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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009087

No of Pages: 65

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The aim of this study is to ascertain the biocide effect and microbial population in formulated fluid. A total of four (4) biocides namely: sodium hexametaphosphate, hydrogen peroxide, ciprofloxacin and fluconazole were treated on microorganisms isolated from the formulated fluid. A total of three (3) bacteria spp and two (2) fungal specie were isolated belonging to the genera of Escherichia coli, Salmonella specie, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger respectively. From this study, the biocidal effect of sodium hexametaphosphate on Escherichia coli ranged from 0.2x 105 cfu/g to 0.47x105cfu/g followed by salmonella sp which ranged from 0.19x 105 cfu/g to 0.46x105cfu/g. The biocidal effect of Hydrogen peroxide on Escherichia coli ranged from 0.32x105cfu/g to 0.37x105cfu/g followed by Salmonella sp which ranged from 0.22x105cfu/g to 0.35x105cfu/g. The biocidal effect of sodium hexametaphosphate on A. niger ranged from 0.32x105cfu/g to 0.33x105cfu/g and A. flavus ranged from 0.25x105cfu/g to 1.07x105cfu/g’ While the biocidal effect of hydrogen peroxide on A. niger ranged from 0.04x105cfu/g to 0.08x105cfu/g and A. flavus ranged from 0.01x105cfu/g to 0.12x105cfu/g.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                           ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Acknowledgments                                                                                                                  iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   v

List of Tables                                                                                                                          vi

List of Figures                                                                                                                         vii       

Abstract                                                                                                                                  viii


1.0       CHAPTER ONE

1.1       INTRODUCTION                                                                                                    1

1.1.1    Biocide                                                                                                                       1

1.2       Types of Biocides                                                                                                       3

1.3       Uses of Biocides                                                                                                         5

1.4       Sources of Biocides                                                                                                    7

1.5       Application of Biocides                                                                                              7

1.6       Household Products                                                                                                    8

1.6.1    Biocides as Disinfectants                                                                                           9

1.6.2    Biocides as Food Preservatives                                                                                  9

1.6.3    Biocides in Animal Husbandry                                                                                  10

1.6.4    Biocides as Teat Dips                                                                                                             10

1.6.5    Biocide Use in Fish Farming                                                                                      10

1.7       Factors Affecting Microbial Population of Change of Fat to Liquid                         10

1.7.1    pH and Acidity                                                                                                           10

1.7.2    Nutrient Content                                                                                                         12

1.7.3    Moisture                                                                                                                      13

1.7.4    Temperature                                                                                                               14

1.7.5    Elements Present                                                                                                        14

1.7.6    Fats                                                                                                                             14

1.8       Aim and Objectives                                                                                                    16

1.8.1    Objectives                                                                                                                   16


2.0       CHAPTER TWO

2.1       LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                        17

2.1.1    Effect of Biocides on Microorganisms                                                                       17 Chlorine Compounds                                                                                                  17

2.1.2    Alcohols                                                                                                                      17

2.1.3    Cationic Biocides                                                                                                       19

2.1.4    Phenols                                                                                                                       20

2.1.5    Triclosan as a Biocide                                                                                                21

2.2       Microorganisms and Biocide                                                                                     22

2.1.1    Intrinsic Resistance to Biocides                                                                                 22

2.1.2    Mycobacteria                                                                                                              24

2.1.3    Other Gram-Positive Bacteria                                                                                    24

2.1.4    Bacterial Endospores                                                                                                  25

2.1.5    Physiological (phenotypic) Adaptation                                                                      25

2.3       Microorganisms Associated with Fats                                                                        26

2.4       Microorganisms Isolated From Oils from Fat                                                            27

2.4.1    Yeast                                                                                                                           27

2.4.2    Microalgae                                                                                                                  27

2.4.3    Bacteria                                                                                                                      28

2.5       Microorganisms Associated with Fluids from Fats                                                    29



3.1       Materials and Methods                                                                                               33

3.1.1    The Study Area                                                                                                           33

3.2       Sample Collection                                                                                                      33

3.3       Media Used                                                                                                                 33

3.4       Sterilization                                                                                                                34

3.5       Microbiological Analysis                                                                                           34

