The study investigated influence of user education programmes on the utilization of resources in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library. Five research objectives and questions were used for the study. Existing literature in the field of study were reviewed under the sub-headings: academic library, library resources, and user education. Gaps in the literature were also identified. The study adopted a combination of case study and survey research designs. A sample size of 265 respondents from a total population of 1327 students, who are registered library users of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba was used for the study. Data used for the study were collected through a researcher-developed questionnaire titled, “Influence of User Education Programmes on the Utilization of Library Resources Questionnaire (IUEPULRQ)”. The instrument administered for data collection yielded a return rate of 74.7%. Data analyses involved the use of tables, percentages and criterion mean values. The result of the study showed the user education programmes available in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Library namely library orientation for new students, teaching of use of library as a course (Library instruction), advisory services on the use of library resources, guidance on the use of library resources, and library practice; the available user education programmes in the institution’s library were highly implemented. User education programmes in the Polytechnic influenced use of library resources positively. The results also identified problems associated with user education programme in the institution such as irregularity in the implementation of the programmes, inadequate time for delivering user education instructions, etc. The study suggested solutions to the problems of user education and recommends that authorities of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba and the Library should provide more user education programmes in the institution, the institution should continue to implement user education programmes, including conducting the programmes more regularly to fresh students, and provide supporting equipment for efficient implementation of user education programmes in the library, among others.
Background of the study 1
Background information on Abia State
Polytechnic, Aba Library 4
Statement of the problem 5
Purpose of the
study 6
Research questions 6
Scope of the study 7
Significance of the
study 7
2.1 Conceptual framework 9
Academic library 9
Library resources 11
User education 12
Types of User Education programmes 13
Importance of User Education programmes 16
Challenges of User Education programmes 18
Problems militating against the effective utilization of library resources 19
Strategies to overcome the problems
militating against effective utilization of library resources 20
Strategies for effective implementation of library User
Education programmes in academic libraries 22
2.2 Theoretical framework 23
2.3 Review of empirical
studies on User Education
programmes 24
2.4 Summary of
literature review 28
3.1 Research design 29
3.2 Area of study 30
3.3 Population of the
study 31
3.4 Sample size and sampling technique 31
Instrument for data collection 31
3.6 Validation of the instrument 32
3.7 Method of data collection 32
3.8 Method of data
analysis 33
Presentation and interpretation of data 34
Response rate of the questionnaire 34
4.2 Analysis of
bio-data of respondents 35
Analysis of data-based research questions 35
Discussion of findings 43
Available User
Education programmes in Abia
State Polytechnic, Aba Library 43
Extent of implementation of User
Education programmes in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library 44
How User Education programmes influences students use of resources in Abia State Polytechnic,
Aba Library 44
Problems associated with User Education programmes in Abia State
Polytechnic, Aba Library 45
Suggested ways to improve User
Education programmes in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library 46
5.1 Summary 47
Conclusion 48
Recommendations 49
5.4 Implications of the study 49
5.5 Limitations of the study 50
Suggestions for further research 50
4.1 Gender and level of Study of Respondents 35
4.2 Frequency Distribution Analysis of Available User Education Programmes
in Abia State
Polytechnic, Aba Library 36
4.3 Mean Value Analysis of Extent of Implementation of User Education
in Abia State
Polytechnic, Aba Library 37
4.4 Mean Value Analysis of How User Education Programmes Influence Students’
Use of Resources of Abia State
Polytechnic, Aba Library 38
4.5 Mean Value Analysis of Problems Associated with User Education Programmes
in Abia State
Polytechnic, Aba Library 40
4.6 Mean Value Analysis of Suggested ways to
Improve User Education programmes
in Abia State
Polytechnic, Aba Library 42
A library is a collection of information resources or a
group of books or other information materials
organized and maintained for use. The mission of the library is to
provide a link between the past, the present
and shape the future of society by presenting records of human culture as well
as enhancing access to global
information and its utilization (Oti, 2016). As the society develops, more
libraries are established to meet the
needs of the members of each sector of the society. Different types of
libraries namely academic library,
national library, public library, school library, special or research library emerged
to cater for different needs
of members of the society.
Academic libraries are those types
of libraries that are established in institutions of higher learning
such as universities, polytechnic, colleges
of education, colleges
of health technology and monotechnics.
