred to a process in which an organization delegates in-house operations/processes/services to a third party. Outsourcing is a management strategy through which a company assigns some non-core functions to more specialized, more effective and more efficient service providers such that the organization can be left to perform and concentrate with the core business activities. This outsourcing strategy can allow organisations to focus on their core competencies in order to increase efficiency without having to invest in people and technology (King, 2007; Lau and Zhang, 2006).  Additionally, this strategy permits organisations to become increasingly profitable, and better able to service both local and international customers (Maidment,  2013).

Outsourcing had been in existence since the 1940s and 1950s in the western economy/word. However, it seems to appear recent in the development of Nigeria organisation. Today in Nigeria, organisations contract some of its functions to other organisations in order to concentrate on their core functions. More specifically, communication organisations in Nigeria have adopted outsourcing as part of their business strategy. In recent times, mobile telephone network like MTN, Airtel and Etisalat have been involved in one form of outsourcing project or the other. Example of some of the project these organisations have outsourced in recent time include: customer service (call centres), fleet management (transportation) and information that are common to outsourcing are security, human resources (recruitment and selection), cleaning etc. Therefore, the peculiarity of the operations of the information and telecommunications organisations and the attendant of technically skilled manpower have  made these organisations  (MTN, Airtel and Etisalat) to rely on external service providers. However, outsourcing is no longer confined to information and communication technology (ICT) service, but has expanded to engineering services, creative services, data management service, hospitality and clinical, and human resources management (Adekunle, 2015).



Outsourcing becomes one of the strategic directions of doing business based on knowledge and technologies. However, business outsourcing is not assessed unambiguously. Frequently, outsourcing strategies are viewed negatively by the service receivers because of the fear of losing control over the process. It takes time to build trust in a partnership with companies. Therefore, initial trust would be a qualitative attribute that managers should look for in their selection of vendors for outsourcing. Moreover, organizations meet new challenges: “New tensions and conflicts are the hallmarks of a network-based approach to human resource management (HRM) and these are multiplied under certain sectorial and institutional conditions.

Also, the phenomenal growth in mobile subscribers over the last few years has created huge opportunities for the telecom infrastructure industry in Nigeria. The operators in developed markets have already moved on to advanced active infrastructure outsourcing, operators in developing markets are beginning to realize the potential of passive infrastructure outsourcing. The intense competition in the telecom industry forced all the operators to look for opportunities to reduce the cost of operations by outsourcing tower infrastructure management related activities which demand huge capital expenditure and operating expenditure.

The challenges faced by telecommunication (MTN, Airtel and Etisalat) in implementing the outsourcing strategy  by Nigeria  are numerous. These include; loss of critical skills, leakage of confidential information and  interest conflict these factors most a time had negative impact on the performance of  telecommunication  companies in Nigeria.

Finally, Vendors on the other hand have been disgruntled as the telecommunication have not adhered to service level agreements and contracts. Resistance to change from staff is also often witnessed in organizations that have decided to outsource some of its operational functions.

Hence, the study examined the  impact of outsourcing on organisational performance, a study of MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia



The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of outsourcing on organisational performance, a study of MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia. Therefore, the study seeks to achieve the following specific objectives to:

      i.         identify the effect of business process outsourcing on  by MTN, Airtel and Etisalat  performance in Umuahia.

    ii.         ascertain the benefits of  technology outsourcing to MTN, Airtel and Etisalat performance in Umuahia.

   iii.         establish the relationship between outsourcing and organisational performance in MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia.

   iv.         determine the  effect challenges of outsourcing on performance of  MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia


The following research question  guide the study

      i.         What are the effect of business process outsourcing MTN, Airtel and Etisalat  performance in Umuahia?

    ii.         What are the benefits of outsourcing to MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in performance in  Umuahia?

   iii.         Is there any relationship between outsourcing and organisational performance in MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia?

   iv.         What are the effect of challenges of outsourcing on performance of  MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia?



The hypotheses below were formulated to aid the study.

H01:   Support, printing, production, advertising, technology and distribution services have no significant effect on performance of  MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia.

H02:     Reduction in operating cost and technological advancement are not significant benefits of outsourcing to MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia.

H03:     There is no significant relationship between outsourcing and organisational performance in MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia.

H04:     Loss of critical skills, leakage of confidential information and interest conflicts with outsourcing partners are not challenges of outsourcing on  performance of  MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia



The outsourcing of non-core operations of business organisations has several implications which include a change in the business process, staffing, cost profile and profitability of the embracing organisation. As a matter of fact, the business process of an organisation changes with the adoption of outsourcing strategy. This study is expected to shed more light on the nature and the extent of the effects of outsourcing on the performance of organisations. The outcome of this research is expected to be of immense benefits to organisations management, project managers, financial and management accountants, internal auditors, information systems specialists and consultants the academe and other researchers who may want to carry out further studies on issues relating to this study Specially, this study will help the management of business to embrace new business procedures that will provide a cost effective method of remaining competitive in the market place. It will provide an avenue to evaluate the entire process of the business into what is core and non essential which will entail a redirection of scarce resources into

more productive venture. It will also enable managements to concentrate on enhancing the core business ability and increase global reach. Project managers will benefit immensely from this study because it will increase their understanding and knowledge and also sharpen their evaluation skills on outsourced business. It will help them to improve on how to analyse projects cost and benefit and also to monitor the delivery of productivity on outsource business the expected outcome,

The significance of the study can also be seen in the performance of the financial and management. This study will enable them to appreciate the changes, whether positive or otherwise in the profitability of the organisations that has outsourced its business. It will enhance the ability of management accountants to prepare relevant reports to management on the effect of outsourcing.

