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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009090

No of Pages: 46

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study identifies the bacterial load of a produced unconventional fluid, to isolate fungi in the pressure transmitting fluid and to identify the best substance that can keep the fat in liquid form without microbial contamination. Fats used in this study were purchased from local sellers at Umuariaga junction. It was rendered using wet preparation. The mean microbial count for both used and unused sample shows that the total heterotrophic bacterial count of the used sample was 2.20 ×10cfu/ml. The total coliform plate count of the used sample was 2.26 ×10while the total fungal plate count was 2.31 ×105. The total heterotrophic bacterial count of the unused sample was 1.91 ×105 cfu/ml, the total coliform plate count of the unused sample was 1.20 ×105 while the total fungal plate count was 1.67 ×105Bacillus species has the highest occurrence of 26.12% which is followed by Staphyloccus aureus which has an occurrence of 21.71%, Pseudomonas species has an occurrence of 21.74% then Escherichia coli with an occurrence of 17.4% while   Salmonella species has the least occurrence of 13.00%. Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger 42.86% and 57.14% occurrence respectively. Additives such as Vitamin C and E were added to prevent rancidity and enhances its oxidative stability, Zigma Aldrich and Phosphoric acid acts as corrosive inhibitors, Kerosene reduces the gelling and viscous nature of pressure transmitting fluids. The pressure transmitting fluid was proven to be effective after it was being tested on a Toyota Camry vehicle. The statistical analysis shows that there was no significant difference between the used and unused samples.


Title Page                                                                                                        i

Certification                                                                                                   ii

Dedication                                                                                                      iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                          iv

Table of Contents                                                                                           v

List of Tables                                                                                                  vii

List of Figures                                                                                                 viii

Abstract                                                                                                          ix

1.0                   CHAPTER ONE                                                                                           1

1.1                   Introduction                                                                                                    1

1.2                   Aims and Objectives                                                                                      6

1.2.1                Objectives                                                                                                       6

2.0                   CHAPTER TWO                                                                                          7

2.1                   Literature Review                                                                                           7

2.2                   Determination of Suitability of Groundnut Oil as a Hydraulic Fluid                       8

2.3       Bio Based (Vegetable Oil) Lubricants as an Alternatives of Mineral           9

Oils for Gearing Applications

2.4                   Research Approaches on Vegetable Oil as Bio Lubricants                                     10

2.4.1                Performance of Vegetable Oils as a Lubricant                                               11

2.4.2                Wear Performance of Castor Oil Based Lubricant                                         11

3.0                   CHAPTER THREE                                                                                      13

3.1                   Materials and Method                                                                                     13

3.2                   Study Area                                                                                                      13

3.3                   Media Used                                                                                                     13

3.4                   Collection of Samples                                                                                    13

3.5                   Sterilization of Materials                                                                                14

3.6                   Preparation of Culture Media                                                                         14

3.7                   Addition of Antigelling Additives                                                                  14

3.8                   Culturing Of Oil Samples                                                                               14

3.9                   Inoculation and Isolation                                                                                14

3.10                 Purification of Isolates                                                                                   15

3.11                 Identification of Bacterial Isolates                                                                 15

3.11.1             Gram Staining                                                                                                15

3.11.2              Biochemical Test                                                                                            16           Oxidase Test                                                                                                   16           Catalase Test                                                                                                   16           Citrate Test                                                                                                     16           Sugar Fermentation Test                                                                                17           Methyl Red (MR)                                                                                           17           Voges Proskauer (VP)                                                                                                17

3.12                 Macroscopic Identification of Isolates                                                           17

3.12.1              Microscopic Identification of Isolates                                                            17

3.14                 Statistical Analysis                                                                                         18

4.0                   CHAPTER FOUR                                                                                        19

4.1                   Results                                                                                                            19

5.0                   CHAPTER FIVE                                                                                          27

5.1                   Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation                                              27

5.1.1                Discussion                                                                                                       27

5.1.2                Conclusion                                                                                                      30

5.1.3                Recommendation                                                                                           31

References                                                                                                      32









Page Number


Mean Microbial Count of Samples



Identification of bacterial isolates



Identification of fungal isolate





Percentage Occurrence of the bacterial Isolate

Percentage Occurrence of fungal Isolate Additives used for the Pressure Transmitting Fluid and their functions