Academic libraries serve two complementary purposes: to support the
institution’s curriculum and to
support the research of the faculty and students. Ifidon (2008) defines
academic libraries as “libraries designed
to provide and accumulate recorded
knowledge (published or unpublished)
book or non-book materials, relevant to he prescribed disciplines of tertiary
educational institutions”. Nnadozie
(2007) states that the single most important facility or resource without which the general goals and objectives of the
institutions of higher learning would not be achieved is the library. In consideration of the general
objectives of academic institutions, which is teaching, learning, research
and community development, one may describe
the role of libraries in academic institutions as indispensible. This is because
without libraries, the role of academic institutions may be very difficult to achieve. An academic library is not only
the basis of all teaching and study, it is the
essential condition of research, without
which additions cannot be made to the sum of human knowledge. The careful scrutiny which
regulatory agencies in different countries subject the library to (books, journals, staff, reading spaces,
offices and other resources) before accreditation of academic programmes clearly shows the importance of
academic libraries as agencies of education and hand- maidens of research. Academic libraries serve the entire
academic community, both teaching and non- teaching
staff. It is important to teach the use of library to users because it helps to
equip them with knowledge that will enable them use the
library effectively (Hammed, 2010).
As far as user education programmes are concerned, users
need to be educated on how to use the library
resources and services. Developing the skills and ability to find, identify,
evaluate and use information
effectively to solve a particular problem or make a decision independently has
become a major theme of modern
educational curriculum and a strong catalyst for sustaining education and human development. Over the years,
different terms have been used to describe ways of conveying knowledge on how library users can
effectively utilize library resources. Some of the terms that have been used are library orientation, library
instruction, use of library, and information skills, library assistance etc. some of these terms are
used simultaneously, because essentially they all refer to library programmes of teaching and instructing
users on how best to utilize the available resources in the library. Given the multifarious nature of
information materials, it becomes imperative to teach the uses and functions of the information sources
and resources of academic libraries to its users; that is, the students and staff. According to Ossagie,
in Kalu and Ndulaka (2018), the following are some of the reasons
for teaching the use of library:
To enable user know how to use the
library catalogues independently in any library with particular reference to the
author/title and subject catalogues;
To enable users t understand the
classification schemes in any library so as to be able to know them
and locate materials with little or no
enable the users see the library
as a
repository of knowledge that determines the success
of the students’ academic programme because it is not possible for an
individual to have the collection of the library;
To enable students to locate and
use materials effectively and feel confident to use the library;
The ability to search for and retrieve information is
one of the competencies required of a library user. User education involves teaching the users how best to explore
and exploit the resources in the library. It
can be formal or informal but it encompasses all activities undertaken to
enable library users identify their
information needs as well as evaluate and select the best information source or
materials to meet their needs.
Ogbonna (2009) opines that user education is to assist the reader make effective
use of the library with little or no
assistance. It can be defined as a process of teaching, given to readers to
enable them make the best use of
the library and its resources. As far as library utilization is concerned,
users need to be educated on how to
use the library resources and services. To a first timer in a higher institution, the collections of a library
may appear complicated. It is therefore, expedient that they are guided
to know what materials and resources
are available, and how to use them.
User education programmes available in academic libraries are:
Ø Library orientation for new students
(ND 100 level) and new staff: library
orientation may involve
guided tours of the library organized for specific number of days.
Ø Formal teaching
of Use of Library course
(Library Instruction) by librarians to all year one National Diploma students.
Advisory services
on the use of library
Guidance on
the use of library
Library Practice course
(Ogbonnaya, 2013).
POLYTECHNIC, ABA LIBRARY The Abia State Polytechnic, Aba was established by the Abia State Edict, No. 8 of 1992. The library
was established with its
parent body by the said Abia State Edict. The library is located at the centre of
the polytechnic community, bounded
on the right by the
General Hall (GH) block and at the left
by the Polytechnic pavilion. The Department of Science Laboratory technology is situated
in front of the library, while a shopping
mall is located behind it. The library is housed in an open hall, with a space dimension of about 60.9 square meters and sitting capacity of about
five hundred students.
At inception, the subjects of the library
collections were majorly
on Business Administration, Accountancy, Banking and Finance, Secretarial Studies,
Marketing, Computer Science, Mathematics and
Statistics. The collection expanded to include materials on Science and
engineering Technology in 2003. With the establishment of the School of Environmental Design and Technology (SEDT) in 2008, the collections of the library
increased to include information materials in Architecture, Estate Management, Building Technology, and
Geo-informatics. The library has a total book stock of thirty- one thousand and twenty (31,020) volumes
and over 30 titles of journals, eight newspaper titles and several
magazine titles (Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library Handbook, 2019).
