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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007053

No of Pages: 178

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study investigated the management of university electronic libraries in North-east Nigeria in 11 public universities in the zone. Six (6) research questions and four (4) hypotheses guided the conduct of the study. The four hypotheses were formulated and tested at zero point zero five (0.05) level of significance. Relevant literature related to the research questions were reviewed. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The target population for the study are all the librarians in the eleven (11) public universities in North-East Nigeria totaling one hundred and sixty-six (166), There was no sampling since the whole population was used. A structured questionnaire titled “University Electronic Library Management Questionnaire (UELMQ)” was used as instrument for data collection, which was validated by experts in Library and Information Science and Measurement and Evaluation. The reliability of the instrument was .788 established using Cronbach Alpha formula. The instrument was administered personally and with the help of three research assistants. The data obtained from the survey were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Specifically, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while Z-test was used to test the hypotheses. Findings, of the result revealed that planning, organization, competence of the librarians and budget implementation were of high extent at the federal university libraries. Some challenges were encountered in the management of the university libraries under investigation. The study recommends that, the university libraries should implement university budgetary allocation focusing more on the ten percent statutory allocation from the university to the library, continue to sustain provision of electronic information resource through electronic libraries for teaching, learning and research, among other things.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vii

List of Tables                                                                                                              x

List of Figures                                                                                                             xii

Abstract                                                                                                                      xiii


CHAPTER 1:                        INTRODUCTION

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               6

1.3       Purpose of the Study                                                                                      7

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         7

1.5       Hypotheses                                                                                                     8

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               9

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                         10


2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                   11

2.1.1    Management of electronic libraries                                                                 11

2.1.2    Electronic libraries                                                                                          13

2.1.3    University libraries                                                                                          16

2.1.4    Planning of university electronic libraries                                                       19

2.1.5    Organization of university electronic libraries                                                22

2.1.6    Competency of university staff in the management of the university

            electronic library                                                                                             28

2.1.7    Funding/budgetary allocation                                                                         38

2.1.8    Management challenges in university e-library                                               40

2.1.9    Strategies for improving management of e-library                                         40

2.2       Theoretical Framework                                                                                   42

2.2.1    Administrative management theory by Henri Fayol (1949)                           42

2.2.2    Fredrick W. Taylor’s scientific management theory (1909)                           45

2.3       Empirical Studies                                                                                            47

2.4       Summary of Literature Review                                                                      54


3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                        55

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                           55

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                  56

3.4       Sample and sampling technique                                                                      56

3.5       Instrument for data collection                                                                        56

3.6       Validation of the instrument                                                                           57

3.7       Reliability of the instrument                                                                           58

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                             58

3.9       Method for Data Analysis                                                                              58



4.1       Results                                                                                                            60

4.2       Summary of Findings                                                                                     71       

4.3       Discussion of Findings                                                                                   72

4.3.1    Extent of planning of university electronic libraries                                       72

4.3.2    Extent of organization of electronic libraries                                                  72

4.3.3    Competencies possessed by staff in managing university electronic

            libraries                                                                                                            73

4.3.4    Budgetary implementation and allocation as a source of funding of

            university electronic libraries                                                                          74

4.3.5    Challenges to the management of university electronic library                      74

4.3.6    Strategies for overcoming the challenges to the management of

            university electronic libraries                                                                          75



5.1       Summary                                                                                                         76

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      78

5.3       Implications of the Findings                                                                           79

5.4       Limitation of the Study                                                                                  79

5.5       Recommendations                                                                                          80

5.6       Suggestions for Further Studies                                                                     81


REFERENCES                                                                                                        82




4.1:                  Return rate of the instrument by the institutions                                60


4.2:                  Mean Scores (X) and standard deviation on the extent federal                                             and states university electronic are planned in Northeast Nigeria 61


4.3:                   z-test on difference between mean rating/response of federal and

                        state university librarians on the extent universities electronic

                        libraries are planned in North-east, Nigeria                                        62


4.4:                  Mean scores and standard deviation on the extent federal and states

                        university electronic libraries are organized in Northeast

                        Nigeria                                                                                                63


