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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008890

No of Pages: 71

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study was aimed at determining the microorganisms associated with biogas produced from cassava peels and cow rumen fluid. The study adopted the use of two (2) substrates combination namely Cassava Peels (CP) and Cow Rumen Fluid (CRF).  1kg of cassava peels were collected from a grating centre in Umuahia North while about 2 litres of cow rumen fluid was collected from Ubakala Abbatoir Market which were taken to Microbiology Laboratory for analysis within 24 hours of sample collection. These samples were anaerobically digested and used in 1:1 ratio. Standard microbiological methods were used to screen the isolates and the wastes substrate for biogas production. The study isolated eight (8) bacteria species from the biodigested cassava peel and cow rumen fluid blend. The mean anaerobic count ranged from 1.13 x 106cfu/ml to 7.10 x 106cfu/ml. There was a considerable difference in the concentrations of different parameters in the daily slurry sample, observed mean chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD)  values at the 28th day of digestion was 1016 mg/L and 207mg/L, pH range 7.1-8.8, mean gas volume produced from cassava peel/cow rumen fluid blend was 2.09Ld-1. The findings of the study concluded that anaerobic co-digestion process has synergistic effects to increases biogas yield from the substrate. The study recommended need for more studies in organic blends in biogas production and cautions approach to handling biodigesters as pathogenic organisms proliferate there.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                           ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   v

List of Tables                                                                                                                          vii

List of figures                                                                                                                         viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix



1.0       INTRODUCTION                                                                                                    1

1.1.1      Aim of the Study                                                                                                        5

1.1.2      Objectives of the Study                                                                                              5




2.1       Renewable Energy                                                                                                      6

2.1.1    Solar Energy                                                                                                               6

2.1.2    Wind Energy                                                                                                               7

2.1.3    Biomass Energy                                                                                                          8

2.1.4      Tidal Power                                                                                                                9

2.1.5      Geothermal Energy                                                                                                     9

2.2       Biogas                                                                                                                         10

2.2.1    Overview of biogas production                                                                                  12

2.2.2    Biogas Development in Africa                                                                                   15

2.2.3    Biogas Development in Nigeria                                                                                 15

2.3       Anaerobic Digestion (AD)                                                                                          16

2.3.1    Classification of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) System                                                 17

2.3.2    Accelerants/Additives for AD                                                                                                17 Green Biomass                                                                                                           18 Biological Additives                                                                                                   18 Chemical Additives                                                                                                    19

2.3.3    Stages of anaerobic degradation of organic wastes                                                    22 Hydrolysis                                                                                                                   22 Acidogenesis (Acidification Phase)                                                                           23 Acetogenesis                                                                                                               24 Methanogenesis                                                                                                          24

2.4       Anaerobic co-digestion                                                                                              25

2.5       Anaerobic digesters                                                                                                    25

2.5.1    Capacity of Anaerobic Digesters                                                                                26

2.5.2    Basic considerations for digester construction                                                           26

2.5.3    Types of Digesters                                                                                                      27 Continuous and Batch Digesters                                                                                27


2.5.4    Siting of Biogas Digester                                                                                           32

2.6       Cassava Peels                                                                                                             32

2.6.1    Biogas Production from Cassava Peel                                                                       32

2.7       Cow Rumen Fluid                                                                                                      34




3.1       Study area                                                                                                                   36

3.2       Sample collection                                                                                                       36

3.3       Sample preparation                                                                                                     37

3.4       Media preparation                                                                                                      37

3.5       Analysis of samples                                                                                                    37

3.5.1    Determination of Physicochemical Characteristics                                                   37 Determination of Temperature                                                                                   37 Determination of pH                                                                                                   37 Determination of Dissolved Oxygen (D.O)                                                                38 Determination of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)                                               39 Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand                                                                        39

3.5.2    Microbial Composition and Mean Count                                                                   40 Fungi Identifications                                                                                                  40 Bacteria Identification                                                                                                40




4.1       Results                                                                                                                        42

4.2       Discussion                                                                                                                   46




5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  49

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      49







Table                         Title                                               Page

4.1:                  The Microbial Composition and Mean Count                 43

4.2:                  Daily Physicochemical Characteristics Of Slurry For 30 Days                44

4.3:                  Mean Volume of the Biogas Produced in litres per day            45


Figure                        Title                                                                Page

2.1:                  A Single Stage Process Conventional Digester                                  27

2.2:                  A Double Stage Process Conventional Digester                                28

2.3:                  A Floating Gas Holder Digester                                                         30

2.4:                  The Fixed Dome Digester                                                                  30








Interest in biogas technology is increasing around the world due to the requirements for renewable energy production, reuse of materials such as cassava peels and animal waste of various categories and reduction of harmful emissions. Biogas technology offers versatile and case-specific options for tackling renewable energy and reuse of waste materials with simultaneous controlled treatment of various organic materials (Lehtomäki, 2006; Amon et al., 2007; Seppälä et al., 2009). It produces methane-rich biogas which can be utilized as renewable energy in various ways (Mata-Alvarez, 2003). The residual material, digestate, contains all the nutrients of the original raw materials and offers a way to recycle them. Along the process steps, also emissions directly from the raw materials (storage, use, and disposal) or from the replaced products (fossil fuels, inorganic fertilizers) can be reduced. Biogas technology is currently the most sustainable way to utilize the energy content of manure w

hile also recycling the nutrients and minimizing the emissions (Mata-Alvarez, 2003).

