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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008244

No of Pages: 57

No of Chapters: 1-5

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In nowadays competitive environment, the role of packaging has changed due to increasing self-service and changing consumers’ lifestyle. Packaging has become an ultimate selling proposition; stimulating impulsive buying behavior, increasing market share and reducing promotional costs. Package attracts consumer’s attention to particular brand, enhances its image, and influences consumer’s perceptions about the product. This study depicts the effects of Packaging on the Buying behaviour of Instant Noodle Consumer’s in Anambra State, Nigeria. The precise objectives of the study include determining the effect of product color on consumer buying behaviour, to determine the effect of product label on consumer buying behaviour, to determine the effect of packaging quality on consumer buying behaviour, to determine the effect of product portability on consumer buying behaviour. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to test the hypothesis. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the effect of packaging elements of colour, quality material, label and product portability on consumer buying decision. A well structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. The outcome of multiple linear regression analysis indicates almost all the factors significantly influences buying decision. From the multiple regression analysis, the value of R2 (Coefficient of multiple determination) is .944. Expressed as a percentage, it means that the model (the totality of the effect of all the predictors) account for .944 percent of the variance in the endogenous variable ‘Factors affecting buying decision’. In other words, the extent to which all the predicting variables can contribute to the explanation of the factors affecting buying decision is 94.4%; this simply portrays that 94.4% variance accounted for the model was significant at 0.01 level of significance; and thus, the model has a sound explanatory power and can be used for forecasting purposes. Based on the results of the analysis, it is therefore recommended that before a given package of Instant Noodles product is design or improved, consumers’ survey should be carried out so that the newly improved package will meet their expectations.


Keywords. Packaging, consumer behaviour and buying decision.




Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              viii

Abstract                                                                                                                      ix



1.0         Introduction                                                                                                    1

1.1         Background to the study                                                                                 1

1.2         Statement of problems                                                                                    2

1.3         Objectives of the study                                                                                   3

1.4         Research questions                                                                                         3

1.5         Research hypothesis                                                                                       4

1.6         Significance of the study                                                                                4

1.7         Scope of the study                                                                                          5

1.8         Limitation of study                                                                                         5

1.9         Definition of terms                                                                                         5


2.0         Review of related literature                                                                         7

2.1         Conceptual framework                                                                                7

2.2         Role of packaging on consumer behavior                                                   13

2.3         Stages involve in consumer buying process                                                15

2.4         Packaging elements                                                                                     16

2.5         Functions of packaging                                                                               18

2.6         Types of packaging                                                                                     22

2.7         Theoretical Framework                                                                               22

2.7.1   Theory of reasoned action (TRA)                                                                 22

 2.7.2   Theory of planned behaviour (TPB)                                                              23

2.8         Empirical framework                                                                                   24



3.0      RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                           28

3.1      Research design                                                                                     28

3.2      Area of the study                                                                                    28

3.3      Source of data                                                                                        28

3.4      Population of the study                                                                          29

3.5      Sample size determination                                                                     29

3.6      Research instrument                                                                               29

3.7       Validity of research instrument                                                            30

3.8         Reliability of research instrument                                                            30

3.9         Method of data analysis                                                                            30

3.10      Model specification                                                                                  30


4.0       RESULT AND DISCUSSION                                                                     32       

4.1       Effect of product colour on consumer buying behaviour                               32

4.2       Effect of product label on consumer buying behaviour                                 34

4.3       Effect of packaging quality on consumer buying behaviour                          35

4.4       Effect of product portability on consumer buying behaviour                         36

4.5       Factors affecting consumer buying behaviour                                               37                   



5.0       Summary, conclusion and policy recommendation                                       40

5.1       Summary                                                                                                        40

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      41

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          44

References                                                                                                      45











Table 1 Correlation between product colour and buying decision                                                                                                     33


Table 2 Correlation between product label and buying decision                                                                                                     34


Table 3 Correlation between packaging quality and buying decision                                                                                                     35


Table 4 Correlation between product portability and buying decision                                                                                                     36


Table 5 Model summary                                                                                                   37


Table 6 Linear regression coefficient                                                                                                 37








1.0       Introduction

1.1       Background of the Study

According to Nayyar (2012) in this modern era, packaging has developed into one of the most sophisticated, holistic and influential examples for those who design it and for those people who are considered intermediates for selling products from manufacturers to the end consumers. This is buttressed by Underwood, Klein and Burke (2001) who said packaging is also utilized as a marketing tool to get the consumer’s attention, to promote and convey messages about the products attribute to consumers whilst still on the shelf or at the point of sale

Packaging is considered as the fifth ‘p’ of marketing after product, price, promotion and place (Schrawet and kundu, 2007 in Nayyar, 2012; Ladipo and Rahim,2013) and as the fifth ‘p’ of marketing, Kotler (2000) cited in Nayyar (2012) defined packaging as the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product these means that companies must monitor and change product packaging on a regular basis to ensure its continuous and increasing appeal to target audience (Ladipo and Rahim, 2013; Oladele, 2012). Packaging design is therefore, an important issue in the growing use of packaging as a marketing tool for self service, since 73% of products are sold on a self-service bases at the point of sale (Silayoi and Speece, 2004).