4.5:                   Z-test on difference between mean rating/response of federal and

                        state university librarians on the extent universities electronic

                        libraries are organized in North-east, Nigeria                                     64


4.6:                  Mean scores and standard deviation on competencies possessed

                        by staff managing Federal and States University electronic libraries

                        in Northeast Nigeria                                                                            65


4.7:                   Z-test on difference between mean rating/response of federal and

                        state university librarians on staff competencies in managing

                        universities electronic libraries in North-east, Nigeria            66


4.8:                  Mean score and standard deviation on the extent to which

                        federal and states university electronic libraries implement the

                        budgetary allocation as a source of funding in Northeast Nigeria     67


4.9:                  Mean score and standard deviation on the challenges to

                        librarians in the management of Federal University electronic

                        libraries in Northeast Nigeria                                                              68

4.10:                Z-test on difference between mean rating/response of federal

                        and states universities on the challenges to librarian in managing

                        university electronic libraries in North-east, Nigeria                           69                   


4.11:                Mean scores and standard deviation on the strategies for

                        improving the management of federal and states university

                        electronic libraries in Northeast Nigeria                                              70


2.1:                  Organization as a managerial variable                                     24

2.2:                  Process- System Model of the Organization                                      27




Rapid advances in information technologies have revolutionized the role of libraries. Today, the electronic library is being introduced into the library system worldwide because of the high value placed on the users’ information needs, the availability and accessibility of information and information resources. The increasing acceptance of the electronic library might be due to the diverse materials they contain. The option for what are available in an electronic library are virtually endless, as well as becoming more and more broad as technology advances, hence, making for a shift in library patterns and services delivery.

People ultimately look forward to a time when all information services, machine searchable bibliographic services with abstracting and indexing possibilities, database of primary materials, full machine searchable text works of analysis with primary materials integrated with it through hypertext function, downloading and printing options, flexible protocol for communicating will be made available to a user on their own computer. The only vehicle available now to carry out this dream, is an electronic library (Sarah, 2015). There are various definitions of electronic library. Molina (2010) defined electronic library as a system that provides a community of users with a coherent access to a large organized repository of information and knowledge.

Waters (2012) says electronic libraries are organizations that provide resources including the specialized staff to select, offer access to, interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of and ensure the persistence over time of collections of electronic works so that they are readily and economically available for use by a defined community or set of communities.

In the context of this study, electronic library is an advanced form of information provision and retrieval system usually containing the full context of electronic documents, often in multiple media and available via computer networks. Since electronic information resources are gradually becoming the most used in university libraries in Nigeria, there is need for libraries and librarians in particular to manage electronic libraries successfully because of their special features. According to Radjagopal (2012, p. 12), the features of e-libraries are;

1.      E-libraries are the best tool for providing online resources for research which will make it easy to users.

2.      Retrospective search is easy and most convenient than print resources.

3.      Literacy increases when searching is made by users

4.      Searching of index is also easy

5.      It supports searching with the combination of key words

6.      Provision for simultaneous access of multiple files

7.      Provision for print out and saved the download items for future reference


These electronic libraries need to be adequately and properly managed. Trying to understand management of electronic libraries, Kumar (2007) defined management as a process of coordinating the total resources of an organization through execution of a group of interrelated functions such as planning, organizing, staffing and budgeting. Similarly, Biradas (2015) saw it as the procedure of setting and achieving goals through the execution of vital management functions that utilize human, financial and material possessions.

Consequently, the management of university electronic library involves five principles namely: planning, organizing, staffing, supervision and control (Poudyal, 2013). Herein, planning involves determining the aims of university electronic library services, setting targets for attaining the aims and preparing realistic decisions to guarantee that the objectives will be reached through rational and reasonable use of available resources (Penna, as cited in Ifeatu, 2005). Planning also involves policy formulation, stating objectives and goals of the section, budgeting, preparation of programme of services for the section as well as procedure and methods.

