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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008274

No of Pages: 63

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This research work is talking about the influence of packaging on the purchase of cosmetic product in Aba metropolis. We try to find out the packaging strategies, understand the meaning, possibilities, advantages and effect of cosmetic packaging and how it influence consumer to buy more. This work covers five chapters, chapter one deals with the introduction, background of the study, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research question, statement of hypotheses, delimitation, limitation, the importance of the study etc. chapter two originated with a literature review which talks about various approaches to the definition of packaging, the role of packaging in marketing, an overview of packaging, global trend inn packaging, packaging of cosmetic etc. chapter three deals with the research design, area of study, population of study, determination of sample size, sample technique, method of collecting data, source of data, analysis of data etc. chapter four explained the presentation, interpretation and analysis of data while chapter five is all about summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation and bibliography.



Title page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                               iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                                  v

Table of contents                                                                                                                    vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xi



1.1           Background of the Study                                                                                            1

1.2           Statement of the Problem                                                                                           2

 1.3      Objective of the Study                                                                                                3

1.4       Research Question                                                                                                      3

1.5           Hypothesis of the Study                                                                                              4

1.6           Significance of the Study                                                                                           4

1.7           Scope of the Study                                                                                                      5

1.8           Limitation of the Study                                                                                               5

1.9           Definition of Terms                                                                                                    6



2.1       Definition and meaning of packaging                                                                        7

2.2.      The Role of Packaging in Marketing                                                                         12

2.3           An Overview of Packaging                                                                                        14

2.4           Consideration in Packaging Designs                                                                          15

2.5           Global Trends in Packaging                                                                                       18

2.6           Packaging of Cosmetics                                                                                             19

2.6.1      Prestige Makes Glass                                                                                                  21

2.6.2      Large side imply value                                                                                               21

2.6.3      The Decoration’s The Things                                                                                     22

2.6.4      Metal in Beauty                                                                                                          23

2.7           Summary of Literature Review                                                                                  24



3.1           Research Design                                                                                                         26

3.2           Area of Study (i.e Location of the Study)                                                                  26

3.3           Population of the Study                                                                                              27

3.4       Determination of Sample Size                                                                                    27

3.4           Sample Technique                                                                                                      28

3.5           Method of Data Collection                                                                                         28

3.6           Source of Data                                                                                                            28

3.8       Validity and Reliability of Instrument                                                                       28

3.9           Analysis of Data                                                                                                         29



4.0 Introduction                                                                                                                      30

4.1 Allocation and Rate of Returns of Questionnaire                                                            30

4.2 Analysis of Data From Consumer’s Questionnaire                                                          31




5.1 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS                                                                                48

5.2 Discussion of Results                                                                                           48       

5.3 Conclusion                                                                                                            49       

5.4 Recommendation                                                                                                 49

REFERENCES                                                                                                           51

QUESTIONNAIRE                                                                                                    53







Table 1: Based on the response ratio of questionnaires                                                         30

Table 2: Based on the Usage Ration                                                                                      31

Table 3: This is the Basis of those Who Use Cosmetics                                                        31

Table 4: Based on the Frequency of Usage of Cosmetics                                                      32

Table 5: Based on the Respondents Understanding of Packaging                                         32

Table 6: Based on the Extent of Packaging Attraction                                                          33

Table 7: Based on the Frequency of Attraction of Cosmetic Packages                               33

Table 8: Based on the Willingness of the Respondent to Pay for High Quality Packaging 34

Table 9: This is Based on the Degree Packaging is Considerate as a Determinant Factor  34

Table 10: On the Basis to Which Packaging Creates Loyalty                                               34

Table 11: Based on the Extent of Good Cosmetic Communicate Function about the Product.                                                                                                                    35

Table 12: Based on Whether the Cosmetics Influences the Respondent                             36

Table 13: Based on whether Packaging serves as Source of Information about the Product.                                                                                                                   36

Table 14: Based on the Extent Cosmetic Packaging serves as source of Information.    37

Table 15: On the Basis of how Packaging helps to Solve Identification Problem During Purchase.                                                                                                   37

Table 16: Based on the Effect of Packaging on the Price of the Product.                                    38

Table 17: Based on the Respondents Cosmetic Packaging Element.                                     38