3.6       Identification and Characterization of Isolates                                                          34

3.7       Gram Staining                                                                                                            34

3.8       Biochemical Cultural Characteristics                                                                         35

3.8.1   Catalase Test                                                                                                               35

3.8.2    Coagulase Test                                                                                                           35

3.8.3    Motility Test                                                                                                               35

3.8.4    Indole Test                                                                                                                  35

3.8.5    Oxidase Test                                                                                                               36


4.0       CHAPTER FOUR

4.1       RESULTS                                                                                                                  37


5.0       CHAPTER FIVE


5.1.1    Discussion                                                                                                                   48

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  50

5.3       Recommendation                                                                                                       50

Reference                                                                                                                    51

Appendix                                                                                                                    54










Table                         Title                                                  Page No.


1                                                   Biocidal Effects on the  Isolated Bacteria Population at

18, 24 and 48 hours Incubations.                                            38                                                                                                        

2                                                   Biocidal Effect on the Isolated Fungi Population at Days of Incubations                                                                             40

3                                                   Identification and Characterization of Isolates                              41


4                                                   Identification of the Fungi Isolated                42












  Page No.       Figure                                                             Title


                   A graph of TVC and Concentration for A. flavus against Time               43

2.                    A graph of TVC and Concentration for A. niger against Time                44

3.                       A graph of TVC and Concentration for E. coli against Time                       45

4.                  A graph of TVC and Concentration for Salmonella sp. against Time      46

5.                  A graph of TVC and Concentration for S. aureus against Time                       47









1.0                                                       CHAPTER ONE

1.1                                                       INTRODUCTION

1.1.1 Biocide

A biocide is defined in the European legislation as a chemical substance or microorganism intended to destroy, deter, render harmless, or exert a controlling effect on any harmful organism. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2011) uses a slightly different definition for biocides as "a diverse group of poisonous substances including preservatives, insecticides, disinfectants, and pesticides used for the control of organisms that are harmful to human or animal health or that cause damage to natural or manufactured products". When compared, the two definitions roughly imply the same, although the US EPA definition includes plant protection products and some veterinary medicines (Lester, 2013).

The terms "biocides" and "pesticides" are regularly interchanged, and often confused with "plant protection products". To clarify this, pesticides include both biocides and plant protection products, where the former refers to substances for non-fat and feed purposes and the latter refers to substances for fat and feed purposes. The biocidal active substances are mostly chemical compounds, but can also be microorganisms (e.g. bacteria). Biocidal products contain one or more biocidal active substances and may contain other non-active co-formulants that ensure the effectiveness as well as the desired pH, viscosity, colour, odour, etc. of the final product. Biocidal products are available on the market for use by professional and/or non-professional consumers. Although most of the biocidal active substances have a relative high toxicity, there are also examples of active substances with low toxicity, such as carbon iv oxide (CO2), which exhibit their biocidal activity only under certain specific conditions such as in closed systems. In such cases, the biocidal product is the combination of the active substance and the device that ensures the intended biocidal activity, i.e. suffocation of rodents by Carbon iv oxide (CO2) in a closed system trap. Another example of biocidal products available to consumers are products impregnated with biocides (also called treated articles), such as clothes and wristbands impregnated with insecticides, socks impregnated with antibacterial substances etc. Biocides are commonly used in medicine, agriculture, forestry, and industry. Biocidal substances and products are also employed as anti-fouling agents or disinfectants under other circumstances: chlorine, for example, is used as a short-life biocide in industrial water treatment but as a disinfectant in swimming pools. Many biocides are synthetic, but there are naturally occurring biocides classified as natural biocides, derived from, e.g., bacteria and plants (Zhou, 2010).

In Europe the biocidal products are divided into different product types (Product Type), based on their intended use. These product types, 22 in total under the BPR, are grouped into four main groups, namely disinfectants, preservatives, pest control, and other biocidal products. For example, the main group "disinfectants" contains products to be used for human hygiene (Product Type 1) and veterinary hygiene (Product Type 3), main group "preservatives" contains wood preservatives (Product Type 8), the main group "for pest control" contains rodenticides (Product Type 14) and repellents and attractants (Product Type 19), while the main group "other biocidal products" contains antifouling products (Product Type 21). It should noted that one active substance can be used in several product types, such as for example sulfuryl fluoride, which is approved for use as a wood preservative (Product Type 8) as well as an insecticide (Product Type 18).