Page Number


Fungi growth on Saboround Dextrose Agar revealing the presence of Aspergillus niger



Fungi growth on Saboround Dextrose Agar revealing the presence of Aspergillus flavus



Bacterial growth on MacConkey Agar revealing the presence of Escherichia coli





Bacterial growth on Mannitol salt Agar revealing the presence of Staphylococcus aureus













Biodeterioration is defined as any undesirable change in the properties of a material caused by the action of biological agents such as bacteria, fungi, beetle etc. the word biodeterioration has only been in use or about 40 years, but describes processes which have affected humankind ever since we began to possess and use materials. Bacteria, archaea and fungi in addition with lichens and insect pests, causes many branches of science and technology either do not need or do not have an accepted definition in common use. Biodeterioration covers a wide range of biological activities where the effect is to “make things worse” and thus adversely affect man’s economy (Khadelwal, 2003). Microorganisms are known to cause chemical characteristics that lead to deterioration in quality of vegetable oils derived from the seeds or fruits pulps of plants (Abramovi, and Abram, 2005). The keeping quality of the oils is basically dependent on their chemical compositions, for instance, the percentages of the degree of unsaturation.  

Unconventionally, Oils in general are susceptible to microbial attack. The composition of the various oils determines the extent and type of organisms likely to thrive in them (Okpokwasili, and Williams, 2016).  Some slight deterioration at least is to be expected in any commercial oil-bearing material and is, in fact, inherent in the process by which fat is formed. In the living plants and animals, fats, carbohydrates and proteins are synthesized in a complicated series of steps with the aid of certain enzymes. These enzymes are capable of assisting the reverse as well as the forward reactions and hence under proper conditions may promote the degradation of the very substances that, they have previously been instrumental in synthesizing (Norris, 2004).  

 However, due to conservation and environmental friendliness, this present emphasis has brought about keen interest in the use of natural oil for industrial fluid. Their chemical composition and specific properties have allowed them to find use as foods, fuel and lubricants. Their sources are numerous, encompassing vegetable, animal, and marine sources. As it is with all matters their usefulness to man is determined by their chemical and physical properties and all fats and oils have certain characteristics in common. Hydraulic fluid can contain a wide range of chemical compounds, including oils, butanols, esters (e.g phthalates; like DEHP, and adipates, bis (2 – elhyexyl) adiptate), polyalkylene glycols (PAG), phosphate esters (eg. Tributylphosphate), silicons (PAO) (e.g. polyisobicteries), corrosion inhibitors. Hydraulic fluids are essential in driving circuit, cylinder, drive systems, manifold. Since, hydraulic fluids serve as the power transmission medium in a hydraulic system. However there are other important functions of hydraulic fluids. The demand place on systems constantly varies. Industries require greater efficiency and speed at higher operating require a basic understanding a particular fluids characteristics in comparison, with an ideal fluid.

According to the International Standard Organization (ISO) there are three different types of fluids according to their source of availability and purpose of use (Santosh, 2005).

1               Mineral-Oil based Hydraulic fluids

 As these have a mineral oil base, so they are named as Mineral-oil-Based Hydraulic fluids. This kind of fluids will have high performance at lower cost. These fluids are able to transfer power but have less properties of lubrication and unable to withstand high temperature. These types of fluid have a limited usage in industries. Some of the uses are manually used jacks and pumps, low pressure hydraulic system etc. These fluids use phosphorus, zinc and suphur components to get their anti-wear properties (Standard Classification of Industrial Fluid Lubricants, 2013).

2               Fire Resistant Fluids

These fluids generate less heat when burnt than those of mineral oil based fluids. As the name suggests these fluids are mainly used in industries where there are chances of fire hazards, such as foundries, military, die-casting and basic metal industry.

3               Environmental Acceptable Hydraulic Fluids (EAHF)

These fluids are basically used in the application where there is a risk of leakage or spills into the environment, which may cause some damage to the environment. These fluids are not harmful to the aquatic creatures and they are biodegradable. These fluids are used in forestry, lawn equipment, off-shore drilling, dams and maritime industries. The ISO have classified these fluids as HETG (based on natural vegetable oils), HEES (based on synthetic esters), HEPG (polyglycol fluids) and HEPR (polyalphaolefin types) (Santosh, 2005). 

