study was conducted to examine the influence of television commercial on children demand of secret noodle
brand in Eket. Four research question were formulated which -wholly aimed of achieving the set objectives of
the study which were to
find out the extent in which children
in Eket are exposed
to commercials on select noodle brand.
To investigate whether exposure
to television commercial on select noodles in influence demands among children in Eket. to examine the
extent to reach-exposure to television commercial to find out other factors that can influence demand for select
noodles brand among children in Eket
aside from their exposure
to television Commercial. The questionnaire was conducted on 399
subject known as
sample of the study, findings
from the study revealed that "majority of children in Eket, 84% of
them eat instant noodles. This is because they are exposed to television'
commercials on noodles 47% of children are expose to
television commercials on noodles brand.
These exposure
as significantly influenced
demands on noodle
among them. Exposure
to television commercials on select
noodle brand influence demand of instants noodle
brands influence demands of instance noodle to every large extent. The study also revealed that apart from television. commercial, others factors
such as its nutritious ease in preparation, attractive
packaging, etc. equally contribute to demands of instants noodles, based on the
finding of the study, the following recommendation were made "for
children to continue to make demands for noodle the taste, quality and consumption
value of the product must be improve upon.
Cover Page
Title Page - - - - - - - - - i
Declaration - - - - - - - - - ii
Certification - - - - - - - - - iii
Dedication - - - - - - - - iv
Acknowledgments - - - - - - - v
Table of contents - - - - - - - - vi
Abstract - - - - - - - - - vii
1.1 Background to
the Study - - - - - - 1
1.2 Statement of the
Problem - - - - - 5
1.3 Objectives of
the Study - - - - - - 6
1.4 Research
Questions - - - - - - 7
1.5 Research Hypothesis - - - - - - 7
1.6 Justification of
the Study - - - - - - 7
1.7 Delimitations of
the Study - - - - - 9
1.8 Limitations
of-the Study - - - - - - 9
1.9 Definition of
Terms - - - - - - 10
2.1 Review of Concepts / Opinions - - - - - 12
2.1 The Concept of advertising - - - - - 12
Function of advertising - - - - - - 14
Television as a medium of advertising - - - 16
Advantages/Strength of Television Advertising - - 17
Television commercials Defined - - - - 18
A review of instant, noodles - - - - - 22
2.2.7 Review of Related Studies - - - - - 23
2.2. 1 Foster, 1C. (20 13), The Influence of Omo
Television Commercials : on consumers patronage of the products (A
study of consumers in Wan i). .Being a B.S.C project
submitted to the department of Mass
communication Inio State University - 24
2.2.2 Gbadeycn,
R. .A. (200.9)" Children's perception oi the television
commercial in Lagos states, Nigeria "An international multi-disciplinary journal,
Ethiopia vol. 3(2). - - - 26
2.3 Theoretical
Framework - - - - - 27
2.3 2 Cognitive
Response Theory - - - - - 28
3.1 Design Research
- - - - - - - 30
3.2 Population of the
Study - - - - - 31
3.3 Sample Size-Sampling - - - - - - 32
3.4 Procedure Description of the
Research Instrument - - 33
3.5 Validity of the
Research Instrument - - - 35
3.6 Reliability of the
Research Instrument - - - 35
3.7 Method of Data
Collection Method of Data Analysis - 36
4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis - - - - - 37
4.2 Discussion of Finding - - - - - - 36
4.3 Research Question One - - - - - - 43
Research Question Two - - - - - - 44
4.3.2 Research Question Three - - - - - 44
4.3.4 Research Question four - - - - - - 45
Summary of Findings - - - - - - 46
Conclusion - - - - - - - 47
Recommendations - - - - - - 47
1.1 Background to the Study
Advertising is a powerful marketing communication tool that has induced patronage of products, goods and/or services among people of all consuming categories. It has since inception, remain a powerful force that, is capable of moving prospects from an initial singe 10 another. This means that the advertising messages possess the
power to change favour of an advertised product
As the
marketing environment become competitive and are replete
with goods and service produced by known firms, manufacturers
are in need of customers to consume their product; This achieved through effective advertising campaign, at least, to create awareness
about their products. No wonder Budox (1983) as cited -in Nwosu and Nkamnebe (2006, P. 3)
defines advertising as the Action of calling
something to the awareness of the public especially, by aid
announcement. Similarly, the
British Institute of Practitioners in Advertising in 1973, defined advertising in 1973, defined
advertising as the most persuasive possible selling messages
to the right prospects for the products of service at the, lowest possible
cost. The bottom line here is that., advertising is the business of making
known the existence of goods, services, ideas, and products to a desired group
of people in (he studio or at another
location and are broadcast later,
However, Daramola (2003) notes that television commercials combines
sight and sound, and is found to be more effective in communicating I lie
product attributes to the target audience. Television
commercials present the
product worth and
value to the
prospects or target consumers by showing them the sample
of the product. It 'always ensures
that the advertising message
matches the products demonstration. Television
commands a large
viewership and its commercial are
not only found
to-be informational but.