Adding to the managerial activities of the electronic libraries is organization. Organization implies the systematic and orderly arrangement of the various sections of the electronic library. In the library parlance, organization involves classification, cataloguing, digitizing, preserving, shelving, indexing and abstracting of information resources (Nnadozie, 2007). Staffing relates to issues in terms of the adequacy, training and ethical conduct of the personnel. The fourth principle, supervision encompasses the processes of scrutinizing the job performance of the staff, instructing, guiding, correcting, and advising the subordinate staff (Adio, 2006). Controlling, on the other hand, involves ensuring quality of the services provided by the library (Wiggins, 2000). It also involves conventionality with laid down standards in document management.

Yazidu, Majiyd and Abdullah (2017) believe that adequate management has the potential of reducing conflict of roles in the administration of organization through leading, planning, controlling and organizing of different activities. One need to recall that the mission of the library for several decades has been to acquire information, organize, preserve and make it accessible, hence, the need for adequate and proper management. Additionally, the specific mission of university libraries is to provide information to support teaching, learning and research. A library therefore is the main source of information to the entire university. For proper planning, organization, and overall management of the university electronic library requires competent staff and proper budgeting allocation or funding. Adio (2006) observe that staffing relates to issues in terms of the adequacy, training and ethical conduct of the personnel. It is important to understand and right to state that successful planning which is defined as "active planning that ensures an organization will have the right people in the right place at the right time for right job” is very vital.

Issues of the e-library services involve library staff assuming more definitive and specialized roles (Daniel & James, 2009) namely:

               i.            Innovator not just following the routine but also looking at improved ways to deliver the service.

             ii.            Fund-raiser working for greater income from the institution and beyond.

           iii.            Metadata producer creating records of information sources in a variety of ways.

           iv.            Communicator formally and informally liaising with users.

             v.            Multi-media user comfortable with a wide range of formats.

           vi.            Intermediary with a good knowledge of sources and user requirements.

         vii.            Enabler proactively connecting users with information they require.

       viii.            Trainer/educator talking on a formal role to teach information skills and information literacy.

           ix.            Evaluator sifting free and paid for resources on behalf of users.

             x.            Negotiator dealing with publishers and suppliers.

           xi.            Project manager leading on development projects to enhance the services.

These roles require a wide range of new or enhanced skills, including:

                    i.            Technical and IT skills.

                  ii.            Ability to learn quickly.

                iii.            Analytical and evaluative skills.

                iv.            Subject skills

                  v.            Project skills

                vi.            Project management skills

              vii.            Vision

            viii.            Communication skills

                ix.            Negotiating skills

                  x.            Ability to work under pressure

                xi.            Professional skills

              xii.            Flexibility

            xiii.            People skills

            xiv.            Presentation skills

              xv.            Teaching skills

            xvi.            Term working skills

          xvii.            Customer services skills


Management of university electronic libraries is an important recurring theme in the literature. Most university libraries in North-east Nigeria have been concerned with electronic resources, provision and utilization. Interestingly, to the best of knowledge of the researcher, studies on management of university electronic libraries in the North-East geopolitical zone are lacking, thereby creating a major gap which needs to be filled. The absence or inadequate studies on management of electronic libraries in North-east Nigeria may be due to the presence of only few universities in the last ten years. Consequently, it has become imperative to evaluate the management of university electronic libraries in the zone. Thus the thrust of this study is to investigate the management of university electronic libraries in north-east Nigeria.


Management is getting things done through people and technology, with the aid of basic management skills of planning, coordinating, directing, organizing, staffing and budgeting. Research has shown that management is the key to organizational success and excellence. Management of electronic libraries in universities is not exceptional to this finding. It is of interest to note that a library system (electronic library) is the strength to acceptable performance of every higher institution in the world in terms of contributing to teaching and learning. Hence the need to examine management of electronic library in the university becomes imperative.