Biocides can be added to other materials (typically liquids) to protect them against biological infestation and growth. For example, certain types of quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) are added to pool water or industrial water systems to act as an algicide, protecting the water from infestation and growth of algae. It is often impractical to store and use poisonous chlorine gas for water treatment, so alternative methods of adding chlorine are used. These include hypochlorite solutions, which gradually release chlorine into the water, and compounds like sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione (dihydrate or anhydrous), sometimes referred to as "dichlor", and trichloro-s-triazinetrione, sometimes referred to as "trichlor". These compounds are stable while solids and may be used in powdered, granular, or tablet form. When added in small amounts to pool water or industrial water systems, the chlorine atoms hydrolyze from the rest of the molecule forming hypochlorous acid (HOCl) which acts as a general biocide killing germs, micro-organisms, algae, and so on. Halogenated hydantoin compounds are also used as biocides.

1.2 Types of Biocides

There are many different types of biocides, divided in 4 groups and 23 product-types:

MAIN GROUP 1: Disinfectants and general biocidal products

Product-type 1: Human hygiene biocidal products

Product-type 2: Private area and public health area disinfectants and other biocidal products

Product-type 3: Veterinary hygiene biocidal products

Product-type 4: Fat and feed area disinfectants

Product-type 5: Drinking water disinfectants

MAIN GROUP 2: Preservatives

Product-type 6: In-can preservatives

Product-type 7: Film preservatives

Product-type 8: Wood preservatives

Product-type 9: Fibre, leather, rubber and polymerised materials preservatives

Product-type 10: Masonry preservatives

Product-type 11: Preservatives for liquid-cooling and processing systems

Product-type 12: Slimicides

Product-type 13: Metalworking-fluid preservatives

MAIN GROUP 3: Pest control

Product-type 14: Rodenticides

Product-type 15: Avicides

Product-type 16: Molluscicides

Product-type 17: Piscicides

Product-type 18: Insecticides, acaricides and products to control other arthropods

Product-type 19: Repellents and attractants


MAIN GROUP 4: Other biocidal products

Product-type 20: Preservatives for fat or feedstocks

Product-type 21: Antifouling products

Product-type 22: Embalming and taxidermist fluids

Product-type 23: Control of other vertebrates

1.3 Uses of Biocides

Biocides are used extensively in healthcare settings for different applications: the sterilization of medical devices; the disinfection of surfaces and water; skin antisepsis; and the preservation of various formulations. In addition, there are now numerous commercialized products containing low concentrations of biocides, the use of which is controversial. Some professionals believe that the indiscriminate usage of biocides in the healthcare environment may not be justified and is detrimental in the long term, for example, by promoting the emergence of bacterial resistance to specific antimicrobials (Russell et al., 2013; Russell, 2012). The indiscriminate use of disinfectants in the hospital environment is not a new problem as it was raised in the 1960s, but it remains a current issue. There are diverging opinions regarding the use of biocide formulations and products for noncritical surface disinfection. While some view such use as unnecessary (Fraise 2016), others support such a practice (Rutala and Weber 2016).

The use of biocidal products may be more appropriate only in specific situations where the risk of spreading health-care associated infections (HAIs) is high (Bloomfield et al., 2014; Russell 2014).  Biocides are widely used in fat preservation, fluid treatment, healthcare sanitation, textile, and other industries, during past decades, a wide variety of bioactive organic chemicals have been developed for disinfection, sterilization, and preservationpurposes, including quaternary ammonium compounds, alcoholic and phenolic compounds, aldehydes, halogen-containing compounds, quinoline and isoquinoline derivatives, heterocyclic compounds, and peroxygens (Windler, 2012).

 Biocides have also been applied in Oil reservoirs for many decades, particularly in fluid flooding operations during secondary Oil recovery. Likewise, biocides are among the most common chemical additives used to protect fluid from biological infestation and growth, a process in which fluid is used to help induce cracks in Oil and/ or natural gas-containing unconventional formations such as shale rock. At total concentrations of up to >500 mg/L (McCurdy, 2011) and total fluid volumes surpassing 10 million L per horizontal well, (Nicot, 2012) total amounts of biocide(s) used per hydraulic fracturing event can exceed 1,000 gallons. Bacterial control is necessary in hydraulic fracturing operations to prevent excessive biofilm formation down hole that may lead to clogging, consequently inhibiting gas extraction (Aminto, 2012).