also entertaining to the viewers because of its audio and visual
attributes. However it is very expensive to use television to advertise (Uturu
1998) in Daramola (2003, 1M96).
Commercials are usually the briefest
of all television programmes as regard duration, rarely would a commercial
programme exceed 60 seconds. According to Mahfooz and Mahfooz (2013, 1M73),
television commercial is a span of television programming produced
and paid for
by an organization, which conveys a
messages typically to
market a
product or service.
Advertisers and marketers 'may need a
strong commercial message to beat competitors and make profitable sale volume
in the market place. This is because television commercials are very dramatic.
To Obajc (2014), commercials are radio and television messages that advertise
products, services or ideas of an identified sponsor who has paid a lee for the
time slot commercials use specific appeals to attract the attention of die
potential consumers arouse their interest and elicit consumption action from
them. Commercials rarely last for more than 60 seconds
A large
number of television commercials consist of short spot announcements most of
which last for 30 seconds and are placed on air during prime time-However
television commercial usually play a role either introducing a product,
reinforcing the familiarity to the product and also convincing consumers to
-purchase the product, Obaje (2014 P. 47), commercials are among the most
visible of the marketing strategy and have been the subject of a great deal
of attention in the last ten to fifteen
Television commercials cannot only change emotions but give subliminal message.
Commercials today seem to be everywhere and
over present exerting a far reading influence on the daily lives of people. Commercials
develop sell-concept, in
order to induce purchase decisions.
Television commercials employs
attention' grabbing trick such as Cathy and pleasing music, lyrics, jingles, humour and repeated
message. The impact of the commercials is felt more on television than on the print
media and radio.
Marketers are
currently 'making use of television to advertise noodles. Ran a (2009)
undertook study on television commercials and expressed that among the media , the
impact of television commercials on children's demand of noodles, including
purchasing behavior was high. The reason being that television has chagrin, instantaneous
transmission capability and universality at appeal. This may explain why noodle
manufactures invest on television commercials to advertise their brands.
Instant noodles are
kind of food sold in a pre- cooked and dried noodles black with flavouring powder
and/or seasoning oil. The flavouring
spices are usually in a separate packet, and are contained in the larger pack containing noodles. Some instant
noodles products are sealed pack; this can be reheated or
eaten straight from the packet/container. Dried noodle block are cooked or
soaked in boiling water before eating (Asian flavoured foods, 2003).
In many countries- of the world, instant
noodles are of high demands among men, women, adult and particularly children.
People eat noodles for various reasons., but the paramount, reason could be to
quench hunger as the taste for food. Majority of consumers of instant noodles
are women and children (BBC News 2007). It is against this backdrop that the
researcher becomes interested in investigating the influence of television
commercials on children's demand of select noodles brands in Eket
1.2 Statement of the Problem
in whatever form is a powerful marketing force. Some Scholars like Wright, Winter and Zeigler (1982) cited in Oke
(2012, P.G) describe it as deceptive. The import of the above statement is (hat
advertising is capable of coursing prospects to every standard product or every
goods which they never budgeted for or induced consumption spirit in the
individuals who are exposed to the advertisements.
Children are the impressionable segment
of the population, are often easily deceived into liking something. For this
reason, manufacturers
of instant noodles invest enormous resources (both human and materials)
into designing creative television, advertisements, to induce the consumers and
especially children, into demanding for this product.