 Charles et al., (2011), opined that packaging has four distinct marketing functions. It contains and protects the products. It promotes the product. It helps consumers use the product and finally, packaging facilitates recycling and reduces environmental damage. Therefore packaging does more than just protecting the company’s products. It also helps in developing the image of the product in the consumers mind.


Instant noodles were invented by a Japanese called Momofuko Ando in Japan. It was first marketed on August 1958, by Ando’s company, Nissin, under the brand name Chikin Ramen.  The main ingredients in instant noodles are flour, starch ,water and salt. Instant noodles are a precooked and usually dried noodle block, sold with flavoring powder packet; Asia pacific (2007); Japan convenience food industry Association (2005) .

Instant noodles were introduced in Nigeria in 1988 which are now eaten in most household across the country; (World Instant Noodle Association, May 2009). By 2008 different types of brands were available in the country such as Indomie, Tummy-tummy, golden penny and many more . The introduction of instant noodles in Nigeria has contributed to the growth of the economy and creation of employment. In the Nigerian food market, such brand as Indomie, Tummy- tummy  ,Golden Penny, Dangote and many others, all these brands comes into the market in different variants, size, color, flavors and labels.


1.2       Statement of Problem

Consumers perception on products are dynamic implying that every brand should constantly attract the consumers attention. While a number of studies have been carried out on the effect of product packaging (Lifu, 2012; Ladipo and Rahim, 2013; Nayyar, 2012; Kumar and Bishnoi, 2011; Uderwood et al., 2001; Oladele and Akeke, 2012) very few have been done in Anambra state and on instant noodle products.  Also this study is interested in the relationship that exists between product packaging and consumer buying behaviour. It is against this” that the research is being conducted. The interest of these research works is to examine the different dimension of packaging in instant noodles which will enable manufacturers to know the dimension which they have neglected and provide the necessary information to aid manufacturers and distributors in Anambra State to achieve their market objectives and increase their competitive advantage.


1.3       Objectives of Study

The broad objective of this study is to examine the effects of packaging on the buying behaviour of instant noodle consumers’ in Anambra state, Nigeria. The specific objective includes to:

      i.         know the effect of product color on consumer buying behaviour

     ii.         determine the effect of product label  on consumer buying behaviour

   iii.         determine the effect of packaging quality on consumer buying behaviour

   iv.         determine the effect of product portability on consumer buying behaviour


1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions shall give us directions as to how to achieve our stated objectives.

      i.         Does product color have any significant effect on consumer buying behaviour?

     ii.         Does product label have any significant effect on consumer buying behaviour?

   iii.         Does packaging quality have any significant effect on consumer buying behaviour?

   iv.         Does product portability have any significant effect on consumer buying behaviour?


1.5     Research Hypotheses

H01:    There is no significant relationship between product color and consumer buying behaviour.

H02:    There is no significant relationship between product label and consumer buying behaviour.

H03:    There is no significant relationship between packaging quality and consumer buying behaviour.

H04:    There is no significant relationship between product portability and consumer buying behaviour.


1.6       Significance of the Study

      i.         To the instant noodle companies: Due to the dynamic business environment and competitive environment in the food and beverage industry, proper product packaging will serve as a competitive tool for manufacturers and distributors of instant noodles. This study intends to identify and highlight those factors that are necessary in instant noodle product package design and their effect on consumer buying behaviour.

     ii.         The study will help marketers to make informed decisions as well as develop sound strategies that will keep consumers patronage

   iii.         The study will also help to bridge the gap in the literature as it relates to packaging and buying decision, especially in the study area.

   iv.         It will constitute to the body of knowledge.

     v.         It will serve as a base for further research.  However,  in order to create the right packaging for a product, marketers must understand the consumer buying process and where packaging become a variable that can influence the purchase decision.


1.7      Scope of the Study

This research work was intended to examine the effects of product packaging on the buying behaviour of instant noodle consumers’ in Anambra State, Nigeria. This study was focused only in Anambra state as the study area and did not cover other parts of the country.


1.8       Limitations of the Study

      i.         Time constraint; lack of time limit the success of this work.

     ii.         Financial constraint: Due to lack of finance this work suffered some setbacks.

   iii.         Un-cooperative attitude of respondents: the attitude of respondents toward questions was also a limitation to the study.


1.9   Definition of Terms 

Packaging:   packaging can be define as the activities of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.    

Consumer Behaiour: Consumer behavior can be defined as the process of acquiring, using and disposing of a product. It is the processes that consumers go through that proceed the actual purchase.

Packaging Attributes: This can be seen as those elements that make up packaging which includes the size, color, shape, innovation and labeling.

Purchase Decision: Some researchers combine the purchase decision and purchase into one stage of the purchase process. However, the two are not necessarily one and the same. Even after making the decision to purchase, the consumer can still be thrown off course by other factors before purchasing. For example, the quality of a shopping experience may impede the shopper’s ability to successfully make a purchase. The availability of a promotion or lack thereof or a poor return policy are also factors that can dissuade a consumer from following with the purchase decision. If the consumer is in a retail environment with similar products side-by-side with the product they intent to purchase, eye-catching packaging and labels paired with a better price could easily sway the decision.


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