The first batch of furniture (shelves, reading carrels
and lending trays) arrived in August, 1995. Presently,
the library has about 36 shelves, and 34 reading carrels. The library is
administratively organized into
departments – the administration department, the circulation department, the
technical services department, the reference department, the serials department and the ICT department.
The ICT department (e-library) has a total of 74 desktop
computers, all connected to the Internet. Presently, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library has a total
of 17 staff, made up of 5 librarians, 10
Library Assistants and two support
staff. The Library
has about 1,327 registered library
users (Preliminary Field Report, 2020).
Experiences have shown that majority of student s in
higher institutions encounter academic libraries for the first time upon admission into the tertiary
institutions. As a result, they are often at a loss in understanding and effectively utilizing the resources and
services of the libraries of their respective
academic institutions. It is therefore, imperative for academic
libraries to organize and implement user education programmes
with a view to acquainting the students of the resources
of the library, as well as encourage and enable them to
utilize them independently and effectively.
However, preliminary observations indicate that library
user education programmes are not adequately
implemented in academic libraries in Nigeria. Thus, arising the problem
of this study, which is the observed
inability of students to use or access effectively resources available in the
library, as they do not understand
the operations of the library. Most of them do not know how to use catalogue
card as a search tool for library
resources, especially as they encounter the library and all its resources for the first time upon being admitted into the
tertiary institution. As a result of the crowded academic calendar, the Use of Library course
may not be very effective, and
follow-up activities on user education
programmes, especially orientation programmes for new students is often not
effective. It is against this premise that this study is carried
out to ascertain the influence
of user education programmes on the
utilization of library resources in Abia State Polytechnic,
Aba library.
The overall purpose
of the study is to ascertain the influence of user education programmes on the utilization of library resources in Abia State
Polytechnic, Aba Library.
The specific purposes of the study are:
1. To determine
the user education programmes available in Abia State polytechnic, Aba Library;
2. To find out the extent to which user education programmes are implemented in Abia State
polytechnic, Aba Library;
3. To determine
the influence of library user education programmes on students utilization of resources of the
4. To determine
problems associated with the implementation of user education programmes on students’ utilization of library
resources in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library;
5. To proffer
solutions to the identified problems.
1. What are the user education programmes available in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library?
2. to what extent are the user education programmes implemented in the library under review?
3. What is the influence
of the library user education
programmes on the students utilization of the library
information resources?
4. What are the problems
associated with the implementation of user education programmes on students’ utilization of library resources in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library?
5. What are the solutions to the identified problems?
The study is on the influence of user education
programmes on utilization of library resources in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library. The study covered only the
availability of user education programmes,
the extent of implementation
of the user education programmes and
the influence of user education programmes on the students’ utilization of library information
resources in Abia State Polytechnic,
Aba Library. The study is limited to
user education programmes in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library and
utilization of library resources.
The study is on the influence of user education
programmes on the utilization of library resources in Abia State Polytechnic, Aba Library. It is expected
that the findings
of the study would be beneficial to the following
group of people:
trainee librarians, students
of higher institutions, librarians, researchers in the
field of user studies as well as
managements of academic
To trainee librarians, it will help them to appreciate
the importance of user education programmes in
academic libraries. It will also provide them with necessary literature
in user education programmes in relation
to utilization of library resources. At the same time, it will educate trainee
librarians on the various types
of user education programmes that may be available in libraries of tertiary
The study will also be beneficial to students of higher
institutions as it would provide veritable information that would help them understand the intricacies of user education
programmes in academic libraries and the need to
approach librarians and other library staff with maturity while making use of the library.
The findings of the study will help students to be aware of the availability and benefits of user education
programmes, the resources available in their
library and how to use them effectively.
To the researchers in this field and other related
fields of study. the study will serve as a bibliographic source for further research. The outcome of the study will also
be of benefit to librarians, as it would help
to ease the daily routines of assisting users to access and retrieve library
information materials because the
students would be aware of the resources in the library, how to locate them and
reduce incidents of abuse and theft
in the library, because they would be aware of the rules and regulations guiding the use of library. Through the
findings of the study, librarians will know the perception of users on user education programmes and
thus ascertain ways to implement them effectively. It will also help
librarians to evaluate the performance of their library in the provision and
dissemination of information resources.
The finding of the study would serve as an eye opener to
the Management of polytechnic and the libraries,
as they will become aware of the benefits of user education programmes in the
library and thus be encouraged
to provide better funding for it.
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