But what is not
certain is whether television commercials influence children's demand for select noodles
brand s? If it does to what extent does a television commercial influence
children demand of select noodles brand. It is on the basis of this uncertainty that this
study is
.3 Objectives of the Study
File objectives of the study are;
To find out the extent to which children in Eket are exposed to television
commercials or select, noodles brands;
To investigate whether explosive to television commercials on select noodles
influence demands among children in Eket;
iii. To examine the extent to which
exposure to television commercials on select noodles brands influence demand
among children
in Eket;
IV. to find out. other factors that can
influence demand for select noodles brands among children in Eket aside from
their exposure to television commercials
1.4 Research
The following research questions are
advanced to guide study as follows:
i. What is the extent to which
children in Eket are exposed to television commercials on select, noodles
ii. Does exposure to television
commercial on select noodles influence demand among children in Eket.
iii. To what extent does exposure on
television commercial on select noodle brands influence demands among children
in "Like
iv. Are there other factors that can
influence demand of select noodle brands among children in Eket apart from
their explosive to television commercials
1.5 Justification
of the Study
At the completion of this study, its findings are expected to give information to the
influence wield by
television commercials on children's demand for select .noodles
brands to be abreast, of how television commercials can influence children's demand for
their product, and make significant
improvement where necessary. This work: will to a greater extent propel further
studies in the area of patronage of instant noodles brands. This study will
also serve a good and dependable source of reference materials for further researchers.
Every profit-oriented
organizations gives utmost priority promotional
activities' that will keep the target consumers constantly informed about its
product in market. Advertising makes it possible for marketing processes to take place.
That is to say without making known the product to the consumers, and promoting the
value of the said product through advertising, business might not take place. Advertising occurs at
any time, place and at whatever marketing situation.
This may explain why Williamson (1988)
cited in Oke (OP, 1) describes advertising as the most ubiquitous form of marketing m which we encounter
commercial photography. Advertising can get to the prospects in whatever form, channels
or format. The focus of this study is on the channel. An Advertising channel is the
vehicle use to carry the
advertising message from
the sender to
the intended receivers. They could
be referred to as advertising media (Daraniola, 2003). Advertising messages could be
sent to the receiver through either the print media of newspapers or
magazines, direct or specially media of radio and television. According to Daruinola
(24)03) advertisements
on radio and television are called commercials.
commercials include live action and films. Live actions commercials are direct broadcast
filmed commercials are pro recorded
1.6 Delimitation of the Study
The scope of this
study was delimited to only television commercials as it affects children's demand
of noodle brand in Eket. There was no attempt made by the researcher to study other
form of promotional
activities that could equally influence demand of noodle brands among children
in Eket.
Only the children in
Eket were put. under investigation. The study did not intend to Study children in
Akwa Ibom State generally. Again the children are between age brackets often (10) to
eighteen (18).
1.7 Limitation of the Study
One major limitation faced by the
research while conducting this study was on the side of the respondents towards
filling, the questionnaire administer to them. The respondents were feeling so reluctant
towards the questionnaire. However; the researcher was able to plead with the
respondents to provide their accurate information to the questions asked as the
study was strictly an academic exercise.
1.8 Definition of
following key terms
and concept are
operationally discussed as follows;
(i) Children: Those who are within (lie age of ten to
eighteen in Eket whose demand
of noodles brands
are affected by commercials.
(ii) Demand: The desire by children-in Eket to request for
instant noodles
brands as influenced or caused by their exposure to television commercial.
(hi) Eket: One of the local Government
Areas in Akwa Ibom state, it is use here to mean the universe of study.
(iv) influence: Effect of television
commercials on instant noodles brands demand on Eket children.
(v) Noodle Brand:
A kind of food usually consumed by children in Eket, which its consumption is caused
partly by exposure to television commercials.
(vi) Select: Not all noodles brands but a
few ones chosen by die researchers
such as Supreme,
indomie, Chicken hid Chicken favor etc. as consumed by children in
Eket as a result, of their exposure to television commercial on these brands,
(vii) Television Commercial: A
kind of television advertisement on select noodles brands that influence Eket children to desire to eat.
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