Table 18: On the Basis of Whether Packaging Serves other Purposes Apart from Protection.                                                                                       39

Table 19: On the Basis of the Extent Packaging Serves Other Purposes.                                    39

Table 20: On The Basis Of Other Views of the Respondents About Packaging Of Cosmetic.                                                                              39

Table 21: On the Basis of Impact of Packaging to Sales                                                       40


Table 1: Variables Entered/Removed                                                                                    41

Table 2: Model summary                                                                                                       42

Table 3: ANOVA                                                                                                                    42

Table 4: Coefficient                                                                                                                43








1.1           Background of the Study

Packaging plays a major role in all the strategic marketing areas of product development, pricing, distribution and promotion. The traditional “four PS” of the marketing mix are related, but only packaging is complexly intertwined with all.

            STANTON (1981) defined packaging as “the general group of activities in product planning that involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product’, while dictionary of marketing (181) defined packaging as “the art of packing goods in efficient and attractive containers.

            The conventional purpose of packaging is to function as a container or wrapper for product to be save from spoilage or danger.

            Secondly, it serves as a vehicle that enables the product to be conveyed from the manufacturing point to the consumption point. Manufacturers by so doing have satisfied consumer’s desire by providing packaged goods that guarantees product protection. Packaging does not only protect the product but also is a tool of exhibition.

            The need for packaging and the development of packaging were caused by the fact that production and consumption took place at separate places and times. The division of labour meant that the produced goods had to be distributed and transported. Due to our climate properties, even in the prehistoric ages some kind of  storing vessels was needed to keep gathering crops. In this way the packaging become a link between production and consumption.

Consequently, marketers have not only started according unprecedented recognition to the concept of packaging as a marketing instrument but have started using it extensively as one of the major variables that can be adjusted to, to be able to attract the consumer’s attention, especially in the self-service stores. Packaging as a marketing instrument plays a significant role. Cosmetics packaging trends are changing every day. Packaging has become more innovative as consumers demand convenience and performances in their cosmetic purchase. Manufactures and marketers are challenged to deliver new innovative packaging that meets consumer’s needs at more affordable prices.

            In recent times, cosmetic industry has attracted a lot of new entrant especially local manufacturers and each of them came with his own brand into the market. They resolve to compete with any other brand in the market, whether local or foreign and also to force his own brand into the consumer’s shopping bag. Since the cosmetic industry is facing stiff completion in Nigeria, a lot has been written on traditional packaging, but emphasis have not been made on the need for an ideal modern packaging design on cosmetics.

            Nwokoye (1981) said “that for some product classes such as cosmetics, packaging and brand naming are major items of promotional strategy”. A well made product if not dressed in a function packaging often remain on the shelf of the seller. Moreover, it has opined and confirmed that eyes catching bright coloured packaging adorning the shelf of stores and shops promote sales.

            Therefore, in any competitive environment or situation like the cosmetic industry in Nigeria to get on with or ahead of the trend of activities the products must be packaged for high-impact visual selling. The Nigeria consumer though faced with scarcity of goods and limited choice can still select from variety of cosmetic products, both local and foreign. The product and markets being ware of this competition, tries to enhance the future of their products by promoting them through innovative packaging designed with adequate information on them.

1.2           Statement of the Problem

Business companies and firms market their goods and services to the public in order to reap profit, for future survival and growth of the business. Packaging as one of the variables of modern marketing mix help in achieving not only marketing objective but also overall corporate objectives. To be able to discharge this responsibility secondly, there is need to choose correctly and adequately the packaging design that will effectively communicate the required information by the firm, to the target market. This has become necessary due to competitive and depressive characteristics that the Nigerian economy and cosmetic industry market is currently exhibiting in the recent times.

            About two to three decades ago, packaging was performing only the traditional role of containerization and protection. Manufacturers were not bothered if the packaging design had any aesthetic appeal, or whether they communicated and convinced the customers to purchase. All they were after was just to contain and distribute their products to the market.

            However, with global trends in packaging and the competitive nature of cosmetics marketing, manufacturers now save and appreciate packaging as a promotional medium and subsequently as a means of increasing sale. In cognizance of the above, it has become necessary to investigate the influence of packaging on the purchase of cosmetics products in Aba Abia State.