This research work is also significant to the academic community. In the first instance, it will serve as a reference material for further studies on related topics.

In addition, it will contribute to the available academic knowledge in the field of business strategic management and other related subject.

It will make the researcher to reinforce the privilege of the business with regards to their incentive that have been trampled down by poor organisation, reviving the need for the organisation to live up to their responsibility in caring for the welfare of their business.

Furthermore it will make the researcher to known the outsourcing on organisation performance problem in their organisation and how it affected the performance of their business and practical solution that will serve as a panacea to identified problems.

It will make the researcher to serve as a reference point to other organisation when making the decision on issues concerning outsourcing on organisation performance.


This study focused on the impact of outsourcing on organizational performance. The study concentrates on MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia. The study would identify the types of activities outsourced and the benefits of outsourcing to MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia. The study also will establish the relationship between outsourcing and organisational performance and also determine the challenges of outsourcing in MTN, Airtel and Etisalat in Umuahia



The study is  constrained by the following.

Time: The time needed to really conduct an extensive research will not be enough based on the fact that the work will be done at a limited time frame combined with school activities and day to day activities of trying to make ends meet.

Funds: Financial constraint in sourcing for relevant information, running around and the general expenses involved in the study will be encountered based on the fact that the researcher has no sponsor(s) and will be limited to little funds squeezed out from his day to day activities of trying to make ends meet.

Respondent’s Attitude: some of the respondents in the study area might be unwilling or disinclined to release relevant information towards the success of this study due to reasons best known to them.


1.9.1    Profile of  MTN

MTN started their business in Nigeria in 2001. On February 9, 2001, MTN started  with four available licenses to operate digital GSM (Global System for Mobile Telecommunications) telephony from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC). A licence fee of US$285 million was paid for an initial 15 year period, allowing MTN Nigeria to provide and operate a 900 and 1800 MHz second-generation digital mobile service within Nigeria.

With over 55 million subscribers, MTN Nigeria Communications Limited (MTN) provides cellular network access and ICT solutions to millions of Nigerians, connecting whole communities with each other and with the rest of the world. It is also the largest subsidiary in the MTN Group – a multinational telecommunications group offering world-class cellular network access and business solutions to over 210 million subscribers in 22 countries across Africa and the Middle East.

As a result of these massive investments, MTN Nigeria now has the most expansive network coverage, spread across 3,340 cities, towns and villages in all 36 states of the Federation, including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). MTN also provides network coverage to 89.24% of Nigeria's land mass, while over 86.46% of the population have access to our services. We continue to break new grounds in network expansion while providing state-of-the-art network infrastructure

Since inception in 2001, MTNN has led the growth in the voice market to become the biggest mobile operator in Nigeria and West Africa. It is now pursuing new growth opportunities in the data and ICT space. This lead position is evident in a differentiated and attractive array of product and service offerings, as well as a growing bouquet of ICT products.

1.9.2 Profile of Airtel

fifth largest wireless carrier by subscriber base. Airtel reported that its revenues for the fourth quarter of 2010 grew by 53% to $3.2 billion compared to the previous year. The newly acquired Africa division contributed $911 million to the total. However, net profits dropped by 41% from $470 million in 2009 to $291 million 2010 due to a $188 million increase in radio spectrum charges in India and an increase of $106 million in debt interest.

1.9.3    Profile of  Etisalat

Etisalat started business in Nigeria in 2008. Etisalat Nigeria launched one of the first major broadband services in the country – EasyBlaze. The company is known for its innovative products and services such as the Eco Sim and the first network to offer special numbers to Nigerians as their mobile numbers via the 0809uchoose campaign. From 2012 to 2015, Etisalat Nigeria hosted the Etisalat Prize for Innovation, established to promote African Internet expansion.

In April 2013, Etisalat Nigeria announced it would invest $500 million to expand its network, enabling further potential market growth of 17%. In June 2013, it launched the Etisalat Prize for Literature the first pan-African prize for debut published writers.  In October 2016, Etisalat Nigeria announced 4G LTE with a frequency band 3 (1800 MHz). Speed test results indicate 28Mbit/s download and 11Mbit/s upload. This LTE network currently covers some part of Lagos and Abuja.

In March 2017, Nigeria telecoms regulator pushed for talks to halt takeover attempts by Etisalat creditors and reschedule its outstanding $1.2 bln loan. In July 2017, Etisalat withdrew from the market after its debt was not repaid or rescheduled. The local operator has renamed itself 9mobile.


Productivity: This is the quantity and quality of goods or services produced by an employee that meets or surpasses a given target. It is also measure in terms of the input- output ratio where the ratio of the output is greater than input.

Quality of Service: The outcome of sum of all the characteristic of a service that impact their ability to meet or surpass the needs and requirement of a customer..

Market Share: The percentage of global system for mobile telecommunication market that each organisation controls in Nigeria.

Customer Satisfactions: This is the expectations of product quality; service quality and price are met as measured by the number of subscribers of the firm’s services.

Innovation: This is the process of translating an idea or invention into a product or service.

Core Competencies: This is the core business of the firm, where it has fundamental knowledge ability or expertise. It also means the main products or service which the firm is established to offer.

Capacity Management: Allocation of available resources (equipment, machines or system and time) to meet planned demand.

Expertise: This is proven knowledge and skills in an area of operation functions or service delivery.

Risk Transfer: This is defined as shifting of risk to external service provider through outsourcing certain functions.

Outsourcing:  This can be described as an organisation delegating their noncore function to an external organisation that provides a particular service, function or product.

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