Inability to properly manage electronic libraries in universities is the root cause of poor teaching and learning characterized by poor access to information resources, poor maintenance of hardware, software and above all poor training of human resource in the e-library. This situation is similar in many university e-libraries in north-east Nigeria as accreditation exercise are staged managed. This can be attributed to the fact that things are not adequately managed, poor training of human resource offering services in university e-library and poor control and budget implication. Gbaje (2007) corroborates this view saying that; some of these e-libraries are affected by the absence of basic information infrastructure, poor policy implementation and lack of system librarians amongst others. This implies that traditional method of managing e-library in universities must be changed to suit the dynamic nature of university e-library for effective and efficient service. Hence it has become imperative to examine the management of these libraries in north-east Nigeria. 


The general purpose of the study is to evaluate the management of university electronic libraries in Northeast Nigeria. Specifically, the study;

1.      Determined the extent to which university electronic libraries are planned in North-east Nigeria;

2.      determined the extent to which university electronic libraries are organized in North-east Nigeria;

3.      identified competencies possessed by library staff in managing university electronic `libraries in North-east Nigeria;

4.      determined the extent to which budgetary allocations to university electronics libraries are implemented as a source of funding in Northeast Nigeria;

5.      identified challenges of librarians in the management of university electronic libraries in North-east Nigeria; and

6.      identified strategies for improving the management of university electronic libraries in Northeast Nigeria.

      1.4       RESEARCH QUESTIONS

The following research questions were answered.

1.      To what extent are the university electronic libraries planned in North-east Nigeria?

2.      To what extent are the university electronic libraries organized in North-east Nigeria?

3.      What are the competencies possessed by staff in managing university electronic libraries in North-east Nigeria?

4.      To what extent do university electronic libraries implement the budgetary allocation as a source of funding in North-east Nigeria?

5.      What are the challenges of librarians in the management of university electronic libraries?

6.      What are the strategies for improving the management of university electronic libraries in North-east Nigeria?

      1.5       HYPOTHESES

The following null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

HO1:    There is no significant difference between the mean rating/response of federal and             state university librarians on the extent to which university electronic libraries are           planned in North-east, Nigeria.

HO2:    There is no significant difference between the mean rating/response of federal and             state university librarians on the extent to which university electronic libraries are           organized in North-east, Nigeria.

HO3:    There is no significance difference between the mean rating/response of federal and          state university librarians on the staff competencies in managing university electronic     libraries in North-east, Nigeria.

HO4:    There is no significant difference between the mean rating/response of federal and             state universities on the challenges of librarians in the managing of university      electronic libraries in North-east, Nigeria.


The findings of this study will be beneficial to the university management, university library management, researchers; federal, and state governments and also private sector organizations.

The findings of this study will provide empirical evidence to the university management on the extent to which they are funding and providing state of the art information resources. It will also enable to understand the management tasks demanded of them to ensure adequate utilization of their electronic libraries. This study will reveal these tasks and further expose the university management to the importance of these management tasks and the ways/strategies to apply them.

The university library management, in particular will also benefit from this research as it will reveal and identify the commonalities and trends in the management of electronic libraries thereby necessitating managerial adjustment. It is also expected that the study would guide the university library management and administrators in actualizing the central purpose of the library and the electronic library, which is to ensure the maximum use of library’s resources. The study will provide these library managers and administrators with the routines that enhance effective and efficient management and utilization of university electronic libraries.

Researchers/authors would also benefit from the findings, as they could be encouraged to engage in further research on management of electronic libraries not only in university libraries in North-east Nigeria but also in other types of libraries, other geopolitical zones of Nigeria, and other countries. This is because this study would expose the gaps in literature and knowledge which researchers/authors could investigate in furtherance of their quest for publication. It will also achieve this as a result of the study adding to existing literature in librarianship, academic librarianship, electronic librarianship, management of electronic libraries, utilization of electronic library resources, etc. The study is also theoretically significant as it seeks to prove that there management of university electronic libraries is highly important for their use. This is in support of theories reviewed in this study. 


The study was delimited to the management of university electronic libraries in North-east Nigeria. Federal and state universities will be covered. The study was restricted to federal and state university electronic libraries in North-east Nigeria. Eleven universities were chosen for this study. The study was limited to the following sub-constructs of management, namely, planning, organization, staff skills, budgetary allocation, as well as hindrances to and strategies for the management of university electronic libraries.


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