Biocides inhibit growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which anaerobically generate sulfide during the organisms’ respiration process. Sulfide species created in the subsurface may pose a risk regarding occupational safety and health when the fluid returns along with produced H2S gas. Furthermore, Sulphate reducing bacteria and acid-producing bacteria (APB) may induce corrosion of the production casing/tubing underground, potentially leading to casing failure and environmental contamination by petroleum product (Fitcher, 2008; Gieg, 2011;  Lester, 2013).

Likewise, bacteria can thrive in stored produced formulated fluid that was recycled for use in future (Lysnes, 2013; Shaffer, 2013). The increased temperatures in produced fluids are exposed to different atmospheric condition which may also favor microbial growth and therefore many bacterial species (including anaerobic species that are native to shale formations) (Struchtemeyer, 2012; Strong, 2013) may proliferate underground durin production of animal waste fluid. A diverse array of bacteria including those within the taxa γ-proteobacteria, α-proteobacteria,δ-proteobacteria, Clostridia, Synergistetes, Thermotogae, Spirochetes, Bacteroidetes, and Archaea have all been found in untreated flow back fluid samples (Murali Mohan, 2013).

1.4 Sources of Biocides

Because biocides are intended to kill living organisms, many biocidal products pose significant risk to human health and welfare. Great care is required when handling biocides and appropriate protective clothing and equipment should be used. The use of biocides can also have significant adverse effects on the natural environment. Anti-fouling paints, especially those utilising organic tin compounds such as TBT, have been shown to have severe and long-lasting impacts on marine eco-systems and such materials are now banned in many countries for commercial and recreational vessels (though sometimes still used for naval vessels).

1.     Pesticides: fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, algicides, molluscicides, miticides, rodenticides, and slimicides

2.     Antimicrobial: germicides, antibiotics, antibacterials, antivirals, antifungals, antiprotozoals, and antiparasites.

1.5 Application of Biocides

Biocides used to control the growth of pathogenic microorganisms or to eliminate them from inanimate objects, surfaces or intact skin, are classified on the basis of the level of inactivation reached. Low-level disinfectants inactivate most vegetative bacteria, some fungi and some viruses (enveloped viruses); intermediate-level disinfectants inactivate vegetative bacteria, mycobacteria, most viruses and most fungi, but do not necessarily kill bacterial spores; high-level disinfectants inactivate all micro-organisms (vegetative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, enveloped and non-enveloped viruses) except large numbers of bacterial spores. High-level disinfectants can inactivate spores when applied with prolonged exposure times and are called chemical sterilants.

1.6 Household products

Although biocidal products as defined by the Biocide Directive 98/8/EC are not commonly used in household products, the active ingredients of the biocidal products in categories 1-9 of the Directive are widely used in household products and other consumer products. Regular use of household products such as laundry detergents, cleaning products, pet disinfectants and general disinfectants are the major sources of exposure to biocides in home settings. Biocides present in these products may be from different chemical groups, but their mechanism of action may be similar. Biocides/antimicrobial agents used as preservatives in household cleaning products and

laundry detergents may contain the same active ingredients as cosmetic products. However, the use of biocides/antimicrobial agents in household products is not regulated. Furthermore, certain biocides present as preservatives in diverse household products may also be present in household cleaning products, where they may serve as disinfectants.

Many of the ingredients used in detergent products, such as cationic surfactants, quaternary ammonium compounds and fragrances, possess antimicrobial properties. In a survey of industrial and institutional cleaning products in Denmark, only a limited number of biocides, besides antimicrobial surfactants and other ingredients, were found (Madsen et al. 2017). Cleaning product formulations for private homes may be similar to those used in industry and in public and private buildings. Disinfectants in consumer products are used to control or to prevent growth of microorganisms. There is a great diversity in use and application types for these products e.g. liquids, granulates, powders, tablets, gasses etc.