1.3       Objective of the Study

            The primary objective of this research work is to determine the effect of packaging on the purchase of cosmetics products in Abia State. The specific objectives are to:

1.         determine the influence of a good packaging in attracting consumer to buy cosmetic product.

2.         ascertain whether cosmetic product package is a source of information about the product.

3.         determine whether good product package influence consumer choice.

4.         establish whether a product packaging play promotional function.

5.         ascertain whether cosmetic product package affect the price of the product.


1.4       Research Question

1.              What is the influence of good package design in attracting a customer to buy a product particularly cosmetics?

2.              To what extent can product package be used as a good source of information about the product?

3.              To what extent does packaging influence consumer choice?

4.              How does good cosmetic product packaging play promotional function?

5.              How  good product package affect the price of cosmetic product?


1.5        Hypothesis of the Study

The following hypothesis will be tested to determine the influence of packaging on the purchase of cosmetics products in Abia State.

1.              Ho: A good package design of a product does not attract consumer to buy the product.

2.              Ho: Consumer do not look at product’s package as a good source of information about the product.

3.              Ho: Packaging does not influence consumer choice.

4.              Ho: A good product package cannot play promotional functions.

5.              Ho: Product package is not an important marketing variable.

6.              Ho: Packaging design does not affect the price of cosmetics product.

1.6        Significance of the Study

The study will enhance the manufacturers understanding regards to what good packaging and labeling can and will do for their profit maximization goal. From the above it is helpful to understand product packaging describes the outward tangible elements of a product. This includes colour, size, weight, pictures, labels, textures, shapes and materials of product packaging. It is clear that the impact of packaging is deep and felt in all sectors of the economy and it’s important cannot be over emphasized. Ensuring an effective and efficient packaging system involves, however a number of cost element which include the increasing cost of better and appropriate materials and their aesthetics values, improved technologies, professional charges, etc.

1.7        Scope of the Study

The scope of the study can be seen in two ways. That is conceptually and geographically. Conceptually, the study was confined to the concept of packaging, qualities of good packaging and the extent to which packaging can influence the purchasing behaviour of consumer and also can be sued to promote products. It investigates everyday detail that has to go into good packaging of cosmetic products as well as labeling. The study sought to identify and critically assess the advantages and disadvantages of having good packaging. Geographically, the study will be united in Abia metropolis.

1.8        Limitation of the Study

The study faced some limitations. Challenges were faced and exercises greatly by the following:

1.         Lack of Time

            Time is always a constraining factor to all research work as no length of time may be said to be adequate. This is true because topic research on experiences changes every time, this is to say that the development affected in any field of study is not constant.

2.         Respondents’ Attitude

            Literacy level in Nigeria is generally low. It is the expectation of the researcher that part of the population may not co-operate due to suspicion and lack of enlightenment. This however prolongs the time spent on each respondent. This challenge requires a detailed explanation of the reason for the survey, which was also time consuming.

The above mentioned challenges could militate against this study.

3.         Cost

            The research work requires reasonable sum of money for producing questionnaire or interview guides and transportation. Due to lack of fund, the researcher may be prevented from traveling to other parts of the country for effective data collection, hence only Abia State.

1.9        Definition of Terms

Aesthetics -    This is the concept of beauty, art, symbol and drama.  

Appeal – Basis of selling proposition or advertising designed to match a customer’s want, that is, the appeal identifies what customers desire and what the product or service concerned can supply.

Brand – Establishing product name, wholly of a proprietary nature and usually listed within the register of patents.

Emotional appeals – These are appeals designed to stir up some negative or positive emotions that will motivate product interest or purchase.  

Impulsive Buying – This is situation where a purchase is made without much advance planning.

Noise – This refers to the ability and uniqueness of a package in attracting customers.

Package – A package consist of both structure and appearance.

Package Design – is the activity of conceiving and realizing packages to achieve two overall objectives’ ensure that the product is delivered safely to its final destination and communicate the sales message and all other necessary information about it, to purchase and to those involved in its distribution.

Sales promotion – Any non-face to face activity concerned with the promotion of sales, but often taken also to include advertising and having close connection within-store-mechandising.


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