Biogas production from crop residues and animal manure by anaerobic digestion is a sustainable approach for waste reduction and energy recovery. Hydrolysis is considered as the rate-limiting step during the anaerobic digestion of these waste streams due to their high content of lignocellulosic materials. Consequently, numerous studies have focused on the development of feedstock pretreatment methods and inoculation strategies in order to improve the hydrolytic efficiency and consequently enhance the rates of acidogenesis and methanogenesis (Emine et al., 2018).

Biogas is also called swamp gas, sewer gas, marsh gas, gobar gas and digester gas ‘will O the wisp gas, natural gas, landfill gas and sewage gas (Asikong et al., 2017). Biogas is a mixture of gasses consisting of methane 50 – 70%, carbon dioxide 30 – 40%, Hydrogen 5 – 10%, Nitrogen 1 – 2%, water vapour 0 – 3%, and traces of Hydrogen sulphide. It is colourless, relatively odourless and flammable; it is also stable and non-toxic. Biogas formation can occur naturally in swamps, marine sediments, and water logged soils, rice fields, deep bodies of water, sanitary landfills and even in the digestive system of ruminants; and termites. It can also be recovered from lagoons used for waste treatment. It burns with a blue flame and has a calorific value of 4500 – 6000 kcal/m3 when its methane content ranges from 60 – 70% (Igoni et al., 2008; Adeyanju, 2008).

Generally, four different stages have been recognized in the production of biogas with several other intermediate products. These include; hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis.  The efficiency, effectiveness and stability of anaerobic digestion and consequently biogas generation can vary significantly based on various operational factors such as; type of waste streams, digester design, temperature, moisture content, retention time, pH, agitation or mixing, bacterial species and organic loading rate. Presence of toxicants can also influence biogas production. Positive implications of biogas include; the reduction in environmental pollution, odour (Budiyono et al., 2010; Lund et al., 2010), and in the destruction of most pathogenic organisms, worms, ova, etc. Biogas can also serve as a clean alternative to fuel energy source to oil, electricity and wood. The negative implications of biogas technology include; concentration of toxic compounds such as pesticides and heavy metals in plants and ground water contamination (Prescott et al., 2005).

Cattle manure is frequently used as an inoculum for the start-up of agricultural biogas plants or as a co-substrate in the anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic feedstock. Ruminal microbiota are considered to be effective plant fiber degraders, but the microbes contained in manure do not necessarily reflect the rumen microbiome (Emine et al., 2018).

However, in contemporary times, cassava is being recognized as an important source of biofuel. Adelekan (2012), Cassava (Manihot esculenta Cranz) is a very important crop grown for food and industrial purposes in several parts of the tropics. Adelekan and Bamgboye (2009a) investigated biogas productivity of cassava peels, mixed with poultry, piggery and cattle waste types in ratios 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 and 4:1 by mass, using a retention period of 30 days and within the mesophilic temperature range. Cassava peels have high value of organic carbon and low value of total nitrogen, and this result in a particularly high C/N ratio. According to Karki et al. (1994) high C/N ratio is indicative of the fact that the material is not good for biogas production and will not appreciably yield biogas. However, the work points out that such a material could be mixed with another with a much lower C/N ratio to stabilize the ratio to an optimal value between 22 and 30. Biogas yield was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced by cassava peels used. The cumulative average biogas yield from digested cassava peels was 0.6 l/kg- TS. Since cassava peel is a material with a high C/N ratio, it will not yield much biogas. Several researchers have recently reported improvements in biofuel production from various agricultural materials including biogas from mixtures of cassava peels and livestock wastes (Adelekan and Bamgboye, 2009a), biogas from pretreated water hyacinth (Ofuefule et al., 2009), methanol from cow dung (Ajayi, 2009) fuel from indigenous biomass wastes (Saptoadi et al., 2009), ethanol from non-edible plant parts (Inderlwildi and King, 2009), as well as biogas from various livestock wastes (Adelekan and Bamgboye, 2009b). Adelekan (2012) showed that cassava, an often neglected but sturdy crop is a potent energy crop for the production of methane and ethanol, and presented production estimates for these biofuels based on cassava yield from the tropical countries. It has been discovered that, under aerobic conditions, living plants also produce methane.

Cattle rumen fluid is a suitable substrate for anaerobic digesters, its recalcitrant fiber structure and high water content results in a low methane yield in mono-digestion. The combination of different substrates with manure facilitates the digestion by increasing the easily degradable fraction and thus enhancing the methane yield (Lund et al., 2010). Cattle manure is commonly considered as an inoculum well-suited for the start-up of anaerobic digesters, since it contains a diverse microbial community that can easily adapt to changing operational conditions (Janke et al., 2016; Goberna et al., 2015). Most studies on the rumen environment focused on microbial community dynamics depending on the dietary differentiation of animals (Zened et al., 2013; Kong et al., 2010; Kittelmann and Janssen, 2011).

However, these products make up a tangible net weight and contain toxic cyanogenic glycosides. As a result of these reasonable large quantities in homes engaged in farming activities and industrial areas where commercial quantities are produced, these peels waste products become a nuisance and create waste disposal problem. Also, in contemporary times, a great deal of interest has been generated worldwide regarding the use of biofuels namely biogas, bioethanol and biodiesel for energy supply since there availability is rampant. It is on this basis that this study is carried out to ascertain the microbial diversity of biogas produced from cassava peels and cow rumen fluid.


            1.2           Aim and Objective of the Study

1.2.1    Aim of the Study

The aim of the study is to determine the microorganisms associated with biogas produced from cassava peels and cow rumen fluid.

            1.2.2           Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study include:

i)               determine the potentials of biogas energy generation from cassava peels and cow dung fluid

ii)             to identify the key microorganisms of use for efficient lignocellulose degradation.

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