1.6.1 Biocides as disinfectants

Disinfection is regarded as a crucial step in achieving a defined, desired hygiene status in food production and processing areas, and in food processing plants. A variety of biocides are commonly used for the disinfection of equipment, containers, surfaces or pipework associated with the production, transport and storage of food or drink (including drinking water). Disinfectants intended for use in the food-processing industry are regulated within the scope of Directive 98/8/EC on the placing of biocidal products on the market. The use of disinfectant in water quality intended for human consumption is regulated by the so-called Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC18. Biocides are used at the waterworks to maintain the microbiological quality of the water before and during its distribution, by sustaining the total counts of micro-organisms at an acceptable level and eliminating pathogenic micro-organisms.

For drinking water treatment, chlorine has been used worldwide for the past century for pre-chlorination at the point of entrance of raw water, disinfection and post-disinfection in the water distribution system. However, because of the formation of halogenated byproducts, pre-chlorination is no longer recommended and other oxidising agents such as ozone or chlorine-dioxide are more commonly used for disinfection. In some countries, post-disinfection is always performed with chlorine or chloramine.

 1.6.2 Biocides as food preservatives

Preservatives are substances which prolong the shelf-life of foodstuffs by protecting them against deterioration caused by micro-organisms. These compounds are considered food additives and are regulated by the Food Additives Directive 89/107/EEC19. Their use in food must be explicitly authorised at European level and they must undergo a safety evaluation before authorisation for using the preservative as intended.

 1.6.3 Biocides in animal husbandry

Proper cleaning and disinfection play a vital role in protecting food animals from endemic and zoonotic diseases, and thus indirectly protecting human health. It is impossible to give detailed accounts of all applications, but uses can essentially be divided into four broad categories:

• Cleaning and disinfection of farm buildings, particularly between batches of animals.

• Creating of barriers, such as in the use of foot dips outside animal houses and disinfecting vehicles and materials during outbreaks of infectious diseases.

1.6.4 Biocides as teat dips

The udders of animals used for milk production may be contaminated with faecal and other materials. Therefore, prior to milking, udders are cleaned with water that may contain biocides, although this is less common. More frequently, after the milking process, so-called teat dips are applied to protect the milk duct and the entire udder from invading pathogens. Various chemicals are used for this purpose including chloroisocyanurates, which are organic chloramines, bronopol, quaternary ammonium compounds and iodine-based compounds

1.6.5 Biocide use in fish farming

Under the prerequisites of Directive 98/8/EC a range of disinfectants are permitted for decontamination in fish farming, for example for fish eggs, ponds and equipment. These include iodophores, metallic salts, haloorganic compounds, aldehydes, hydrogen peroxide, quaternary ammonium compounds and antimicrobial dyes.

1.7 Factors Affecting Microbial Population of Change of Fat to Liquid

1.7.1 pH and acidity

Increasing the acidity of fat, either through fermentation or the addition of weak acids, has been used as a preservation method since ancient times. In their natural state, most fats such as meat, fish, and vegetables are slightly acidic while most fruits are moderately acidic. A few fats such as egg white are alkaline. The pH is a function of the hydrogen ion concentration in the fat: Another useful term relevant to the pH of fluids is the pKa. The term pKa describes the state of dissociation of an acid. At equilibrium, pKa is the pH at which the concentrations of dissociated and undissociated acid are equal. Strong acids have a very low pKa, meaning that they are almost entirely dissociated in solution (ICMSF, 2012).  For example, the pH (at 25 °C [77 °F]) of a 0.1 M solution of HCl is 1.08 compared to the pH of 0.1 M solution of acetic acid, which is 2.6. This characteristic is extremely important when using acidity as a preservation method for fats. Organic acids are more effective as preservatives in the undissociated state. Lowering the pH of a fat increases the effectiveness of an organic acid as a preservative.

It is well known that groups of microorganisms have pH optimum, minimum, and maximum for growth in fats. As with other factors, pH usually interacts with other parameters in the fat to inhibit growth. The pH can interact with factors such as aw, salt, temperature, redox potential, and preservatives to inhibit growth of pathogens and other organisms. The pH of the fat also significantly impacts the lethality of heat treatment of the fat. Less heat is needed to inactivate microbes as the pH is reduced (Mossel et al., 2015).  