It is noteworthy that the application of vegetable oils and animal fats for industrial purposes and specifically lubrication has been in practice for many years. Inherent disadvantages and the availability of inexpensive options have however brought about low utilization of vegetable oils for industrial lubrication (Mohanan et al., 2007). When applied in the science of tribology, vegetable oils fall under the class known as fixed oils. They are so named because they do not volatilize without decomposing. Prior to recent developments, vegetable and animal oils in tribology have functioned mainly as additives to mineral lubricating oil formulations, although in some cases they are applied exclusively, or in blends. For instance, tallow (acidless) has been used as an emulsifying agent for steam cylinder oils, while castor, peanut and rapeseed oils have been used in blends with mineral oils to improve lubrication performance. Palm oil has been used in isolation as a fluxing dip in the tin plating of steel, while olive oil has applications as a yarn lubricant.

Reasons for the use of vegetable oils in the science of lubrication abound. Their superior lubricity and emulsifying characteristics increase their desirability as additives to the cheaper but less effective mineral oil based lubricants. Their superior lubricity in industrial and machinery lubrication sometimes even necessitates the addition of friction materials in tractor transmissions in order to reduce clutch slippage. Other advantages that encourage the use of vegetable oils include their relatively low viscosity temperature variation; that is their high viscosity indices, which are about twice those of mineral oils (Mohanan et al., 2007).

Additionally, they have low volatilities as manifested by their high flash points. Significantly, they are environmentally friendly: renewable, non-toxic and biodegradable. In summary, engine lubricants formulated from vegetable oils have the following advantages deriving from the base stock chemistry:

i.          Higher Lubricity resulting in lower friction losses, and hence more power and better fuel economy.

ii.         Lower volatility resulting in decreased exhaust emissions.

iii.        Higher viscosity indices.

iv.        Higher shear stability.

v.         Higher detergency eliminating the need for detergent additives.

vi.        Higher dispersancy.

vii.       Rapid biodegradation and hence decreased environmental / toxicological hazards.

In a comparison of palm oil and mineral based lubricants, palm oil based lubricants were found to be more effective in reducing the hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emission levels, among other things. Vegetable oils have also been identified as having a lot of potential as alternative diesel engine fuels (Kayisoglu et al., 2006). This is supported by an interest in a cleaner environment, as well as the increasing cost of mineral deposit based energy. Based on availability to meet demand, soybean, peanut and sunflower oils have been identified as the most promising fuel sources (Kayisoglu et al., 2006). When used as a fuel, the term “biodiesel” is applicable. Biodiesel is defined strictly as “…the mono alkyl ester (usually methyl ester) of renewable fats and oils. It consists primarily of long chain fatty acid esters, produced by the trans-esterification reaction of vegetable oils with short chain alcohols. Distinct advantages of biodiesel include a high flash point of over 100°C, excellent lubricity, a BTU content comparable to that of petro diesel, and virtually no sulfur or aromatic content. Above all, biodiesel is non-toxic and biodegradable. Results from investigating performance of vegetable oils in blends with diesel indicate that blending up to 25% biodiesel (sunflower) with mineral diesel has no adverse effect on performance. (Kayisoglu et al., 2006). Vegetable oils have also been applied as transformer coolant oils and have been found to conform to all industry standards with performances and cost profiles comparable to the conventional mineral oils applied in transformer cooling. Transformer oil products have been produced from soybean oils as well as castor oils. The major disadvantage militating against the use of vegetable oils in industrial applications is its oxidative stability. This factor has been most researched particular as biodiesel (Kapilani et al., 2009). Several proposals on how to tackle this problem have been investigated. Ways of evaluating the oxidative stability of oils have occupied several authors (Gertz et al., 2000). Several oils have been proposed for industrial uses primarily due to their recognized high oxidative stability compared to other oils. Ghazalia et al. (2006) investigated the effect of light on the stability of palm olein. Others have investigated the stability of these oils when anti-oxidants are added (Schober and Mittelbach, 2004).


The aim of this study is to determine the microbial deterioration of an unconventional pressure transmitting fluid.

1.2.1    Objectives

1.         To identify the bacterial load of the produced unconventional fluid.

2.         To isolate fungi in the pressure transmitting fluid

3.         To identify the best substance that can keep the fat in liquid form without microbial contamination.


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