Another important characteristic of a fat to consider when using acidity as a control mechanism is its buffering capacity. The buffering capacity of a fat is its ability to resist changes in pH. Fats with a low buffering capacity will change pH quickly in response to acidic or alkaline compounds produced by microorganisms as they grow. Meats, in general, are more buffered than vegetables by virtue of their various proteins.  Titratable acidity (TA) is a better indicator of the microbiological stability of certain fats, such as salad dressings, than is pH.  Titratable acidity is a measure of the quantity of standard alkali (usually 0.1 M NaOH) required to neutralize an acid solution (ICMSF, 2012). It measures the amount of hydrogen ions released from undissociated acid during titration. Titratable acidity is a particularly useful measure for highly buffered or highly acidic fats. Weak acids (such as organic acids) are usually undissociated and, therefore, do not directly contribute to pH. Titratable acidity yields a measure of the total acid concentration, while pH does not, for these types of fats.

1.7.2 Nutrient content

Microorganisms require certain basic nutrients for growth and maintenance of metabolic functions. The amount and type of nutrients required range widely depending on the microorganism. These nutrients include water, a source of energy, nitrogen, vitamins, and minerals (Mossel et al., 2013).  Varying amounts of these nutrients are present in fats. Meats have abundant protein, Lipids, minerals, and vitamins. Most muscle fats have low levels of carbohydrates. Animal fats have high concentrations of different types of carbohydrates and varying levels of proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Fats such as milk and milk products and eggs are rich in nutrient.  Microorganisms found in fat can derive energy from carbohydrates, alcohols, and amino acids. Most microorganisms will metabolize simple sugars such as glucose. Others can metabolize more complex carbohydrates, such as starch or cellulose found in plant fats, or glycogen found in muscle fats. Some microorganisms can use fats as an energy source.

Amino acids serve as a source of nitrogen and energy and are utilized by most microorganisms. Some microorganisms are able to metabolize peptides and more complex proteins. Other sources of nitrogen include, for example, urea, ammonia, creatinine, and methylamines.  Examples of minerals required for microbial growth include phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, calcium, and potassium. In general, small amounts of these minerals are required; thus a wide range of fats can serve as good sources of minerals (Struchtemayer, 2012).

In general, the Gram positive bacteria are more fastidious in their nutritional requirements and thus are not able to synthesize certain nutrients required for growth (Jay 2010). For example, the Gram positive organisms, S. aureus requires amino acids, thiamine, and nicotinic acid for growth (Jay 2010). Fruits and vegetables that are deficient in B vitamins do not effectively support the growth of these microorganisms. The Gram negative bacteria are generally able to derive their basic nutritional requirements from the existing carbohydrates, proteins, Lipid s, minerals, and vitamins that are found in a wide range of fat (Jay 2010).  An example of a pathogen with specific nutrient requirements is Salmonella enteritidis. Growth of Salmonella enteritidis may be limited by the availability of iron. For example, the albumen portion of the egg, as opposed to the yolk, includes antimicrobial agents and limited free iron that prevent the growth of Salmonella Enteritidis to high levels. Clay and Board (2011) demonstrated that the addition of iron to an inoculum of Salmonella enteritidis in egg albumen resulted in growth of the pathogen to higher levels compared to levels reached when a control inoculum (without iron) was used (Struchtemayer, 2012).

The microorganisms that usually predominate in fats are those that can most easily utilize the nutrients present. Generally, the simple carbohydrates and amino acids are utilized first, followed by the more complex forms of these nutrients. The complexity of fats in general is such that several microorganisms can be growing in a fat at the same time. The rate of growth is limited by the availability of essential nutrients. The abundance of nutrients in most fats is sufficient to support the growth of a wide range of microorganisms found in fat. Thus, it is very difficult and impractical to predict the pathogen growth or toxin production based on the nutrient composition of the fat.

1.7.3 Moisture

The free flow of water is vital to microorganisms for their cells to exchange materials and for their metabolic processes. All microorganisms require some level of water, but a few can survive in low-moisture conditions by conserving all the water they find and by staying in a moisture-rich environment. As a general rule, though, the more moisture, the more microorganisms there will be found.

1.7.4 Temperature

In general, the higher the temperature, the more easily microorganisms can grow up to a certain point. Very high and very low temperatures both obstruct the enzyme processes microorganisms depend on to survive, but individual species of microorganisms have grown to prefer different levels of temperature. Scientists usually divide them into three different groups: psychrophiles, mesophiles and thermophiles. Psychrophiles prefer temperatures from 0 to 5 degrees Celsius; mesophiles like it in the middle, 20-45 degrees Celsius; and thermophiles like it hot, thriving in temperatures around or above 55 degrees..

1.7.5 Elements Present

In addition to water, microorganisms usually require the presence of certain elements in the air--gases that they absorb to produce needed nutrients. Nitrogen is one necessary element, as is oxygen. There are many microorganisms that require an oxygen-rich environment to survive, but others actually flourish in low-oxygen surroundings. Between these two extremes is a wide variety that may prefer more or less oxygen and that will be able to flourish equally no matter how much oxygen is present.

1.7.6 Fats

Fats are one of the three main macronutrients, along with carbohydrates and proteins  (Struchtemayer, 2012). Fat molecules consist of primarily carbon and hydrogen atoms and are therefore hydrophobic and are soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water. Examples include cholesterol, phospholipids, and triglycerides.  The terms Lipid, Oil, and fat are often confused. Lipid is the general term, though a Lipid is not necessarily a triglyceride. Oil normally refers to a Lipid  with short or unsaturated fatty acid chains that is liquid at room temperature, while fat (in the strict sense) specifically refers to Lipid s that are solids at room temperature. However, fat (in the broad sense) may be used in food science as a synonym for Lipid. Fat is an important foodstuff for many forms of life, and fats serve both structural and metabolic functions. They are a necessary part of the diet of most heterotrophs (including humans) and are the most energy dense, thus the most efficient form of energy storage (Struchtemayer, 2012). Some fatty acids that are set free by the digestion of fats are called essential because they cannot be synthesized in the body from simpler constituents. There are two essential fatty acids (EFAs) in human nutrition: alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) (Struchtemayer, 2012). Other Lipid s needed by the body can be synthesized from these and other fats. Fats and other Lipid s are broken down in the body by enzymes called lipases produced in the pancreas.  Fats and Oils are categorized according to the number and bonding of the carbon atoms in the aliphatic chain. Fats that are saturated fats have no double bonds between the carbons in the chain. Unsaturated fats have one or more double bonded carbons in the chain. The nomenclature is based on the non-acid (non-carbonyl) end of the chain. This end is called the omega end or the n-end. Thus alpha-linolenic acid is called an omega-3 fatty acid because the 3rd carbon from that end is the first double bonded carbon in the chain counting from that end. Some Oils and fats have multiple double bonds and are therefore called polyunsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats can be further divided into cis fats, which are the most common in nature, and trans fats, which are rare in nature. Unsaturated fats can be altered by reaction with hydrogen effected by a catalyst. This action, called hydrogenation, tends to break all the double bonds and makes a fully saturated fat. To make vegetable shortening, then, liquid cis-unsaturated fats such as vegetable Oils are hydrogenated to produce saturated fats, which have more desirable physical properties e.g., they melt at a desirable temperature (30–40 °C), and store well, whereas polyunsaturated Oils go rancid when they react with oxygen in the air. However, trans fats are generated during hydrogenation as contaminants created by an unwanted side reaction on the catalyst during partial hydrogenation. Saturated fats can stack themselves in a closely packed arrangement, so they can solidify easily and are typically solid at room temperature. For example, animal fats tallow and lard are high in saturated fatty acid content and are solids. Olive and linseed Oils on the other hand are unsaturated and liquid. Fats serve both as energy sources for the body, and as stores for energy in excess of what the body needs immediately. Each gram of fat when burned or metabolized releases about 9 food calories (37 kJ = 8.8 kcal). Fats are broken down in the healthy body to release their constituents, glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol itself can be converted to glucose by the liver and so become a source of energy.


The aim of this study is to assess the biocide effect and microbial population in animal waste fluid.

1.8.1 Objectives

1. To isolate and identify microorganisms associated with animal waste fluid.

2. To determine the effect of biocide on the microbial population of animal waste fluid.


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